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188759 articles

Exploration of Computer Information Construction and Management Problems

Yongsong Huang
In current stage, the application fields of computer information technology expand continuously based on the development of modern science and technology. Meanwhile, information technology is not just science and technology, but also plays an irreplaceable role in the aspect of school management and...

Study on the Model of Entrepreneurial Talent Cultivation in Independent Colleges

Hui He
Under the call of "nation-wide entrepreneurship, mass innovation", the cultivation of entrepreneurial talents is of important significance for the personality development of the students, the reform of higher education and even the development of the overall economy. This paper makes a comparison of...

The Role of Indonesian Red Cross in Disaster Management in Medan

Rudi Kristian P. Manurung, Asima Yanty Siahaan
Disaster management as part of a disaster management policy is not only the responsibility of the government. The public through institutions and community organizations participate and have significant roles and responsibilities in disaster management. This paper discusses the role, challenges and strategies...
Proceedings Article

The Research and Analysis of the Influence of Nano-materials on the Performance of Cement Concrete

Wei Li, Yi Ran, Xiao-chu Wang, Lin-kai Xiao
With the rapid development of nano materials, it becomes a new material science. Aiming at the application of nano materials in concrete, this paper briefly introduces the nano material and analysis the mechanism of the effects of nano materials on the properties of concrete. Meanwhile, the research...

Research on Promotion of College Students' Quality Education in Innovation and Start-up under the Background of "All are Encouraged to Make Innovation and Start-up"

Lihua Huang
A new situation comes and goes with the release of a series of Start-up policies as well as science and technology develop at a rapid speed, nowadays, more and more colleges have valued students' innovative and Start-up education. This article makes an analysis of the significance and status quo of students'...

Student Teacher Designed-Tasks In Facilitating Higher Order Thinking Skills At Microteaching Classes Of Uin Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Hamidah Salam, Irma Irma Soraya, Mokhamad Mokhamad Syaifudin
Since higher order thinking skills become one of education goals, the thinking skills become essential for teachers in teaching it to learners. In Bloom's taxonomy, the cognitive domain, Analyze, Evaluate, and Create level are defined as higher order thinking skills. In constructing the tasks, there...

Study on the Sustainable Development Strategy of Ecotourism Scenic Spots

Chaoge Jiletu, Liu Jiang
The sustainable development of tourist attractions can not only ensure the sustainable utilization of existing tourism resources, but also maintain the ecological balance of local scenic spots and develop the economic development in local areas. This article explores the development of local ecotourism...

Education to Liberate Woman of Bajarese Tribe from "Kawin Anom" Culture in South Kalimantan

Norma Yuni Kartika, Muhajir Darwin, Mr Sukamdi
Education is an important point to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) since education is a human right. Education has positive effect to all human aspects. One of the positive effects is through education which has positive relationship with the age of first marriage especially for woman. The...
Proceedings Article

Solving the kinetic equations with geometric nonlinearity considered

Jin Duan, Yun-Gui Li
This paper presents a new time integration method to solve the kinetic equations with geometric nonlinearity considered, by combining the Newmark integration method and Newton-Raphson iteration method. In this method, the Newmark method is used for the time history integration and the Newton-Raphson...

Intervention Model of Children Growth and Development to Improve Stimulation Skills of Parents With Early Child

Nissa Tarnoto, Fatwa Tentama, Dessy Pranungsari
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of intervention model in children growth and development to improve stimulation skills of parents with young children. Design of experiments uses a quasi-experimental of one-group pretest-posttest design. Methods of data collection use a scale of stimulation...

The Analysis of the Connection Between the Proportion of Expenditure and Food Consumption and the Food Security of Tengger Ethnic Group's Household and the Education on Indigenous Food

Titi Mutiara Kiranawati, Nunung Nurjanah, Rudi Nurdiansyah, Lismi Animatul Chisbiyah
The purpose of this research is to analyze the food security of female household of Tengger ethnic in Ngadas village of the sub district of Poncokusumo, in the regency of Malang. This research used the method of Descriptive Analysis, which used the method of Case Study or the research that pictures a...

Patient Experiences In Internal And Surgical Ward at State Hospital Labuang Baji Makassar

Nur Arifah, Fridawaty Rivai, A. Zulfaidah Putri Delima
People use the term patients experience and patient's satisfaction, alternately. As a matter fact, these two terms are different specifically in terms of measurement's concept. Patient satisfaction survey usually consist of questions that do not really measure the exact treatment experience. Satisfaction...

Relation Effect of Variation Time Storage Yam Tuber (Pachyrrhizuserozus) to Cholesterol Rattusnorvegicus

Anggi Khairina Hanum Hasibuan, Wa Ode Diana, Yosephin Anis Widiyanti
Inulin is fructose polimer that hard digested with human digestion but can fermented by Bifidobacteriabecome Short Chain Fattic Acid (SCFA) like lactic acid, propionate and butirate.It using for improve intestinal villi work and decrease bad cholesterol levels.Yam (Pachyrrhizuserozus) is a part of leguminous...
Proceedings Article

Entropy-based Social Network Link Partition Algorithm

Shusen Zhang, Xun Liang, Xiaoping Zhou, Xuan Zhang
It is an important core issue in social networks to divide community or group. And, the network node is the mainstream of community division algorithm as the processing object to divide the network. This paper introduces the entropy theory into social networks partition on the basic of studying the concept...

The Influence of Hug Therapy on Children's Emotional Intelligence Improvement

Muhammad Adriyansyah, Diah Rahayu
The development of technology and the internet has negative impacts on the development of children's emotional intelligence. Hug therapy is one of the way which provides safety for children both physically and psychologically. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of hug therapy on improving...
Proceedings Article

Continuous Class-F Power Amplifier Design by Using Multi-Harmonic Bilateral Pull

Chaoran Dong, Yonglun Luo, Qian Wang
In this paper, multi-harmonic bilateral pull is used to design power amplifier(PA) fundamental and harmonics matching networks. By combining with continuous Class-F operation mode to realize high efficiency with broadband. And large signal dynamic device model is used in multi-harmonic bilateral pull...
Proceedings Article

A SLNR-Based Precoding Scheme for Multi-Stream Multicasting Systems

Guang Jin, Bing Cao
The problem of wireless security for the downlink of multi-stream multicasting MIMO systems overheard by multiple multi-antenna eavesdroppers is investigated. We assume that the transmitter has perfect knowledge about the channel to desired users and the eavesdroppers. An efficient secure precoding scheme...
Proceedings Article

A Simple and Efficient Image Pre-processing for QR Decoder

Weibing Chen, Gaobo Yang, Ganglin Zhang
In order to lower the consumed threshold, a practical image preprocessing method was proposed for Quick Response (QR) barcode recognition. It could increase the speed of recognition by this decoder so as to embed this algorithm into mobile terminals. Instead of using the traditional methods such as edge...
Proceedings Article

Thinking of the advance of software development method in the future

Yu Gao, Zhen-Bo Bi
Continuity of software development activities determines that software development method is bound to progress. For the future advance of development of software development methodology, six important factors are put forward. The six factors are: software development techniques and tools of, software...
Proceedings Article

Design of Automobile Body Welding Fixture

Liu Xu, Chao Ma, Xia Xie
In automobile industry, automobile welding fixture is component important to auxiliary welding. The automobile body is welded by multiple complex sheet stamping parts and other auxiliary workpiece. In the process ,supporting role of welding fixture is an important step. In this paper, the fixture welding...
Proceedings Article

Audio Visual Isolated Oriya Digit Recognition Using HMM and DWT

Astik Biswas, P.K. Sahu, Anirban Bhowmick, Mahesh Chandra
Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) system performs well under restricted conditions but the performance degrades under noisy environment. Audio-visual features play an important role in ASR systems in presence of noise. In this paper Oriya isolated digit recognition system is designed using audio visual...
Proceedings Article

Wavelet-based EVM Testing for Non-cooperative Communication Signals

Min Han, Zhijin Su, Honglin Wan, Jianhua Xu
The error vector magnitude (EVM) is extensively applied as a metric for digital transmitter signal quality compliance in modern communication systems. In cooperative communication, signal carrier frequency and symbol rate are predicted, and the reference signal can be recovered from demodulated symbols...
Proceedings Article

How do the Contexts impact the Habit Formation of Information System Users?

Liqun Zhang, Hui Liu
What elements impact the usage continuance and the habit formation of information system users? How to utilize these elements in the field of user experience design? It is worth noting that both goals and contexts play key roles in helping information system users forming habits. Before the habit is...
Proceedings Article

The Control Technique of AGC under Regional Grid Security Constraint and Dispatching Principles of Openness, Impartiality and Fairness

Yao Zhang, Gang Yao
Renewable energy generation (REG), including wind farms and solar plants, are continuously installed in power systems with a relatively high speed. Due to large portion of installation and intermittent characteristic, fully absorbing REG has become a troublesome problem when under certain regional grid...

Study on the Path of Ideological and Political Education in Tax Departments in the New Period

Yong Tan
Since entering the new period of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the duties and phased objectives of the tax department have also been adjusted and optimized accordingly, in which the path and mode of ideological and political education should be improved. Based on the experience of ideological...

Empirical Research on Impact of Competitive Intensity on Safety Investment in High-Dangerous Industries

Enzhu Li, Chunli Fu
This paper takes the listed companies in high-dangerous industries as the research object, and constructs an empirical test model based on the theoretical derivation from the perspective of safety investment. The impact of competition intensity on the safety investment level of listed companies in high-dangerous...

Constructivism Approach in Science Learning

Roos Roos M. S. Tuerah, Roos M. S. Tuerah
The aims of this study were to determine the effect of the constructivist approach to science learning of material human respiration. This study uses the Classroom Research method with stages: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The Subjects of the Research were fifth grade students...

Thesis Guidance Effectiveness in University Setting

Rachmad Indra Widiantoro, MV. Roesminingsih, Ulil Hartono
This study aims to: (1) know the process of guiding the thesis preparation; (2) identify constraints that can hinder the effectiveness of the thesis preparation guidance, and (3) provide recommendations to overcome the constraints of the thesis preparation guidance in the Unesa Postgraduate Education...

Analysis of the Effects of Relational Marketing Towards Tourist Satisfaction Level On Organizing a Tourism Event In South Sumatra Province

Pelliyezer Karo Karo
This study is to determine the effect of relational marketing on the level of tourist satisfaction with the organization of tourism events in South Sumatra Province. Relational marketing researched includes the variables of commitment, empathy, reciprocity, and trust. Data collection techniques used...

Exploring The Correlation Between Mathematics Student Teachers’ Proficiency and Their Self-Efficacy in Teaching at International School

Palupi Evangelista Lus Windyana, Putri Hani Rizkia, Yonata Bertha, Sari Dhita A P, Jauhariyah Mukhayyarotin N R, Basri Ahmad, Hidayah Rusly
This study is aimed to find out the relation of student teachers’ English proficiency and their self-efficacy in teaching at international school. Students’ English proficiency is based on two aspects: students English proficiency score and their self-efficacy in English comprehension. In order to measure...

Research on the Role of Algorithm Transparency in Algorithm Accountability

Weimin Ouyang
Algorithm transparency as an algorithm accountability method has been widely praised by the community. Algorithm transparency is considered to be an effective way to crack the algorithm black box. The algorithm transparency refers to the disclosure of the source code of the algorithm system and the data...

Modern Methods of Assessing Housing Affordability, Issues and Improvement Paths

Kristina Shishkina, Ekaterina Kashina, Kristina Chepeleva, Zhanna Shmeleva
Housing affordability is a comprehensive assessment of the housing market social orientation. The article deals with methodological problems of the housing affordability assessment. The latter becomes relevant in connection with the introduction of project financing in Russia. In the current environment,...

Peculiarities of Accounting Non-Operational Assets by Budgetary Organizations

E.Yu. Dyachenko, T. I. Logvinova
This article reflects the results of investigating the development of business accounting of non-operational assets in the organizations of the economy government sector. We determined accounting items related to this category of assets; made analysis of regulations as well as periodicals that highlight...

Gamifying Balinese Local Story: Facilitating Gen Z in Learning English

Putu Kerti Nitiasih, Luh Gd Rahayu Budiarta, Ni Wayan Surya Mahayanti
Working with nowadays children, technology cannot be neglected to be involved in their learning. Gamification in education becomes very popular as one of the most effective methods in facilitating students’ learning. Inserting gamification elements in Balinese Local Stories was the purpose of this R&D...

The Significant Role of Culture to Value Differences: Socio-Emotional Challenge in Digital Era

Esti Widya Rahayu, Dewi Sri Mustikasari
People in each region have different values in the social and emotional aspects of life. Culture has an important role in value differences. Children’s attitudes and behaviors during his growth and development also differ in accordance with the culture in which they are growing. This particular culture...

Value Investment Based on Data Analysis with Comparison of Three Airline Corporations in the US

Peixuan Han
Value investment analysis is essential for all kinds of enterprises, especially those that are closely related to people's daily life. Analysis plays an important role in the development of an enterprise, even if the enterprise is in different stages. This can not only help enterprises to reduce the...

The Primary Values of Tarakanita’s Educational Characters

Paulinus Yanto, Dyah Kumalasari
Students’ environment in Indonesia is currently experiencing a moral decline that can endanger the young generation of Indonesian as we observe the occurring social phenomena and symptoms. Juvenile delinquency that is increasingly prevalent, such as mass street fighting between students, pre-marital...
Proceedings Article

Formation of Fundamental Architecture of Agro-Biotechnological Cluster as a Basis for the Development of Spatial Integration of Economic Entities

Ilya Pshenichnikov, Veronika Epinina, Sergey Korobov, Margarita Postnova, Alexey Bolkunov
In the framework of the study is justified the cost and labor intensity of innovations in the field of biotechnology as a need to integrate a large number of economic entities into economic phenomena. Serious shortcomings are revealed in the field of the architecture building of innovative clusters....

Study on the Necessity of Teaching the Bible as Literature in University English Programs in China*

Jianying Miao
Owing to cultural egoism and Chinese university students’ inadequate access to the biblical culture, students in colleges and universities in China have long been suffering from a serious lack of literary perspectives from the Bible, so much so that a large number of college students already have problems...

Modified Cassava Flour Utilizing as a Wheat Flour Substitution in Chochochip Cookies

Risa Panti Ariani, Luh Masdarini
The purpose of this study is to create Chocochip cookies using local ingredients thus support food security. Mocaf is used as the main substitution of wheat flour in chocochip cookies. Mocaf made from surrounded dried cassava. The characteristics of a mocaf are similar to wheat flour, but the protein...

Using Market Sentiment Analysis and Genetic Algorithm-Based Least Squares Support Vector Regression to Predict Gold Prices

Fong-Ching Yuan, Chao-Hui Lee, Chaochang Chiu
Pages: 234 - 246
Gold price prediction has long been a crucial and challenging research topic for gold investors. In conventional models, most scholars have used the historical gold price or economic indicators to forecast gold prices. The gold prices depend mainly on confidence in the current market. To reduce the time...

Ethical Decision Making Trainer for Accounting Firm Staff in Tangerang by Gender Selection

G Widijanto, S Santosa, Sutrisna, Pujiarti
The objective of this research is to reveal the role of feminine gender to strengthening ethical awareness, ethical judgments, and ethical intentions in the development of ethical education at accounting firm in Tangerang. Based on the previous studies feminine gender was more influent ethical decision...
Proceedings Article

Antenatal Care Experience in Adolescent Pregnancy

Ilma Ratih Zukrufiana, Herlin Fitriani Kurniawati, Anjarwati
Background: Adolescent pregnancy is a problem that needs to be considered for both clinical and social reasons. In Indonesia more than 2 million young women aged 15-19 years which is around 10% of total births. The birth rate per 1,000 women in those aged 15-19 years is 512 cases. Some pregnant teenagers...

Critical Analysis of Contract Farming Practice in East Java - Indonesia

Kartika Dewi Sri Susilowati, Nur Indah Riwajanti, Asminah Rachmi
This study explored the technical implementation of the contract farming partnership which had been done by farmers and their partner companies in East Java, and identifying issues and benefits of partnership for both parties This study employed an interpretive research design, following a post-positivist...

On the Influence of Original Family on Individual Mental Health — From the Family System Theory

Niu Hui
Native families at the individual initial growth plays an important role in the process of development, family interactions, family structure, family atmosphere and parents upbringing of their children, intimate degree will of individual behavior model, the expression of emotion, to interact with the...

Visual Communication Online Learning Through Poster Media for Plastic Waste Problem

James Darmawan, Phebe Priska Dewi, Vania Gabriella Nuralim
The problem of using plastic has become a very difficult problem, but until now the use of plastic has not been significantly reduced. Through international learning experiences brought by professor aboard, the students tried to make visual communication through poster media so as to give an appeal to...

The Effect of Workplace Spirituality and Employee Performance (Perspective of Islamic Work Ethics Case Study on BTPN Syariah, Kupang)

Rolland Epafras Fanggidae, Merlyn Kurniawati, Hawyah Bahweres
One important element in an organization is human resources, where the organization will be effective and efficient if it has qualified human resources. The effectiveness and efficiency of an organization is determined by the performance produced by members of the organization as a representation of...

Mathematical Literacy in Setting Model Eliciting Activities Nuanced Ethnomathematics

Zaenuri, Yohanes J Kehi, S B Waluya, Putik Dwinda Hapsari, Wardono, Suryandaru P Jati
Mathematical literacy in the era of disruption is one of the main demands for students in developing new literacy. Mathematical literacy as the capacity of individuals to formulate, apply, and interpret mathematics in various contexts. In this case, it will be easier for students if mathematics learning...

Humanitarization of Technical Education: Challenges and Modern Approaches

T. A. Molokova
The article is devoted to the analysis of the role of humanitarization of technical education in resolving issues of technogenic civilization. The relevance of this topic is based on the complexity and global nature of the problems that can be solved by the whole humanity or by each individual independently....

Improvement and Development of Human Resources of an Enterprise in the Context of the Digitalized Economy

I.A. Gunina, V.V. Reshetov, I.V. Logunova, V.U. Pestov, O.V. Dudareva, I.A. Kalashnikova
In this article, we consider the features of the development of human resources at the industrial enterprises of the region from the perspective of a systematic approach. The purpose of the article is to determine the role of human capital as the basis for the digitalization of key enterprise processes....