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193425 articles
Proceedings Article
The effect of good corporate governance on dividend policy
Kania Ester Gunawan, Werner R. Murhadi, Arif Herlambang
This study aims to determine the effect of good corporate governance on dividend policy. The study used a sample of all non-financial companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This research also used control variables of firm size, profitability, leverage, firm growth, and free cash flow. The...
Proceedings Article
Science Sets – Based Teaching Material Development For Character Building Reinforcement
Ummu Jauharin Farda
This research is aimed to develop a science SETS – visionary teaching material fulfilling the valid criteria for character building reinforcement. The research method used in this study was the Research and Development (R&D) which from four stages was simplified into three, consisting of (1) defining,...
Proceedings Article
Model Of Analysis Of Restaurant Services’ Regional Market In Context Of Intercultural Communication
Veronika A. Kozlova, Natalia V. Glebova, Natalia A Berezina, Natalia I. Tsareva, Igor A. Nikitin, Alexander A. Budnik
The necessity of assessing the competitiveness of the restaurant services regional market in the context of intercultural interaction is substantiated. It provides a possibility of identifying the market as strategically attractive. The Orel region is chosen as the object of study. The intensity of the...
Proceedings Article
Capitalism and Islamic Economics: A viewpoint
Taofik Hidajat
This paper is a viewpoint paper, which offers a discussion on capitalism and Islamic economics. Through discussions about economic value and profit-sharing, there are enough reasons to make Islamic economics as an answer to various social and economic problems. Islamic economics have spiritual values,...
Proceedings Article
A Study on Translation of Culture-loaded Words in China’s Global Communication with Functional Equivalence Approach
Chunye Yang
With Nida’s functional equivalence, this thesis concentrates on the necessities of translating culture-loaded words in China’s global communication, categories of culture-loaded words. And based on the theory, the corresponding translation strategy is proposed, which is foreignization. The thesis aims...
Proceedings Article
Encryption of RGB Image Using Hybrid Transposition
Ansar Rizal, Didi Susilo Budi Utomo, Rihartanto Rihartanto, Arief Susanto
Nowadays digital imagery is used for many purposes. Starting just as a hobby of photography up to the purpose of security or identification. For more sensitive purposes, an image needs to be encrypted so that the image is not recognized by an unauthorized person. In this study, hybrid transposition is...
Proceedings Article
Ritual Exchange and its Economic Aspects in Traditional Culture
Y.S. Ivashchenko, A.A. Ivanov
The article discusses the economic aspects of ritual exchange in cultures with an appropriating type of economy. Traditional culture is considered as a system in which economic exchange is subject to symbolic exchange, this is expressed in the ritualization of the economy and economic relations. We study...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Pay Scheme and Ethics Level for Decreasing Budgetary Slack: Experiment Setting
Agus Munandar, Elvia R. Shauki, Vera Diyanty
Budgeting is an important tool for evaluating a manager’s performance. Unfortunately, budgets are susceptible to budgetary slack, in which a manager provides an overly pessimistic and conservative estimation of income and expenses. This study aims to investigate the effect of pay scheme and ethics level...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship between Human Resource Management and Employee Counterproductive Work Behavior in New Ventures
Hongying Li, Yanling Cao
Drawing on the social exchange theory, this study
investigated the influence of human resource management on
counterproductive work behavior in new ventures and verified
the moderating effect of leader-member exchange and the
mediating effect of employee satisfaction. With a sample of 526
Proceedings Article
Semiotics Analysis of the Landscape Reconstruction of Medang Kamulan Ancient Sites Grobogan - Central Java
Andi Sungkowo, Niken Wirasanti
This study examined the landscape of the Medang Kamulan site in Banjarejo Village, District of Gabus, Grobogan-Central Java, which is often mentioned as the center of ancient Mataram kingdom. This opinion is based on the toponym of Medang (Kamulan) which is identical to the signifier of the Ancient Mataram...
Proceedings Article
Role of Young Entrepreneurs in Minimizing Obstacles in the Technology 4.0 Era
Antonius Setyadi
Industry 4.0’s fourth industrial revolution has greatly influenced the business world, including small entrepreneurs (SMEs). In the millennial era, which is fast, professional and timely, Industry 4.0 did not have a significant impact on improving business results for conventional SMEs. Therefore, young...
Proceedings Article
Study on the Evaluation of the Construction Level of Provincial Ecological Civilization Based on Grey Relational Projection Method
Xia Feng, Mu Zhang
Based on the "whole ecosystem" interpretation of the connotation of ecological civilization, this paper constructs an evaluation system of ecological civilization construction with 34 indexes including search engine data-Baidu index from four aspects: ecological environment, ecological economy, ecological...
Proceedings Article
The effectiveness of Teaching with Analogy on Students’ Mathematical Representation of Derivative Concept
Gelar Dwirahayu, Siti Miftah Mubasyiroh, Afidah Mas’ud
The purpose of this study was to describe the effectiveness of Teaching With Analogy (TWA) model to increase students’ mathematical representation. Teaching With Analogy is a learning model that provides guidelines to build linkages between something is already known and something new to learn or learn...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
Short-term traffic flow forecasting based on SVR
Yuanyuan Li, Weixiang Xu
This paper constructs a short-term traffic flow forecasting model based on SVR. First, the modified KNN algorithm is applied to achieve phase space reconstruction and get the input data of SVR. Then, the short-term traffic flow forecasting model is established. Finally, this model was tested and evaluation...
Proceedings Article
The Analysis of Halal Assurance System Implementation (HAS 23000) in Fried chicken Flour Product: A Case study on XXX Brand
Nunuk Adiarni, Anisaa Fortunella
The number of halal certified products as recorded by the Directorate Generale of Islamic Religious Community guidance reached 60.76% of the total product in circulation. Muslim consumers with 85% of the total population of Indonesia required halal food guarantee. The order of eating in the Holy Al Qur'an...
Proceedings Article
Place Branding in Web 2.0: the Conceptual Contours of New Generation of Media Policy
Anastasia Strekalova
This work proposes a new conceptual framework of media strategies of the place brand that integrates mediology and place branding. This work grounds the importance and timeliness of initiatives in the field of new media policy in Web 2.0 that involve users of social networks as curators, ambassadors,...
Proceedings Article
Misunderstandings and Corrections of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education in Chinese Universities
Jian Chen
This paper tries to find out the misunderstandings in innovation and entrepreneurship education in Chinese universities and the correction methods thereof. By investigating the development of innovation and entrepreneurship education in China, the paper finds that some misunderstandings and practice...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
Determination of Bergenin in Pulmonaria officinalis by High Performance Capillary Electrophoresis
Xiao-Ri Sun, Xiao-Ping Zhang, Quan-Hua Fan, Hai-Xing Liu
This paper presents the determination of bergenin content of Pulmonaria officinalis by high performance capillary electrophoresis (HPCE) method. The borax solution as buffer solution was chosen, and its concentration was 20 mmol/L at a constant voltage of 20kV and injecting time of 10s. Linearity was...
Proceedings Article
Research on the Efficiency of China’s P2P Network Lending Platform
Jie Zheng, Li-Yan Wang
Efficiency is an important manifestation of corporate competitiveness and sustainable development capabilities. In this paper, the efficiency of the sample platform from the Internet financial registration disclosure service platform is calculated and analyzed using the super-efficient SBM model that...
Proceedings Article
Adaptability Efficiency in the Context of Management and Economics: Origin and Development
Manli Cheng, Bo Chen
The thesis analyzes the origin and development of the concept “adaptability efficiency” in the research field of management and economics. It finds out that, the research has changed from a static to dynamic way, a unique to complex view. The most favored method to study organization should combine the...
Proceedings Article
Referral program in the context of social capital and digital marketing methods
Anastasii I. Klimin, Pavel S. Kozlovskii, Pavel A. Sataev, Rouhollah Abbaszadeh
More and more indicators affecting the company's profits are becoming available for calculation due to the development of technology. Social capital can be one of these indicators. The study concludes that the referral program is the use of the external social capital of the enterprise. Digitalization...
Proceedings Article
Volunteer Project Competition Impact Research on Volunteer Organization——Based on the influence of China Youth Volunteer Service Project Competition on a university in Wuhan
Mingyue Yin, Ziqing Li, Dila A
At present, the development of volunteer organizations in major universities in China is booming, and volunteer activities have become an integral part of the life of college students. A number of volunteer service competitions are held each year to encourage more young people to join the volunteer service,...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Sharia Compliance and Customer Experience on Satisfaction and Loyalty of Muslim Tourist who Visited Sharia Hotel
Muhamad Nur Alam, Mohamad Soleh Nurzaman, Fahadil Amin Al Hasan
Halal tourism is one of the sectors in Islamic Economy which has a significant development. In this case, sharia hotel is an inseparable part of the halal tourism sector. In Indonesia, the implementation of halal tourism is still being addressed. However, the quantity of sharia accommodation available...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Metacognitive Learning Strategies on Heuristic Ability in Mathematical Reasoning and Self Efficacy Reviewed from Students' Initial Mathematical Abilities
Indah Riezky Pratiwi, Parulian Silalahi
The use of Metacognitive Learning Strategies to help students understanding the way of learning, is an important thing that teachers need to pay attention to. This Research aims to examine differences between the Mathematical Heuristic Reasoning Ability and Mathematical Self Efficacy students who obtain...
Proceedings Article
Local Media and Local Community in Semarang
Sunarto, Adi Nugroho, Dwi Purbaningrum, Anna Puji Lestari, Heni Indrayani, Immanuel Dwi Asmoro Tunggal
To be survive in the development of technology recently, a local media in Semarang, namely Suara Merdeka daily, give special attention to local communities. It gives special attention in its publication. It also routinely creates a community award programme to support the existence of local communities....
Proceedings Article
The Phenomenon of Child Labour: Causes, Consequences, and Protection under Indonesian Law
Tri Sulistiyono, Lowrenszya Siagian
The term of child Labour can have the connotation of exploiting young children for their Labour, with a small salary or consideration for the development of their personality, safety, health, and prospects. Children underage that was employed is wrong even if employment is one of an essential part to...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
Process Design Study of Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether Production Using Reactive Distillation
Zahrul Mufrodi, Baharuddin, Widy Aditya
The increasing of gasoline demandcause, the need for octane number booster additives such as methyl tertiary-butyl ether, ethyl tertiary-butyl ether, triacetin and other additives is increasing. Methyl tertiary-butyl ether is one of the non-metallic substances that can be used as an octane number booster...
Proceedings Article
World nuclear energy development trends and Russia’s competitiveness at the global nuclear market
Artem Goremyshev, Vadim Kapustkin
The paper is dealing with the world nuclear energy development trends and Russia's competitiveness at the global nuclear market. The problems of energy supply and energy security are among the most urgent in the modern world economy. The modern nuclear market consists of the natural uranium market, uranium...
Journal: Artery Research
Review Article
Remote telemonitoring of cardiovascular patients: Benefits, barriers, new suggestions
Ashkan Hashemi, Sormeh Nourbakhsh, Pedram Tehrani, Alireza Karimi
Pages: 57 - 63
Remote telemonitoring systems have been designed as a response to the new needs of home care for patients with chronic diseases. It also has the potential to ensure appropriate monitoring and treatment of patients as well as reducing the healthcare costs. Telemonitoring has been shown to be able to significantly...
Journal: Artery Research
Research Article
Effects of a Personalized Physical Exercise Program in the Arterial Stiffness in Older Adults
Telmo Pereira, Fabiana Santos, Inês Cipriano
Pages: 57 - 64
Introduction: This study was aimed at evaluating the effect of a tailored exercise intervention programme in the Arterial Stiffness (AS) of old adults.
Methods: Non-randomized intervention study, enrolling 32 community dwelling old adults, aged over 65 years (mean age: 83.28 ± 8.29 years), with no prior...
Journal: Artery Research
Research Article
Quantification of arterial wall inhomogeneity size, distribution, and modulus contrast using FSI numerical pulse wave propagation
Danial Shahmirzadi, Elisa E. Konofagou
Pages: 57 - 65
Changes in aortic wall material properties, such as stiffness, have been shown to accompany onset and progression of various cardiovascular pathologies. Pulse Wave velocity (PWV) and propagation along the aortic wall have been shown to depend on the wall stiffness (i.e. stiffer the wall, higher the PWV),...
Proceedings Article
Study on the Pricing of Crop Income Insurance —A Case Study of Maize in Guizhou Province
Ye Feng, Jianhua Zhu
Agricultural income insurance can simultaneously disperse the natural and market risks faced by farmers in the production process and stabilize farmers' expected income. However, the research on agricultural income insurance in Guizhou Province is still in the preliminary exploration stage, and the research...
Proceedings Article
Research on the Impact of Productive Service Industry on the Efficiency of Modern Agriculture Development
Zewen Du
As an intermediate input factor for agricultural production, productive service industry is an important means to realize agricultural modernization. The DEA model was used to measure the impact of Heilongjiang's productive service industry on the efficiency of modern agricultural development from 2006...
Proceedings Article
Manipulator Grasping Based on Object Detection
Xin Shu, Chang Liu, Tong Li
To make sure that manipulator can perform well on novel environment, a new grasping approach based on object detection is proposed. A pose estimation network is used as usual to predict the grasping pose of the object while an object detection network is added before it as the input information of the...
Proceedings Article
The Reform and Exploration of Japanese Reading Instruction Methods from the Perspective of the Psycholinguistics
Wei Yin
Reading is a complex mental activity, a “guessing game based on the psychological languages" rather than a process of passively decoding from the view of psycholinguistics. Starting from the universal problems exist in students' Japanese Reading, the thesis points out the drawbacks of traditional Japanese...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Emotional Intelligence by Means of Art
Maxim Kozhemyakin
The article provides an overview of scientific approaches to the problem of emotional intelligence and ways of its development. The focus is on the experience of research in this field, including Russian and foreign psychologists and educators. The pedagogical and developmental potential of art in the...
Proceedings Article
Developing Interactive Computer Based Learning Media of Lectora Inspire to Enhance Conceptual Skills of Senior High Schools Students
Wilta Fajrina, Murniaty Simorangkir, Nurfajriani
This study aimed to understand level of feasibility of learning media based-Lectora Inspire for special topic of acids and bases developed according to BSNP standard for interactive computer media; and to know the differences of the improvement of students is conceptual skills in learning acids and bases...
Proceedings Article
Reflection and Reconstruction of College English Teaching in the Context of College Transformation Taking Nanchang University Gongqing College as an Example
Chen Jun
Nowadays, it is required that the newly-built colleges and universities in China should transform into the application-oriented ones for the training of applied talents. College English is an important compulsory course for the applied colleges to apply the undergraduate education for the purpose of...
Proceedings Article
Expanding the Innovation Practice Education to College Students from a Key Point
Yubo Liu, Xinkuan Liu, Xiao Liu, Tianhao Zhu, Zhaorong Shi, Dengguang Yu
The innovation practice capability is one of the most important factors that determines the college students’ comprehensive qualities. However, how to improve students’ innovation practice capability is a major issue to their teachers. In this report, a strategy is shown on how to train students. Starting...
Proceedings Article
Audit Fees, Financial Performance and Risk Based Assets Revaluation
Rima Auliayatama Agustina, Nurmala Ahmar
The adoption of the International Financial Statement allows the assessment of asset revaluation, but this is not widely practiced in Indonesia.One of the factor is the relatively high additional cost for appraiser. Application of fixed assets revaluation can give contribution to the growth of companies...
Proceedings Article
Principal Component Analysis on Football Competitions via Linear Model in China Football Association Super League Tournament
Weinan Li, Guopeng Sang
Technical and tactical performance evaluation relies on statistical analysis. Principal component analysis was before established in bioinformatics in a decade. Big data collection has been increasing applied in football industry while principal component methods therefore can be introduced in the region...
Proceedings Article
Design and Application of Intelligent Library Access Control System of University
Zhuorui Sun, Rende Li
Traditional university library access control system has its limitation which will cause, that students often get locked in the library by accident. In order to reduce the occurrence of this phenomenon, this article introduces an intelligent university library access control system. We clarify the implementation...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
Microwave intermittent drying enhances drying kinetics of banana slices
Jian Wu Dai, Ling Ren, Jie Wang, Yao Wen Liu, Li Hua Zhang
Microwave intermittent drying kinetics of banana slices were investigated under different power levels (250, 400, 550 and 700W), sample thickness (3, 6, 9 and 12mm), heating time (11, 14, 17 and 20s) and intermittent time (50, 60, 70 and 80s) during each cycle. Results indicated that all the four factors...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Value of Excellent Traditional Culture on Citizens' National Identity
Dong Long, Wenliang Zhang
As the root and soul of the Chinese nation's 5,000-year history, Chinese excellent traditional culture is closely related to the national identity of citizens. The process of attaching importance to, excavating and carrying forward the excellent traditional culture can greatly enhance the national identity...
Proceedings Article
Reading Comprehension Application (RCA) On Smartphone Usage In Classroom
Endah Endah, Dyah Sunggingwati, Effendi Limbong
The primary objectives of this study were (1) to find out learners’ reading comprehension achievement after learning English using Reading Comprehension Application (RCA) on smart phone, (2) to find out if there is any significant effect of RCA on Smartphone usage in learning English. The findings revealed...
Proceedings Article
The influence of Problem-based Learning and Motivation on Students’ Learning Outcomes
Helmi Linda, Z. Mawardi Effendi, Idris Idris
The aim of the study is to determine the influence of teaching method on students’ learning outcomes, motivation and their interaction on students’ learning outcomes. The population on this study was 199 accounting students in grade XI at SMK Negeri 1 Painan. The sample was selected using purposive sampling...
Proceedings Article
Investigation on Implemental System of Provincial Emergency Plan for Unexpected Geological Disasters in Shaanxi Province
Yanlin Wang, Chunyu Bu, Jingyi Liu, Chengfang Zhang, Zhen Qi
This paper points out problems in the implementation of emergency plan for geological disasters in Shaanxi Province by analyzing typical cases in recent years. Drawing lessons from emergency management theory at home and abroad and using systematology, three-stage implemental system of provincial emergency...
Proceedings Article
Philosophical and methodological foundations of mutual enrichment by ethnic cultures through the study of social sciences
Kamyshev Konstantin, Teterin Vadim, Mehanoshin Alexandr, Chashchin Elisey
This graph illustrates the model of the relationship between thinking and values in matters of ethno-cultural identity of students. It must be stipulated that the model is "ideal" and requires practical testing in the conditions of a modern school
Proceedings Article
Feasibility Analysis of Enterprise Reserve and Preparation Material under the Condition of Civil and Military Integration
Hai-rong Jia, Gui-qing Gao, Kang Wang
In the current stage, military and civilian integration has risen to a national strategy. The military and civilian integration of military reserve stocks for supplies can be chosen by local enterprises, and the demonstration should be conducted on this proposal. Finally write a report to determine whether...
Proceedings Article
Strengthening Education Character of Primary School Educators
Hardika Hardika
The issue of the quality of educators at the level of primary education has experienced various shocks and paradigm shifts, both in institutional and learning aspects. In this context, primary education has always been an interesting study material because the foundation and pillar of community intellectual...