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189328 articles
Proceedings Article

Foster Culture of Critical Thinking in Physical Education

Dupri Dupri, Nova Risma, Novia Nazirun
This paper contains a literature review about the process of developing critical thinking in physical education learning in schools. The author examines critical thinking skills that arise during the learning process, approaches that will be able to foster students ‘critical thinking skills, studies...

Communication Strategy of Disdukcapil of Bengkalis Regency in Disseminating Information to Community in Rupat Sub-District

Genny Gustina Sari, Welly Wirman
Observations in 2018 showed that the people of Rupat Subdistrict had difficulties in arranging correspondence, especially regarding e-KTP cards, family cards, birth certificates and other documents in Disdukcapil Bengkalis Regency (Office of Population and Civil Registry) and the slow information they...

Analysis of Economic Potencial of Urban Forests in Serang City

I. Rahmawati, A. Masyruroh
Serang City is the capital of Banten Province, whose existence is surrounded by regencies / cities in Banten province. The city of Serang, is currently a center of activity, and the center of migration from the surrounding regency areas which results in the rapid growth of the population of the city...

Developing Religious Education Assessment Model Based on Curriculum 2013

Betty Arli Sonti Pakpahan
The purpose of the study was to develop a model of assessment instruments for Christian Religious Education (PAK) based on 2013 curriculum. The steps in developing the model was carried out according to the provisions of each type of test. The subjects of the study were students of VII grade of junior...

Study on Translator’s Subjectivity in the Light of Steiner’s Fourfold Translation Motion: A Case Study of the Aggression on Cheng Naishan’s Chinese Version of the Joy Luck Club

Wei Zhang, Wenhui Dou
The paper introduces George Steiner and His Fourfold Translation Motion Theory, and the study of the Aggression on Cheng Naishan’s Chinese Version of The Joy Luck Club is elaborated accordingly.

The Function Shift of Tre’bang Randu Kentir Dance from Ritual to Pseudoritual

Retno Ayu Munigar Sari, Tati Narawati
Digitalisation is a sign that marks human life in the millennial era, also has a large contribution to the impact of changes in art especially Indonesia, one of them is Randu Kentir Indramayu dance. The aims of the study is to analyze the shift in the function of Randu Kentir dance caused by changes...

Moral Development of Millennial Citizens Through Internalization of Sundanese Culture Values

Asep Syamsul Bachri, Deni Zein Tarsidi
Today, Indonesian citizens, especially millennials, seem to lose their identity and identity as a communal part of the Indonesian Nation. They are more pleased with foreign culture than their own culture, so it is feared that characters will emerge that are not in accordance with the reflection of the...
Proceedings Article

The Vegetation Model: An Environmentally Friendly Farming System in the Management of Rice Stem Borer in South Sulawesi

Abdul Fattah, Sitti Nuraeni, Abdul Wahid Rauf
Stem borer is one of the main pests of lowland rice in South Sulawesi. Types of stem borer found include white stem borer (Scirpophaga innotata, yellow stem borer (S. incertulas), and striped stem borer (Chilo suppressalis) and red rice stem borer guava (Sesamia inferens (Walker). The four types of stem...

Reliability Analysis of Students’ Evaluation System-A Practical Study Based on the Evaluation Results of College Students

Li Lin, Wenping Deng, Rencai Zhou
Objective is to study the consistency, stability and effectiveness of the evaluation index system of college students, and to analyze the reliability of the teaching quality evaluation system, and to provide a theoretical basis for improving the mechanism of “evaluating education by evaluation”. The...

Do New Technology Characteristics Influence Intention to Adopt for Manufacturing Companies in Malaysia?

Ahmad Shahir Abdul Aziz, Nabsiah Abdul Wahid
Today, the world has acknowledged the importance of technology as a tool to enhance company’s performance. It is observed that industries globally have started to embrace new technology which is in line with fourth industrial revolution or better known as Industry 4.0 that occurs in the marketplace....

Distributed Rotating Encirclement Control of Strict-Feedback Multi-Agent Systems using Bearing Measurements

Tengfei Zhang, Yingmin Jia
Pages: 30 - 34
This paper focuses on the distributed multi-target rotating encirclement formation problem of strict-feedback multi-agent systems using bearing measurements. To this end, an estimator is presented to localize agents’ neighbor targets. Then, based on the trajectory planning method, a reference trajectory...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness of Bandotan Leaf Extract (Ageratum conyzoides L.) on Death of Houseflies (Musca domestica)

Rudy Hidana, Delis Hana Nurmulyani
Objectives: One of the disease vectors that harms humans is the house fly. Therefore, it is necessary to control measures against the fly population. Flies control measures can be done both by physical and chemical means. For example, by using insecticides, plants that can be used as insecticides are...
Proceedings Article

Identification of Road Safety Hazards in the Roadway of Palembang-Indralaya

Desheila Andarini, Anita Camelia, Dwi Septiawati, Novrikasari
One of common problem in the road user accident is the condition of road infrastructure. Road accidents was categorized as the ninth rank of death most common cause in 1990 and are estimated to be the third by 2020. Road Safety Audit is needed to identify and eliminate potential hazards from roads and...

A Study on the Effect of Learning Outcomes of the Five Practical Methods in Entrepreneurship Education

Lu Te-Tsai
The present study investigated the effect of learning outcomes of the five practical methods in entrepreneurship education. The two classes of junior students became the experimental and control group. After learning the five practical methods, the experimental group can produce better results than the...

Sunggingan Art in Purwa Srikandi Puppet of Surakartan Style

Dyna Prastiwi, Zulfi Hendri
This paper aims to describe the arts of tatah sungging (carving and decorating) in puppetry. Tatah sungging has become arts with high cultural value. Puppets, as one of the educational media, also have character values to teach. Up to now, a small portion of the community is still pursuing the practice...

An Analysis on Right Boundary of Geographical Indications

Zhang Keyi
Defining the boundary of the right of geographical indications is an important prerequisite for protecting geographical indication. The right of geographical indications cannot be separated from natural and human factors. The attributes of public property and non-exclusivity determine the validity scope...

Features of Regulatory Control and Accounting of Labor Remuneration in Budgetary Healthcare Institutions (Through the Example of Omsk Region)

E.E. Golova, I.V. Baranova, Yu.G. Balandaeva
Nowadays the issues of labor costs are the most relevant in Russia. In the context of the spread of coronavirus infection, this issue became even more significant in healthcare. Even before the pandemic, our country was actively improving the legal framework in the field of healthcare as the basis for...

A Development of Web Based John Holland Theory Career Interest Detection Instruments

Nararya Rahadyan Budiyono
Self-understanding is the first and foremost step in the career decision-making process. Failure in a career begins with inability to recognize and identify career potentials and interests, and has an impact on mistakes in majoring in school or college. This paper is an idea of a research plan that was...

Man in the Spiritual Culture of the Eastern Mediterranean: A Variety of Interpretations

Vladimir V. Zhdanov, Polina S. Zhorova
First of all, in this article we will consider the process of formation of the modern Western philosophical tradition within the framework of anthropology in spiritual culture. It is worth noting that the Eastern Mediterranean region is very important for the formation of world culture. We will touch...

Research on the Evolution and Upgrading Mode of Industrial Clusters From the Perspective of Sharing Economy — Countermeasures of Taiwan’s Bicycle Industry

Xinjie Zhang, Zhengkai He
A successful industrial cluster is a booster of the rapid development of regional economy and an important way to enhance national competitiveness. On the basis of practical investigation, combining the existing industrial cluster evolution model and industrial upgrading theory, this paper constructs...

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of School Attack 2019 Program at SMK Skudai, Johor

Rafidah Muhamad, Amalina Yusup, Asraful Syifaa’ Ahmad, Nabilah Kassim, Fathiah Nabila Mohd Daud, Liza Md Salleh, D. Dahyuna Mohd Yunos, Nursyazwani Aznan, Rafidah Abd Rahim, Mohd Iskandar Ishak, Sarah Alia Norazlan, Filzah Hazirah Jaffar, Nurlaila Syamsul Bahri, Nurul Diyana Zainal, Muhamad Farhin Harun
The Malaysian Education Development Plan 2013-2025 (PPPM 2013-2025) is a plan that emphasizes the importance of applying Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) to meet Industry 4.0 challenges. This is to produce skilled human capital in the area of future technology that is at the core...

Analyzing the Factors Which Influence the Development of Mangrove Forest in Kulon Progo Using Binary Logistic Regression and Remote Sensing Method

Muhammad Hasan Sidiq Kurniawan, Akhmad Fauzy, Muhammad Muhajir
The Province of Yogyakarta is one of the tourism destinations in Indonesia. In recent years, there are new many tourism sites in Yogyakarta. One of them is the Mangrove forest in Kulon Progo. The Mangrove forest is a popular tourist site among the locals in there but many outsiders of Yogyakarta that...

Reducing Soil Strength and Increase Growth and Results of Paddy (Oryza Sativa l.) on Acid Sulphate Soil

Agusalim Masulili, Agus Suyanto, Sutikarini, Donna Youlla
The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of rice husk of biochar combined with inorganic and organic amendments on soil strength, growth and yield of rice plants on acid sulphate soils. The research phase was to identify the physical properties of soil in both regions and the measurement...

Reconstruction of Host’s Professional Image From the Perspective of Intelligent Media—Based on the Appearance of “AI Synthesis Anchor” of Xinhua News Agency

Xiaoxue Yin
With the advent of intelligent media era, artificial intelligence technology has been widely used in various processes of news production and dissemination, and has become the key point of media deep integration, bringing new vitality and vitality to the entire media ecological environment. As an important...
Proceedings Article

Temperature Prediction in a Public Building Using Artificial Neural Network

Artur Romazanov, Alexander Zakharov, Irina Zakharova
The paper proposes an approach to predict the temperature in the rooms of a public building. The model of the building is described by the average temperatures in its rooms, the characteristics of external walls and heating elements. Weather conditions are determined by the temperature, speed and direction...

Circular Economy: Global Experience and Practical Aspects of Implementation in Ukraine

Yaroslav Kotlyarevskyy, Andriy Shtangret, Alexandr Melnikov
Further application of the ‘linear’ model of the economy with trends towards an increase in the world’s population and high rates of extraction of natural resources exacerbates the problem of human survival in the short term. The circular economy as a significantly different model is focused not only...

Review of the Importance of Technology Company Valuation and Commonly Used Methods

Zhijiao Sun
With the rapid development of technology companies around the world, the industrial system based on technology development now has more development space than ever before. Studying the development of new technology, as well as the value evaluation of technology firms, is essential for investing in technology-related...

Analysis of Tesla’s Business Model: A Comparison with Toyota

Yuhang Li, Jinru Lin, Shuning Xu
The rise of the electric vehicle industry led by Tesla indicates that the market will also challenge the traditional automobile industry. With the consumption of petroleum fuel and the development of new energy sources, electric vehicle companies like Tesla have attracted the public’s attention and have...

The Effect of Social Capital on Financial Literacy of Small Businesses in Malang, East Java

Sobirin, Kusdi Rahardjo
This study aims to see the effect of social capital on financial literacy in small businesses in Malang, East Java. This research was conducted because it saw the very important role of Small Businesses in Indonesia’s economic development. Through social capital, it is expected to be able to provide...

Bottom-up or Top-down Reading Strategies: Reading Strategies Used by EFL Students

A. B. Bintang Nadea, Jumariati, Nasrullah
To strengthen the understanding of reading, a reader needs to apply a certain strategy. Although previous research on reading strategies has been carried out, little research has been devoted to investigating reading strategies involving EFL learners. The main objective of this study was to investigate...

Analysis of Rock Painting Creation Under Nonlinear Thinking

Dan Chen
This paper analyzes and demonstrates the artistic appeal of contemporary rock painting which integrates nonlinear thinking. First, the connotation and denotation of nonlinear thinking are comprehensively explained. Subsequently, the integrating point of nonlinear thinking and rock art is discussed. Finally,...

Student Character Development in Javanese Language Learning Based on The Combination of Google Classroom and Whatsapp Group Using the Discussion Method

Astrid Wangsagirindra Pudjastawa, Varary Mechwafanitiara Cantika, Suwarna
Stochastic model checking is the extension and generalization of the classical model checking. Compared with classical model checking, stochastic model checking faces more severe state explosion problem, because it combines classical model checking algorithms and numerical methods for calculating probabilities....

Development of Arctic Sea Route and Cooperation Between China, Japan and South Korea in the Digital Era

Heilongjiang Province Example

Ying Du
In recent years, Russia takes the Arctic sea route (also known as the “ice silk road”) as a modern, multimodal transport digital logistics corridor, actively attracting international capital and strengthening international cooperation, which has been highly concerned by China, Japan and South Korea,...

The Effect of Internationalization and Learning Orientation on the Quality of Accounting Learning with Self-Direct Learning as a Moderating Variable

Firda Nurhidayati, Dwi Puji Astuti
This research aims to find out the influence of internationalization, learning orientation on the quality of learning. As well as the role of self-direct learning variables as moderation variables to strengthen the influence of digital literacy variable, internationalization, learning orientation to...

Analysis of Fiscal Decentralization Effect, Economic Growth, Regional Tax and Labor on Income Inequality in Central Sulawesi Province in 2011-2017 Period

Mohamad Ahlis Djirimu, Haerul Anam, Zainal Arifin, Andi Darmawati Tombolututu
Fiscal decentralization provides many advantages for the regions to set their own fiscal capacity. The local government has an opportunity to improve its economy efficiently because the government has provided useful knowledge in the allocation of resources. The Government may well provide public goods...

Tourist Visit in the Era of Covid 19: Does it Impact on the Economy of Local Communities in Bena Tourism Village?

Maria Endang Jamu, Santy Permata Sari
The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of tourist visits in the Covid-19 era on the economy of local communities in the traditional village of Bena. The approach used in this research is descriptive qualitative, with the data collection method is in-depth interviews. The informants in this...

Structural Entropy of Economic Systems

Arkady Sukhorukov, Olga Sukhorukova
The results of the study contain methodological approaches to assessing structural factors affecting the development of the economy. The interrelation of structural deformations and entropy processes affecting the stability of the economic system and the economic security of the state is revealed. The...

The Values of Local Wisdom in East Belitung: Maras Taun as a Learning Source of Biodiversity and Character Development for High School Students

Christine Juliana, Suhartini, Haniah, Peranciscus Aryanto, Andi Susanto
East Belitung Regency has one of the local wisdom which is a tradition that is still being carried out for a long-ago called Maras Taun. This local wisdom is important to introduce to students as part of the learning process because it is close to daily life. This study aimed to know the values of local...

A Comparative Study of Chinese and American Family Education from the Perspective of Gua Sha

Jia Fengyuan
Education is the foundation of the country’s development. It is precisely because of the power of education that it can continuously send talents to the country’s growth, thereby promoting the improvement of the country’s technical, economic, and moral standards. As an important part of education, family...

Fundamental Principles in Spiritualism-Based MCS

A Study in a Chinese Indonesian company in Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia

Charoline Cheisviyanny, Sany Dwita, Herlina Helmy
This research aimed to explore fundamental principles as the main principles in spiritualism based MCS. The fundamental principles consist of three principles as a part of ten principles in spiritualism based MCS implementation. It was an interpretive case study in a Chinese Indonesia company in Padang...

Exploring the Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis for Mental Disorders with Knowledge Graphs

Ting Liu, Xueli Pan, Xu Wang, K. Anton Feenstra, Jaap Heringa, Zhisheng Huang
Pages: 30 - 42
Gut microbiota has a significant influence on brain-related diseases through the communication routes of the gut-brain axis. Many species of gut microbiota produce a variety of neurotransmitters. In essence, the neurotransmitters are chemicals that influence mood, cognition, and behavior of the host....
Proceedings Article

Effect of Process Parameters on the Production of Cyclodextrin Using Cyclodextrin Glucanotransferase From Bacillus licheniformis

R. C. Man, S. Selvanathan, S. M. Shaarani, Z. I. M. Arshad, S. K. A. Mudalip, S. Z. Sulaiman
Cyclodextrin (CD) is a non-reducing oligosaccharides constituted by variable number of units of glucose. CD has a doughnut-shaped molecule with hydrophilic outer surface and hydrophobic inner cavity. Such structure features enables CD to form inclusion complexes with guest compound. CD is produced by...

Online Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy to Enhance Self-Esteem in Romantic Relationship for Emerging Adult Women

Diajeng Tri Padya, Lathifah Hanum
Emerging adulthood is often linked with the development task to explore an intimate relationship with people around them, including establishing romantic relationships. However, individuals sometimes are hesitant to start a romantic relationship because of various reasons, and one of them is low self-esteem....

The Evaluation of Genre-based Approach Cycle Implementation in Tasks Organization of Curriculum 2013 English Textbook for 9th Grade Students

Anggi Angraeni, Yanty Wirza
Bahasa Inggris-Think Globally, Act Locally was developed by Puskurbuk and has become the standardized book for ninth grade English learning in national schools in Indonesia. Thus, this book is expected to be averagely applicable to use in most schools in the country. However, at an initial interview,...

The Effect of Accounting Irregularities Toward Tax Aggressiveness Before and After the Tax Amnesty

Estralita Trisnawati, D. Elizabeth Sugiarto, M. F. Djeni Indrajati
This study aimed to obtain empirical evidence about the effect of accounting irregularities on tax aggressiveness with control variables, namely: leverage and profitability in the period before and after the tax-amnesty, using the data between 2015 and 2017. This study used SPSS version 23 and Smart...

Analysis of Starbucks’ “Third Place” Cultural Experience Marketing Mode

Xiyu Liu, Xinyao Wang, Xiaoqi Zhou, Xiaotong He, Davin Pan, Lirui Feng
Based on positioning the “Third Place”, Starbucks has occupied the major market with its ever growing share. Chosen Starbucks as a case, we explore the marketing model of cultural experience as well as effects of “Third Place”. By means of literature analysis, this paper conducts descriptive analysis...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Initial Inoculum Level of Cowpea mild mottle Carlavirus on Mottle Disease Development and Yield of Soybean

Mimi Sutrawati, Sri Hendrastuti Hidayat, Bonny Purnomo Wahyu Soekarno, Ali Nurmansyah
Cowpea mild mottle virus (CPMMV) was reported causing systemic mottling, chlorotic blotch, and leaf malformation on cowpea from several tropical regions of Africa, Asia, and South America. Recently, CPMMV infection was reported from several soybean growing areas in Indonesia with high incidence. The...

The Role of Nagari Traditional Representative and Bundo Kanduang in Nagari (Village) Development

Rizki Syafril, Iip Permana, Artha Dini Akmal
Nagari Traditional Representative (KAN) and Bundo Kanduang are Nagari Society Institutions. Is a forum for the participation of the Nagari community which is the partner of the Nagari government. The Nagari government needs the involvement of KAN and Bundo Kanduang in making a policy or decision. KAN...

Accounting Narrative and Impression Management on Social media – A study on Instagram Accounts of Indonesia Listed Companies

Chelsea Venezia, Yie Ke Feliana
Social media has become a platform for companies to present themselves by exposing the image they want to build and maintain through the content and communication they publish online. Companies selectively post information about themselves, and this information is disseminated to build a positive public...

Implementation of the Government Accounting System in Drafting Financial Statements of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries

Dwi Purwanto
Government Regulation Number 71 of 2010 concerning Government Accounting Standards has become a new paradigm in the preparation of government financial reports, in the preparation of financial reports, the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries is expected to be able to provide useful information for...