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189328 articles

A Review on the Efficacy of Physical Therapy Intervention on Motor Skills of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Cindy Lee Chia Yin, Teng Kie Yin
Studies involving Physical Therapy (PT) intervention towards children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) were reviewed. Systematic search procedures identified 3 studies meeting predetermined inclusion criteria. These studies were evaluated in terms of: (a) participant characteristics, (b) types of...

Research on Countermeasures for Science and Technology Security Problems in National Defense Science and Technology Industry

Demei Sun, Shan Lu*, Yingying Sun
Enhancing the scientific and technological security level of national defense science and technology industry (NDSTI) is of great significance to the development of the country. This paper proposes corresponding countermeasures for the security of national defense technology industry to achieve the purpose...

Analysis of the Transformation of Motivational and Value Models of Modern Youth (on the Example of the Student Environment of North Ossetia)

D.E. Pilieva, L.V. Kasaeva, V.Ch. Revazov, V.V. Farniev
The article considers the problem of development and formation of value orientations and changes in the structure of needs and motives of today's young generations. Also, there are thoughts about youth relation to basic values and the formation of new, the life plans focuses and development of motivational...

Influence of the Commercialization of Innovations on Leadership Positions of the Agro-Industrial Sector

Inna Gryshova, Alina Sakun
In the current highly competitive, dynamic and volatile context, an agro-industrial sector is able to operate successfully in the market and take leadership positions, to a large extent, due to the development and commercialization of innovations. The purpose of the article is to study the scientific...

Human Problems: Sick Role Behavior Among Chronic Disease Sufferers and Various Treatment Models to Increase It

Annisa Ariani, Lintang Aulia Utami
This article is aimed to conduct a review of research related to therapy or treatment used to enhance sick role behavior. This study uses a literature review on subjects with chronic disease to assess therapies in improving sick role behavior. The research used mostly uses single experiments and group...

Formation of the Ecological Culture Basics in Preschool Childhood

Т Podanyova, N Sazonova, M Tokareva
The article discusses on the systemic problems of the ecological (environmental) culture formation in the period of preschool childhood. The authors update the issues of developing the ecological culture components in both children and adults. Also, they analyze regulatory documents that determine the...

Research on the Relationship Between the Elements of Students' Learning State in the New Learning Space

Xiaozhen Shi
With the application of new learning space, the study of college students' learning state has attracted more attention. By analyzing the research of teaching in the new learning space, it is found that the empirical research on students' learning state combination with the characteristics of students...

Sport Entrepreneurs’ Perspective on 4.0 Industrial Era

Mochamad Arifin, Muchamad Arif Al Ardha
Internet is a key factor of 4.0 industrial era. It provides opportunities for sport industry to develop well. However, the important issue is how to manage the sports industry to be adaptable with the 4.0 industrial era. This study aims to inquire the perspective of sports entrepreneurs on managing their...

Sharia Arbitration as Alternative Settlement of Sharia Insurance Disputes

Sawitri Yuli Hartati
The concept of sharia insurance has existed since the time of Rasulullah S.A.W. however, the institution has increasingly developed due to changes in the culture of Indonesian society in its economy, which continues to seek renewal to avoid conventional economic concepts that do not favor justice. In...

The Consideration About Diversified Flows of Employment of Graduates Majoring in Chinese Language and Culture Education

Zhongli Guo, Yuanyuan Zhou
In order to better solve the employment problem of university graduates majoring in Chinese Language and Culture Education, this paper, on the basis of investigating the employment situation of graduates of this major, probes into the diversified flows problem of employment of graduates of this major...

Internal Audit of Conflicts in Enterprise’s Accounting with the Help of Artificial Intellect’s Instruments

Tetiana Bondarenko, Ruslan Dutchak, Olha Kondratiuk, Olena Rudenko, Andrii Shaikan, Elizaveta Shubenko
The article is devoted to the research of the enterprise’s conflicts in the accounting and to the progressive methods of their solvation. The causal-aftereffective connections of the conflict in the accounting at all the stages of its development process are revealed. The internal audit’s optimality...

Character Education Strategy in the Era of Media Convergence: Case in the Institut Teknologi Bandung

Prima Roza, Epin Saepudin, Nia Kurniasih, Ayi Rohayati, Ranti Rachmawanti
Nowadays, social media has not only become a lifestyle but has transformed into a necessity of life. Social media provides easy access to information for the public, but, on the other hand, it encourages the emergence of social, cultural, and legal issues in society. The emergence of the term cyber conflict...

Regulation of Crypto Currency in World Trade Organization

Rakhma Putri Sholihah, Arie Afriansyah
A study provides data on domestic regulations of several countries in the world about crypto currency. These countries include Japan, The United States, Australia, China, India, including one of them Indonesia. Domestic regulations vary according to the respective government policies. However, policies...

Dynamic Life Insurance Premium-to-GDP Under Inflation Risk: Comparing Indonesia and the Philippines

Debrina Vita Ferezagia
This study analyzes the growth of life insurance premiums in the gross domestic product (GDP) under inflation risk and compares this growth for Indonesia and Philippines using life insurance premiums-to-GDP and inflation data from 1990 to 2015. The sample was assembled through proportional sampling,...

The Challenge and Revolution Law Education is Faced with in the ‘Internet Plus’ Age

Hongfei Zhang
With the constant development of information technology and the popularize of Internet, we entered the age of ‘Internet Plus’. The key characteristic of this age is the combination of the Internet and traditional profession which curved out a new way and trend. So is education industry. To apply internet...

Participatory Oriented Method in Developing Tourism Village of Mendak Madiun

Maria Magdalena Widiantari, Fikri Hasan, M. Arif Bakhtiar Effendy
In 2017, Madiun Government had been prepared Madiun Tourism Development Master Plan as the main guideline for planning, management and control of tourism development at the district level. It contains vision, mission, objectives, policies, strategies, plans, and programs that need to be carried out by...

Teachers’ Perspective Toward Literature Circle to Elevate EFL Students’ Reading Motivation

Dida Firman Hidayat, Bachrudin Musthafa
Previous literature in the EFL context has reported that lack of learning motivation may cause a decrease in students’ reading comprehension skills. Therefore, the literature circle is believed to be capable of elevating their motivation towards reading English texts. This article seeks to capture Indonesian...

The Authority of Governments Regarding the Regulation and Supervision of Nuclear Mining Licensing on Business Perspectives in Indonesia

Khrisna Hadiwinata, Nandaru Ramadhan
Mining products are one of Indonesia’s potentials. Potention that has not maximized is potention of uranium, which is estimated to reach 7,000 tons, which distributed in Melawi, West Kalimantan, Bangka Belitung, Mamuju, West Sulawesi, Sibolga, North Sumatra, and Biak Papua. This number may still increase...
Proceedings Article

P2P Lending Sentiment Analysis in Indonesian Online News

Ryan Randy SURYONO, Indra BUDI
Fintech has improved from a few years ago and has put regulators under pressure to find a legal framework that allows fintech to operate in the formal financial sector and provide appropriate protection for customers. At present, many online news in Indonesia contain articles about Fintech, especially...

Teachers’ Understanding in Constructing Higher Order Thinking-Based Assessments: Voice from English Teachers’ Experience

Sri Setyarini
Determining instructions of higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) in the Curriculum 2013, teachers so far still meet some difficulties. One of the constraints is due to teachers’ knowledge of designing HOTS assessments appropriately. As a result, this paper presents research findings on teachers’ understanding...

Pros and Cons of the Corruption Eradication Commission in the Perspective of Law Politics

Arista Candra Irawati
The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) as an independent Special Commission, free from the influence of any authority, was formed on the basis of a solution step over public distrust in eradicating criminal acts of corruption handled by the Police and the Prosecutors’ Office previously considered...
Proceedings Article

Optimation of Cyanide Adsorption from Tapioca Industry Liquid Waste Using Activated Sludge

Lilis Tuslinah, Maya Nurul Rahma, Diana Sri Zustika
Optimation of cyanide adsorption has been done from tapioca industry liquid waste using activated sludge. This study was aimed to know the optimum condition of the adsorption process and to determine the adsorption efficiency of active sludge to cyanide contents of tapioca industry liquid waste. The...

How Does Openness Affect the Innovation Performance of Private Enterprises?

Jiacheng Xin, Qicheng Lu, Lei Pei
Open innovation is an important way for private enterprises to improve their innovation performance. However, there is still much controversy about how corporate openness affects corporate innovation performance. The paper uses the micro data of China’s private manufacturing enterprises published by...

On the Construction of Industrial College in Local Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) on the Horizon of Emerging Engineering Education (3E)

Huasheng Sun, Wenbin Sun
In the context of the rapid development of the emerging engineering education (3E), the local higher education institutions (HEIs), which involve undergraduate colleges and universities, have launched and established the industrial colleges to realize the transformation and development of application-oriented...

Susan’s Disempowering Portrayal in The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian and its Source Text

Eddline Kusuma Andani, Dhita Hapsarani
Films are often motivated to correct social anomalies, and some recent movies have sought to empower women through the depiction of strong, foregrounded female characters whose voices and actions would otherwise fade into the background. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (2008) [1] is a film adaptation...
Proceedings Article

Characteristics of Mahogany Stomata (Swietenia macrophylla K.) in Polluted Environments

M Des, Vauzia, Yensi Sri Gusti
One of a plant that is usually used as a green roadside plant in the urban area is mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla K.). The influence of environmental pollution in plants can be seen from stomata in the leaves. This study was aimed to determine the characteristic of the mahogany leaf stomata in a polluted...

Destination Innovativeness Towards Tourism Competitive Advantage

Windi N. R. Wardhani, Widodo Widodo
This article proposes the concept Tourism Competitive Advantage which emphasizes the development of tourism in knowledge quality and destination innovativeness by increasing entrepreneurship learning. The population of this study is the tourism industry in Central Java Province with 200 possessed by...

The Influence of Group Counseling With Assertive Training on Student’s Assertive Ability

Rizki Mutia Faradita, Muh Farozin
This research aims to understand the importance of group counseling with assertive training techniques for student assertiveness in SMPN 18 Bengkulu. This research used quasi-experimental method with one group pre-test and post-test designs. Statistical test results using the z test show increased assertiveness...

Phonology of Children Aged 3 Years and 2 Months: Psycholinguistic Study

Ita Putriani, Syahrul Ramadhan, Agustina
Every child gets a different language. Development of children’s language production according to age. Children aged 3;2;0 in general have not been able to produce language perfectly. The purpose of this study is to describe the acquisition of phonology of children aged 3;2;0 years. This research is...

Students Use of Social Media for Collaborative Completion of Take-Home English Tasks

Nisyana F. Nelyska, Arifuddin Arifuddin, Lalu Tohir
This paper discusses the use of social media for students at SMAN 1 Jonggat in completing their take-home English tasks. This is related to industry 4.0 that focuses on the use of internet and social media. This study uses quantitative and qualitative methods as it uses a quantitative and descriptive...

Analysis on the Current System of China’s Low-carbon Fiscal and Tax Policies: Based on the Analysis of the Policy Text

Yang Liu, Na Meng
For the evaluation of the content of the existing China ’s low-carbon fiscal and taxation policy system. This paper uses quantitative analysis of policy texts, through quantitative analysis and content mining of China ’s low-carbon fiscal and taxation policy text since 2014, it is found that China ’s...

Errors of High School Students Solve Double Discount Problems

Lydia Lia Prayitno, Purwanto, Subanji, Susiswo, Ninik Mutianingsih, Agus Prasetyo Kurniawan
Problem-solving is an integral part of the process of learning mathematics in schools that cannot be separated in daily life situations. One of the mathematical material that is found in a daily life situation is a discount. Shopping centers often give double discounts to their customers so the buyers...

Revisiting Human’s Place and Role in Humanitarian Anthropocentric Research of Language and Communication

Helena Lugowska
The author contemplates on the human’s place in the language and the communicating. He gives the analysis in terms of anthropocentric and linguistic paradigm, philosophical and cultural knowledge. The author suggests determining the human role in the language with term anthropo. It has a language and...

Intertwining the Arts and Sciences to Stimulate a Creative Mind

Norliza Mohd Isa, Abdul Rahim Hamid, Muhammad Faris Hamid, Ain Balqis Md Nor Basmmi, Azizul Azman, Mohd Fairus Ahmad, Zainab Yahya Arif, Nur Afiqah Abd Razak, Norahim Ibrahim, Amylia Syazwani Ahamad Tamizi
From the basic motion of a simple pendulum, which acts as a tool that turns a blank canvas into pure abstract art, this particular concept has been applied to science-related art to showcase its tremendous impact on scientific, psychological and educational fields. The Art and Science Program is a collaborative...

“Corona-Trigger”: Optimization Possibilities of the Teaching Algorithm in Higher Education Institutions

A.V. Zinkovskaya, V.V. Katermina, V.A. Plaksin
The epidemiological situation in the world in the spring of 2020 made the educational environment change overnight. Due to the lack of an adaptation period and time for the development of methodological recommendations, the abrupt transition to online education once again indicated the need to optimize...

Causes and Countermeasures of the Declining Quality of Public Physical Education Teaching in Colleges and Universities

Ying Mao
It is found that there are still some problems in the current teaching of public physical education in colleges and universities, which restrict the development of public physical education in colleges and universities, and make the teaching quality of public physical education in colleges and universities...

The Influence of the Student-oriented Multimodal Teaching Mode to Students’ Uptake Offline

Xinyu Liu, Weiwei Zhang, Guang Yang
In current decade, both students and teachers are paying more and more attention on the quality of class, which includes students’ uptake, communication, students’ feelings and so on. It is necessary to provide some suggestions to teachers for assisting them to build up a better class. This paper explores...

Performance Investigation of Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger as Energy Conservation in the Air Conditioning System

Fazri Amir, Samsul Rizal, Rudi Kurniawan, Hamdani Umar, Razali Thaib
Population and economic growth affect the total energy demand and Air Conditioner (AC) electrical systems and economic growth. Energy conservation is needed to reduce the total energy used. Heat pipe heat exchangers (HPHE) are implemented to recover waste energy in air conditioning systems. This study...

Consumer Legal Protection: Building Legal Awareness in the Age of Globalization

Josef Purwadi Setiodjati, Jamal Wiwoho, Suraji
Consumers are one of the backbones of the economy. Without consumers, the production sector cannot run smoothly. The large population of Indonesia ensures that the country has large consumption power. However, whether this potential benefit followed by the protection of consumer rights is an important...

The Impact of Pictures Bright or Dark Degree to Human’s Memory

Junxiao An, Xiaoqing Li, He Zhang
Short-term memory is useful in our daily life, whether for remembering something common, for instance, telephone number or anything else, short-term memory helps us a lot. In order to learn it more clearly, my group decided to do some research about that. After discussion, we made sure the area of our...

Above Word Equivalence and Strategies in the Indonesian Dubbed Series of We Bare Bears

A Anggraeni, R R Simanjuntak
This study aimed to analyze the above word level translation strategies by Mona Baker that being applied, mostly used and its potential factors in 3 We Bare Bears episodes. The data was analyzed using qualitative method. Analysis was done by comparing the English script and Bahasa dubbing. From the analysis,...
Proceedings Article

Game Media Design for Students’ Banten Local Food Knowledge

Hepsi Nindiasari, Nurhaidah Gailea, Novaliyosi, Pipit Marianingsih, Ayrin
Banten Province has many local food, such as corn, Aren, and milkfish. The benefits of these local food is still largely unknown by school students in Banten Province. The developed of game interactive with local food content can be an interesting way as teaching learning media. The research aimed to...

Work From Home: The Role of Work Engagement on Productivity During Covid-19 Corona Pandemic a Study in Teachers and Lectures in Yogyakarta Province and City Nears Yogyakarta

Kusmaryati D Rahayu, Harisa P Wika, Agnes Ratih Ari
Covid-19 Corona pandemic has overwhelmed the world since January 2020 and has spread in Indonesia in March 2020. After that, all the lifestyle is changed. The majority of people/employees work from home. Many offices, factories, and industries were closed because people are frightened of the virus covid-19...

Digital Mapping of Cultural Heritage as a Learning Source for Local History in Indonesia

Jumardi, Soeprijanto Diana Nomida Musnir
Buildings or historical objects that are scattered throughout Indonesia, especially DKI Jakarta can be used as a source of learning local history in universities and even secondary schools in Indonesia. Through Law Number 11 of 2010 concerning Cultural Heritage to be used for the interests of religion,...

Empowering Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills During Pandemic Through Contextual Distance-Learning in Biology

Fitarahmawati, Suhartini
The 21st century requires several skills to deal with today’s problems, including critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Distance learning was applied in order to avoid the transmission of Covid-19. Distance learning causes students to learn contextually from the environment directly. This article...

Risk, Stock, and Bond Value in Indonesia Public Companies

Sri Mangesti Rahayu, Nila Firdausi Nuzula
Indonesian stock market are unpopular sources of capital for companies. Stock market have 2 main products that is stock and bond. Bond is much more unpopular than stock. This study will examine the relations between risk, stock return, and bond returns relation in Indonesian Public Companies. Sample...
Proceedings Article

The Experience of Post Tubectomy in Women of Productive Age

Eunice Petrisia, Justina Purwarini, Jesika Passaribu
Background: Many women worry about tubectomy contraception. Tubectomy contraception is rarely sought after by the general public, even though age and high parity are the main factors in the use of this contraception. Each contraceptive has its own side effects. The purpose of this study was to determine...

Characteristics of Industry-Academia-Research Cooperation Based on Local Undergraduate Universities of Yunnan Province from the Perspective of Patent

Lina She, Li Zhang, Yujiao Wang
This work studied the patent output and social network characteristics of local undergraduate universities in Yunnan Province in terms of cooperation with outside scientific research institutes and enterprises in scientific and technological innovation. Through analyzing the cooperation mode, technical...

Study of the Interrelation between the Dynamics of Wages in the Public and Private Economy Sectors

Aleksandr Myasnikov, Anna Orlova, Gennady Kryksin
In this study, the authors analyzed the availability and degree of interrelation between salaries of the budget and private economy sectors in the regional context based on data from 2013 to 2020. Dynamic and graphical analysis of the relationship between wages in the public and private economy sectors...
Proceedings Article

A Mobile Application development of Automatic Shrimp Feeder System

Vivien Arief Wardhany, Herman Yuliandoko, Subono, M. Udin Harun Al Rasyid, I Gede Puja Astawa
Since Feeding management and water Quality Monitoring become important things to control in aiming maximizing the cultivation of shrimp. The development of the Mobile Aplication is used to support the automatic Shrimp Feeder help the farmer to control and monitor the shrimp Ponds from a distance. This...