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188680 articles

Tourists’ Perception on Gastronomic Heritage Restaurant as a Tourist Attraction in The Sukabumi, Indonesia

Andriani Mareth, Dewi Turgarini
This study was conducted to find out the perception of gastronomic heritage restaurant according to the viewpoint of tourists as consumers in the city of Sukabumi, Indonesia. The method for this study is mixed method with approach of research method using descriptive analysis. The authors distributed...

Building the Student’s Autonomous Learning Through Development of Learning Resource Based on Flip-Book on The Material of Tantri Relief

Ulfatun Nafi'ah, Blasius Suprapta, Daya Negri Wijaya
This study aims to develop learning resources based on flip-book on the material of Tantri relief. The flip-book is aimed to give an alternative to teaching material using information communication and technology in order to reach the purpose of learning. The flip-book should be validated before used...

Strategic directions of development of dairy cattle breeding in the region in the conditions of modern challenges

Galina Timofeeva, Raisya Akmaeva, Aigul Aitpaeva
The development of dairy cattle breeding in the country and regions was given a new impetus in modern economic and geopolitical conditions. The success of the opportunities provided directly depends on the prevention of threats associated with the receipt of cheap non-regional and imported products,...

Study on the Visual Perception of Ceramic Culture Landscape Based on Aesthetic Perspective and Reconstruction Design-Taking the Landscape Design of the South Bank of Dehua as an Example

Gulong Wang
In the overall layout of the urban landscape design of Dehua County, it is necessary to deeply explore and sort out the unique natural characteristics, social and cultural characteristics and industrial characteristics of the city, and present them in the planning. The appearance of ceramics was once...

Improving Reading Skills by Comic for 2nd Grade Students in an Elementary School

Anjar Sugianto, Kastam Syamsi
This study aims to improve pupils' reading skill by comics in the 2nd grade students of Elementary School Muhammadiyah Sagan Yogyakarta in the academic year 2016/2017. This study is a classroom action research. This study used observation, and questionnaire as data collection techniques. The data collection...

The Difference of Student’s Score in The Process of Image Capturing Between Macromedia Flash and PowerPoint Learning Media in Class XI of SMK 1 Samarinda

Puput Septianingsih, Suriaty
This research is quantitative model by using quasi experimental method. The sample of this research was distributed by using purposive sampling to class X devided to Network engineering group as experimental class and multimedia group as control class. The result of Kolmogorov-Smiray Analysis for experimental...

The Harmonious Development of Ecological Civilization Construction and Financial Agglomeration in Guizhou

Xinpu Wang, Mu Zhang
To promote the construction of ecological civilization and the coordinated development of financial agglomeration, this paper first analyzes the interaction mechanism between ecological civilization construction and finance agglomeration using the pressure-state-response framework. Then, the level of...

Exploring the Countermeasures for the Governance of Urban Mobile Traders in China

Xiao HAN, Yi-Wen LIANG, Xiu-Min JIANG
With the gradual acceleration of urbanization in China, there is a contradiction between the “face” of the city and the “abdomen” of mobile merchants. Urban mobile traders have become a major problem in urban governance. In order to better break through the bottleneck of urban mobile trader governance...
Proceedings Article

Simulation Study on High-Voltage IGBT Turn-Off with Polysilicon Distributed Gate Resistance Effect

Rui Jin, Lei Cui, Chao Gong, Yu Wu
This paper presents a device simulation study on a high-voltage 4-cell IGBT structure with a distributed gate resistance. It is shown that during turn-off, the emitter current of IGBT will demonstrate a “homogenous– non- homogeneous– re- homogeneous” evolution before the collector voltage rises. Therefore...

A Study of the Tombs of Zhu Yihai, King of Lu, in Southern Ming Dynasty at Kinmen County

Yuansheng Yue
In recent years, new historical relics and materials related to the Southern Ming dynasty have been discovered one after another on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and Zhu Yihai, King of Lu, and his tombs have also attracted the attention of scholars. In regard to the tombs of Zhu Yihai, there are currently...
Proceedings Article

The Improvements of Building Materials Innovation: A Review for The Future Architecture Concept

Ariani Mandala
The aims of this study are to evaluate the trend of innovative building materials used. More than 150 innovative building materials for structural and architectural components are gathered. Building components are divided into materials for structural dan surface components for roofing, flooring, walls,...

Development strategies of interethnic and interreligious interactions in the regional socio-cultural landscape

Ekaterina Belikova, Vera Paramonova
The socio-cultural landscape of the Volgograd region is an example of long-standing good-neighborly relations. The results of the monitoring the socio-cultural landscape of the region cited in the article suggest a stable tolerant interaction of ethnic and religious communities, both at the institutional...

Transcendental Law Paradigm: National Health Care Solutions

Siti Soekiswati, Absori
One of the sustainable development targets of the country was the people's welfare achievement that was evenly distributed throughout the country. One of the indicators was the level of public health. The government launched a National Health Insurance (JKN) to achieve optimal public health,. However,...

Bilateral Investment Treaty Effectiveness in Completion of Capital Investment Disposal

Fries Melia Salviana, Desy Nurkristia Tejawati
Investment is one of the important aspects of a country's economy. This is because the country will get many benefits, both directly and indirectly. Legal certainty is an important matter in attracting foreign investors, especially legal certainty related to dispute resolution. Article 32 of Law No....

Influence of Thermal Insulation on Temperature Mode of Multiple-Frozen Grounds Based on Main Gas Pipeline

А.V. Stepanov, V.М. Efimov, I.I. Rozhin, F.Е. Popenko, А.А. Stepanov
The paper examines the process of heat exchange of soil mass with a gas pipeline and mathematical modeling. It involves seasonal changes in heat exchange conditions on the surface as well as cyclical changes in the temperature of the transported gas. The mathematical formulation for dynamics of two-dimensional...

Restitution of Cultural Heritage under International Law

Lu Meng
In recent years, the protection of cultural heritage has atracted worldwide attention and has been gradually deepened in all countries and nationalities. Due to all kinds of historical and realistic factors, the problem of illegal transfer of cultural heritage is very serious. And whether in war or peace...
Proceedings Article

Formulating a Criminal Policy of Unlicensed Tin Minings which the Community Welfare in Bangka Belitung IslandsImproves

Dwi Haryadi
Unlicensed mining is a complicated issue in the Province of Bangka Belitung Islands. Tin which used to be a strategic commodity, in the reformation era, has been stated as a non-strategic commodity; the export activities of tin are no longer supervised. As a result, unlicensed tin minings emerge, causing...

Ukraine Depressive National Economy Destructive Factors

Liana Ptaschсenko, Alina Glushko, Nelia Volkova, Valeriia Volkova
It is proved that in economics depression is characterized not only as a lasting, long-term decline in industries economic activity but as a consequence of destructive factors influence. Those factors that are primary cause of the national economy depressed state in the context of importance of issues...
Proceedings Article

State of Life Satisfaction and Physical Fitness in Elderly through Gateball Sports in Terms of Economics

Sufyar Mudjianto
This study departs from elderly people who experience problems with the level of life satisfaction and physical fitness. The research design used is causal-comparative, namely knowing how much the state of life satisfaction and physical fitness in elderly through gateball sports in terms of economics....
Proceedings Article

Optimal Design of Charging Station for Electric Vehicles Integrated with Renewable DG

Terapong Boonraksa, Elifuraha Reuben Mmary, Boonruang Marungsri
Electric vehicles (EVs) began to play an essential role in the public transportation system. It is a necessary part of developing and driving the economies of many countries in the future. EVs uses electric power to drive the mechanisms and other systems which must be stored electrical energy for use...
Proceedings Article

Research on Application of Anterolateral Thigh Perforator Flap to Repair Wounds of Hand and Foot

Yongming Tao, Yanhong Liu
Purpose: Analysis the Clinical curative effect of the therapy that transfer the Perforator Flaps free-graft of anterior-medial side of thigh for foot and hand trauma. Methods: We selected 24 hands or foot trauma cases, which were treated with therapy that transfer the Perforator Flaps free-graft of anterior-medial...

Total-Task Presentation as a Technique to Develop Self-Drinking Skill: A Single-Case Study of an Autistic Child with Intellectual Impairment

Yasmine Nur Edwina, Mita Aswanti Tjakrawiralaksana
Using a pre-post intervention design, this study aims to evaluate the use of total-task presentation technique in a training program to develop the self-drinking skill of a 9-year-old male child who features autism spectrum disorder (ASD) with intellectual impairment. This study consists of three phases,...

RETRACTION: Emulating Expert Systems and the Location-Identity Split

Hangkun Ling
In April 2020, Atlantis Press was alerted to fake proceedings articles hosted on our platform. These articles, mostly in computer science and engineering, were generated by the SCIgen computer program and were all published between 2006-2018. Immediately after receiving the alert, Atlantis Press initiated...

"The Natural Rate of Education" as the Factor of Political Stability and Human Capital Development in the Context of the "Arab Spring" and Contemporary Russia

Andrej Belchenko, Vladimir Ivanov, Ivan Kurinin, Aleksei Teplov
The given article contains a hypothesis about the increasing level of influence of the system of tertiary education on stability of political regimes in many contemporary countries. In order to reveal the mechanism of such influence, the authors propose the concept of "natural rate of education", which...

Research on the Relationship between Young University Teachers’ Occupational Stress and Performance

Yuan-Yuan Lan, Xiao-Ting Qu, Huan Liu, Si-Jie Yan
As the most dynamic group of university teachers, the performance of young teachers greatly affects the overall quality of college faculty. In this study, we selected 272 young university teachers as research samples, and we used questionnaires and semi-structured interviews to collectdata.To make the...

Accounting for Regulatory Distance and Looking for the Most Potential Indonesia's FTA/CEPA Partners

Ernawati Munadi, Ayu Sinta Saputri
As tariff is declining, Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs) become significantly important to supercede tariff role in protecting domestic industry. To overcome the negative impact of NTMs, some countries, including Indonesia, have been actively developing economic cooperations, so does . This study seeks to...

Leading approaches for monitoring financial security and maturity of business companies

Marina Charaeva, Elena Karpova, Elena Chumachenko
This paper concentrates on the leading approaches for monitoring the financial soundness of organizations represented by business companies in the context of their financial security. Financial security and maturity of business companies largely rely upon the financial control systems that are envisaged...

Sports for The Disabled: Preferences and Perceived Barriers

Mawarni Mohamed, Nur Amirah Binti Che Husin
A greater proportion of adults with disabilities have no engagement in physical activity compared to those without disabilities (Healthy People, 2010). Often there are multiple barriers that can make it difficult for people with disabilities to function. So the aims of this study are to identify the...

Self – Representations of Student Transvestites on Social Media

Bunga Mustika, Tantri Adiwijaya, Fauziyyah Isra, Jeki Aridianto, Tomy Lovendo
Becoming a transvestite in the real world has a lot of risks, including receiving poor treatment from people, both on and off campus for students. Student transvestites choose virtual spaces as places to showcase and acknowledge their gender. Seeing that reality will bear different meanings for people...
Proceedings Article

Expediency of "FITOS" BAA Nutritional Intervention in the Diet of Laying Hens

Olga Yastrebova, Ivan Boyko, Svetlana Kontsevaya, Alexander Dobudko, Viacheslav Syrovitskiy, Pavel Gorodov
The influence of "FITOS" BAA on the natural resistance of laying hens and their productivity was studied. It was found that it improves the physiological state of the chickens and increases egg production.

The Study of Software Market in Russia

E.V. Kislitsyn, M.V. Panova, L.A. Sazanova
One of the priority directions of development of the national economic system is the formation of Russian digital platforms and import substitution in the field of software. However, the current growth rate of the Russian software market is not enough to fully provide domestic products to all commercial...

Children's Gender and Living Arrangements of Old Parents': the Case of One-child Family in China

Tongbo Deng, Baosheng Xie
The aging of population is a serious problem in China. One-child policy leads the problem of supporting old people in single-child family to heated debate. Whether the elderly live with their children is related to elderly’s life and affection need. Through analyzing data from the 2011 wave of CHARLS,...

Tolerance and Persecution as a Threat to the Unity of the Nation

Endang Danial Ar
There is a significant relation between attitude of social tolerance and the onset of the persecution of the community. Persecution is a new phenomenon that is considered by society as a punishment against those who are accused of committing the violation of norms, rules, laws, in the community. This...

Regular Students Responses to The Presence of Students with Hearing Impairment in Inclusive Classes

Siti Musayaroh, Endang Rochyadi, Imas Diana Aprilia
The presence of students with hearing impairment in the inclusive classes receives diverse responses for the regular students studying with them. Of course, the responses given have an impact on the success of inclusive education. The purpose of this study is to determine the responses shown by regular...
Proceedings Article

Management of Arisan Gabah as Village Community Financing Institutions (a Case Study in Muktisari Village, Gandrungmangu Subdistrict, Cilacap Regency)

Retno Wulandari, Retno Jumilah, Siti Yusi Rusimah
An effort made by rice farmers in maintaining their bargaining position in the management of rice farming financing is by conducting arisan gabah. The purpose of this study was to describe the management system of and find out about the benefits of arisan gabah. The research location was selected purposively,...

C-E translation of Red Tourism in Xi’an Based on International Publicity Translation

Ke Chen, Fangfang Yang
The mushrooming Red tourist spots in Xi’an are attracting more and more foreigners, while the English propaganda of those attractions is far from standardized. With the practical research to The Eighth Route Army Office Monument in Xi’an and Yang Hucheng Monument etc, the paper analyzes the translation...

The Implementation of Quantum Teaching to Increase Students Activities and Learning Outcomes for Primary School

Rina Wahyuningrum, Muhari Muhari, Totok Suyanto
This study aims to improve students’ activity and learning outcomes of the social science under the sub theme “the uniqueness of the area where I live” through the application of quantum teaching model assisted with audiovisual media in the 4th grade students of SDN Ujung V, Surabaya. This is a Classroom...

Research on the Ability of Socialist Core Values Education for College Students

Haoyu Chen
This paper attempts to explore the cognition of college students' ability-based education of socialist core values and the guiding links to achieve this goal in the process of education. College students can't form individual independent practice ability and lack initiative and creativity in the practice...

Complementing Educational Services for Adults as a Factor in the Preservation of the CIS Educational Space

Marina Ilakavichus, Marina Yakushkina
The paper focuses in the need to update the resource of educational services for adults operating in the CIS member states, based on the principle of complementarity. The concept of “educational service” is analyzed. The problem of coordinating counseling services for adults in the Commonwealth countries...

Wondering with Things and Minds Talking About the Zhao Mengfu’s “Quehua Qiuse Tu”

Hong Li
Quehua Qiuse Tu is one of Zhao Mengfu's most representative paintings. While depicting the natural scenery of Que Mountain and Huabuzhu Mountain, this painting also practices the “Ancient realm” theory and “Integrating calligraphy into paintings” and a series of literati painting proposals. The special...

Gobak Sodor Games and Cardiovascular Endurance of Elementary School Children

Bayu Insanistyo, Dian Pujianto
The interest of children in game technology as well as the development of technology is increasing more than physical games. Therefore, the level of fitness of a child is low. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of traditional gobak sodor game on cardiovascular endurance of elementary school...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Realization Path of Marxist Happiness View Education in Universities in the New Era

Xiaonan Li
The construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era. The education of college students’ outlook on happiness should be guided by Marxist outlook on happiness and combined with the needs of the new era to form the scientific connotation of college students’ correct outlook...

Economic-Political Dynamics as A Legal Amendments Factor

Al Mahmud Rasyid, Raharjo
The study objective was determined the causes of amendment of Article 33 of 1945 Constitution. As a sociological law study, historic empirical data in the form of primary and secondary data collected through literature and interviews, to be analyzed to find the legal meaning contained in the amendment....
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Market Opportunities for Use of Navigation Systems in Transport

Olga Valerievna Gosteva, Vladislav Viktorovich Kukartsev, Natalya Vladimirovna Fedorova, Konstantin Yurevich Lobkov, Yurij Vitalevich Danilchenko
The article discusses the effectiveness and different areas of using innovative navigation systems for transport, different markets and participation in international transport projects. The problems of ensuring information security in the operation of navigation systems in different markets and innovative...

Non-financial Reporting in the System of Increasing Corporate Transparency of Russian Business

Svetlana Grishkina, Vera Sidneva, Galina Dubinina
The article deals with the development of the institute of non-financial reporting. Non-financial reporting is designed to improve the transparency of Russian business, it contains information about economic, environmental and social aspects of a company performance. The need to assess sustainable development...
Proceedings Article

A Study of Cockpit HMI Simulation Design Based on the Concept of MVC Design Pattern

Zheng Liu, Fei Li, Hongtao Liu, Chunze Wu, Jingjin Zhang
A human-machine interaction (HMI) simulation design method for the aircraft flight deck has been introduced, including modular user interface design, logical dependency between display unit and control panel, and general aircraft model. Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern is a classic software...
Proceedings Article

Analysis and Design of Collision Avoidance Optimization Algorithm Based on CSMA/CA

Zhao Gao, Nan Zhang, Hongfeng Han
Carrier Sense Multiple Access is a media access control protocol with two contention types in wired network and wireless networks. This paper compares CSMA/CA and CSMA/CD competition modes, introduces and analyzes the existing collision avoidance algorithm, and designs a CSMA/CA collision detection avoidance...

The Influence of Teachers’ Role and Motivation on Basic Accounting Learning Outcomes at Vocational High Schools

Filma Alia Sari, Marwan Marwan, Sany Dwita
Learning outcomes is students’ academic achievement after the completion of learning process. A preliminary survey and prior research show that a large number of students failed to pass basic accounting subject because they do not achieve the minimum learning outcomes required by the schools. This research...

Inclusive Education in Russia: Legal Development Prospects

Baranov Victor, Petyukova Oksana, Prizhennikova Alena Prizhennikova, Vilskaya Natalia
In the article the questions of legal nature related to the organization of inclusive education for disabled persons and persons with disabilities on the basis of the implementation of the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities. The analysis of the changes to article 71 of the Federal...

Research on the Impact of Incentive Mechanism on Performance in SMEs of China

Feng Jun
The remarkable achievements have been achieved in China’s economic development. SMEs play an important role. SMEs provide more than 80% of the jobs in cities and towns, the healthy development of is a major strategic task of the relationship between people’s livelihood and the social stability. However,...