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189597 articles

Analysis of the Formation of Gairaigo in Japanese Commercial Advertisements for the 2016 - 2020 Advertising Period (Reviewed from Morphological Studies)

Eztha Syafira Yaniar, Yuni Masrokhah
Foreign words or in Japanese called Gairaigo (外来語) is words that taken from foreign languages, and adapted to Japanese word formation. The purpose of this research is to get to know about the formation of Gairaigo in Japanese commercial advertisements that appeared in the period 2016 to 2020, the types...

Determination of Business Strategy with the SWOT Method on Snail Chips Product at PT. X Kediri

Lolyka Dewi Indrasari, Silvi Rushanti Widodo
This study aims to determine the business strategy used in increasing sales of snail chips at PT.X based on quadrants. The research method used was observation and interviews to get information about the company’s Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat to the workforce at PT. X. From each item,...

Guided Inquiry Based Biological Teaching Materials to Improve Science Process Skills of Junior High School Students

I Putu Artayasa, M Muhlis, Gito Hadiprayitno, I Wayan Merta
Science process skills are an indispensable ability in studying science because they are positively correlated with student science learning outcomes. The development of science process skills in junior high school students can be facilitated through the application of teaching materials based on guided...

A Comparative Study on Policies and Regulations of Private Higher Education in China and Thailand

Jun Wu
This study, from the perspective of policy, adopted qualitative analysis and comparative study methods to compare the time when the private higher education policies of China and Thailand were promulgated and the four core elements of “school-running orientation”, “school-running autonomy”, “school-running...

A Study on the Planning and Design for the Image of Jimei School Village Entrance

Qiduan Chen, Jielin Wang
This paper aims to explore the correlation between the planning and design of entrance image of Jimei School Village (Ji Mei Xue Cun) and landscape planning for urban development. Access to the concept of sustainable development, Jimei School Village sites new challenges: the spatial order has long been...

Junior High School Rescue Robot Challenge using Shock Sensitive Tiny Dummy Robot

Kazuo Kawada, Keisuke Iuchi, Keita Murai, Hiroyuki Y. Suzuki
Pages: 90 - 93
The Junior High School Rescue Robot Challenge is an annual activity held by Hiroshima University with the sponsorship of a construction machinery company. Its 2020 theme was to convey injured people “tenderly” from the top of a half-demolished building to ground. We developed shock sensitive tiny dummy...

Analysis on Female Images in “Water Margin”

Junyan Zhou
“Water Margin” is the essence of wisdom in Chinese history. With 108 heroes in Liangshan as the main line, this book describes the social outlook and human sentiments of the Northern Song Dynasty, and portrays the loyalty and cunning among people. This book is mainly on the stories among men. At the...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of UV Radiation and Fruit Feedings (Banana and Guava) on the Survival Rate and Morphological Changes of Reproductive Organ of Fruit Fly (Drosophila melanogaster Meigen, 1830)

Hipny Alwandri, Nafisa Kusumawati, Ignatius Sudaryadi
The increasing ozone concentration in the upper stratosphere was not significant enough to be able to protect from the detrimental effect that ultraviolet (UV) light radiates. One solution to counter this problem is by using antioxidants as protectants, such as those contained in fruits. In order to...

Local Economic Development Strategies to Accelerate Sustainable Economic Growth

Luluk Cahyo Wiyono, Retno Sari Mahanani, Bagus Putu Yudhia Kurniawan
Economic development efforts, especially in the region, aim to increase regional communities’ number and type of employment opportunities. Both of which are not passive and merely support the overall economic development process even must be placed in the actual position as a critical, dynamic, and decisive...

Prospective Mathematics Teachers’ Critical Thinking Processes in Dealing Truth-Seeking Problem with Contradictory Information

Eka Resti Wulan, Nur Fadilatul Ilmiyah
This study aims to describe the critical thinking process of prospective mathematics teacher students in solving problems with contradictory information. This study is qualitative descriptive research. The subjects consisted of 52 sixth-semester students of Tadris Matematika Programme IAIN Kediri. Collected...
Proceedings Article

The Level of Utilization of Papaya Leaf Flour (Carica papaya L) in Feed on the Performance of Internal Organ Weight and Abdominal Fat of KUB Chickens

Tertia Delia Nova, Sabrina Sabrina, Maimonalisa Maimonalisa
This study aims to determine the utilization of papaya leaf flour (Carica papaya L) on performance, live weight, internal organs (liver and kidney) and abdominal fat in KUB chickens. This study used 100 chickens and this research method used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and...

The Utilization of the Dorobata Terrace, Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara

I Nyoman Rema, Satrio Satrio, Nyoman Arisanti
Dorabata is a terrace-shaped site that has an important role in the history of the Dompu civilization. This study aims to analyze the utilization period of the Dorobata terraced terrace. Data were collected through excavations, interviews and literature studies, then analyzed by laboratory analysis and...

Overview of College Adjustment on Migrant Students

Nirwana Permatasari, Tenriwali Rida Rahmah, Suryadi Tandiayuk
As their age development demands, immigrant students already have the resources, namely adequate cognitive abilities. This refers to the ability to have a mature mindset and adequate ability to explore the environment so that it is expected to be able to adapt to academic challenges during the lecture...
Proceedings Article

Proximate Analysis of Noodles with Substitution of Jackfruit Seed Flour and Branch Flour as Alternative Food for Diabetes Patients

Kenyo Alfiani Hestiningtyas, Hartati Eko Wardani, Agung Kurniawan
Lifestyle is the riskiest cause for diabetes patients. One of easy processed food that are popular with the community is noodles. Jackfruit seed flour can be an alternative as a food product with high fibre content, and rice bran is a high-fibre and high-antioxidant food to ward off degenerative diseases...
Proceedings Article

Preliminary Modelling of a CubeSat Attitude Control System Using a Reaction Wheel

Linda Nur Afifa, Tri Kuntoro Priyambodo, Andi Dharmawan
Stabilization of satellite attitude is the most important thing that should always be maintained during orbit. A model of satellite stillness controllers fairly stable against interference and simple has been developed. This is evidenced by testing models to control motion on the Z-axis. A Proportional...

The Role of Motivation to Mediate the Effect of Work from Home on Audit Quality at Public Accountant Firm in Bali Province

Ida Bagus Anom Yasa, I Ketut Sukayasa, I Ketut Parnata
The quality of the audit is a basic construction of the audit to be performed by the auditor during the conduct of the engagement. During the COVID-19 pandemic, auditing tasks become more risky, due to restrictions on the scope of the audit, as a result of the implementation of social distancing, so...
Proceedings Article

Design and Strength Analysis of Bean Washing Machine Frames Using the Fea Method

Dede Kurtubi, Dani Mardiyana
Washing nuts is a crucial aspect in processing nuts to achieve the desired quality and cleanliness standards. Focusing on the nut washing machine as a key element is essential to achieve optimal production results. In developing this machine, the frame design is a key element, which must be able to withstand...

Implementation of Quiz-Gameshow in Arabic Language Learning With Wordwall Application-Based Media Escaping the Arabic Learning Routines: A Study on the Use of Wordwall Application-Based Media for Learning

Zeiburhanus Saleh, Dwi Khoirotun Nisa, Alifya Salsabilla, Muhammad Ardy Zaini
Nowadays, the use of media in Arabic learning plays a significant role. The digital age 5.0 offers various applications that can facilitate students and increase their enthusiasm for understanding Arabic. One of the interesting applications that provide various conveniences is “word wall”. This study...
Proceedings Article

Compact Reduced Mutual Coupling Of Meander Antenna Array For MIMO Application

Preetha Kumaresan, Venkatesh Gajendran, Kathirvel Arumugasamy, Bhuvaneswari Balasubramanian, Prrasanna Kumar Rajasekaran
The meandered antenna operates at 2.4GHz, and in order to avoid mutual coupling, we must isolate the antennas by increasing their distance from one another. By comparing its operating frequency, the meander line antenna’s length can be calculated to be λ/2. Because of its compactness, it was chosen....

Research on Shandong Foreign Direct under the “the belt and road” Initiative Investment Location Choice and Countermeasures

Jin Qian
Promoting the Belt and Road Initiative and improving the distribution of investment in countries along the belt and Road are the practical needs of Shandong to build a new platform for opening-up and a new development pattern, and provide dynamic support for the transformation of old drivers of growth...

Development of The Entrepreneurship Mentoring Model with The Great Technopreneur Principles for UMKM Affected by Covid-19 in Gunungkidul Regency

Catarina Wahyu Dyah Purbaningrum, Afriyanti, Hadi Cahyono
The purpose of this research is to: (1) develop the entrepreneurship mentoring model based on The Great Technopreneur (TGT) that is feasible to apply to UMKM affected by Covid-19; and (2) produce TGT-based entrepreneurship mentoring materials for UMKM. This research is research and development (R&D)...
Proceedings Article

Global Economic Policy Uncertainty and Ethereum Price—A Time-Series Analysis from 2015 to 2022

Mei Li
This research paper explores the relationship between the global economic policy uncertainty index (GEPU) and Ethereum price. By employing the Hodrick-Prescott Filter Decomposition, the price of Ethereum is decomposed into a trend component, which reflects the increasingly wide usage, and the cyclical...
Proceedings Article

Application for Breast Cancer Detection Based on Convolutional Neural Network

Tianye Fan
Breast cancer starts in breast cells when they grow out of control. It is life-threatening and is common among women. Diagnosis of breast cancer is a challenging task as well as time consuming. In this paper, a new idea for breast cancer diagnosis is discussed. Namely, a convolutional neural network...

The Role of Subak and Competence of Farmers in Maintaining the Welfare of Garlic Farmers

Krisna Heryanda, Ni Made Dwi Ariani Mayasari, Wayan Bagia, Gede Putu Agus Jana Susila
The contribution of the agricultural sector is highest compared to other sectors in Buleleng district, but the level of welfare of garlic farmers is still low. There are still many farmers who work off-farm to support their families. This study examined the role of subak as a traditional institution...

A Review of the Impact of Third-party Payment on Chinese Residents’ Consumption

Xinrui Liang
The progressive emergence of different third-party payment systems in the recent past has increased transaction convenience, reduced costs, lowered financial restraints, and simplified access to one’s money. The research on third-party payment and consumer behaviour has attracted more and more attention....

Students’ Perceptions of Online Physical Education in Indonesian Elementary School

Gusti Ngurah Arya Yudaparmita, I. Nyoman Kanca, Made Agus Dharmadi, I. Ketut Sudiana
The COVID-19 pandemic makes online learning a must. Similarly, learning Physical Education in elementary school. This study aims to determine the perception of elementary school students towards online Physical Education learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research is a Collective-Case Study...
Proceedings Article

Chlorpromazine-Induced Anemia in Schizophrenia Patient: A Case-Report

Bangunawati Rahajeng, Astrit Ikafitriani, Nurul Maziyyah
Introduction: Chlorpromazine is a typical class of antipsychotics used in Indonesia for psychotic diseases. At the Ghrasia mental hospital in Yogyakarta, chlorpromazine is given to patients with manic-type schizophrenia. The side effects of chlorpromazine include extrapyramidal, agranulocytosis, leukocytosis,...

Analysis of Student Responses to the Application of the Project Based Learning (PJBL) Model in the Introduction to Solid State Physics Course

Febri Berthalita Pujaningsih, Darmaji, Tri Haryanto Wibowo, Syarif Mahmud Jailani, Lisa Anggraini
This research aims to elucidate student responses to the application of the Project Based Learning (PjBL) learning model in the introduction to solid State physics course. Physics education study program students are the population of this study, FKIP Jambi University who took the introduction to solid...
Proceedings Article

Morphometric of Etawa Crossbred Goat in Breeding Stock Development Area in Banjarnegara District

Bess Tiesnamurti, Tatan Kostaman, Anneke Anggraeni, Angga Ardhati Rani Hapsari
Morphometri studies of a livestock breed are generally required to provide an overview of their characteristics, and be useful to recognise their phenotype. Etawa crossbred (PE) goats have been registered as a local breed and the Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health assign several location...

The Theme of ‘Waste Land’ and Modernity in Mu Dan’s Poetry: Compare to T.S Eliot’s

Xuying Sheng
In this article, from the perspective of comparative vision, T S. Eliot’s ‘The Waste Land’ and Mu Dan’s poetry with the theme of the ‘waste land’ are intended to be the primary research objects. Based on the homology in the influence of the two schools and the multiple similarities in poetic images,...

On the transformation of digital government governance

Haotian Yang
The construction of digital government is an inevitable requirement to promote the modernization of national governance system and governance capacity, but also a practical need to give full play to the potential of digital development and solve the new problems caused by the development of digital economy;...

Levers of Control Management Control System and the Company Competitiveness

William Kurniawan, Fidelis Arastyo Andono
A management control system (MCS) is one crucial element that supports a company in undertaking its formulated strategy. This research aims to investigate the role of MCS in maintaining or improving the company’s competitiveness through its strategy. This research design is a qualitative case study of...

A Review of Industrial Collaboration Research

Wei Xiong, Jiaying Chen
Based on CNKI and WOS source documents, this paper uses scientific metrological methods to conduct a visual analysis of domestic and foreign industrial collaboration research from 2014 to 2023. It also uses the keyword co-occurrence in Citespace visualization software to explore the hot changes and development...

The Development of Mathematical Problems in the Form of Animated Stories to Measure Students’ Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

Dinar Aven Niaputri, Budiyono, Diari Indriati
The intelligence needed by students in solving mathematical problems is logical-mathematical intelligence. Logical-mathematical intelligence has six characteristics: classification, comparing, mathematical arithmetic operations, inductive reasoning, making hypotheses, and re-checking the hypotheses that...
Proceedings Article

Characterization of Two New Varieties of Curly Chili (Capsicum annuum L.) for Quality Standard

Qanytah Qanytah, Dondy S. Anggono, Wisnu Broto
Two commercial curly red chili varieties cv. Amro-99 and cv. Kencana was identified and analyzed. The purpose of this research is to recognize and describe the physical and chemical contents of the two potential chilies for sorting, welding, and packaging technology to meet consumer needs and export...

Cartel Enforcement as a Form of Unfair Competition in Indonesia, the United States, and Japan: A Comparative Analysis

Pri Pambudi Teguh, Ismail Rumadan
Using normative juridical approaches to study legal norms and principles, this paper explores the type of regulation and procedure of law enforcement against business players who practice cartel under competition law in Indonesia, the United States, and Japan. Statutory approach, comparative law approach,...

Project Based Learning Design “Gadget Play Duration Survey” for Junior High School Students

Selly Dian Utami Sitio, Ratu Ilma Indra Putri, Nyimas Aisyah
This study aims to produce a learning trajectory in project-based statistical learning using blended learning that helps students in the learning process during the pandemic. The research method used is design research, which is a research method that aims to develop local instruction theory through...

Design and Innovation of Traditional Dragon Pattern

Xiang Wang, Siyu Kang
As an ethereal form, the dragon has lasted for more than 10000 years in Chinese civilization. Although no one has seen it, it objectively exists in Chinese history and people’s ideas. He also played a mysterious, dignified and noble role. Dragon is a symbol of Chinese national culture and a traditional...
Proceedings Article

Industry correlation chart model for industry chain feature mining and industry screening for demand side response

Yangyun Guo, Shuyu Xiao, Min Luo, Shangli Zhou, Yuchen Lai
To broaden the exploration of the latent value of industry electricity data and offer a novel perspective for socio-economic development and demand side management, this study proposes an innovative model for industry chain characteristic analysis. Initially, an industry electric energy correlation model...

The Effect of Quantum Learning Model Assisted by Animation Media on PPKn Learning Outcomes of Class V

Neng Juwita Albela, Sabrina Sabrina, Ulfi Lutfiah Sari, Utomo Utomo
This research is a literature research that aims to investigate the extent of the impact of adopting the Quantum Learning model with the help of animation media as one way to enhance grade V students’ learning results in PPKn topics. Learning outcomes are benchmarks that determine the level of success...

Improving Students’ Speaking Ability by Using Role Play at Grade V of SDIT Nurul Ilmi Padang Sidimpuan

Ali Makmur, Edi Trisno
Speaking is a part of communication that need to be mastered by all of people, from the young till the adult one. The communication will run well, if the speaker and the listener can understand each other. This study aimed to examine improving students’ speaking ability by using role play at grade V...
Proceedings Article

Methylation Specific PCR (MSP): Nested PCR vs Unnested PCR

Farizky Martriano Humardani, Lisa Thalia Mulyanata, Lady Theresa Adeodata Tanaya, Risma Ikawaty, Heru Wijono, Hikmawan Wahyu Sulistomo, Dini Kesuma, Sulistyo Emantoko Dwi Putra
Methylation-specific PCR (MSP) is a valuable technique for studying DNA methylation patterns due to its straightforward design and implementation, high sensitivity in detecting methylated DNA, and ability to analyze large sample sizes cost-effectively rapidly. However, researchers need to be cautious...

The impact of Perceived overqualification on Silver entrepreneurship: Based on three-dimensional capital perspective

Xiaochun Wu, Caihong Yao
In recent years, there have been studies on entrepreneurship around the elderly. Based on self-regulation theory and self-efficacy theory, this paper discusses the influence of perceived overqualification, role breadth self-efficacy, and entrepreneurial network on silver entrepreneurship from the perspective...
Proceedings Article

Research on Warehouse Scale and Information Construction in Logistics Parks

Wei Wang, Jing An, Meng Zheng, Fangshu Qiao
The reasonable determination of warehouse size in logistics park is crucial for improving logistics efficiency and reduce logistics cost and investment cost. This paper proposes the construction requirements and construction scale measurement methods of storage and distribution warehouse, futures warehouse,...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of Sports News in the Era of Big Data - Visual Data News with NBA Coverage as an Example

Kai Gao, Li Tang, Jialin Lu
With the rapid development of information and communication technology, the sports industry's use of big data is not only manifested on the field of play, but also closely integrated with big data. The ever-expanding data information has made the process of data screening to data utilization more...

Pluralism in the Context of Legal Doctrine

Qosim Khoiri Anwar
Pluralism should be a common ground between communities and religious adherents to dialogue, to talk to each other, and to listen to each other. The dialogue that is developed is not only a theological dialogue, but also a dialogue of life and dialogue of social activities. The ability to understand...

Ethical Review of Teacher-Student Interaction in the Perspective of Smart Education and Exploration of Pathways

Xiu Wen
Humanity is moving from the information age to the data age, and the integration of modern information technology and education, such as 5G, big data and artificial intelligence, has given rise to a more profound core of smart education in addition to the knowledge-driven form of education - that is,...

Alkaline Earth Extraction by Derivatives of 15-Crown-5: A Theoretical Study

Maria Aloysia Cyntia Medho, Rahmawati, Saprizal Hadisaputra
A theoretical study of alkaline earth extraction using a 15-crown-5 derivative has been carried out. The selectivity of the crown ether derivatives to extract alkaline earth metal cations (Be2+, Mg2+, Ca2+) is studied by Density Functional Theory (DFT). The DFT calculations use 6-31G(d) and LANL2DZ basis...
Proceedings Article

Development of Basic Swimming Skills Assessment Instruments for PJKR FIKK UNY Students

Sridadi Sridadi, Hedi Ardiyanto Hermawan, dan A. M. Bandi Utama
Basic swimming skills are a compulsory subject for all FIKK students. In providing a final assessment, currently there is no reference that can be used as a basis for assessing, so it is necessary to develop an assessment instrument. This study aims to test the content validity of the basic swimming...

Ecological Intelligence: Analysis of Elementary School Teacher Education Students’ Understanding of the Concept of Ecoliteracy in Social Studies Learning

Faridillah Fahmi Nurfurqon, Muhamad Ghiyats Ristiana, Rayan Vigiana, Feby Fajar Nugraha
The background to this research is the low level of understanding of the concept of Ecoliteracy among Elementary School Teacher Education students in understanding the environment as a learning material for elementary school social studies. The aim of this research is to analyze the understanding of...