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188759 articles
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Performance of the Balb/c 3T3 Two-stage Assay in a Miniature Culture Area and in a Perfusion Culture Model

Vania H. M. Teofilo, Jin-Tao Li, Xin-Hui Liu, Ru-Gang Zhong, Si Ye, Zheng-Bo Zhao, Yi Zeng
The Balb/c 3T3 cell transformation assay (CTA) is presently undergoing extensive pre-validation testing but its potential for routine chemical screening remains to be fully exploited due it being more costly and more time consuming than other CTAs. To downscale the assay 24-well plates were used to score...
Proceedings Article

Web-based User Interface Modeling and Automatic Mobile Web App Generation Tool

Kibong Choi, Saehwa Kim
This paper proposes a web-based logical user interface (UI) modeling and automatic mobile web App generation tool. Logical UI modeling is based on PELUM (Pattern and Event based Logical User Interface Modeling). PELUM is an effective embedded SW development methodology for UI centric embedded systems....

Computer Aided Diagnosis System-A Decision Support System for Clinical Diagnosis of Brain Tumours

Puneet Tiwari, Jainy Sachdeva, Chirag Kamal Ahuja, Niranjan Khandelwal
Pages: 104 - 119
The iso, hypo or hyper intensity, similarity of shape, size and location complicates the identification of brain tumors. Therefore, an adequate Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) system is designed for classification of brain tumor for assisting inexperience radiologists in diagnosis process. A multifarious...

Performance Evaluation of Indonesian Banks and Foreign Banks Operating in Indonesia Related to Classification of Capital

Sugiarto Sugiarto
This study was undertaken to prove the public perception that bigger banks are more difficult to bankrupt than smaller banks through performance evaluation of Indonesian banks and foreign banks operating in Indonesia related to classification of capital. The study was conducted using secondary data obtained...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Parallel CASINO Algorithm Based on MapReduce

Li Zhang, Yijie Shi
In recent years, with the rapid development of social network, deeply analyzing and mining the social network users is of great significance in the area of information propagation and advertising, and there have been increasing research efforts on it. In this paper, we analyze the CASINO algorithm deeply...
Proceedings Article

Trajectory planning of rescue robot based on TRIZ effect

Hongliang Liu, Lisong Yang, Haidong Tan, Liyan Chen
In this paper, based on the TRIZ effect, combined with the working mechanism of the rescue robot, determine the parameters affecting the working performance of the rescue robot. And through the principle of conflict resolution, find the principle of the invention, Trajectory planning for rescue robot,and...

Reality Study of Managerial Ability of Managers of Community Learning Center (CLC)

Abdul Karim Halim
This research was motivated by previous research about Framing Strategies for Achieving Average Length School through Non-formal Education. The result shows that Average Length School is still very low, at 8.24. So that raises the question of the researcher; How Community Learning Center Impact Reality...
Proceedings Article

Text Document Fragments Reconstruction Algorithm Based on Human-Computer Interaction

Wen-Ya Niu, Ning-Xin Weng, Zhi-Wei Li
This paper proposes a novel human-computer interactive algorithm to reconstruct fragments from a text document paper. Three types of adjacent information, namely, distances based on (1) border pixels matching, (2) baseline matching and (3) letter templates matching, are proposed. Average of these distances...

The Inheritance and Development and Innovation of Zhucheng Guqin in Shandong

Xiaopeng Sun
So far, the Zhucheng Guqin in Shandong has a history of 200 years or so. The predecessors have made some achievements in developmental research on the Zhucheng Guqin in Shandong. In the process of development, the Zhucheng Guqin has positive significance on the inheritance of folk culture and plays an...

Review on Chinese Sport Industry and Corresponding Management and Financial Methodologies: Opportunities and Prospects

Yingwei Zhao, Lina Zhu
With the bursting development of the market economy in China, the importance of consumer demand to economic growth is becoming more and more apparent. Currently, our country sports management major has different types of colleges and universities set up breakthrough single the construction mode of public...
Proceedings Article

Research on intelligence analysis system of subway counterterrorism video surveillance

Shuqi Li
With the development of the capital’s subway system and rampant terrorist activities at home and abroad, the subway has become one of the important targets of violence terrorist attacks. Although Beijing subway system has the initially constructed the video surveillance systems currently, there are deficiencies...
Proceedings Article

Research on Weight Calculation Method for Design Indexes of Marine Shaft System based on the Analysis of Attribute Dependability in Rough Set

Wenjian Li, Fanming Zeng, Jinlin Liu
Aiming at the problems of every design index weight’s distribution and evaluation of marine shaft system, the analysis of attribute dependability in rough set for calculation and analysis was used in this paper attribute reduction method to remove redundant attributes, retain key information and generate...

Application and Practice of Information Technology under the Project Management of College Student’s Innovative and Entrepreneurial Training Program

Liucheng Zhang, Li Zhang
With the most extensive coverage and as the most influential project ,College Students' Innovative and Entrepreneurial Training Program belonging to Teaching Quality and Reform Project of Undergraduate Teaching in Colleges and Universities ,the project is aimed at cultivating college students’ entrepreneurial...
Proceedings Article

Design and Implementation of the Anti-cancer Communication Platform Based on B/S Structure

Qiang Li, Zheng Xiang
Current information on the web about the cancer is numerous and complex. Cancer patients is difficult to find the information they need quickly. To help cancer patients to access relevant information effective, thus building this anticancer communication platform. The platform can allow cancer patients...
Proceedings Article

Structural Static Characteristic Analysis of Lower Limb Exoskeleton Based on Finite Element Modeling

Liai Pan, Chunshan He, Qinghua Li
Lower limb rehabilitation exoskeletons worn on the outside of the body, which has many features such as wearing comfortable, using safety, efficient rehabilitation training and etc. Structural performance of the exoskeleton determines the overall quality. In the paper, the concepts of the finite element...

Listening Skill of Mild Intellectual Disability

Effran Zudeta, Mumpuniarti Mumpuniarti
This article is intended to describe Listening Skill of Mild Intellectual Disability to short stories. The ability to be observed is understanding the meaning of listening and the child's focus in listening. This case study uses mixed methods with participatory education, interviews, documentation and...

The Post-Placement Empowerment of Nurse Returnees in Indonesia

Mujiati Mujiati, Harimat Hendarwan
A large number of health workers especially nurses (79%) who work abroad raises new problems when they return to their homeland, for examples the difficulty of finding work with appropriate income or rewards. On the other hand, the potential possessed by post-placement overseas nurses such as language...

Analysis on the Construction and Implementation of the management system of university innovation project

Fengjuan Wang, Youzheng Cui, Shufeng Jiang, Fengxia Xu, Yongzhi Ju
Implementing innovation and entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities, cultivating college students with innovative qualities and entrepreneurial abilities is the main way to build an innovative country. However, the university students' innovation and entrepreneurship training program...
Proceedings Article

Using high-precision farming systems in the agricultural sector - the path to digital agriculture

Yury Zubarev, Denis Fomin, Nikolai Zubarev
The article analyzes the current state of land and agricultural resources in the Russian Federation and the Permskiy kray. It is noted that the use of geographic information systems is possible in the diagnosis of plants by express methods of remote sensing of the earth. The necessity of introducing...

Digital innovatization tendencies of the payment services market in Russia and the Volgograd region

Olga Korobeynikova, Dmitry Korobeynikov, Larisa Popova, Tatiana Dugina, Svetlana Popova
The payment market in Russia and the Volgograd region is not developed sufficiently either institutionally or organizationally; payment systems, as the main market participants, have heterogeneous characteristics, what gives the possibility to digitally form new fast-growing segments of the payment market...

The Original and Modern Essence of a Bank

Yury A. Kropin
The peculiarity of the modern stage of economic science development is that many of its issues appear to be considered just logically, with neglect towards significant aspects. Among such issues is the question of the nature of a bank and the banking system, which are most frequently defined simply as...

On the Construction of Online Teaching Platform for Air Stewardess Major in Higher Vocational Colleges Based on the Concept of Flipped Classroom

Ruihong Chi
At present, the classroom teaching in higher vocational colleges has a low level of informationization and the teaching quality needs to be improved. This paper takes the construction of the online teaching platform for the specialty of air stewardess in higher vocational education as the research object,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Ways to Create Intrinsic Safe Enterprises

Yajing Bi, Yi He, Qi Wang
Intrinsic safety is the inherent safety feature of an integrated enterprise system. The realization of the intrinsic safety of an enterprise depends not only on improving the safety level of “equipment” and “environment” through science and technology, but also on improving the safety quality of the...

Effects Concentration, Arm Muscle Strength, And Wrist Flexibility On The Accuracy Of Forehand Drives And Backhand Drives

Arif Setiawan, Miftakhul Jannah, Wijono
Abstract— This study aims to prove the direct and indirect effects of psychological and physical factors, namely concentration, arm muscle strength, and wrist flexibility on the accuracy of the forehand drive and backhand drive in school tennis extracurricular activities. This study uses quantitative...

Strengthening harmony based on local wisdom in multi-ethnic, religion and culture in Moluccas: a theological perspective

Agustinus M. L. batlajery
The issue of harmony has becoming an important issue in public speaking particularly after big riot in Moluccas more than ten years ago. As a matter of fact, harmony is not quite new issue in the Moluccas society, religion and culture. People have been living in harmony for centuries since their ancestors...

E-Consult: Designing of Development for Thesis Advisory Model Based on Management Information System in IAIN Bukittinggi

Supriadi, Kasman Rukun, Syafri Anwar, Khairani
This research is a series of research related to the development of thesis advisory model based on management information system. This study aims to follow up the results of preliminary research that has been done to design a thesis advisory model at IAIN Bukittinggi, so the problems found in the initial...

The Effects of Intellectual Disclosures Capital, Debt to Assets Ratio, Debt Equity Ratio, Company Size And Assets Turnover on Company Profitability

Diana Supriati, R. Kananto, Asiva Kusriananda
This study aims to determine the Influences of Intellectual Capital Disclosure (IC); Debt to Assets Ratio (DTA); Debt Equity Ratio (DER); Company Size (Size); and Assets Turnover (ATO) to Company Profitability (Empirical Study at manufacturing company registered in Indonesian stock exchange in 2011-2015)....

Exploration on the School-enterprise Collaborative Training Mode of High-level application-oriented Talents in Local Colleges and Universities

Chunyan Qiu, Shuoyuan Zhang, Yang Liu, Chijun Zhang
The mode of school-enterprise cooperation and collaborative education is the inevitable means of training the application-oriented undergraduate talents. However, due to the constraints of the basic conditions, such as policies and regions, etc., it is difficult for the local colleges and universities...

A Pragmatic Analysis of White Lies from the Standpoint of Speakers

Hui Wang
The paper studies the pragmatic functions of white lies from the standpoint of speakers. From the perspective of pragmatics, white lies are regarded as a kind of pragmatic strategy that harmonizes interpersonal relationships and smooth social communication. The aim in this paper is to describe and explain...

Educational Messages in Shalawat Gus Dur

Mahlail Syakur
Shalawat Gus Duris “Sya'ir Tanpo Waton”which is also known as “Sya'ir Gus Dur”. The sya'ir (poem) is popular and sought after by society because of its moral message. This study is a literature study (library research) and the results are normative-descriptive and qualitative with content analysis. This...

An Empirical Study of Commercial Banks Performance: The Indonesian context

Elen Puspitasari, Sendyvia Candra Desfadlika, Bambang Sudiyatno, Muhaimin Muhaimin
The bank's performance is the achievement of the bank's operational activities in using its resources. The purpose of this study is to test the performance of banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data used is secondary data, which is obtained by purposive sampling method, and data analysis...

Management of Premarital Education to Build Readiness to Marry Youth in the Community Education Perspective

Jajat S. Ardiwinata, Purnomo Purnomo, Cucu Sukmana
Implementation of premarital education programs answers the facts of the problems that often occur in the community, especially the lack of premarital guidance to adolescents. Based on preliminary studies, the reasons that often arise from young people are the need for substantial costs to participate...

The Influence of Intellectual Capital on Corporate Sustainability through Management Accounting Practices and Corporate Performance Companies of Agroindustry Based in East Jawa

Untung Lasiyono
This research is to test and analyze Intellectual Capital in influencing the Company's Sustainability through the Practice of Management Accounting and Corporate Performance in Agro-industry-based companies in East Java. The population of this research is Agroindustry companies in East Java, while the...

Analysis of the Influence Factors of China's per-capita Food Expenditure

Ruili Shi, Yun Liu
This paper analyzes the relationship between food expenditure, income and grain price, which is the basic demand of daily food. With the help of SAS 9.2. Statistical software, we constructed the regression model based on analyzing 31 provinces sample via the descriptive analysis, regression model selection...

Analysis of Mask Art in Japanese Noh

Yufei Wu
Noh is a drama that the performer should wear on mask. It is originated from Japan and is the only extremely aesthetically valuable masquerade drama surviving in the world. The special mask used in the performance of Noh is called the Noh mask. Noh mask can be called the key to Noh and is also the most...
Proceedings Article

Adaptive Dynamic Modeling and Simulation for Variable Cycle Engine

Feng Lu, Zelong Zou, Jinquan Huang
Advanced aircraft engine needs higher unit thrust and lower fuel consumption nowadays. The variable cycle engine (VCE) could meet these requirements, and it becomes the top choice of the new generation aircraft. It is a difficult task to find a satisfactory dynamic model that can well match the VCE during...
Proceedings Article

Soil Ameliorant in Post Tin Mining Land of Bangka Island for Pepper Growth

Ismed Inonu, Rion Apriyadi, Riwan Diaguna, Muhammad Rinaldi
Pepper is one of the spices plant and its production countinous decrease caused by converting of the planting areas to tin-mining areas. One of the effort that could be done was the usage of sub-optimal land which has low fertility. The research was aimed to study the effect of soil ameliorant application...

On Application of Translation Workshop in Translation Teaching for English Majors

Zhen Wang, Jianbo He
With the deepening of China's international development, the demand for translation talents is increasing and the requirements are constantly improving. Therefore, it is particularly important to cultivate translation practice ability of English majors. In the translation teaching of English majors in...
Proceedings Article

Integrating Life Skills into Sport Club Activity

Isna Daniyati Nursasih, Amung Ma’mun, Agus Mahendra, Risma Risma, Rita Rohmanasari
This study aims to determine the effect of life skills development programs into sports clubs by integrating life skills components into exercise programs compared to sports clubs and sample groups not involved in sport club activities. The instrument used is Life Skills Scale for Sport questionnaire....

Identification of the Influence of Leadership and Organizational Culture on Employee Discipline

Yuki Fitria, Sutiyem, Dessy Trismiyanti, Suhery
The objective of this study is to determine the effect of leadership and organizational culture on employee discipline at BAPD in West Pasaman regency. This study used total sampling technique. The numbers of sample in this study were 82 respondens. The type of data used was the primary data obtained...
Proceedings Article

Discrete manufacturing systems PLM control platform and its operation mode in the Internet of Things

Zhiguo Wang, Fei Wang, Shanlin Yang
For adapting the global Internet of Things, one of important things is building product lifecycle management (PLM) visualization control platform. The goal of visualization of PLM is to build a information integration platform. The information platform includes all kinds of demand information for all...

Using Problem-Based Learning Approach with Scaffolding Technique to Enhance Students’ Mathematical-logical Thinking Ability

Lia Kurniawati, Reski Meidasari, Ramdani Miftah
The objective of this research was to analyze students’ mathematical-logical thinking ability. This research used the quasi-experimental method with randomized control group post-test only design. The sample of research was 82 students of the seventh grade which were chosen by using cluster random sampling...
Proceedings Article

Development of a Gemstone Type Identification System Based on HSV Space Colour Using an Artificial Neural Network Back Propagation Algorithm

Ismatul Maula, Victor Amrizal, Anif Hanifa Setianingrum, Nashrul Hakiem
A gemstone is a mineral stone that be formed from the result of geological processes and has a hardness above 7 Mohs. Nowadays, gemstones have become famous in Indonesian society. Many facts concerning the business of gemstone rings, including encouragement by the the central government for the gemstone...

The Effects of CEO Tenure on Earnings Management: The Role of CEO Career Origin and Affiliated Relationships

Massaid Bimo Setyawan, Viska Anggraita
Consensus about ownership concentration in Indonesian firms suggests that the agency problem in Indonesia is expected to be different from other countries. This study aims to review the impact of CEO career concerns on earnings management. The study uses the regression method with samples of CEOs of...

Study on the Problems and Countermeasures in the Research Work of Teachers of Elementary Courses in Agricultural and Forestry Colleges and Universities

Yuci Wang
There are lots of problems in the research work of elementary courses teachers, for example professional background of elementary courses teachers is unfavorable to the application for research projects; the time and effort spending in research are influenced by overloaded teaching tasks; poor experimental...

An Empirical Study on the Impact of Organizational Justice on the Organizational Citizenship Behavior of the New Generation of Employees

Peng-Cheng GAO, Zuo-Wei ZHOU
As the main support of the new century, the attitudes and behaviors of the new generation of employees have attracted much attention. Through the methods of literature research, questionnaire survey, correlation analysis and regression analysis, this paper finally discovered: distributive justice, procedural...
Proceedings Article

Research on Safety Communication Technology between Expressway Front-end Equipment and Background Based on PSAM Technology and Private Communication Protocol

Zhanbin Wang, Jie Wu, Haibo Zhang, Yi Xu
When wireless communication technology is applied between Front-end Equipment and Background on expressway, the security is always an important point to be considered. The paper put forward a kind of reliable communication with the PSAM Technology and private communication protocol. The PSAM technology...

The Teaching Effect Investigation and Improvement Suggestion of SCM Sand Table Training Course

Bo Wang
In order to improve teaching effect of supply chain management (SCM) sand table training course, and make sand table courses can play a better role in improving students' comprehensive practical ability, this article mainly put forward some teaching reform ideas. It is based on the teaching practice...
Proceedings Article

The Russian Arctic World-class research and education center formation

Sergey Kozmenko, Anna Teslya, Asya Shchegolkova
The article addresses the formation of the human capital in the digital economy for the Russian Arctic. The urgency of the problem is stated; the requirements formed by the processes of digitalization in the economy are indicated. The negative trends regarding the development of the human capital in...

Harmoniousness is a Right Relationship:Study on the Primary Meaning of Pythagoras’s Theory of Harmoniousness

Jiaying Liu, Menghu Wang
Pythagoras school believed that the ‘number’ was the essence of the world. The harmoniousness of the ‘number’ was the source of the world’s harmoniousness. In fact, the harmoniousness of the ‘number’ is a kind of right and changeless relationship that embodying in factors of quantity or quality of things....