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188680 articles

Reflections on the Present Situation of Social Platform Operations of Chinese Professional Basketball Sports Clubs:

A Case Study of CBA Guangdong South China Tigers Club

Xuanzheng Lin
With the advent of social media age, professional basketball clubs are paying more and more attention to the operation of their official social media. This paper takes Guangdong South China Tiger Club, the most successful CBA team, as an example, and analyzes 317 WeChat articles, 54 TikTok videos and...

Exploration of Contextual Marketing Model Based on Mobile Apps

Xiaojun Zheng, Fenglin Lin, Xinyi Cai
With the development of mobile Internet technology and the explosion of the number of mobile terminals, the contextual marketing model of mobile apps have brought benefits to businesses and ultimate sense of experience to users that traditional business marketing models cannot create. And developers...
Proceedings Article

Endodontic Treatment Of Complex Curved Root Canal Maxilary Caninus: A Case Report

Ryan Mahardiansyah, R. Tri Endra Untara, Tunjung Nugraheni
One of the successful of the root canal treatment is biomechanical preparation. The successful key of the biomechanical preparation procedure is the early examination of curved root canal. The knowledge of curved root canal is being used to choose the right instrumentation. The biomechanical preparation...
Proceedings Article

Characterization of Thermal Activated Fly Ash Adsorbent by Studying the Effect of Temperature

Aida Syarif, Rusdianasari, M. Yerizam, Sayhirmanyusi
Fly ash is a solid waste resulting from the use of coal as an energy resource. The potential for fly ash presence in Indonesia is considerable with increased coal consumption where the potential availability of coal ash is 10% of total coal consumption, with 80% details being fly ash. The increase in...

The Development of Academic Services Model in Enhancing Better Graduates Quality

Sri Mulyani, Moch Fakhry Gaffar, Suryadi, Sri Wulansari, Yohamintin
A good and integrated academic system service is one of the factors that can determine the quality of graduates of higher education institutions. The research focuses on the analysis and exploration of an integrated academic service system implemented by the Pertiwi School of Economics, which consists...

How Are the Students’ Biology Conceptual Knowledge and Procedural Knowledge in Padang City?

Vina septiani, Paidi
The conceptual knowledge and procedural knowledge are able to equip students to have new skills in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Because, both of these knowledge are used to solve a problem correctly. This study aimed to determine the conceptual knowledge and procedural knowledge of Biology...

From Zero to Hero: Leading with Muhammadiyah Educational Philosophy

Abin Suarsa, Yuniati Yuniati, Toto Sugihyanto
This study aims to explore the success of Yogyakartas Muhammadiyah Boarding School (MBS) in managing human resources so that it becomes a leading school in a relatively short time with the support of small financial resources. Phenomenology is used as a research method with founders, top management and...

Teacher Recruitment Negotiations: A Form of Early Childhood Education Strategy in Indonesia

Inten Risna, Maulida Nur
This paper aims to uncover the extent to which the recruitment of high-quality early childhood education teachers is still a challenge to date, especially in regions (villages/remote areas) in Indonesia. This article is based on the assumption that the professionalism of teachers is influenced by the...

Development of Crowd Investments in the Region: Opportunities and Challenges

Shamil Arslanov, Zubarzhat Abdulaeva, Aminat Daitova
The purpose of this study is to try to determine the main directions for the development of crowd investments in the Russian Federation and in its regions, as well as to identify the tasks of forming crowd investment mechanisms based on the introduction of digital innovative developments. The paper investigates...
Journal: eFood
Research Article

Evaluation of Acute and Subacute Toxicity of Two Different Extracts from Que Zui Tea in Rats

Yongpeng Wang, Guy Sedar Singor Njateng, Tianrui Zhao, Meilian Yang, Yifen Wang, Jianxin Cao, Yaping Liu, Guiguang Cheng
Pages: 81 - 91
The buds of Vaccinium dunalianum Wight (VD) are widely used in Yunnan as herbal tea [Que Zui Tea (QT)] and herb. However, the security and toxicity of QT have not been determined yet. The aim of this study is to evaluate the acute and subacute-toxicity of hot water (QTW) and aqueous-ethanol (QTE) extracts...

Application Classifications of Decentralized Finance and the Development Strategies

Xidi Zhang
Decentralized finance is a decentralized network based on smart contracts of blockchain technology and specific decentralized applications (DAPPS). It not only can enhance users’ information privacy and transaction equity, but also has incomparable advantages in protecting asset security, reducing financial...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of the Enactment of the Wosi Rendani Forest Zone Status on the Condition of the Rendani River Catchment Area in Manokwari Regency

Bernadetta M. G. Sadsoeitoeboen, Marlon Ivanhoe Aipassa, Muhammad Sumaryono, Yohanes Budi Sulistioadi
The impact of changing the status of forest zone in Wosi Rendani to become a non-forest zone also causes changes in a forest coverage zone, forest conversion, and its subsequent consequences. This was marked by the rapid housing development in the zone, which impacted water function changes in the Rendani...

Contagion Effect of Associated Credit Risks Embedded in a Interpersonal-Related Supply Chain

Xiaofeng Xie, Xiuying Hu, Kai Xu, Yang Yang, Fengying Zhang
Interpersonal relationship is an important factor affecting the contagion of associated credit risk among enterprises in supply chain. Based on the combination financing channels of bank credit and trade credit, this paper considers the interpersonal relationship between managers in supply chain enterprises,...

A Study on Legal Issues of the Circulation of Chinese Rural Land Contracting Management Right

Xueyao Zhang
This paper takes the legal problem of the transfer of rural land contract management right as the research object. Firstly, it summarizes the concept, current characteristics and development trend of the transfer of rural land contract management right. Secondly, it discusses the legal problems existing...
Proceedings Article

Does Leadership Affect the Patient Safety Climate? Study at X Hospital Indonesia

Dyah Utari, Farahdina Bachtiar, Condrowati, Fandita Tonyka Maharani
Background: Patient safety is a component and main principle in service delivery. Patient safety can be realized with a positive patient safety climate. The main factor that plays a role in the patient safety climate is management commitment, which includes reward and punishment, management commitment,...

Floortime Approach to Increase Communication Skills for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Impairment

Dhisty Azlia Firnady, Lia Mawarsari Boediman
Several studies have already proven the effectiveness of using floortime approach in increasing the reciprocal communication skills of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, there are only a few studies that have focused on this approach for children with both ASD and intellectual impairment...

Analysis on the Innovation of Higher Education Network Teaching Management from the Perspective of Internet

Jingfeng Tan
Due to the spread of the novel coronavirus, higher education has changed from the original traditional teaching to network teaching. This change will undoubtedly promote the development of higher education teaching in the new era. From the perspective of the long-term development of higher education,...

Learning Media Based on Computer Embroidery for Upgrading Skill of Fashion Student

Ma’rifatun Nashikhah, Gladis Gandini
Learning media is very important in the process of learning. In the past, embroidery learning only used manual machine and dynamo machine. The development of modern technology of embroidery could be done by media computer. Embroidery is the hand craft with the thread applied on fabric to follow the form...
Proceedings Article

Provision of N95 and N100 Masks Against Complaint ISPA on Worker Sub-District Lindah Furniture Gadingrejo Pasuruan City

Rizqi Adetya Pradana, Agung Kurniawan
The research hypothesis is to find out there is a difference in giving N95 particle masks and N100 particle masks to complaints of acute breathing infection in Lindah Furniture workers in Gadingrejo District, Pasuruan City. Data were collected by experimental methods with quasi-experimental or quasi-experimental...

STEAM-PBL in Early Childhood Education: Optimization Strategies for Developing Communication Skills

Indah Nopiyanti, Nahrowi Adjie, Suci Utami Putri
Early childhood education in schools must be able to stimulate the development of communication skills as one of the most important aspects of development. Based on the results of preliminary observations, it was identified that the learning process in early childhood education is still dominated by...

Development of Early Childhood Creativity Through Fine Arts Education

Minda Sari, Ardipal, Budi Wirman
This article reveals the process of creativity towards early childhood in the field of fine arts conducted in the middle of the family. To understand the problem, in this case, research was conducted using qualitative approach methods. The data is collected using observations, conducting interviews with...

Nambu Bracket Formulation of Nonlinear Biochemical Reactions Beyond Elementary Mass Action Kinetics

T. D. Frank
Pages: 81 - 97
We develop a Nambu bracket formulation for a wide class of nonlinear biochemical reactions by exploiting previous work that focused on elementary biochemical mass action reactions. To this end, we consider general reaction mechanisms including for example enzyme kinetics. Furthermore, we go beyond elementary...
Proceedings Article

Anti-Inflammation Activity of Ethyl Acetate Extract of Malacca Leaves (Phyllanthus emblica)

Nuzul Asmilia, Teuku Armansyah, Herrialfian Herrialfian, Rinidar, Abdul Harris, Arman Sayuti, Nazaruddin, Cindy Ary Ristanti, Indriana Oktavani
This study aims to evaluate the anti-inflammation activity of ethyl acetate extract of Malacca leaf (Phyllanthus emblica) in mice. The study used 25 mice which were induced by subcutaneous injection of 1 % carrageenan. The mice were divided into 5 treatment groups: K1 was negative control, K2 (positive...

Based on the Perspective of Transfer Learning and Future Fusion: The Combination of Teaching and Research

Taking China as an Example

Ao Chen
It has always been a difficult problem to emphasize research and neglect teaching. The evolution of grassroots academic organizations and two international authoritative academic career surveys illustrate the severity of this phenomenon further. Combining the essential differences between teaching and...

Common Agricultural Policy – The Opportunities and Threats for Regions of European Union Member States

Ivan Byanov
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is one of the oldest and accounts for the largest share of the EU budget in recent decades. The EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), launched in 1962, is a partnership between agriculture and society, and between Europe and its farmers. The main objectives of the...

The School Committee’s Roles in Improving Education Quality at Primary School Level

Ahmad Sopingi, Yasir Arafat, Dessy Wardiah
This paper aims to describe the school committee’s role in improving the quality of primary school education in cluster 01 of Muara Telang sub-district, Banyuasin district. The research method used in this paper is a qualitative research method with descriptive analysis. The data collection techniques...

Visualizing Public Sector Accounting During the Pandemic Covid-19 by Android-based Augmented Reality

Imam Mulyono, Mika Marsely, Annisa Fitriana
Learning creativity has now become an important prerequisite for improving the standard of education in the COVID 19 pandemic situation. Obviously, all sectors of life have been affected by this epidemic, including higher education. Teaching is moving online on an untested and remarkable scale, and insufficient...

Feasibility Analysis of the Time Bank Pension Model in Harbin city

Take Harbin Nangang District as an Example

Yingnan Zhu
The current aging situation of the population in China is very serious, and solving the pension problem of 250 million of the elderly people has become an urgent problem at present and even for a long time in the future. Through the issuance of questionnaire in Nangang District, this paper investigates...

Comparison of Chinese and Foreign Teachers’ Online Teaching in a Sino-Finnish Cooperation Program

Xirun Li, Yihan Gu, Shunxin Hu, Yizhou Xv, Qihao Cheng, Jing Jiang
By investigating students’ satisfaction of the Software Engineering Sino-Finnish Cooperation Program at the School of International Education, NJIT, this paper studies and analyzes the differences and existing problems between the online teaching by both Chinese and Finnish teachers. It finds that there...

Rooting in Traditional Culture, Innovative Expression

Research on TV Animation Creation of the Inheritance and Innovative Concepts of Folktales in Eastern Hubei

Yunpeng Tang
From the very beginning, TV animation in China has been committed to creating a road with its own national characteristics, with distinctive national traditional culture and educational orientation. In the 70 years since New China, in the process of the national character of Chinese TV animation, Chinese...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Sex on Rumen Fermentation Characteristics and Enzyme Activities of Garut Sheep

Chusnul Hanim, Lies Mira Yusiati, Titi Widya Ningrum
This study aims to determine effect of sex on ruminal fermentation characteristics and enzyme activities in Garut sheep. Twelve Garut sheep (6 females and 6 males) were used. The sheep were about twelve months old with an average initial body weight of 25±2 kg, and were divided into two groups according...

Increasing Destination Branding Through Destination Attributes and Tourism Promotion to Boost Visit Intention in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park

Gusti Ayu Wulandari, Sudaryanto Sudaryanto, Gusti Ayu Agustina Riski, Kamaliya Sagita Hasanah
This study analyses the effect of destination attributes and Tourism Promotion on Visit Intention on tourism visiting Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park through destination branding. The population in this study were tourists who visited the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. The sampling method used...

Debate on Foreign Policy Choice in the Media Landscape of Ukraine

Denys Yakovlev, Artur Amirov, Anastasiia Stoliarova
The paper is devoted to the study of political debates in the mass media on Ukraine’s foreign policy choice. The political debate in the mass media about the foreign policy choice today concerns not only the existential dilemma of the Ukrainian establishment “East – West”, which has its roots in history....

The Digital Economy Growth and Prospect in Indonesia During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Yuliana Yuliana
The COVID-19 pandemic hit the economic growth in all of the countries, including Indonesia. The Indonesian economy fell to minus 5 percent in 2020. Many countries try to develop a digital economy by transforming into digital e-commerce to boost economic growth gradually. Therefore, there should be some...

Analysis of Minimum Capital, Risk, and Knowledge in Affecting Students’ Interest in Investing with Moderated Income in Indonesian Capital Market

Abdul Rozak, Ikaputera Waspada, Maya Sari
Preferences on capital, risk perception, knowledge, and rate of return are part of the factors that are analyzed for testing in making investments. This study aimed at analyzing the impact of minimum capital, risk perception, and knowledge on student interest in investing moderated by income factors....

Research on the Construction of Makerspaces in the Colleges and Universities of Guangdong Province from the Perspective of Industry-Education Collaboration

Jian Dong, Jianru Xie, Haiming Su, Guizhen Fu
By taking the relevant basic theories of the makerspaces as the research foundation and the countermeasures for the construction of the makerspaces in the colleges and universities of Guangdong Province as the research object, this paper analyzes the main difficulties that restrict the development of...

ELT Students’ Communication Strategy on Speaking Performance Defined by Gender in Universitas Negeri Padang

Fadel Nur Irsyad, Ratmanida Ratmanida
The communication strategies implemented by ELT students may vary depending on their oral ability. This research aims to analyze the strategies most commonly used by English language learning male and female students and the communication strategies that affect their oral performance. English Department...

Youtube as a Means of Balinese Language Maintenance by Youth in West Lombok Regency

Desak Made Yoniartini, Mahsun, Burhanuddin
The study of language defense has always been an exciting study for sociolinguists because we face the fact that more and more languages are almost extinct. However, one of the regional languages in Indonesia that is still actively used is Balinese. The younger generation is the next generation who should...

Attraction of Religious Tourism Objects from Youth Perception

Study on the Jesus Maria Oebelo Pilgrimage Park, Kupang Regency

Veronika A. S. M. Flora, Yudha E. Nugraha, Ariance A. Lasibey
The purpose of this study was to find out the reasons that encourage young people and their perceptions of visiting the Jesus Maria Oebelo Pilgrimage park based on attractions, amenities and accessibility. The research method used is a combination method. The results of the questionnaire calculation...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Gonadotropin Hormone for Improvement Litter Size of Palu Local Sheep

Yohan Rusiyantono, Rusdien, Ismail Wumbu
The aim of this study was to increased of the litter size and reproduction performance with superovulation and artificial insemination treatments. The results obtained who performed estrus synchronization in ewes with the percentage of estrus occurring were 100%; 90.8% and 92%, respectively, Based on...

Analysis of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTs) on Simple Harmonic Motion Concept Using Virtual Laboratory Based on VBA Excel Study in Physics Education Students of Universitas Cenderawasih

Muhammad Akbar, Indah Slamet Budiarti
Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTs) is one of mastery skills owned by students in higher education to meet the challenges of 21st century. Virtual laboratory based on VBA excel is an application that can help to preserve learning during 21st century and pandemic era. The aim of this study was to analyze...

PLAN for Informational Text to Foster Students’ Reading Literacy

Santi H. Saputri, Arif R. Fikry
This research investigates the significance of differences in reading comprehension skills between students who were taught using the PLAN strategy and students who were taught using the conventional strategy. Furthermore, this study aims to find out the effectiveness of the PLAN strategy in reading...
Proceedings Article

Study on The Double Environmental Effects of Trade in Services: Mathematical Analysis of Cross-National Panel Data From 129 Countries

Xiaohui Zhu, Binglin Li
Under the background of the rapid development of trade in services, the double effects of trade in services on environmental quality are studied. This paper constructs the fixed effect panel models of the environmental equation and the economic growth equation, collects the cross-national panel data...

Optimal Capital Structure Analysis of Pt Centratama Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk

Rafly Zahriansyah, Mandra Lazuardi Kitri
PT Centratama Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk has grown its telecommunication tower portfolio significantly since 2017, primarily through acquisition. In 2022, the company acquired approximately 4,000 telecommunication towers, propelling it to become Indonesia’s third-largest telecommunication tower provider....

The Implementation of Merdeka Learning Flow in Traditional-Based Dance to Increase Junior High School Students’ Creativity

Sally Agustini Widayat, Juju Masunah, Yuliawan Kasmahidayat
This research aims to identify the application of MERDEKA learning flow in Dance subjects at schools and its effects on students’ creativity improvement in dancing. The MERDEKA learning flow is the acronym of Mulai dari diri sendiri (starts from oneself), Elaborasi konsep (concept elaboration), Ruang...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Smartphone Addiction on Adolescent Mental Health and Social Interaction

Muhammad Faridl Alwi, Sapto Adi, Windi Chusniah Rachmawati
Excessive use of smartphones will cause a person to become addicted. Smartphone addiction is a condition where a person has a tendency to use a smartphone continuously and does not pay attention to the negative impacts it can cause. A person who is addicted to a smartphone will feel happy when using...

The Needs of Developing E-Learning Based on Research Result of Energy-Efficient Materials Innovation Using Root Cause Analysis

Kemala Jeumpa, Rumilla Harahap, Riansyah Putra
This paper aims to analyze the level of need for the development of E-Book-based energy-saving wallcovering research materials to increase students’ knowledge and motivation for innovation. Up to the present, the lecture materials related to energy-efficient buildings are only based on concepts from...

Ecocriticism in South Sulawesi Regional Literature

An Introduction to the Value of Environmental Wisdom in the Millennial Generation Through Literature Learning

Wahab Wahab, Husniyati Husniyati, Rizki Herdiani, Muhammad Nasir, Herianah Herianah, Abdul Asis
South Sulawesi regional literature is one of the local cultural products that needs to be preserved so that it continues to survive in people’s lives. As a cultural product, regional literature cannot separate itself from the humanitarian problems that exist in its supporting communities. Regional literature...

Analysis on the Innovation Governance Strategy of Human Resources Public Service in Sichuan Province

Guo Tong, Guiqing Li, Tingyu Hu, Liu Jie
In the process of China’s reform and opening up, the development of economic level is also constantly improving, the speed of urbanization has also accelerated significantly. According to the data from the Statistical Bulletin on the Development of Sichuan Province and Human Resources and Social Security...
Proceedings Article

Legal Certainty as a Form of Assurance of the Rights to Health Services for People Affected by the COVID-19 Virus in the Context of Protecting Human Rights

Aurelia Neyshanda Dascha Wibawa, Sunny Ummul Firdaus
The purpose of writing this article is to find out the extent of the government’s responsibility in health services for people who are sprawled by the Covid-19 virus in the context of protecting Human Rights and to find out how health services are like people who are sprawled by the Covid-19 virus in...