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188734 articles

Mapping and Distribution of Useful Plant Species in Bukit Kangin Forest, Pegringsingan Village, Karangasem, Bali

Nyoman Wijana, I Gusti Agung Nyoman Setiawan
The objectives of this research were to produce a distribution map and to know the distribution patterns of useful plant species in the original nature in Bali Aga Tenganan Pegringsingan village. This research belongs to explorative and descriptive research. The locations and population of this research...

What Happened on Instagram: Instagram Usage Activities and Body Image in Adolescent

Dewi Sri Mustikasari, Esti Widya Rahayu
Everyone has a diverse evaluation of body image. Positive body image makes adolescents have good self-confidence and appreciate their strengths. Adolescents use social media to form an ideal image of their bodies. Activities in using Instagram are used by adolescents to build their presentations. This...

The Analysis of Comparison of Bank Health Level Through Capital Approaches, Risk Profile, and Earnings in Conventional State-Owned Banks and National Private Banks Listed in IDX Period of 2012–2016

Iwan Firdaus, Sunia Hedy Qumaira
The purpose of this research was to analyze the comparison of the soundness level of state-owned public banking with private-owned banking in Indonesia during the period 2012–2016. This research was conducted using the Capital approach with CAR ratio, Risk Profile with NPL & LDR ratios, and Earnings...

Research on Chinese Medicine Teaching Material Based on Vocabulary Teaching

Wei Yang, Guangyan Chen
This paper compares the vocabulary, diction rate, ranked distribution, distribution of the parts of speech and co-selected words collected in three Chinese TCM textbooks. The Chinese TCM textbooks have problems such as unreasonable control of vocabulary and distribution of the parts of speech, serious...

The Research on Design and Application of Blended Learning Mode Based on Smart Vocational Education Cloud Platform

Xue-Feng Zhao, Dong-Tao Sun
Blending learning organically combines traditional teaching with online learning, which has the great significance to improve learners’ initiative and innovation in learning. There are, however, still some problems in the practical application of blending learning in colleges and universities in our...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Karate Sport Injury in IKIP PGRI Pontianak

Suriani Sari, James Tangkudung, Moch. Asmawi
Based on observations in karate sport, the researcher found various forms of injuries experienced by athletes in karate. The purpose of this study was to determine the types of injuries that occur in karate athletes. The research used a qualitative descriptive method. A survey, using questionnaires and...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Stone Mining on Community Health Around Mining in North Moramo District

Mohamad Guntur Nangi, Titi Saparina, Sari Arie Lestari, Juslan
Mining activities on a large scale without ignoring the environment and surrounding communities can result in a variety of negative impacts that are felt in the short and long term, including health problems. This study aims to analyze the impact of quarry stone mining on the health of communities around...

An Exploration Into Leadership Practice in Madrasah Aliyahs (Islamic-Based Senior High Schools) in Indonesia

Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, Ummi Kultsum, Ting Wang
This study investigates how principals exercise leadership to tackle the difficulties faced by Islamic Senior high schools or Madrasah Aliyahs of three areas in Indonesia: Western, Central and Eastern Indonesia. Employing qualitative methods, the researchers applied multiple case studies technique. The...

Zakat Calculation System Based on Desktop Application Using Waterfall Model in Serang District Baznas

Edy Rakhmat, Rizki Fatullah
This study aims to facilitate muzaki, the person who issues zakat to count the number of zakat issued by the Amil Zakat Agency, National University of Banten Jaya (BAZNAS) of Serang Regency, the implementation of the zakat calculation includes the calculation of zakat maal and...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Management Implementation of Management Centers and Training for North Sumatera Students in 2019

Netty Kartika Sari Berutu, Nurhayati Simatupang, Albadi Sinulingga
In this case the researcher’s rationale Knowing the stages of the process carried out by recruiting athletes at the training and training center (PPLP) of North Sumatra and planning programs at the training and training center in North Sumatra, facilities and infrastructure needed by athletes to help...

Public Service Accountability Based on Human Rights (Study at the Office of Pangkalan Jambu Subdistrict, Merangin District)

Herdison, Aldri Frinaldi
This research is motivated by several problems, namely not yet fulfilled human rights in providing services to the public provided by government officials, unclear service procedures, the existence of illegal fees, injustice in service delivery, poor service ethics. This study aims to analyze the accountability...

Contribution of Social Media in Increasing Marketing of Creative Economy Product

Jefry Romdonny, Soesanty Maulany
Entering the digital era, social media is the right tool for creative economy ventures and consumers to conduct business transactions without being limited to time and space. Therefore, the aim of this research is to find out how much the contribution of social media in increasing the marketing of creative...

Historical and Cultural Features of the Formation of Music Management in the Context of Spiritual Culture Functioning Russia: Genetic, Diachronic, and Synchronous Approaches

Larisa Sergeevna Zorilova, Daria Rodionova
This article discusses the features of the formation of music management in the process of historical development of the spiritual culture of Russia. Spiritual culture, which fills the entire life of a person, at all times reflected the features of worldview, life and manners, values, beliefs, attitudes,...

Meta-Analysis of a Blended Learning Approach: Implications for Student Critical Thinking

H.D Ayu, S Saputro, Sarwanto, S Mulyani
The purpose of this study is to determine the implications of the blended learning approach to students’ critical thinking. Aspects of critical thinking are analyzed from several aspects, namely the media used in the blended learning approach, instruments used to evaluate critical thinking and analysis...

Social Interaction on “Sleborz” Illustration in the Perspective of Sociological Study of Art

Nanang Ganda Prawira, Nala Nandana Undiana
Social interaction is a human need as a living creature that basically can only live if it is related to other creatures. Art is a product of human creation that is used as a form of cultural expression and social expression. The social interaction form of artwork can be seen from the illustration of...

Development of Jurisprudential Inquiry Model in Improving Student Critical Thinking of Fake News (Hoax)

Dadang Sundawa, Susan Fitriasari, Dwi Iman Muthaqin, Dede Iswandi
this article discusses about hoax in society as the social phenomenon and hoax as a violation of the law. This article is base on the previous research with title Implementation Learning Model Analysis Jurisprudential Inquiry As Effort Prevention News Hoax Among Students, the results of a prior study...

Using Rosetta Stone Media Through the Dynamic Immersion Method to Improve Vocabulary Mastery for Junior High School Students

Nursaima Harahap, Siti Meutia Sari, Yulia Rizki Ramadhani, Rizka Safriyani, Rosni Harahap
The purpose of this study is to find out the answers to research problems. For more specific the objectives of this study are 1) to increase the vocabulary of students’ English vocabulary using Rosetta Stone media and applying the Dynamic Immersion method at the seventh-grade students of SMP N 3 Padangsidimpuan.;...

The Fundamentals of Financial Forecasting Condition of Oil Production Enterprise

Ahmed Abedi, Leonid Zaionchik
The forecasting financial condition of the enterprise aims to assess financial prospects for the future period, based on the results obtained, plan future actions and recommendations for improving financial performance. As such, there are no separate approaches to forecasting exactly the financial condition...

Formation of Regional Personal Identity in Teen-Age in Conditions of Technological Progress and Digitalization Growth in Information-Oriented Society

L.A. Maksimova, R.A. Valiev, N.A. Kulikova
This article shows actual continuity of the issue, related to studying personality’s psychological connection with the settlement area, which, according to the author’s opinion, is to the fullest extent possible reflected in the definition “regional personal identity”. The purpose of the work is searching...

Striving Toward a Circular Economy: A Case Study of a Zero Single-Use Plastic Policy in Pearl of the Orient (Penang)

Corry Maciej Glanowski, Ramona Blanes, Cheng Ling Tan
This study aims to explore how the state of Penang could enhance a circular approach to single-use plastic by implementing a new federal policy (Malaysia’s Roadmap Towards Zero Single-Use Plastic 2018-2030). The study involves twelve semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders, including representatives...

Mathematical Translation of Verbal Representation to Symbol Representation: A Case Study in Prospective Teachers Having High Mathematical Ability

St Nizaruddin, Budi Waluyo, Rochmad, Isnarto
The purpose of this research is to describe the translational ability of verbal mathematical representation to symbols representation in prospective teachers who have high mathematical ability in solving mathematical problems. One student with high mathematical ability was chosen to be a research participant....

Media Exposure as Political Participation Predictor of Young Voters in Presidential Election 2019

Muhammad Wahyu Kuncoro, Koentjoro, Arie Sujito
Citizen’s participation in elections is very important in democratic country. In general, this study examines the role of political information exposure from media and political efficacy to political participation of young people in the Indonesian presidential election in 2019. The data were collected...

Understanding Grief and Symbolism in Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

Galih Bramantyo, Marti Fauziah Ariastuti
Grief is an intense feeling of loss. Studies on grief have often taken gender and psychological perspectives. This investigation adds to this extant body of literature, specifically scrutinizing the reactions of the characters in the movie Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017) [1] to grief....

Industrial Complex Transformation Trends in Digital Economy

A.G. Boev, Y.P. Anisimov, O.A. Kolodyazhnaya, V.A. Savvateev, M.A. Babakov, A.I. Safonova
The article considers the relevant trends and problems of the Russian manufacture transformation under the digital economic context. The feature of the digital economy is determined that is implied the wide use of information and communication technology (ICT) and digital transformation as enterprise...

Teaching EFL for Young Learners in Islamic Elementary Boarding School

Yoyok Agus Wahyudi, Suwarsih Madya
this research aims to describe how is teaching-English to young learners in the Islamic Elementary Boarding School in Yogyakarta. In this research, the writer uses descriptive qualitative research. The method used in this research is the descriptive method. The instruments used are an interview with...

Improving the Passing Skills Through the Phase of Play Filanesia Method and Playing Training Method for Students Under 17 Years

Agung Hilmi Wahdi, Arsil
The problem in this study was the low passing skills of Ataque U-17 students. The purpose of this study was to improve passing skills and find out which methods provide better improvement between the phase of play filanesia or playing training methods. Sampling in this study using a purposive sampling...

Existing Local Ecolinguistic Study for Exposure of Exotic Fish Type on Tourism Point in Bunaken Island the Province of North

Mirjam Tenda
Bunaken National Marine Park was designated as a National Park in 1991 by the Minister of for the purpose of preserving it toward the disastrous and irresponsible act of human being. Prior to this, a group of divers in 1975, had discovered this beautiful undersea garden and had started to invite guests...

The Symbolic Subject in the Optics of Symbolic State Power

Olga Malyukova, Oleg Rybakov
Political subjectivity today takes on a symbolic or digital form. The symbolic subject is gradually replacing the physical subject from the political sphere. The state power in its activity essentially relies on symbolic politics, an element of which it, being a type of political activity, is itself....

Convalescent Plasma Therapy in First Four Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients in Kerala, India

Nisar Karekadavath, Shinas Babu Pullichola, E. Muhammed Afsal, Anitha S.P. Prabhu, Mansoor C. Abdulla, Shahul H. Ebrahim
Pages: 87 - 91
We describe the first four coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases in Kerala—the Indian state that reported the first COVID-19 case on January 30, 2020—who developed acute respiratory distress syndrome despite lopinavir/ritonavir and methyl prednisolone treatment. All four patients received convalescent...

Sacral Topography of the Tver Kremlin in the Period of Appanage Principalities

Aleksey Salimov, Vasily Danilov, Elena Romanova
The following article shows the development of church building in the Tver Kremlin in the 13th – 15th centuries. The authors localize and describe all known wooden and stone temples using the written and archaeological sources of the period. The authors state that some decades after the establishment...

Modelling of Poverty Percentage Based on Mean Years of Schooling in Indonesia Using Local Linear Estimator

N Chamidah, M F F Mardianto, E E Limanta, D R Hastuti
The United Nation as an intergovernmental organization confirms a Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) otherwise known as the Global Goals. Out of the 17 goals, the Indonesian government is mainly focused on eradicating poverty and improving the quality of education. The opportunities for escaping poverty...

Application of Environment Based Learning for Geography Teaching at SMA Negeri 2 Tondano

Hermon Maurits Karwur, Xaverius E. Lobja, Kalvin Salindeho
Research problem the environment-based learning approach has not been applied in learning geography for students of SMA Negeri 2 Tondano Minahasa. The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of the application of environment-based learning in improving student learning outcomes at SMA...
Proceedings Article

Aging Effect Towards Crimp Pattern, Collagen Type I, and III Composition in Achilles Tendon Rupture

(Study on Spraque-Dawley Rats)

Muchamad Arif Al Ardha, Chung Bin Yang, Wei Jhe Lin
Achilles tendon rupture happens more frequently in the elderly. The aim of this study is to analyze the utilization of exercise rehabilitation program in the achilles tendon injury on the elderly. This is quasi-experimental study which were conducted by mix method approach. There were six Spraque-Dawley...
Proceedings Article

The Study of Relationship Between the Number of Protozoa and Inoculum pH on the in vitro Technique Incubating Treated Colleus amboinicus

Muhammad Afdal, Darlis, Adriani
This experiment aimed to reveal the relationship between the number of protozoa and the pH of inoculum in incubating different treated Colleus amboinicus in vitro technique. A sample of dry Colleus amboinicus was powdered and then treated with four treatments. There were four treatments including Colleus...

Research on Chinese Basic-level Crisis Management’s “Difficulties” and Countermeasures

Junfeng Xu, Bingyu Li
Public crisis is inevitable in human social development’s process which cannot leave government’s basic support. The township government is the lowest level in Chinese administrative organ having the management characteristics with policy guidance and the flexibility in operation, macro regulation function...

A Single Factor Strategy Based on the Announcements of Shareholders Increasing Stakes in Chinese Financial Market

Jiayi Wang, Yibing Chen
In this study, we use the public announcements of shareholders increasing stakes to examine the impact of the events to stock prices. We prove that shareholders increasing stakes have a positive impact on stock prices as the number of stocks with a higher daily return after the release of the announcements...

Hypergeometric Solutions to an Ultradiscrete Painlevé Equation

Christopher M. Ormerod
Pages: 87 - 102
We show that an ultradiscrete analogue of the third Painlevé equation admits discrete Riccati type solutions. We derive these solutions by considering a framework in which the ultradiscretization process arises as a restriction of a non-archimedean valuation over a field. Using this framework we may...
Research Article

Central Blood Pressure in Young Kendo Athletes: Implications of Combined Anaerobic and Strength Training

Masaki Yoshioka, Kaname Tagawa, Yuriko Tochigi, Tomohito Sato, Jiyeon Park, Reiko Momma, Youngju Choi, Jun Sugawara, Seiji Maeda
Pages: 87 - 92
Background: Exercise training-induced adaptation of central Blood Pressure (BP) depends on exercise mode. Kendo, a traditional Japanese martial art, is a unique exercise mode because its training encompasses anaerobic and resistance training components. However, the effects of habitual kendo training...

Management Infrastructure Facilities of Production Units “Musaba Authorized” in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul

Hilda Sabrina Nirwanti, Zainal Arifin
Vocational High School is one part of the national education system that prepares workers with special skills needed by the business world. The Production Unit is one of the learning media in vocational high schools which functions as a place of production. This research was conducted with the aim of...

Linking Organizational Justice to Turnover Intention: Organization-Employee Relationship Quality Mediator

Sarfilianty Anggiani, Tri Wiyana
It is evident from the past research that employees who perceive the organizational justice and organizational-employee relationship quality are negatively associated with turnover intention, the employees tend to leave the organizations and start their professional career in other organizations where...

Analysis on the Current Status and Existing Problems of Overseas Engineering Insurance

Yi Liang, Hanping Zhao
The “Belt and Road” initiative takes policy communication, facility connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration, and people-to-people bonds as its core, to create a community of interests, a community of destiny, and a community of mutual benefit and responsibility for mutual political trust,...

Questions and Reflections: Thoughts on the Method of Class Analysis in Law

Jianming Du
As a basic research method of Marxist jurisprudence, the explanatory power of class analysis in the field of jurisprudence has long been questioned. By reviewing and reflecting on the application of class analysis in law, this paper focuses on the problems of dogmatism, labeling and ideologicalization...

Discussion on the Theoretical and Practical Studies of Campus Culture

Junwei Xie
Campus culture is the internal support and driving force for the survival and development of the school. Aiming at re-recognizing and re-exploring the campus culture theory and practice, this paper differentiates and analyses campus cultural management, campus cultural construction and school cultural...

The Influence of Teacher Performance and School Culture on School Quality

Mohammad S. Haq, Bayuk N. A’yun
This research aims to examine the influence of teacher’s performance and school culture on the school quality. This research used a quantitative approach with ex post facto design. The population in this research is educators (teachers) as many as 66 people. Sampling techniques in this research use saturated...

Character Development in Generation Alpha Through Social-Emotional Learning With Parent Involvement

Yenina Akmal, Sri Koeswantono, Sofia Hartati, Hikmah
Children born in 2010 until now are called Generation Alpha. Generation Alpha is amidst advanced information technology at its golden age. They are familiar with the technology and internet world from an early age and also known as the digital native. Children, who are studying in playgroups, kindergartens,...

WEB-Based e-Personal Counseling (e-PC) Model to Reduce Anxiety Dealing Wth National Examination

Khairul Amri, Mudjiran, Yeni Karneli
Due to rapid development of information and technology in this industrial era, relationship between counselors and clients do not occur only through face-to-face interaction but also through virtual medium like e-Personal Counseling (e-PC). The e-PC can facilitate counselors and their clients to discuss...

Analysis on the Conditions of Online Teaching Methods

Tianchu Han
In 2020, the eruption of the COVID-19 pandemic has caused billions of students out of school. Thus, online education became imperative and how to insure its quality came into spotlight. In this paper, attentions are focused on various aspects, such as targets, models and the efficiency of online teaching...

Environmental Policy and Directions of Development of “Green Economy” in Ecuador

Gonzalez Rair Alejandro Alulima, Azima Primova, Yulia Rastopchina, Evgenii Schastlivenko
The article considers the essence of “green economy” and its role in improving people’s welfare in the framework of the concept of sustainable development. The current model of development of the world economy as a whole and its individual countries is aimed at implementing the “green economy” model...
Proceedings Article

Prevalence and Intensity of Trematode Flukes in Different Hair Color of Aceh Cattle

Lian Varis Riandi, Ryan Ferdian, Muhammad Hambal, Muttaqien Bakrie
This study aims to determine the prevalence and number of trematode eggs (Fasciola gigantica and Paramphistomum spp) in different hair colorof Aceh cattle. This research used feces collected from 105 cattle in Mesjid Raya Sub-district, Aceh Besar. The feces samples were divided into 3 groups based on...

Social Level Parameters of Banjar Society in the Tradition of Jujuran Islamic Law Perspective

Muthoifin, Pristila Putri
This study aims to analyze the foundation used by the people of Tanah Bumbu Regency in determining jujuran, to understand the perspective of the Banjar people in Tanah Bumbu Regency about the philosophical values contained in jujuran customs, and to explain the correlation of Islamic views on dowry and...