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189597 articles

Implementation of Using Caretaker Speech in Distance Learning Assistance Activity

Prasetyawan Aji Sugiharto, Madya Giri Aditama
The application of distance learning in elementary education using virtual technology is an activity that needs to be supported and considered to support good quality learning for the continuity of education during the Covid-19 pandemic. The learning process will not run without communication. Communication...

Analysis of the Effect of Asean 4 Stock Exchange, Japan and China to the Indonesian Stock Exchange in the Period of 2009- 2019 Using Vector Error Correction Model (Vecm) Method

Nuryunianto, Adriana Syariefur Rakhmat
The form of economic integration between countries can be established through cooperation between countries. Economic integration can have an impact on both domestic and regional capital markets. This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of the capital markets of ASEAN countries, Japan and...

From Mass Panic to Social Recovery: A Review on Indonesian Netizens in Dealing with Covid-19

Fathul Qorib, Sulih Indra Dewi, Akhirul Aminulloh
Corona outbreak has brought a disaster in Indonesia, both to physical and mental health. Within six months, 1,155 people have been infected by the deadly virus. Less than a month after the first Indonesians identified positive Covid-19 on March 2020, 9 million tweets on corona virus emerged in Twitter....

Visual Environment for Learning in the Digital Era: A Review

Rizky Amalia Achsani, Surjamanto Wonorahardjo, Sugeng Triyadi
Technology is being widely applied in and is disrupting daily life, especially in the learning environment. Technological developments affect existing indoor visual environments and thereby influence the teaching and learning processes. This study examines the problems and opportunities from using technology...

Complete Specification of Some Partial Differential Equations That Arise in Financial Mathematics

S. Dimas, K. Andriopoulos, D. Tsoubelis, P. G. L. Leach
Pages: 73 - 92
We consider some well-known partial differential equations that arise in Financial Mathematics, namely the Black–Scholes–Merton, Longstaff, Vasicek, Cox–Ingersoll–Ross and Heath equations. Our central aim is to discover any underlying connections taking into account the Lie remarkability property of...
Proceedings Article

Profitability Factor in Boosting the Company’s Value During Pandemic Spreads

Dian Prawitasari, Ana Kadarningsih
This paper aims to determine how to increase the food value and beverage companies’ stock or companies during a pandemic. The five research variables are liquidity, working capital turnover, firm size, profitability, and firm value, where profitability as a moderating factor in determining firm value....

Dimensions of Job Search for Vocational High School Graduates During the Covid-19 Pandemic

(Systematic Literature Review)

Zulkifli B, Yatti Sugiarti
The COVID-19 outbreak that is currently facing the world does not only have an impact on human health, but also has a major impact on the global labor market. This raises concern for job seekers who want to find work at this time. This study aims to analyze the dimensions of job search during the Covid-19...

Learning Saturation Online in Students Based on School Burnout Inventory (SBI)

Eka Anggrayni, Diana Septi Purnama, Anisa Siti Nurjanah
Online learning is an alternative learning activity during a pandemic. However, it has an impact on student learning saturation. The factors of student learning saturation include giving a lot of assignments, monotonous learning strategies, and limited interaction with classmates. The research aims to...

Students’ Social Arithmetic Problem Solving Base on Cognitive Style

Pathuddin Pathuddin, Linawati Linawati, Muh Risal, Anggraini Anggraini, Muhammad Hanif, Rahma Nasir
This study aims to describe the problem solving of FI and FD students in solving social arithmetic problems. Subjects in the study were obtained based on the results of the Group Embedded Figure Test cognitive style test developed by Witkin at SMPN 4 Palu. The results showed that FI subjects were able...

Cultural and Creative Products’ Design Combining Birch Bark Culture with New Materials in Ewenki Ethnic Township, Hulunbuir

Ying Luo
Starting from the Ewenki birch bark culture of intangible cultural heritage, this paper analyzes the current situation of existing products, seeks the shortcomings and deficiencies of them, then utilizes the combination of birch bark materials and emerging materials, highlighting the application of various...

The Related Research on Color Psychology and Art Design

Xiaolin Wang
Color psychology occupies a pivotal position in the art of design. Summarize previous research results and ideas of color, do exploratory research from the color of mental physical, physiological mechanism and color psychology color psychology and its application in the design of the three-part art,...
Proceedings Article

Research on Crisis Perception Model of P2P Network Lending Platform

Gang Chen
According to the risk characteristics of the P2P network lending platform, the paper summarizes the influencing factors of the perceived risk comprehensively. It extracts the appropriate P2P network lending platform for the perceived risk dimensions. Material capital variables have a direct impact on...

What Is the Function of High Education---An Experiment in the Class of Law

Yang Liu
To find out the function of high education on the students' minds and their changes, an experiment is executed in a class of law with 150 participants. In the experiment two investigations are implemented, one is accomplished before the course the other is accomplished after the course. The variety of...

Research on Innovative Inspiration of Internet Thinking on Brand Promotion Design

Zhang Xu
Internet new media precipitated by Internet companies, represented by the new economy, and also inspired the traditional enterprise marketing potential energy, all the companies are using the Internet as a new marketing, sales channels, information exchange, but also to brand competition spread to the...
Proceedings Article

Prestressing Method of Rigid Joints in Milti-storey Steel Frame Mining

Dmitry Vershinin, Valery Dobrachev
The paper presents a brief overview of the existing solutions for connecting the rigid joints with the steel frame columns in multi-storied buildings, the advantages, and disadvantages of the existing designs of rigid connection are analyzed; on the basis of the analysis performed a new structural design...
Proceedings Article

Civil Marginalization from Multi-Criteria Decision Science Perspective

Long Yan
Civil urbanization increased dramatically which caused the problems in every aspects of human settlement, such as marginalization of migrants, urbanization lags industrialization, urban sprawl, expensive housing, and automobile pollution. These problems attract public and academic attentions by affected...
Proceedings Article

The study of PSO-RBF neural network generalized predictive control strategy in unit plant

Hui Wang, Hujun Ling, Lei Pan
Unit coordinated control in thermal power plants is a system which is complex,nonlinear and is difficulty to establish accurate model, So it is hard to make system gain optimum running effect with conventional control strategy. PSO-RBF neural network is used to identify the mathematical model of coordinated...
Proceedings Article

Design of Aircraft Antiskid Braking System Based on BP Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm

Yuanjin Zhang, Huawei Wu, Zhigang Tan
In the research of aircraft anti-skid braking system, this paper proposes a control algorithm based on GA – BP. Aiming at the nonlinearity, time variation and uncertainty of aircraft anti-skid braking system, this paper takes the relative slip ratio as the objective function. Under the condition of the...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Management Certification and the Process Management of the Carbon Sequestration and Utilization

Hui Ma
With the attention paid to the management of carbon emission, the technology of carbon sequestration and utilization has become hot technologies and integrated disciplines. In addition to technical issues, risks and effectives are concerned. On the basis of CCUS exploring, drawing the references from...
Proceedings Article

A Stochastic Model for Analyzing the Interpretability-Accuracy Trade-off in Interpretable Fuzzy Systems Using Nested Hyperball Structures

Balázs Krisztián, Koczy Laszlo T.
Our recent work proposed a new meaning preservation approach together with a parameterizable nested hyperball structured search space for interpretable fuzzy systems in order to solve a problem of inconsistency observed in conventional interpretablefuzzy knowledge bases and simultaneously to address...
Proceedings Article

Executives External Pay Gap, Ownership Concentration and Corporate Performance

Juan Wang
Researches on the influence of external pay gap of executives on corporate performance have not come to a unanimous conclusion, and studies that the ownership structure was involved in their relationship have not been confirmed. This paper attempts to study the influence of external pay gap of executives...
Proceedings Article

Asymptotic Normality in Varying-Coefficient Errors-in-Variables Models with Missing Response Variables

Yafeng Xia, Yu Bai
This article is concerned with the estimation of a varying-coefficient regression model when the explanatory variables are measured with additive errors and the response variable is sometimes missing. Estimated coefficient function in complete observational data and interpolation data respectively, and...
Proceedings Article

Inspirational Education for College Students from Poor Family

Ying Liu, Xiaohong Yang
With the rapid quantitative increase of college students at present, the absolute number of college students from poor family rises unceasingly. College students from poor family have drawn much social solicitude. Inspirational Education for college students from poor family is an important component...
Proceedings Article

Develop Critical Thinking by Classroom Activities

Hui Luan, Lijing Jiang
The goal of this paper has been to address the need for better answers to the question of what it means to be educated. Seeking answers to this question brings us back to the question, What should education accomplish Consistent with the proposed objective of developing critical thinking as the best...
Proceedings Article

Shenyang Rail Transit’s Investment and Financing Management Mode Selection

Yi Qin, Renxiang Wang
As quasi-public goods, urban rail transit’s investment and financing management mode selection determines its operation form, which also determines the operation efficiency and effectiveness of the rail transit. While, the different lines in different regions have different characteristics, which have...

Comparative Study on Sino-American Higher Design Art Education

Jimin Qiao, Chongli Zhao
Higher design art education is the fundamental force for pushing creative industry. The USA is one of the most developed countries for art education. There is a large difference of Sino-American higher design art education because of their different cultural traditions and specific national conditions....
Proceedings Article

Batch Repowering Scheme in Rechargeable Wireless Sensor Networks

Wei Shang, Yijun Wang, Yuliang Li
Energy optimization of WSN is very important to prolong the lifetime of tiny and energy insufficient sensor nodes. Traditional LEACH-like energy saving approaches try to balance the load of every node, which prove to be very effective. Since, these approaches suppose that the sensor nodes are disposable;...
Proceedings Article

Road Obstacle Detection Based on Randomized Hough Transform

Jing Lv, Yuanyuan Shang, Hui Ding
Road obstacle detection is the core of pedestrian safety. As an effective image object detection method, Hough transform can detect straight lines, circles, ellipses, parabolas, and many other analytical graphics. This paper mainly detects bar deceleration strips and round well covers, owing to obvious...
Proceedings Article

A Study on Translation Quality of C-E Scientific Texts Cohesive Devices in Machine Translatio

Lin Zu, Zebing Yang
Studies on Machine Translation have developed rapidly and been put into practicality since 1980s. A great number of machine translation products have already made achievements in commercializing. Nevertheless, difficulties in analyzing complex and ambiguous sentences still have no effective methods so...

The relationship between financial innovation theory and financial supervision evolution

Cheng Yao
Since the late 1990s, the development of financial innovation theory and practice has proved that financial risk is also a "resource" available, and there are also "resource allocation" of risks. Marketing allocation of risks can save social capital resources. With the intensification of information...
Proceedings Article

Exploration in Features and Skills of Scientific English Translation

Yuehui Wang
Problems such as large vocabulary, very professional, and distinct cultural difference, exist in scientific English translation; therefore, it is very difficult and important to translate scientific English in an exact way; this paper starts from the features scientific English translation, and explores...
Proceedings Article

Fagopyrum Mill-A Review of Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Effects

Jin-Shuang Zhao, Cheng-Hao Yu, Cheng Peng
OBJECTIVE: The present review is an attempt to update our knowledge about the phytochemistry and diverse pharmacological effects of the three types of Fagopyrum Mill against various pathological targets including cancer, high cholesterol, cardiovascular, inflammation, pain, diabetes and etc, and then...

A satisfaction survey of international master students' cultivation management in China and some reform proposals --Taking Dalian University of Technology as an example

Xincheng Zhu, Yunmei Yang, Shuai Guo, Hua Shang
Under the economic globalization 's environment,international students' cultivation has become an integral part of educational strategies around the world. Furthermore,it has also become an important way to promote the internationalization of higher education in every university.This paper takes the...

From Mechanical Spraying to Electrospraying-Advanced Technology Teaching in Higher Education

Yonghui Wu, Hanfang Li, Jing Ma, Jinxin Xu, Dengguang Yu
It is important to explain the advanced nanotechnology to the college students in higher education for training their creativity and arousing their learning interests. In this paper, a new method was developed for teaching the new technology in a vivid manner. The results demonstrated that an analogical...
Proceedings Article

Introduction to EPS and XPS Two Exterior Insulation Used

Xuezhen Zhao
From XPS and EPS of building external thermal insulation system on the advantages and disadvantages of using, EPS more in line with market demand, EPS has good weather resistance and temperature change of dimensional stability, is the most extensive domestic and international building exterior wall thermal...
Proceedings Article

Plan for recycling water in Billings

Zheng Liu
This paper mainly focuses on providing a plan for recycling water in Billings. We divide urban water consumption into living water consumption, industrial water consumption and public water consumption. Using interpolation curve fitting, we separately predict the water consumption in these aspects above....

Research on Financial Lever Efficiency and Risk of China Listed Companies

Xiangfei Zhang, Manying Bai
This paper first reviewed the literature, focusing on the theory of capital structure and financial leverage associated theory. Analysis of the company's financial leverage to influence the company's operating performance, focusing on the situation in 2014 were done, and the enterprises in accordance...

Optimization of Innovation Environment for Technology-Based Small Micro Enterprises-The Perspective of Synergistic Innovation

Deheng Quan, Yongzhou Li
This paper was aimed at the innovation environment of technology-based small micro enterprises. Based on the synergistic innovation model, it explored the equilibrium solution between technology-based small micro enterprises, and between them and the public organization. The results show that the greater...
Proceedings Article

The Design and Implementation of the Project Accounting System

Yuwen Liu
In this paper, in order to meet the management and business requirements of project management in the engineering company, the project accounting system is developed. While designing the system, we absorb the advantages of the rules for the preparation of accounting subject divide the project accounting...
Proceedings Article

The Location and Evaluation of Gross Error Based on the Partly Least Square Ridge Estimation

Cheng Zhang, Lihong Jin, Yuting Lv
Abstract—By using the principle of partly least square to locate and value the gross errors in the observational data, the matrix equation of the adjustment model may have ill-posed problems, which results in the locations and evaluations of the gross error unreliable. For the observational data which...

ESP Teaching Practice and Exploration on TBLT Method

Bo Du, Jing Zhang, Yan Zhang
With the rapid economic development and the increasingly deep opening to the outside world in China, international exchanges and cooperation has been becoming more frequent, so our country need compound talents who have mastered not only professional competence but also English. ESP teaching aimed to...

The Inspiration of CDIO Engineering Education Mode to University Physics Experiment Teaching

Juan Fan, Guoheng Zhang
CDIO engineering education mode is the latest achievement of international engineering education reform in recent years. This paper quote the CDIO engineering education idea to the university physics experiment teaching, as the experimental project for guider, emphasize learning by doing, assign different...

Assessing the Impact of Urban Roadway Construction Projects through Leveraging Traffic Surveillance Data

Xingguang Chen, Lei Chen, Hepu Deng, Tao Xiang
With the rapid development of urbanization, industrialization and motorization in China, numerous urban roadways construction projects are being planned and implemented. The implementation of such roadways construction projects usually produces a huge impact on the stakeholders and the related community....
Proceedings Article

The Research on the Cultivation Mode of University students' Innovative Talents Based on Innovation Competition

Xiang Chen, Yang Li
Innovation competition has gradually become an important carrier for the cultivation of innovative ability of college students in higher education. This paper expounds the inherent relation between innovation competition and the cultivation of college students' innovation ability, and puts forward the...
Proceedings Article

Synthesis and Photochromic Properties of Unsymmetry Diarylethene1-[2-methyl-5- (4-n-amyl-phenyl)-3-thienyl]-2-[2-methyl-1-phenyl] Perfluorocyclopentene

F. Xu, X.D. Zhang, X.R. Dong, G. Liu
An unsymmetrical photochromic diarylethene, 1-[2- methyl-5-(4-n-amyl-phenyl)-3-thienyl]-2-[2-methyl-1-phenyl] perfluorocyclopentene (1o), has been synthesized. Its photochromic properties were examined. The results showed that this compound exhibited reversible photochromism and undergo reversible cyclization...
Proceedings Article

High-speed Image Acquisition and Network Transmission System Based on FPGA

Hao Wang, Zhi Weng, Xiaochun Li
Through the study of the Camera Link interface protocol, the Ethernet protocol, and the VGA display sequence, the writer designs a high-speed image acquisition and network transmission system based on FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) and details the...
Proceedings Article

Application of ID3 Algorithm in Customer Management about Online Bookstore

Ming-Jun Zhang
ID3 algorithm is one of the most important algorithm of decision tree classification method, Because of its simple, easy to implement, has been widely applied in various fields. Based on introducing the basic principle of ID3 algorithm, this paper has deeply analyzed the practical application of ID3...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Integration Application of Digitization of National Traditional Sports Culture Heritage and Cultural Tourism under Information Era

Huizhen Wan
In the development of the Chinese five thousand years of history, we created a rich and varied cultural heritage of traditional sports, these sports are the essence of our national cultural heritage of traditional culture and it has a unique sporting and cultural characteristics. This study adopted literature,...

Motivations in Developing inter-language Talk: A Study of Vocational College Business English Major

Jian-na Wang
Motivation in second language learning is indispensable and significant. In order to improve the motivation in inter-language talk and develop oral English competence, this paper presented the study of motivation in inter-language and focused on how much the motivation in developing competence of inter-language...
Proceedings Article

On College Computer Experiment Teaching Based on Cloud Platform

Limin Guo
Application of cloud platform technology in college computer experiment teaching to integrate the teaching resources, can help achieve unified storage and management of data relating to computer experiment teaching in colleges, so as to provide a good platform for teachers and students in the teaching...