Proceedings of the International Conference Social - Humanities in Maritime and Border Area (SHIMBA 2023)
25 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Azhari Setiawan, Rizky Octa Putri Charin, Rizqi Apriani Putri, Agung Dhamar Syakti, Hilfi Pardi, ONanong Thippimol, Ziaul Haque Munim, Jalaluddin Abdul Malek, Andi Misbahul Pratiwi
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 2nd International Conference Social - Humanities in Maritime and Border Area (SHIMBA) 2023 on October 18th, 2023 in Tanjung Pinang, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Collaborative Governance in Tourism Based on Coastal Community Empowerment in Indonesia
Mahadiansar Mahadiansar, Alfiandri Alfiandri, Muhammad Syuzairi
Tourism based on empowering coastal communities in Indonesia can be a solution for developing the local economy. The collaborative governance process is a new approach in tourism management that emphasizes active community participation in decision-making, planning, and evaluating policies in the tourism...
Proceedings Article
Patriarchal Culture, Theology and State Hegemony in Issues of Gender Equality in Indonesian Politics
Heriyanto Heriyanto
This research is conducted due to Indonesian women’s low participation in parliament and formal politics. The research aims to analyze the historicity of women’s roles in political history in Indonesia and identify the factors causing the inferior political participation of women in Indonesia. This type...
Proceedings Article
Singkretism in the Sea Tribe Community in the Riau Archipelago
Marisa Elsera, Rini Afriani, Emmy Solina
There are two concepts of religion in the worldview: world religion and local religion. The world religion paradigm dominates society, so the representation of local religion will always look primitive and strange. Local religions will always be illustrated with backwardness and world religions that...
Proceedings Article
Preliminary Study on Solid Waste Management in Small Islands: A Case Study of Penawar Rindu, Belakang Padang, Batam, Indonesia
Dian Prima Safitri, Yosef Adicita, Nurul Ulfah, Adi Syahputra Purba, I Wayan Koko Suryawan
Penawar Rindu Island, nestled within Indonesia's Riau Islands province, presents a captivating and lesser-known allure to tourists seeking an escape to nature's tranquility. The Island's pristine beauty and rich cultural heritage have attracted local and regional visitors, making sustainable...
Proceedings Article
Hidden Hunger among Indigenous Women: How to Achive Food Security in Southeast Asia
Nikodemus Niko, Punyawan Jitprakong, Sayed Fauzan Riyadi
Hidden hunger, characterized by a deficiency of essential micronutrients, remains a critical public health concern in Southeast Asia, particularly among indigenous women. This research delves into the pervasive issue of food insecurity and malnutrition in this demographic and seeks sustainable strategies...
Proceedings Article
“Cultivating Growth Empowering Coastal” Communities: Examining Capitals, Empowerment Strategies, and Digitalization among Indonesian Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises
Azhari Setiawan
In this systematic mapping study from 1986 to 2022, the research delves into the pivotal role of Micro-Small-Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia’s economic landscape. With a staggering 53.95% of Indonesia’s GDP attributed to household consumption, MSMEs emerge as the backbone of the nation’s economy,...
Proceedings Article
Welfare State and the Existence of Zeeno-Maden: Berakit Village, Bintan Regency Sea Tribe
Rizky Octa Putri Charin, Khairi Rahmi
This research examines the implementation of the welfare state concept on the zeeno-maden or sea people, who are traditionally seafaring people, but have been “settled” on land. The specific Sea Tribe community studied in this research is the Sea Tribes of Panglong Village, Bintan Regency. The choice...
Proceedings Article
Implementation Model of Food Security Policy in the Island Region in Lingga Regency
Yudithia Yudithia, Fitri Kurnianingsih, Lamidi Lamidi, Annissa Valentina, Rizqi Apriani Putri
A major challenge is implementing food security policy in island regions like the Lingga Regenge. The research method used is post-positivism, which focuses on explaining and understanding complex social situations. The research results show that Lingga Regency has limited land for agricultural development...
Proceedings Article
Policy Formulation For Safety of Sea Transportation in Penyengat Island, Tanjungpinang City
Edy Akhyary, Fitri Kurnianingsih, Lamidi Lamidi, Rumzi Samin, Rudi Subiyakto, Yudithia Yudithia
This study proposes sea transportation policies to improve safety and accessibility to Penyengat Island, located in the Riau Islands Province, Indonesia. The study uses a post-positivist approach and qualitative research methods to assess the current state of sea transportation infrastructure, analyze...
Proceedings Article
Factors Affecting Changes in Citizens’ Choices in Mayoral Election Dumai in 2020
Rodi Wahyudi, Kamaruddin Kamaruddin
Determining which regional head candidate to elect is a citizen’s right. However, changes in choices due to irrational reasons can lead to a lower quality of elected regional heads. This study aims to determine what factors influence changes in the choice of regional head candidates in the 2020 regional...
Proceedings Article
Ethics of State Civil Apparatus in Digital Era Public Services in Tanjungpinang City
Rumzi Samin, Edy Akhyary, Fitri Kurnianingsih, Rudi Subiyakto, Okparizan Okparizan
Community worker morals is a strategy for state organization and/or public help conveyance that directs the implicit set of principles, which regulates matters regarding what to do or what bad things to avoid and the values contained in ethics are used as guidelines or references for a State Civil Apparatus...
Proceedings Article
Enhancing Food Security in Riau’s Coastal Region: Evaluating the Impact of Policy Communicators in the Food Granary Program
Febri Yuliani, Raihan Sukma Akila Pratama
-Food barns have an important role in farmers’ food security, especially during times of scarcity before harvest. The food barn program is implemented based on the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 17/Permentan/Hk.140/4/2015. This study examines the function...
Proceedings Article
Penyengat Island Gastrodiplomacy as World Heritage Support
Anastasia Wiwik Swastiwi, Herry Wahyudi, Rizqi Apriani Putri, Kustiawan Kustiawan, Glory Yolanda Yahya, Mimi Audia Zulha
Penyengat Island is a tourist attraction and national cultural heritage in Tanjungpinang City, Riau Archipelago. Regulations issued by the government regarding the preservation of Cultural Heritage provide the broadest possible opportunities for the community's economic interests. The culinary icon...
Proceedings Article
The Strategic Value of Bengkalis from a Maritime Axis Perspective
M. Saeri, Ahmad Jamaan, Satya Wira Wicaksana, Yessi Olivia, Ahmad Fuadi
This research critically analyzes Bengkalis’ strategic importance within the context of the World Maritime Axis. Employing a qualitative methodology and an extensive academic literature review, this study unveils the multifaceted dimensions contributing to Bengkalis’ strategic significance. Bengkalis,...
Proceedings Article
Indonesia as a Maritim Power: Change and Continuity in Foreign Policy Perspective
Herry Wahyudi, M. Saeri, Yusnarida Eka Nizmi
This article will discuss Indonesia as a maritime country and its maritime strengths, which are connected to a periodized analysis of Indonesian foreign policy using a qualitative-descriptive approach. In the first stage, this article will explain the background of Indonesian foreign policy related to...
Proceedings Article
Demographic Transition and Economic Challenges: A Descriptive Study of Economic Resilience
K. Kusnanto, Arthur Josias Simon Runturambi, Muhammad Syaroni Rofii
This research aims to examine the relationship between the demographic transition and the economic challenges a country faces, focusing on economic resilience. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach to analyze secondary data from various reliable sources, such as government reports, academic...
Proceedings Article
The Case of Transnational Crimes in the Coastal Waters of Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province
Yusnarida Eka Nizmi, Yessi Olivia, Ahmad Jamaan, Tuah Kalti Takwa, Yana Bistita, M. Saeri
This paper analyzes transnational crimes in the coastal waters of Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province, Indonesia. Due to its proximity to the Malacca Strait, the regency of Bengkalis is prone to cross-border crimes, such as drug smuggling, illicit trade, human trafficking, and Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated...
Proceedings Article
Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries Implementation Dilemma in Riau Islands
Ady Muzwardi, Sayed Fauzan Riyadi, Renaldi Afriansyah, Mirta Fera
FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) is a United Nations organization engaged in world food and agriculture. CCRF (Code of Conduct For Responsible Fisheries) is a code of conduct for responsible fisheries. FAO adopted them, which aims to establish international standards of conduct for responsible...
Proceedings Article
Supervision of Village Financial Management
Oksep Adhayanto, Pery Rehendra Sucipta, Irman Irman, Handrisal Handrisal, Nazaki Nazaki, Rizky Octa Putri Charin, Nanik Rahmawati, Nurhasanah Suwardi, Mexsasai Indra
This study did in 2022 to observe the supervision of management in village financial of Lingga Regency. Sampel used were 30 villages with 30 people as informants consist of the Village Head, the Village Secretary and the Village Apparatus. Deep interviews also did to Inspectorate of Lingga Regency, Department...
Proceedings Article
Second Year Public Service Performance Management at The Regional Border Management Agency of Riau Islands Province
Indra Bastian Tahir, Fithria Sandy
Entering the second year of the existence of the Regional Border Management Agency (RBMA) of Riau Islands Province in improving public services, it is necessary to analyze the performance of public services. This study aims to analyze the performance of public services at RBMA, using a qualitative descriptive...
Proceedings Article
The Strategy Of The Riau Islands Province In Facing Challenges as a State Border Area
Sekar Nur Wulandari, Aliffisya Ummu Raihan, Sartika Dewi Sasnita
The marine resources in Indonesia can potentially boost the country’s economic development to realize the ideals of the Indonesian state as the world’s maritime axis, especially in Riau Islands Province. This province has a strategic geographical location that provides competitive advantages in geoeconomics,...
Proceedings Article
Implications of Minatourism Policy on the Economic Growth of the Tanjungpinang City Community
Eki Darmawan
Minatourism policy is an economic development strategy focusing on developing coastal tourism potential. The research will describe the policy implications of the development of minatourism areas in Tanjungpinang City, which focuses on the development of minatourism areas in Madong and Sei-Nyirih. The...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Public-Private Relationships in The Development of Marine-Based Tourism in Bintan Regency
Fairuz Muzdalifa, Evi Novianti, Dina Oktavia, Rizqi Apriani Putri
Bintan Island is one of the tourist gateways in Indonesia. Bintan Island also has excellent maritime, cultural, history, education and religion potential. This makes Bintan Island a very potential to develop a tourism center and as well as marine-based tourism. The study aimed to examine the role of...
Proceedings Article
The Return of Indonesia’s Political Will: Implications of Takeover the Flight Information Region (FIR) Natuna’s Airspace from Singapore
Khairi Rahmi, Rizky Octa Putri Charin
Management of the Flight Information Region (FIR) airspace in Natuna was taken over by the Indonesian Government after being managed by the Singapore Government for a long time. The policy several years ago of delegating the Flight Information Region (FIR) to Singapore over the airspace of the Riau Islands...