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188734 articles

Evaluating Variable Which is Influencing Online Repurchase Intention to Increase Fresh Vegetables/Fruits Consumption in Indonesia by Using Importance Performance Analysis

Amir Fikri, Megawati Simanjuntak
The main focus of this research is to examine the importance of online repurchase intention to increase fresh vegetables/fruits consumption based on competitiveness from behavioral aspects and the situation of e-retailer. Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) method is a convenient method to concurrently...
Proceedings Article

Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases in Women During the Premenopausal Period

L.M. Basieva, I.V. Kabulova, L.S. Popova, L.V. Tsallagova, L.V. Maisuradze, D.K. Alborov, Z.L. Dzagoeva, Ya.O. Gabueva
The work is based examination and treatment of 65 women of the premenopausal period. Assessment of daily blood pressure was carried out by the daily monitoring of blood pressure (DMBP); the state of central hemodynamics was studied by tetrapolar transthoracic rheography, the cerebral hemodynamics was...

The Analysis of the Influence of Credit Service Quality of Credit Customer Satisfaction and Its Impact on Loyalty

Case Study of Credit Customers at PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. Sentra in Bandung

Astrin Kusumawardani, Yoyo Sudaryo, M. Iqbal Alamsyah, Tjipto Sajekti
Banks are the heart and pulse of the trade and economic development of a country. Therefore, banks become one of the financial institutions that have an essential role in driving a country’s economy, including Indonesia. The management of government banks has not comprehensively improved the quality...

Characteristics of Riverbank Communities in Dealing With Floods

Eka Mutia, Ellida Novita Lydia, Firdasari
Floods are one of the natural disasters often experienced by people in Indonesia, especially those who live on the riverbank. The riverbank areas are identified as slum settlements that have irregular settlement patterns. People who live in flood-prone areas have a high level of danger and have different...
Proceedings Article

A Study of Prototyping in Information Retrieval Process Utilizing Context Requirements and Feature Sample Sizes

K N Sridevi, S Prakasha
Information retrieval can provide organizations with immediate value, Information retrieval has become a core of the current information managing systems, this has given profound importance on how we gather effective information in a huge pile of data. Information retrieval is a highly debated issue...

Argumentation Skills: An Analysis on EFL Students’ Essays Based on Toulmin’s Model of Argument

Jumariati, Emma Rosana Febriyanti, Muhammad Rizki
Writing argumentative essays is not only challenging because the writers must have adequate knowledge on the topic but also, they must provide strong arguments to convince the readers. This study analyzes the argumentation skills of advanced level students in writing the content of an argumentative essay....

Current Situation and Development of University Libraries’ Self-Built Resources in the Big Data Environment—A Case Study of Self-Built Database of Public University Libraries in Hubei Province

Zhengyu Sha
The self-built resources of university libraries are an important part of the digital resource system of libraries. It is a long-term and necessary work to study sustainable development. This work investigated the self-built resources of 36 public undergraduate colleges and universities in Hubei province...

Investigating Interpreters’ Professional Competence

Lei Dai
With the economic and hi-tech globalization as well as the increasingly frequent exchanges between countries, the demand for high-caliber interpreters is constantly growing. This paper thus expounds the professional competence an interpreter needs, including core competence and auxiliary competence....

Transmuted Lower Record Type Fréchet Distribution with Lifetime Regression Analysis Based on Type I-Censored Data

Caner Tanış, Buğra Saraçoğlu, Coşkun Kuş, Ahmet Pekgör, Kadir Karakaya
Pages: 86 - 96
This paper introduces a new lifetime distribution by mixing the first two lower record values and various distributional properties are examined. Statistical inference on distribution parameters are discussed with five estimators. A Monte Carlo simulation study is carried out to evaluate the risk behavior...
Proceedings Article

Design and Performance Analysis of a Latent Heat Storage for the Operation of a High-Temperature Methanol Fuel Cell

Lisa Deinert, Robert Daschner, Andreas Hornung
Due to ever stricter economical and legislative regulations, the efficiency of technical processes has to be constantly increased. Besides many other efficiency enhancing methods, the use of waste heat has a great potential to save energy. In particular, the use of waste heat at temperatures above 373...

Research on Ideological and Political Reform of Single Chip Microcomputer Course in Colleges and Universities

Yucun Wang, Hongxiang Yang
Curriculum ideology and politics is an educational mode that combines ideological education with classroom teaching. Single chip microcomputer principle course is an count for much course to those students of electronic information, electrical engineering, computer science and other science and engineering...

Improving Teaching Performance Through Collegial Supervision in Schools

Wariah, Udin S. Sa’ud
This research focuses on the implementation of collegial supervision of teachers and their impact on teaching performance. Specifically, this study is for: 1) knowing the description of the implementation of collegial supervision, 2) exploring a number of factors that support and inhibition in the collegial...

Education and Management of Researchers in the Disruptive Technology Industry

Weihang Liu, Jianwu Xue
This study aims to start with the connotative characteristics of disruptive technology and use the knowledge of pedagogy and psychology to analyze and solve the personal problems and obstacles of disruptive technology researchers. By using of literature review, timeline and relevant data to clarify the...

The Learning Continuum of Ecological Aspect Based on Complexity Level According to Elementary School Teacher’s Opinion

Hani’ Faridah, Bambang Subali
This research is a descriptive research using the survey method. This research aims to collect elementary school teacher’s opinion about the learning continuum of ecological aspects based on the level of complexity. The research data is conducted by means of a questionnaire. The research use the hypothetical...

The Discourse Communication Function of Urban Linguistic Landscape

Yumei Guo, Baoshan Zhao
Linguistic landscape is a linguistic symbol for disseminating information in public spaces and an important aspect of language services. This article mainly discusses the discourse communication characteristics and functions of the urban language landscape from the three dimensions of its practical value,...

Activities of Illegal Weapons Criminal Component of Hybrid Threats

Oleksandr Korystin, Nataliia Svyrydiuk
The paper focuses on the study of hybrid threats in the civil security sector in Ukraine. It is substantiated, based on the factor analysis, the hypothesis of existence of hybrid threats related to the spread of certain types of crime in Ukraine, in particular the activities of illegal armed groups....

The Importance of Playing Pattern for Early Childhood Mathematics Learning

Adelfa Yuriansa, Leli Kurniawati
This research is motivated by the inability of the child to recognize the pattern characterized by the inability of the child in estimating the next sequence. Early childhood learning must be done through play because children can learn to discover new things. Playing patterns are fun materials and inseparable...

The Profile of High School Students’ Reflective Judgment and Argumentation Skills in Biology

Puspa Nurmalasari, Nur Aeni Ariyanti
Critical thinking skills are one of the 21st-century skills and a basis to form a reflective judgment and argumentation on an issue. The aim of this study was to determine the profile of reflective judgment and argumentation skills of high school students in biology learning. The subjects of this study...

Discussion as a Means of Teaching a Foreign Language in High School

Tamara Babiyan, Irina Abakumova
The tendency to study a foreign language for oral communication has become acute, so students’ ability to speak correctly and fluently is the first consideration of English language teachers. They are in search of effective methods to develop students’ communicative competence. The purpose of the article...

Empirical Research on the Impact of Child Gender on Household Happiness

Niu Yuxin
The gender of children affects household happiness, labor supply of parents, economic expenditure and consumption capacity. Exploring the influence of children’s gender on family happiness can help us to understand the micro family decision-making mode and family consumption structure, which is of importantly...

Use of Autograph Learning Media to Improve Mathematic Communication Skills

Nuraini Sri Bina, Yulia Fitri, Siti Fatimah Sihotang, Risna Mira Bella Saragih
The use of learning media is one way to support the government in socializing the era of industrial technology 4.0. Learning media as a solution to students’ low mathematical communication skills. One of the learning media that is proven to be able to improve students’ mathematical communication skills...
Proceedings Article

Schoology and Slido: The Perfect Platform Combination for Distance Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Vania Zulfa, Prastiti Laras
The Covid-19 pandemic that occurred worldwide caused a social policy for all citizens to break this Covid-19 chain. However, this policy impacts all aspects of life, including the field of education in Indonesia. The government decided to move the learning process from face-to-face learning to online...
Proceedings Article

Factors Related to Work Stress in Elementary School Teachers in East Cengkareng Village During Work From Home

Devi Angeliana Kusumaningtiar, Dewi Anggraini
Work stress is a condition of the subjective understanding of the individual can be a form of interaction between the individual and the work environment that can threaten and put pressure on the psychological, physiological, and individual attitudes. Work stress can cause negative impact on health such...

Engaging Students With Experiential Website Design As Online Learning Media: Comparative Studies of Interactive Parallax Scrolling Technique on Commercial Website

Roy Anthonius Susanto
This research aims to formulate a user experience framework for the experimental of online education media. Encouraged by changes in the methods and learning behaviour of generations born in the early 1990’s or known as Y generation who deeply aware of heutagogy, an ideological form of education in which...

Legal Issues of Using Blockchain Technology in the Issue and Circulation of Criptocurrency

Maria Aleksandrovna Egorova, Olga Vladimirovna Kozhevina
The article discusses the legislative regulation of digital products based on distributed registry technology - the blockchain. In particular, much attention is paid to the legal regulation of the issue, storage, exchange, purchase and sale of cryptocurrency. The study is based on a modern scientific...

Analysis of Autonomic Needs for Autonomic Leadership of Schools with Religious Culture in the Implementation of School-Based Management in the Era of Disruption

Mustiningsih, Ali Imron, Juharyanto
This study aims to analyze the need for leadership autonomy for principals with religious culture in the implementation of school-based management in the era of disruption. A descriptive quantitative approach is used in research. This research was conducted using survey techniques. The sampling technique...

Rosenhain-Thomae formulae for higher genera hyperelliptic curves

Keno Eilers
Pages: 86 - 105
Rosenhain's famous formula expresses the periods of first kind integrals of genus two hyperelliptic curves in terms of θ-constants. In this paper we generalize the Rosenhain formula to higher genera hyperelliptic curves by means of the second Thomae formula for derivative non-singular θ-constants.

The Influence of Parents Support to Children on the Result of Student Competency Test Achievements

Aditya Ramadhan, Heni Handayani, Dian Rahdiani
Parents’ support in the era of advancement in science and technology is needed to prepare students with characters who have success in learning and have 21st-century competence. Parents’ support for their children can be supported when learning at home, or parents’ support for various activities and...

The Design of Samarinda Batik Motif Through Semiotics Approach and Cultural Study

Etwin Fibrianie Soeprapto, Dwi Cahyadi, Ditha Nizaora, Puji Astuti Amalia
Batik is an Indonesian cultural heritage that is already global and characterizes Indonesian society. In each batik motif has a meaning content. The meaning in a sign is also called semiotics. The plan to move the state capital of Indonesia to East Kalimantan has brought some changes, one of which is...

Research of the Starbucks’ Ritual Sense and Strategy of Sales

Bojing Mi, Tianshu Zhang, Jingwen Zhang, Hantao Du
Starbucks has been leading the coffee market. The main reason is that in addition to products, Starbucks marketing model is also an important factor. We will promote Starbucks’ brand awareness as a marketing strategy. This study uses a combination of first-hand and second-hand research methods. In the...

Bountychain: Toward Decentralizing a Bug Bounty Program with Blockchain and IPFS

Alex Hoffman, Phillipe Austria, Chol Hyun Park, Yoohwan Kim
Pages: 86 - 93
Bug Bounty Programs (BBPs) play an important role in providing and maintaining security in software applications. These programs allow testers to discover and resolve bugs before the general public is aware of them, preventing incidents of widespread abuse. However, they have shown problems such as organizations...

John Dewey’s Concept of Youth Education and Its Modernity

Ren Meihui
Dewey studies the philosophy of education from the perspective of human sociology. He thinks that the relationship between human and society is the adaptation of life, and youth education is the necessary means for subjective people to get to society. Value is the relationship between satisfaction and...
Proceedings Article

The Manglid (Manglietia glauca Bl) Growth Variations at Age of 42 Months in Candiroto Temanggung Central Java

Sugeng Pudjiono, Mudji Susanto, Mashudi, Dedi Setiadi, Maman Sulaeman, Ratna Adji Hartati, Taufik Rahmadi, Aris Wibowo
Manglid (Manglietia glauca Bl) is an indigenous tree species in the Indonesian forest whose existence began to be difficult to find. Wood is the part of the plant that can be used. The development of this plant which is the local genetic resources need to be done with the breeding program. In connection...

Product Development Framework for Ginger Tea

Nada Widyanto Rizki, Febriantina Dewi, Anita Primaswari Widhiani
One of the popular ginger-based products in Indonesia is ginger tea. It is believed that ginger can boost immune system. Targeted customers are adults under 50 years old, who will go back to work at the office for new normal era at this covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study was to develop ginger...
Proceedings Article

Pretreatment of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) Using Lipase and Xylanase to Improve Biogas Production

O M Shafwah, D Suhendar, S Hudiyono
The production process at biogas reactors from Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) often faces problems due to limited hydrolysis rates. This limitation occurs due to the formation of mud and lumps which reduce the effective volume of the biogas digester and reduce the potential for biogas produced. The sludge...

The Unique Aesthetic Research of Chinese National Music in Public Performance

Kaixi Yu, Limin Han, Zehua Liu, Chenhao Shao, Jing Wen
National music is an unusual symbolic language, which can always give people ample aesthetic feelings in the artistic expression of performances. Chinese folk music showcases China’s long-standing culture, unique artistic flavor and insights, and special traditional charm to people around the world....
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Self-Efficacy on Job Performance: Gen X and Gen Y Preferences in R/D Based University

Nataria Yulanie, Dodi Wirawan Irawanto
Today, there’s a new term for represent level of generation, it is called Generation X, Y, Z, and “baby boomer”, each of them had a difference in knowledge, experience, and of course the year of birth. This research aims to analyze Self-Efficacy differences within generation X and generation Y, while...

Maqashid Syariah and Profitability of Islamic Banks in Indonesia: Quadrant Analysis Measurement Approach

Setyo Tri Wahyudi, Kartika Sari, Rihana Sofie Nabella
Islamic banks are required to comply with sharia principles in conducting their business. One of the principles of sharia is maqashid sharia. Maqashid sharia carries social values such as the value of education, justice, and economic prosperity. Nowadays, apart from pursuing profit, Islamic banks should...

Strategic Management Accounting Practices in the Knowledge-Intensive Economy: Evaluating the Role of Intellectual Capital

Marjea Jannat Mohua, Wan Fadzillah Wan Yusoff
Globalization, economic volatility, and technical improvements lead to substantial changes in the business landscape due to the transition from the industrial to an information-based economy. Therefore, the study aims to investigate the association of how intellectual capital (IC) can be measured inside...

Christian Education and Healing Ministry for the Victims of Cyberbullying at School

Dyulius Thomas Bilo, Asmat Purba
Online education has brought about many positive interactions among teachers and students, yet one of its negative effects is the increasing rate of cyberbullying. Cyberbullying could occur anywhere and it could bring devastating effects to the victims. This article discusses the important purpose of...

Students’ Perception on the Utilization of for Self-Study Materials

Elly Rosalina Susanti, Nunung Suryati, Utari Praba Astuti
Learning and teaching process in online learning setting needs to be more flexible especially in connecting the students with the learning sources resources in order to keep up their independent and self-regulated learning. is a free online learning platform for teachers to create numerous...

Development and Implementation of Distance Education (PJJ) with Credit Earning System at The Universitas Andalas Agribusiness Study Program

Zednita Azriani, Rika Hariance, Rini Hakimi, Nuraini Budi Astuti
One of the Merdeka Learning programs at Merdeka Campus is the implementation of Credit Earning activities. The credit earning system can be applied with face-to-face learning and distance learning. The Agribusiness Study Program is conducting credit earning activities with Distance Learning with 4 private...

The Role of Independent Assurance Providers in Legitimizing Companies’ Environmental, Social and Governance Risks

Senny Harindahyani, Bambang Tjahjadi
This study aims to examine the impact of environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks in selecting independent auditors based on legitimacy theory. This study expects that companies with lower ESG risk levels will increase user trust by hiring reputable independent auditors to increase the reliability...

Beyond the Struggle of Indonesia for Achieving a Just Energy Transition Partnership: An Analysis from Adaptive Foreign Policy Theory

Hidayat Chusnul Chotimah
This paper examines the effort of Indonesia to achieve a just energy transition partnership (JETP) by adapting external and internal change. The JETP scheme is manufactured by industrialized countries in order to lessen reliance on fossil energy as a result of the ongoing global crisis and climate change...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Operational Anormality in 3 Phase Induction Motors Using the Fuzzy Method of PLTU Pelabuhan Ratu

Aryo De Wibowo Muhammad Sidik, Cahya Laxa Eka Putra, Apriditia Karisma, Ilyas Aminuddin
In the steam power generation industry, three- phase induction motors have an important role. Therefore, the reliability of this motorbike needs to be maintained and monitored properly. In determining abnormal operations in three-phase induction motors, fuzzy logic can be an accurate method. With the...

Empowering Writing Subject

Erizal Gani
This paper discusses the empowerment of learning to write. The topic was chosen because until now (and in the future), the writing skills of our students are still far from expectations. Students have very little publication of literary works or mass media writings because they find it difficult to produce...

Application of Brand Visual Design in E-Commerce

Rui Xiong
The research examined how visual design elements of e-commerce brand, while adhering to the standards of SCI. The study conducts a comprehensive review of the existing literature on brand image, visual design, color, logo design, and their influence on consumer purchasing behavior and user experience...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of a Health Gate Sterilizer Made from Herbal Disinfectants as a Tool to Prevent the Spread of the Covid-19 Virus

Sandey Tantra Paramitha, Komarudin Komarudin, Mustika Fitri, Muhammad Gilang Ramadhan, Hikmat Kodrat
As we know that the Covid-19 virus is a problem throughout the world, many innovations have been made to prevent Covid-19. One of them is the manufacture of health gate sterilizer booths made from herbal disinfectants which are designed to sterilize the body by using a filler formulation that is harmless...
Proceedings Article

Application of Leadership Style to Patient Safety Culture in Hospitals

Iswenti Novera, Aric Frendi Andriyan, Nicen Suherlin
Background The application of patient safety culture by nurses that reflects performance behavior that is influenced by leadership style, motivation, planning and implementation. Good leadership in an organization can direct members of the organization in achieving organizational goals, including in...