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189597 articles

Ideological and Political Teaching Reform of Organic Agriculture Course

Yujing Hu, Yuncong Yao, Jie Zhang
Organic agriculture is an optional course for plant production majors. This article is intended for the “organic agriculture course”, fully exploiting the ideological and political elements in the knowledge points of this course, and in combination of the specific cases and implementation plans of the...
Proceedings Article

Utilization of Industrial Waste as Soil Stabilizer to Enhance Direct Shear Strength

Anita Setyowati Srie Gunarti, Irwan Raharja
A problem that often occurs in industrial areas is roads damage that are caused by the low carrying capacity of their subgrade as well as by over capacity of heavy vehicles passing through those roads. A lot of waste that is produced in industrial areas, which also another problem, can be used as soil...
Proceedings Article

Management of Stage IVA Sinonasal Carcinoma Infiltrating Skin of Cheek: A Case Report

Luchia Elfira, Fadhlia Fadhlia, Benny Kurnia, Darmayanti Darmayanti
Advanced stage of sinonasal carcinoma that infiltrating skin of cheek is rarely found, surgery is still the main modality since the cancer has not penetrated the intracranial. Based on the distribution, Ohngren is divided into: suprastructure and infrastructure. To report the diagnosis and management...
Proceedings Article

Development of Water Tap Control Systems and PDAM Cost Monitoring Based on IoT

Irma Saraswati, F Erwiza, AS Pramudyo, Suhendar, Yusraini Muharni
Management of the amount of water in daily life is very necessary in human life. As the amount water used is increased will impact the bill of payment. This research focus on how to manage the water flow by a series of instalation relate to Internet of thing (IoT). The objective is to control the valve...

The Response Characteristics of Xilingol Grassland to Uneven Distribution of Precipitation at Temporal and Spatial Scale

Qiaofeng Zhang, Hongbo Yu, Guixiang Liu, Yuhai Bao
Pages: 206 - 212
Precipitation is the most important source of water supply, which has important significance on the vegetation growth, also is an important factor affecting the drought severity in Xilingol grassland. Based on the precipitation of 15 weather stations and MODIS MOD13A3 NDVI data, Pearson correlation analysis...

Record Ranges for Samples From Asymmetrical Laplace Distributions

Pages: 206 - 212
The representations of record ranges via sums of independent identically distributed exponential random variables are obtained for asymmetrical Laplace distributions. This result generalizes the corresponding relations for record values in the cases of exponential and negative exponential distributions

A factorization for Z × Z-matrices yielding solutions of Toda-type hierarchies

Gerardus Franciscus Helminck
Pages: 206 - 222
In this paper one considers the problem of finding solutions to a number of Todtype hierarchies. All of them are associated with a commutative subalgebra of the k×k-matrices. The first one is formulated in terms of upper triangular Z×Z-matrices, the second one in terms of lower triangular ones and the...
Short Communication

On Quantum Systems of Particles with Singular Magnetic Interaction

W.I. Skrypnik
Pages: 206 - 208
For systems of particles with singular magnetic interation for special choice of a selfadjoint extension of the Hamiltoniam equilibrium reduced density matrices are calculated in the thermodynamic limit for simplest pair magnetic potentials.
Short Communication

On Remarkable Reductions of the Nonlinear Dirac Equation

Renat Zhdanov, Andrij Andreitsev
Pages: 206 - 209
The three ansatzes are constructed for the nonlinear Dirac equation.

The Tragedy of Conflict Irresolution: Peace Dialogue in Southernmost Thailand

Afnan Due-Reh, Arie Kusuma Paksi
This thesis explores the factors which make peace negotiation process between the Thai government and Southern Thailand (from 2004 to 2019) failures to reach its targets. According to analysis there are three factors that cause the failure of negotiation between both actors namely lack of mutual trust,...

Character Etiquette for Surfing in Cyberspace

Endrise Septina Rawanoko, Kokom Komalasari, Suwarma Al Muchtar, Prayoga Bestari
This article tries to find a formula for building a civilization with the character through education. The method used is literature study as part of a quantitative approach to research. As a result, three things need to be further developed in the world of character education for surfing in cyberspace,...

Social Media and Its Impact on Chinese’s Women Body Image: The Effects of Body Comparison and Motivation for Social Media use

Jingyi Liu
Social media ingrains the lives of countless individuals in the world. With adolescents, particularly young women being the primary users of social media platforms, the question of whether social media use has an impact on their self-esteem, body dissatisfaction, body image, and self-concept. In social...

Fulfillment of the Right to Health Services During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

Cholidah, Kahfi Pratama Zali
Barriers to health care due to the Covid-19 pandemic are not limited to Indonesia. Data from 40 studies in 17 countries found that region, disruption to healthcare services, and fear of attending health facilities all add to risk, which does not generally lead to poor outcomes. Girls and babies. The...

Development of Mobile Learning Media Based on Articulate Storyline 3 to Support Independence Learning of Vocational High School Students in the New Normal Era

Wening Patmi Rahayu, Ainun Ulumiyah
This research and development aim to develop mobile learning media by using a software called Articulate Storyline 3 which is innovative, effective and attractive, so it is suitable for use. This research and development (R&D) use research steps by Borg & Gall which are combined into nine research...

Four Functions of Ujung Berung Square Based on Visitor Activity, Duration, and Motivation

Amanda Rahmalia Syafitri, Yemima Sahmura Vividia, Hanson E Kusuma
Town squares or alun-alun, as an open space of a city in Indonesia, accommodates a recreational area for residents. Simultaneously, many town squares are developed and managed to meet the needs of a rapidly growing urban population. Ujung Berung square, which was revitalized in 2014, is interesting because...
Proceedings Article

Stock Prices in Industrialized and Emerging Countries during Covid-19 Pandemic

Zaky Machmuddah, Hayu Wikan Kinasih, Etna Nur Afri Yuyetta, Abdul Rohman
This study aims to examine the daily stock prices of banking businesses in industrialized and emerging countries. The event study approach is used to analyze the daily stock prices of banking businesses listed on the NYSE, SSE, SGX, and IDX between December 1, 2020, and February 28, 2021. The Kruskal...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Solar Panels from the Installation Location

Yessi Marniati, Herman Yani, Nofiansah Nofiansah, Siswandi Siswandi
The location of the solar panel installation affects the intensity of the light absorbed. Of the three test locations; on the roof, on the ground, on the water, the most significant increase in light intensity is on the roof. The position of the solar panel is at 30º, the average light intensity is 80300...

Social Media Platform and Subculture of Chinese Adolescent Hip-Hop Lovers: A Case Study on Social Interactions of Net Ease Cloud Music Users

Haoxing Huang
This paper gives a vision of the general history and influence of hip-hop music. It focuses on its impact on Chinese adolescent hip-hop lovers. Since there is little research that investigates the interactions of teenage hip-hop lovers online, let alone research about Chinese young hip-hop fans, this...

Intelligent International Marketing System and Marketing Method based on Big Data

Wei Hao, Yanan Wang
With the advent of the era of knowledge economy and the accelerated globalization of the international market, it has become an inevitable trend for Chinese enterprises to move towards the international market. However, due to congenital and acquired environmental factors, Chinese enterprises still have...

Development of Android-Based Educational Games to Improve Letter Recegnition Ability in Early Childhood in Kinali Pasaman Barat

Rakimahwati Rakimahwati, Nisaaul Hanifah
Based on the preliminary study that the researcher did, the researcher saw that there were still many children who did not know the initial letters in terms of recognizing symbols such as the letters of the alphabet. This study aims to produce educational games to improve early childhood letter recognition...

The Social Movement

Redefining Meaning of Transitional Space in Kampung Urban Neighbourhood

Tika Ainunnisa Fitria, Ismail Said, Mohd Hisyam Rasidi
The domination in using transitional space becomes a social phenomenon in urban neighbourhoods in Indonesia. In Indonesia, the urban neighbourhood called kampung, its transition space is not only for accessibility but also as a social space. Kampung Prawirotaman is included. Nevertheless, the spatial...

The Connotation of Flipped Classroom and Strategies for Practice in Higher Education

Jianing Hu
Since the new century, the flipped classroom has gradually become the focus of teaching reform and teaching research. The flipped classroom is the result of the gradual development of higher education in the information age and provides a new way of thinking for higher teaching. The article mainly studied...

Transformational Leadership in the Quality Assurance System

Amiroh Ambarwati, Totok Sumaryanto Florentinus, Rusdati, RC Ahmad Rifai
This study aims to examine the relationship between transformational leadership perceptions with teacher motivation to improve MTs quality assurance. The hypothesis of this study is that there is a relationship between the perception of transformational leadership and motivation for quality assurance,...

Does the Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibilities Have a Positive Impact on the Company’s Business Sustainability?

Case study of PT Unilever Indonesia, Tbk

Nugroho Setyo Utomo, Clara Thalitakum Ezra, Goh Zhongji, Grace Palamba, Annisa Ramadanti
PT Unilever Indonesia, Tbk (Unilever) is a consumer goods company that has a high commitment to implementing the principles of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) throughout the company’s value chain. Unilever has developed a Unilever Sustaining Living Plan (USLP) since 2010, with objectives: 1) improving...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Serum Maternal with Newborn Baby Weight in Pregnant Women Chronic Energy Lack

Fafelia Rozyka Meysetri, Aprima Yona Amir, Fanny Jesica
Pregnancy is the most important period for fetal growth. One of the factors that influence the success of pregnancy is the nutritional status of the mother previously and during pregnancy. Dietary status is said to be good if there is a balance between the amount of energy entering the body and the energy...
Proceedings Article

Self-Identity and Needs of Cosplayer in Role Playing

Vienchenzia Oeyta Dwitama Dinatha, Fransisca Iriani Roesmala Dewi
Cosplay is a role-playing activity in which someone dresses and acts according to the character they are playing. The characters are taken from fiction, i.e. comics, movies, games, novels, etc. In Indonesia, many people attend cosplay events, while wearing costumes. They are called cosplayers. Previous...

Religious Moderation in the Digital World: Learning from Christ the Transformer of Culture

Rinto Hasiholan Hutapea
Religious Moderation is one of the pillars of religious harmony that needs to be implemented in the life of a plural Indonesian society. The implementation of the pillars of religious harmony is not only visible in the real world, but also in the digital world. Because cases of religious conflicts and...
Proceedings Article

Strategy Propagation of Coffea arabica L. by Tissue Culture Techniques

Rizka Amaliah R. Maruka, Meryany Ananda, Eny Yuniati, Asri Pirade Paserang
The research of in vitro callus induction on arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.) with 2.4 D, BAP, and NAA, was conducted in Biotechnology and Genetics Laboratory, Tissue Culture Unit, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Tadulako University. The purpose of this research...

Employee Performance Is Influenced by Leadership Style and Work Stress at Food and Beverage Company

Mohammad Nur Singgih, Roby Nur Akbar
Leadership style and work stress are factors that influence employee performance in organizations. Effective leadership can increase employee motivation, communication, and performance, while ineffective leadership can decrease employee motivation and performance. High work stress can also reduce employee...

Analysis of Applicatioan PSAP 07: Accounting of Fixed Assets in Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN) Kabupaten Buleleng

Ni Luh Asri Savitri, Made Arie Wahyuni, Diota Prameswari Vijaya
Good government is the government that presents its financial statements based on the Government Accounting Standards contained in PSAP No. 07 and reported in a transparent and accountable manner. One of the elements contained in the financial statements is fixed assets. Fixed assets are assets owned...
Proceedings Article

Forms of Government Policies in Handling and Financing Health for the Community

Meirliana Widiasari, Yudho Taruno Muryanto
The existence of the Covid-19 pandemic as a global pandemic certainly has a major influence in Indonesia both from various lines of life, especially health. The pandemic that occurred in Indonesia can be said to be high, as well as in other countries, therefore the Indonesian government implements various...
Proceedings Article

Sentiment Analysis of Covid Vaccination Policy In Indonesia Using Random Forest

Nurirwan Saputra, Ahmad Riyadi, Meilany Nonsi Tentua
The World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020, has declared the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak a global pandemic and Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 of 2020 concerning the Determination of Non-Natural Disasters for the Spread of CORONA VIRUS DISEASE 2019 (COVID-19)...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Influence Mechanism of Superior Developmental Feedback and Employee Innovation Behavior Based on Regression Analysis

Shuang Zhao, Mengying Ye
In order to better predict the impact of superior developmental feedback on employees' attitudes and behaviors, and better serve organization. This study uses SPSS to perform correlation and regression analysis on the 84 samples collected and found that superior developmental feedback positively...

Indonesian Learning for Korean Students at Jakarta International School: An Observational Overview of Teaching Method

Kwon Youngsun, Lukman Lukman, Munira Hasyim, Asriani Abbas
This article review is part of my research to design a learning model for Korean students at Jakarta International School. Korean students have a basic need to use Indonesian because they have lived in Indonesia for some time and even attended junior high school education in Indonesia. From the initial...

“How Can Visual Arts Promote Social Integration?: A Study on Museum Visitors’ Participatory Use of VR & AR

Xizhen Zhou
With the popularity of virtual reality technology, the interactive design has been widespread in the display process of immersion virtual museums. Based on the questionnaire analysis of museum visitors combined with in-depth interview of VR & AR technology users, this study analyzes the characteristics,...

The Effectiveness of Field Work Practices on Students’ Readiness to Face the Business and Industrial Worlds

Delta Apriyani, Husnul Ayuningrum
The resulting imbalance in students’ soft skills and hard skills will result in the competency needs of the business world and the industrial world workforce not being met because hard skills and soft skills are important factors in students’ preparation for entering the business world and the industrial...

Interrogatives in Banyumasan Javanese

Khristianto Khristianto, Riyadi Santosa, Tri Wiratno, Wakit. A. Rais
This study is aimed at elaborating the structure of questions in Javanese of Banyumasan dialect (BJ). This is a linguistic research employing a content analysis techniques. The data source is the Javanese version of Ronggeng Dhukuh Paruk novel. The data are the question expressions produced by the characters...
Proceedings Article

Study of Reservoir Effect on Water Dynamics in the Main Channel of Belanti I Lowland Irrigation Area

Irfan Setiawan Zay, Bambang Triatmodjo, Azwar Maas
The Belanti I lowland irrigation area is a lowland development area built in the 1980s through the Tidal Rice Field Development Project (P4S). Currently, the land functioned for agriculture is only 1.211 hectares out of 3.392 hectares. These conditions are caused by unfulfilled water and soil quality...

Research on the Division and Analysis Method of Water Efficiency Standards for Industrial Industries in Industrial Parks

Cheng Chen, Qingfang Wang, Huibin Yang, Qifeng Li
This article proposes a water efficiency index system and water efficiency standard levels for admission and evaluation management of industrial enterprises in industrial parks, as the existing unit product water quota index is difficult to apply to the water efficiency management needs of industrial...
Proceedings Article

Description of Sexual Patterns in Pregnant Mothers

Yekti Satriyandari, Elika Puspitasari
Sexual patterns during pregnancy are frequently not given much attention and the consultation with health workers is unfortunately minimum. During pregnancy, intimacy with a partner is no longer considered essential. This phenomenon occurs due to changes in psychological, physiological and marital relations...

The Characteristic of Theocracy Played in the Qin Political System

Lutian Tao
This paper studies the theocratic elements contained in the Qin Dynasty as a whole based on the sacrificial benefits and the promulgation of decrees of the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty “Qin Shi Huang”. This is to demonstrate the formal logic behind Qin Shi Huang’s promulgation of decrees and activities,...

Research on Quality Measurement and Improvement Path of Shanxi Equipment Manufacturing Industry

Jie Gan, Yi Yang, Bin Liu, Xiaohong Zhang
The equipment manufacturing industry is the third largest pillar industry in Shanxi Province, and its quality measurement index is an important reflection of the development of Shanxi’s equipment manufacturing industry and a key factor in leveraging the new competitive advantages of Shanxi’s industry....

The Development and Genre Characteristics of Metaverse Films

Jieling Liang
Under the impetus of the metaverse, metaverse films are emerging as a distinct genre. Metaverse films represent a new cinematic category that establishes a symbiotic relationship between two worlds: the virtual and the real, depicting potential future human existence and reflecting societal contemplations...

Research on the Relationship between Education Financial Investment and Higher Education Gross Enrollment Ratio

Zihan Hao, Xudong Liao, Biying Qiu
For China today, the higher education business can be considered pivotal to achieving further development. Therefore, this study focuses on data from nine Chinese provinces and ministries and analyzes data collected through the National Bureau of Statistics for the past 10 years. First, the contribution...

The Effect of Government Expenditure on Poverty in Indonesia

Septriani Septriani, Armelly Armelly, Retno Agustina Ekaputri, Handoko Hadiyanto, Sunoto Sunoto, Ririn Nopiah
The objective of this research is to determine the effect of education function expenditure, social protection function expenditure and health function expenditure on poverty in Indonesia. The data used in this research are secondary data sourced from the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bereau of...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Development Trend of Enterprise Information Security Strategy in Cloud Environment

Kai Li, Kai Li, Chunlei Chang, Qiaoli Wang
Due to the combination of cloud computing and big data, the infrastructure and architecture of information networks and information systems have changed. Defense centered strategies cannot cope with advanced target attacks. By analyzing the security requirements of the bank’s digital transformation,...
Proceedings Article

Comparative Analysis of Pedestrian Throwing Distance Following a Collision with a Vehicle

Oana Victoria Oţăt, Ilie Dumitru, Dragoş Tutunea, Lucian Matei
Starting from the statistical data in the field, according to which the most vulnerable road users are pedestrians, with the highest number of deaths, the present research deals with the problem of the impact between a vehicle and a pedestrian. The main purpose of this study is to carry...