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193132 articles
Proceedings Article
Analysis of The Relationship Between Parenting Style and Learning Independence of Grade V Elementary School Students
Wilda Widyana, Dea Agustin, Winda Winarti, Joko Suprapmanto
This article aims to determine the role of parenting on children’s learning independence. The research method used is a case study through an event. The analytical technique used in this study is thematic analysis. The objects of research used were 12 5th grade students, teachers and parents. The research...
Proceedings Article
Blended Teaching of EFL Listening and Speaking in Junior Secondary School
Rezkilaturahmi, Suwarsih Madya, Anita Triastuti
Listening and speaking skills are critical abilities as they facilitate the learning of English as a Foreign Language (EFL), especially due to technological development. Investigating the use of blended learning in teaching supports the enhancement of students’ language skills, especially in listening...
Proceedings Article
Tax Policy Analysis for a Business Model Recycle
Endang Mahpudin, Reminta Lumban Batu, Vera Pangni Fahriani, Zulfa Aulia Nurul Putri
The waste problem is a very complicated problem to solve. In Indonesia itself, the waste problem is very worrying. Based on data from ScienceMag, it is stated that Indonesia is the second-largest contributor to plastic waste to the sea after China, followed by the Philippines, Vietnam, and Sri Lanka....
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
Wireless Communication Design with Omron Type CP1L-E Programmable Logic Control Using TPI-Link WA901ND Access Point
Siswandi Siswandi, Sholihin Sholihin, Heri Liamsi, Eka Susanti, M. Hanif Fatin, M. Afif
Programmable Logic Controller is electronic equipment that operates digitally, which uses programmable memory to store internally for specific function instructions. In the process of transmitting PLC data, it still uses cables or cannot use wireless because the PLC itself does not have wireless. To...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Indonesia’s National Cyber and Crypton Agency in Dealing with the Increase in Cybercrime at the Beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Dewi Triwahyuni, Sylvia Octa Putri, Farhan Salim Nurjati
This research aims to create a sense of humanity to unite people to help each other deal with the COVID-19 disease outbreak, which has now developed into a pandemic. Amid the global fight against COVID-19, cybercriminals are exploiting the negligence of various parties for financial gain. In today’s...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
Test and Analysis of the Influence of Curve Radius on Subway Vibration at a Speed of 120km/h
Jiangxue Chen, Jizhao Liu, Wenlin Hu, Bolong Jiang, Xinyu Tan
The environmental vibration problems caused by the operation of subway trains are becoming increasingly prominent. In order to master the influence of line conditions on the vibration characteristics of the subway under high-speed driving conditions, field test of track vibration on a curved section...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
Usability Analysis to Measuring Effectiveness of Online Final Project System
Agung Teguh Wibowo Almais, Ririen Kusumawati, Wahyu Hariyanto
Final Project is one of the academic stages that must be passed by students to obtain a degree. In the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, the stages to achieving this degree must be done online by students. To accommodate this, we need a system that can bridge so that the final project stages can run even...
Proceedings Article
Halal Certification After the Decision of the Constitutional Court Number 91/PUUXVIII/2020 Facing the Industrial Revolution 5.0
This research is motivated by the existence of one of the important instruments in the implementation of halal product quarantess, namely the certification of goods and services. The purpose of this research is to find out and examine the legal consequences halal certification after the decision of Constitutional...
Proceedings Article
Motivation and Self-efficacy Boost Academic Flow in Students During COVID-19
Dwi Nastiti, Ghozali Rusyid Affandi, Lely Ika Mariyati
The purpose of this quantitative study is to determine the effect of achievement motivation, social support, self-efficacy, and academic flow on Muhammadiyah Junior High School students in Sidoarjo during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study surveyed 449 students using scales of achievement motivation, social...
Proceedings Article
Corporate Characteristics and Water Disclosure in Indonesian Water-Sensitive Industry
Aditya Pandu Wicaksono, Doddy Setiawan, Y. Anni Aryani, Sri Hartoko
Due to Indonesia’s negative impacts on water quantity and quality, the water-sensitive industry receives greater attention and pressure from its stakeholders to disclose water-related information. As previous studies indicate that firm characteristics are the drivers of corporate social responsibility...
Proceedings Article
English Teachers’ Personal Practical Theory During Pandemic
Ahmad Munir
Covid-19 pandemic has taught English teachers to survive and thrive especially in the ways of running our English lessons. In our experiences of teaching English during this pandemic, we sometimes do not realize that we have developed our own practical theory. This study investigated the tacit awareness....
Proceedings Article
Exploring Preservice Mathematics Teachers’ Noticing of Students’ Thinking on Probability
Yosep Dwi Kristanto, Margaretha Madha Melissa
Noticing is one of the essential skills for preservice mathematics teachers. Therefore, it is vital to develop these skills so that students are ready to face their future work environment, especially in implementing mathematics learning that promotes mathematical thinking. This study aims to analyze...
Proceedings Article
Measuring Transportation and Logistics Companies’ Performance Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Marwin Antonius Rejeki Silalahi, Zunairoh Zunairoh, Siska Amonalisa Silalahi, Marwan Carlos Sahatdotua Silalahi
The Covid-19 pandemic has made the world economy, including Indonesia, unstable. Indonesia is a very large country consisting of various islands, and due to Covid-19, the Indonesian government has implemented the Social Activity Restriction (PPKM) system. The present study aims to see whether the Covid-19...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Digital Financial Inclusion and Corporate Financialization
Siyan Liu
The digital economy and digital finance are developing rapidly in China. This paper examines the relationship between the development of digital finance and the degree of corporate financialization. The paper uses computer technology and numerical simulation methods to estimate and formulate OLS and...
Proceedings Article
Antecedents of Work Motivation and Their Implications for Work Performance
Danang Wahyudi, Erni Ummi Hasanah, Tsulist Anna Mushlihatun
This study aims to determine the effect of placement and workload on work motivation and its impact on employee performance. Respondents in this study were part of the Sleman Regency Government employees with a sample of 196 respondents using the proportional stratified random sampling method. The analysis...
Proceedings Article
The Level of Adaptive Teaching Skills among Primary School Teachers in Implementing Zero Reject Policy: A Study in Rural Sarawak
Nur Kamariah Ensimau Abdullah, Mohd Isa Hamzah, Mohd Hanafi Mohd Yasin, Nurfaradilla Mohamad Nasri
The Zero Rejection Policy (ZRP) is a proactive measure by Malaysia to ensure the rights and equal access of children to education in the country. Thus, the introduction of ZRP introduced in December 2018 brought a paradigm shift to education in Malaysia, especially special education. The admission of...
Proceedings Article
China Economic Sensitivity to Weather Variability
Lili Lyu, Fang Xiao, Chunxiang Leng, Yixi Fan, Dan Yu, Ping Li
Given the increasing global impacts of climate change ,*and weather extremes on economies, understanding the sensitivity of economic output to weather variables has become crucial. This study investigates the influence of weather variables on the economic output of China across different sectors, provinces,...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Hot Spots and Trends of Domestic Intelligent Construction Research Based on CiteSpace
Yajuan Feng, Ting Lan
To analyze the hotspots and trends of intelligent construction research in China, bibliometric methods and CiteSpace software were used to analyze and compare the number of Chinese literature releases, disciplinary distribution, institutional cooperation network, emergent keywords, and evolutionary trends,...
Proceedings Article
Visualizing Knowledge Domains for University Research Strategic
Arbin Janu Setiyowati, Citra Kurniawan, Rizka Apriani, Arif Prastiawan
A university’s research strategy impacts the implementation of university governance in terms of publication. This study aims to visualize research conducted in 2012–2021 and provide an overview of future university research. A total of 1608 articles were searched based on the search strategy based on...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
Resource Utilization of Waste Mud from Slurry Shield Tunnel: Non-fired Brick Production, Short Term Strength Investigation
He Zhang, Hong Cao, Wuqiang Xue
The production process of bricks made from waste mud was optimized in this study by investigating the effects of various factors on compressive strength, including curing agent formula, molding pressure, moisture content, and dosage. Economic benefits were also analyzed based on market conditions, demonstrating...
Proceedings Article
A Study on the Mahalanobis Universal Portfolio With and Without Transaction Cost for (2K+1)- Bandwidth Toeplitz Matrices
Chi-Hau Kor, Sheong-Wei Phoon, Wing-Son Loh
Investing is crucial for wealth accumulation, safeguarding against inflation, and meeting financial objectives. Choosing effective strategies can significantly influence outcomes. Central to this is the Mahalanobis universal portfolio (MUP), characterised by its tendency to yield positive returns over...
Proceedings Article
Legal Problems in Regulating Inbreeding (Incest) in the Social Life of Society in Bali
A. A. Sagung Laksmi Dewi, I Gusti Ayu Bhanumoti Devi Dasi
Balinese people inherit socio-religious values through the culture of dresta and sima (customs), which contain the content of traditions that have been inherited from generation to generation and are used to organize community life in organizing the order of community life. Marriage is a very important...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Occupational Safety and Health Management System at Lab Test Lembaga Air Perak
Juhaidie Zamani Jamaludin, Norshahida Binti Hasan Saari
All industries including the government organizations have to follows the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) 1994 which required the employers to perform minimum duties to ensure the safety, health and welfare of their workers, and joint the responsibilities between employer and employees. With...
Proceedings Article
Research on the Construction and Application of Statistical Monitoring System Based on Internet Finance
Zhichen Xu, Zeyu Li, Tianze Chen
With the support of Internet technology, the Internet financial system has been continuously developed, and then gradually formed a development system, such as Internet third-party payment, P2P online lending, crowdfunding and many other representative Internet finance models. In the development process...
Proceedings Article
Experimental study on the compressive strength of unsaturated loess with different contents of grout material and water glass
Zaikun Zhao, Tiehang Wang, Liang Zhang, Jiabin Ruan, Siqin Lv, Yu Xing, Hongbo Yin
Unsaturated loess, classified as a distinctive soil type, possesses a compressible large-pore structure, and exhibits a rapid reduction in strength upon exposure to water. This characteristic imposes significant constraints on engineering constructions in loess regions. Introducing grouting materials...
Proceedings Article
A Comparative Study of Tariff Policy Reforms in China and the United States in the 1920s and 1930s
Jianbo Zhou, Shuhai Zhang, Haochen Liu, Fangs Hou
This paper focuses on the comparative study of tariff policy reforms in China and the United States in the 1920s to 1930s. By analyzing tariff policy reforms in China and the U.S., this paper makes a comparative analysis from the targets of the reforms and the effects on the two countries. Comparative...
Proceedings Article
Cimanggung Open Junior High School as Collaboration-Based Education in Cilembu Village Sumedang
Ely Sufianti, Cintantya Andhita Dara Kirana, Abdul Rahman, Cacas Cahyadi, Yulia Rahmi, Wildan Sundari
The education level in Indonesia does still not meet the expectancy, because there are still Indonesian people who have not been able to get access to education. The 12-year compulsory study policy becomes a trigger for various efforts to be implemented to achieve it. To overcome this problem, some efforts...
Proceedings Article
Utilizing Speechnotes on Smartphone to Improve Student’s Creative Writing Skills
Agita Misriani, Shesilia Cintari, Rio Kurniawan, Nuriza Zulyani
In the digital era like today, the benefit of various applications on a smart phone can improve student skills, especially creative writing. One of the applications is Speechnotes, a natural language modeling system that can convert audio into text. The method used in this study is a qualitative research...
Proceedings Article
Evidence-Informed Policy to Reduce Fast Food Consumption – An Empirical Study
Jiaying Tang, Yi Yin Cheng, Xinyi Lin
This paper describes an experiment examining the effectiveness of evidence-informed policy to regulate fast food consumption. We reviewed existing literature on public health policies that target unhealthy products, mainly focusing on evidence-based policies. During a 6-month field experiment, health...
Proceedings Article
The path selection of financial performance improvement of pharmaceutical companies under the perspective of social responsibility
─Research on linkage effect based on fsQCA method
Jiawen Zhang
This paper uses 47 Chinese listed pharmaceutical manufacturing companies in 2019–2021 as a research sample to explore the path selection of the multidimensional linkage effect of social responsibility on pharmaceutical companies to improve their financial performance based on stakeholder theory and using...
Proceedings Article
Transmutation and Action Path of Teachers’ Role in the Educational Metaverse——A Perspective on the Theory of Social Role
Yuxiang Shi
The education metaverse will place new demands on teachers. How teachers will reshape their roles in order to proactively meet the educational metaverse has become a key proposition that needs to be addressed when looking into the future of teacher development. Based on social role theory, this article...
Proceedings Article
Home-based Occupational Therapy to Improve Dressing Ability in Post Stroke Patient with Left Hemiparesis
Ayleen Kosasih, Assyfa Jalilah Nurfitri, Jihan Faradilla, Naura Nadhifah, Nadia Cahya Pramesti Safitri, Suci Damayani, Hermito Gidion, Reza Nur Arsyi, Muhammad Luthfi
Stroke is the leading cause for disability in Indonesia. Post stroke patients commonly experience significant impairment in their daily activities. This case study aims to describe the intervention to improve dressing ability in a post stroke patient. A home-based occupational therapy program was performed...
Proceedings Article
Virtualization of Garment Marketing During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Jakarta
Suwito Casande
After the pandemic, the fashion business in Indonesia experienced an increase, especially in department stores which recorded an increase in profits compared to the previous year. A global strategy was implemented in Indonesia, namely the virtual fitting room (VFR). Still, its use was only by micro-small...
Proceedings Article
Magical Realism in Local Wisdom Majapahit Bantengan Show
Engkin Suwandana, Haris Supratno, Suyatno
This research analyzed the concept of magical realism in the Bantengan (Bull) Show, especially to find irreducible elements; phenomenal worlds; converging nature; unsettling doubts; and disruptions of time, space, and identity. The method used to uncover these aspects is the qualitative descriptive method....
Proceedings Article
The Characteristics of Female’s Debt Collectors on Online Loan Collection toward their debtors: A Sociopragmatic Perspective
Anisah Hanif, Djatmika Djatmika, Riyadi Santosa, Sumarlam Sumarlam
This research investigates the characteristics of female debt collectors’ speech towards their debtors. The approach used is the Sociopragmatic. The research location is in the Whatsapp chat media that accommodates online loan collection carried out by female debt collectors against their debtors. The...
Proceedings Article
Analyzing the Needs for Augmented Reality-Based Learning Media in Geography Education: A Case Study of Landform Material
Zulfa Mukhlisul Habibiyah, Heni Masruroh, Alfyananda Kurnia Putra
Learning media in Geography learning, landform material is an important element to increase students' understanding. Not all types of learning media are suitable as learning media for landform material. The purpose of this research is as an initial study to collect information in the context of...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
Simulation of the Effect of the Main Wing on the Tail Differential Pressure Force of an Aircraft Based on the Spalart-Allmaras Model
Jialuo Hong
To investigate the characteristics of the differential pressure force on the tailplane which is in the trailing edge of the main wing. In this paper, Ansys Fluent software is used to simulate the characteristics of the differential pressure force on the tailplane when aircraft with different tail heights...
Proceedings Article
Tower-shaped Organizational Model of Chinese Postgraduate Academic Discussion
Xuehu Yan, Kailong Zhu, Feng Chen, Yi Xie, Wei Yan, Yuliang Lu
Extensive and in-depth postgraduate academic discussion activity is one effective way to cultivate high-level innovative talents. This paper mainly focuses on the organizational mode of tower-shaped postgraduate academic discussion, including tower-shaped daily academic discussion, tower-shaped postgraduate...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Common Ownership on Corporate Default Risk
Yupei Zhang, Xiaoshun Guo
With the frequent occurrence of default events, how to reduce the corporate default risk has become the focus of researches. Therefore, from the view of common owernship, we focuse on whether and how common owners reduce default risks. We study listed companies in China from 2010 to 2022 and find that...
Proceedings Article
A Study on the Assistant Behavior of Grassroots Self-government Organizations in the COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention and Control
Jingwen Xing, Xiaodi Liu, Jiayi Gu, Yue Wang, Yanjia Ma
As one of the core components of the social governance system, grassroots self-government organizations play an important role in assisting the Government in implementing management measures. However, problems such as grassroots self-government organizations banning people from returning to their homes,...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
Design of Chongqing Inspection Data Center Based on Cloud Native Technology Architecture
Rong Tang, Huadong Zhang, Yuyi Xia, Ling Jiang, Fei Zhao
In the present work, we constructed the Chongqing Municipal Inspection Data Center leveraging the cloud native technology architecture. The system was designed as a regional medical inspection data management center, focusing on centralized management of medical inspection data access, comprehensive...
Proceedings Article
Design and Application of BOPPPS Model in Welding Practice Course Teaching in Vocational Colleges
Qianlong Mei, Ran Li, Jianzhou Quan, Shenbo Zeng, Ke Cao
In order to highlight the characteristics of vocational college students in learning professional skills and emphasize the student-centered teaching philosophy. The article analyzes the prominent problems in current welding practice teaching, and guides the welding practice teaching steps through the...
Proceedings Article
Research on User Classification of e-commerce Live Broadcast Platform Based on Bullet Screen——Take Beauty Live Streaming on Taobao as an Example
Wen Lei
In the live broadcast of e-commerce, users and anchors interact in real time through the bullet screen, so a large amount of user information and data are stored in the live broadcast bullet screen. Effectively utilizing this information and accurately identifying effective users can help e-commerce...
Proceedings Article
Automation Distributed Cloud Based Crawler
Lanang Prismana
Information is very important data and is needed in various needs. Online news is one type of site that ranks in the top 10 most visited by internet users in Indonesia. Online news sites publish articles to the internet every minute. An online news corpus is necessary for information processing. Retrieval...
Proceedings Article
Impact of Intellectual Property Protection on R & D Output of Listed Enterprises in Six Central Provinces
—— Based on the empirical study of mediating mediation effect
Yufei Wang
Based on the panel data of listed enterprises in six central provinces from 2011 to 2022, this paper takes the r & D expenditure of enterprises as the intermediary variable, enterprise scale and government capital investment as the adjustment variable, constructs the mediation effect model, and explores...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
A ReaxFF Molecular Dynamics Study of Pyrolysis Mechanism of Normal and Isomeric Decanes
Yucheng Fan, Xiaoxiao Gong, Dongyuan Liu, Xiaohan Li, Xin Wang, Zhennan Liu, Houyu Zhu
Using the ReaxFF molecular dynamics method, we investigated the pyrolysis mechanisms of n-decane and its isomer (2-methyl-nonane) to assess how isomerization affects initial pyrolysis pathways and main product formation in straight-chain alkanes. The results indicate that at high temperatures, the initial...
Proceedings Article
Socialization and Implementation of Automatic Watering System for Greenhouse in Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Mawar Siyono Tengah
Theofilus Bayu Dwinugroho, Dwi Setiawan
Lumbung Mataraman Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Mawar Siyono Tengah has a greenhouse as part of the implementation of the Lumbung Mataraman program from the Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta government. This greenhouse is used as a means of cultivating food plant seeds. Watering plant seedlings in the greenhouse...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Supply Chain Integration on Firm Innovation: A Meta-Analysis
Qian Liu
Innovation is an essential approach to improving organizational performance. As the core element of supply chain management, supply chain integration has been widely concerned in promoting enterprise innovation. Although previous studies have examined the impact of supply chain integration on enterprise...
Journal: Artery Research
Conference Abstract
Kaido Paapstel, Mihkel Zilmer, Jaan Eha, Kaspar Tootsi*, Anneli Piir, Jaak Kals
Pages: 13 - 13
Journal: Artery Research
Conference Abstract
Oleg Kerbikov*, Ekaterina Borskaya, Irina Kaloshina, Anna Kaloshina, Olga Telnova, Natalia Ustyantseva, Maria Agakina
Pages: 13 - 13