Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81396 articles
Proceedings Article

Internal Control Based on Pamali in Indigenous Peoples

Abin Suarsa, Yeni Andriyani, Ia Kurnia
This research seeks to explore the Pamali culture (taboo) in indigenous peoples in Kampung Pulo, Garut, West Java as an internal control practice. Phenomenomology is used as a research method with traditional leaders (Pakuncen) and members of indigenous peoples as informants. This research found that...
Proceedings Article

On the Difficulties of Diversified Cultural Education and Teaching

Guoxin Li, Dongxing Liu, Yuemin Gao
Diversified cultural education and teaching is an important content of China’s basic education reform and it is also an effective way of current quality education. This article mainly analyzes the connotation, characteristics and development status of multicultural education, it also puts forward some...
Proceedings Article

Relationship Between Forgiveness, Triadic Forgiveness Dimensions, and Resilience in Javanese Emerging Adults

Amalia Rahmandani, Dian Veronika Sakti Kaloeti, Salma Salma, Hastaning Sakti, Suparno Suparno
This study explores the relationship between general forgiveness, the triad of forgiveness dimensions (i.e., forgiveness of self, others, and situations), and resilience in emerging adult Javanese undergraduate students. The study included 405 subjects (MAge = 18.50; SDAge = 0.600; male = 25.2%; female...
Proceedings Article

Responsive Protective Parenting (RPP) In Indonesia Mapping Analysis on Curriculum Parenting Program for Early Childhood Development

Fitriana Herarti, Syifa Andina
ChildFund’s RPP programming in under-resourced communities aims to empower parents and other primary caregivers with the knowledge and practical skills they need to give children a strong start in life. This program is implemented in Indonesia since 2017, however, it only covered three aspects: Brain...
Proceedings Article

Credit Fraud as One of the Dimensions in the Banking Crime

In a White-Collar Crime Perspective

Ida Nurhayati, Indianik Aminah
This study aims to describe and understand if fraud on banks could be categorized as a white-collar crime. Fraud in banking is found in the majority of bank workers, who are assisted by third parties. This study employs descriptive qualitative research methods through a formal juridical approach, review...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Human Resource Management Implementation in Business Strategy in Creating Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Vip Paramarta, Kosasih, Sri Rochani, Sumaedi Kadarisman, Farida Yuliaty
Today, the market world is becoming more complex, unpredictable, and competitive. Companies, as business actors, require the position of trained and knowledgeable human resources or personnel to adapt to changes in the business climate. The use of human resource management and investment as a form of...
Proceedings Article

The Importance of Involving the Cultural Background to Handle Covid-19 in Indonesia

Sri Poedjiastoeti, Sri Ratna Suminar
The number of people exposed to Covid-19 on a national scale is still high and it began to growing attention from the scientific community. The spread of Covid-19 is difficult to stop from countries around the world. Indonesia, which territory is so vast and has diverse cultures, must be comprehensively...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Teacher’s Attitude in Resource Allocation

Yushu Chen
With the guidance of the state to the main body in the planned economy era, the allocation policy has been changed, and the teaching team has been well implemented. According to the market demand, many regions have adopted emergency policies such as the use of teaching industry, recruitment of teaching...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Philosophy Understanding on Corona Virus Diseases (COVID-19) Prevention Awareness of Physics Education Students

Ahmad Syukri, Sukarno
This research aims to answer the question of how the influence of understanding philosophy on awareness of prevention of Corona Virus Diseases (COVID-19)? The approach used in this research is quantitative with the data collection method is a survey. The respondents used in this study were 80 students...
Proceedings Article

Pursuit and Redemption: A Myth-Archetypal Interpretation of the Ferryman

Meng Qiao, Tan Jing
The Ferryman is a novel of spiritual salvation that integrates myth and reality. It centers on Dylan’s journey of soul searching and returning, and portrays how ordinary little people get out of the spiritual dilemma and reshape themselves through the pursuit of spiritual home and the test of soul. The...
Proceedings Article

Stanisław Moniuszko: The Works in Context of Russian Contacts — 15 Songs to Words by Russian Poets

Olga Sobakina
The works by Moniuszko always found warm response in Russia; Dargomyzhsky, Glinka, Cui, Serov contributed to the promotion of him. Moniuszko’s visits to St. Petersburg took place in 1842, 1849, 1856 and 1870. Not getting a job in St. Petersburg, Moniuszko, however, managed to get permission from the...
Proceedings Article

Classification Content in Indonesian Website Da’wah using Text Mining for Detecting Islamic Radical Understanding

Nahed Nuwairah, Munsyi Munsyi
The Islamic radical content in procedural meaning is content that has provoked the violence, spread the hatred and against nationalism through Islamic da’wah in Indonesian website. The radical definition for each country is different, especially in Indonesia. Radical content is identical with provocation...
Proceedings Article

Analyzing Physical Distancing at Workspace: Study Case Office PT. Energi Guna Raharja

Almira Maritza, Gisella Christina, Michelle Monica, Oktavianus Nangoy, Greysia Susilo
Pandemic era had great impact on human’s entire life. One of most inflicted was working process. When pandemic strikes, most people forced to work from home. Indonesian government then introduced New Normal scheme, where workers allowed to work at office with special requirements implied – health protocols...
Proceedings Article

Quality of Financial Reporting and Impact of GGG Implementation: Study on Local Government in Indonesia

Nelly Masnila, Firmansyah Firmansyah, Jovan Febriantoko, Riana Mayasari, Jamaliah Said
This study relates to good governance determinants to discover the relationship and impact of good government governance on the quality of financial reporting in the Indonesian capital. Independent variables such as legal culture, transparency, equality, accountability, and the Human Development Index...
Proceedings Article

Video as a Learning Media Saxophone Alto Basic Levels

Agung Prabowo, Rita Milyartini, Diah Latifah
Multimedia learning is essential in the world of modern education, with the development of learning technology it can be done anytime and anywhere. The trend of learning using audio video media is the most common choice in this modern world. Students do independent learning, so they have flexible time...
Proceedings Article

Minangkabau’s Women in Kaba Sabai Nan Aluih: Ragam Orang

Aimifrina Aimifrina, Tammasse Tammasse
The purpose of this study is to explain Minangkabau’s women in Kaba Sabai Nan Aluih seen from ragam orang in Minangkabau culture. Ragam orang is a personal human judgment that departs from the teachings of Minangkabau philosophy. There are four categories of ragam orang which are orang, takah orang,...
Proceedings Article

Availability and Utilization Analysis Learning Media at Inclusive Schools in Malang City

Dimas Arif Dewantoro, Rizqi Fajar Pradipta, Mohammad Efendi, Abdul Huda, Mohd Hanafi Mohd Yasin
The research aims to; know the teacher’s opinion in selecting media and analysing availability, utilization, and constraints learning Media. This study uses qualitative research methods with the type of study case. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. The data...
Proceedings Article

Developing Sign Language Digital Dictionary “Kolok-Indonesian-English” Through Smart Kolok Application as a Media for Learning and Preserving a Natural Sign Language in Bengkala Village

Ni Putu Ayu Pirdayanti, Ni Ketut Anggriani, Komang Jepri Kusuma Jaya, I Wayan Pardi
Kolok Bengkala language is used by dumb and deaf people in Bengkala to communicate with each other or with normal people in general. Sign language that prioritizes nonverbal aspects will take a long time to learn if using conventional learning methods such as reading books or just looking at explanatory...
Proceedings Article

Project Based Learning (PjBL) for Vocational High School Teacher Candidates

Andri Setiyawan, Angga Septiyanto, Ayub Budhi Anggoro, Sarwi Asri
Vocational education prepares graduates who are ready to work in the industry. Unnes Mechanical Engineering Education recruits prospective vocational teachers who will later teach in schools. Prospective vocational teachers must be equipped with soft skills and hard skills to become vocational teachers...
Proceedings Article

Thoughts on the Construction of Ecological Corridor of Tourism Highway

Weigang Wang
Combined with the construction requirements of domestic tourist highways under the new situation, this paper analyzes the functional significance, construction principles, construction difficulties, etc. of ecological corridor construction, and puts forward the construction prospect of tourist highway...
Proceedings Article

A Comparative Study of Textual Functions in Chinese and Uygur Parentheses

Chunrong Chen
Parenthesis is an additional element independent of the core sentence structure, which is a very common linguistic phenomenon in Uyghur and Chinese. It not only has various forms, rich semantics, but also has important communicative functions. They make the discourse vivid, rich, fluent, with a strong...
Proceedings Article

Impact of JD-R Model on Psychological Well-Being of Gig Workers

Lee Siew Woon, Cheah Chew Sze, Cheah Yeh Ying, Afandi Yusof
In the digital era, the gig economy has recently emerged as a key theme independent review of current work patterns. There is a variety of jobs in Malaysia’s gig economy and the number of gig workers keeps increasing. Gig workers are facing many challenges. However, there is only a little research on...
Proceedings Article

Brand Strategy “Simpul Talenta” Surakarta in Improving: Marketing in The Youth Environment

Ridha Maharani, Andre N. Rahmanto, M. I. Naini Albert
Knowledge and technology that are developing rapidly have become the government’s attention in all aspects, one of which is overcoming the unemployment problem. The Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker) launched the Talent Hub program for young people. Simpul Talenta has been present in several cities in Indonesia,...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Multicultural Education in History Learning in Keritang High School of Riau

Yulius Carles, Ajat Sudrajat
Education aims to prepare students to become a generation that has insight, knowledge, attitudes and actions in the life of the nation and state that pays attention to cultural backgrounds. One component in education is the teaching and learning process (learning). Multicultural education can be implemented...
Proceedings Article

Economic Literacy and Pocket Money Predict Students’ Interest to Make an Investment

Titik Ulfatun, Bambang Dwi Atmojo
Along with the development of economics, it can be seen that the young generation has a big interest in investing, including students in universities. This study aims to examine how well economic literacy as reported by students and their pocket money predicts students’ interest to invest. A quantitative...
Proceedings Article

Existential-Personalist Understanding of the Philosophy of History

Sergei Nizhnikov, Argen Kadyrov
The article is devoted to the analyses of theoretical models of historical development, evaluation of them and coming to the best one. Thus the authors generalize, summarize and mark out six of them: 1) Cyclical (the old one: Herodotus, Aristotle, etc.), 2) Eschatological (A. Augustine), 3) Progressive...
Proceedings Article

Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting Model for the Environment at Oil and Gas Companies in North Kalimantan

Sri Purwanti, Oekan S. Abdoellah, Chay Asdak, M. Fani Cahyandito
This study aims to identify and analyze the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility and to formulate environmental reporting models for oil and gas companies in Tarakan City, North Kalimantan Province. The research approach used is descriptive qualitative, data collection is done by literature...
Proceedings Article

Social Alienation of Thinking Narrowness

Dominance Power Relations and Hegemony of Historical Learning as Social Studies Learning Resources

Agus Suprijono, Riyadi Riyadi, Wisnu Wisnu, Nuansa Bayu Segara, Chrisnawanto Nugroho
The purpose of the study was to analyze the meaninglessness of learning history in students. The meaninglessness of learning is a form of social alienation. The process of achieving research objectives begins with data collection through in-depth interviews and observation techniques. Interviews were...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Virtual Reality Technology in Geography Teaching

Tao Niu, Zhiping Li, Meiyin Huang, Li Yuan
Virtual reality technology can help students enter the virtual teaching scene, satisfy students’ multi-sensory experience teaching, and promote the effective occurrence of teaching. Simulation technology can create realistic virtual scenes, which provides the possibility of virtual visualization for...
Proceedings Article

Need Analysis of Busybook Development on Social Studies Material for Elementary School

Adinda Tsalis Dyah, Yulia Maftuhah Hidayati
Backgrounds: This study aimed to describe the need analysis for busybook development on the content of social studies material on cultural diversity for fourth-grade elementary school. Methods: This study was qualitative. The subjects of this study were a teacher and 30 students of Muhammadiyah Elementary...
Proceedings Article

Human Resource Management Issues in Private Banking—Taking N Bank as an Example

Yuwen Qin
With the rapid development of China’s economy, the size of China’s high net worth population is large and maintaining high growth, and the total number of high net worth people continues to increase. Private banking has become an integral part of the banking business, and the main needs of HNWI wealth...
Proceedings Article

Integrating Collaborative Learning into Semantic Mapping Strategy to Boost Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension Achievement

Welly Ardiansyah, Iskandar Rosyidin, Nurul Aryanti, Ahmad Leo Faragusta
The study compared students’ reading comprehension and English vocabulary before and after instruction using two different instructional strategies: the original semantic mapping strategy and the semantic mapping strategy in conjunction with collaborative learning. The study involved two groups, one...
Proceedings Article

Citizens’ Participation in Developing Public Policy in Village Development Planning

Agung Setia Budi
This study aims to 1. Describe and explain the participation of citizens in developing public policies in the village of Suka Indah, Baros District, Serang Regency 2. Describe and explain the Village Development Planning Process in Suka Indah Village, Baros District, Serang Regency. This study is a qualitative...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Solutions to Cold-Start Problems

Yuehan Qin, Wuji Chang, Songtao Zhang, Yihuan Yan
The recommender system has seeped into each corner of the earth, but any recommender system has to experience the process of lacking data at the beginning. So, how to recommend things well in that condition becomes a cold start problem. The recommendation system cold start problem has always been a big...
Proceedings Article

Performance Assessment Used by Teacher in Students’ Writing Skill at Grade X Senior High School of Lingga Kepulauan Riau

Kh. Fitra Rakhmayani, Refnaldi
Performance assessment is one type of assessment which the students are required to demonstrate what they have mastered about specific skills and competencies by performing or producing something. The aims of this study to know the procedure used by teachers in using performance assessment students’...
Proceedings Article

Exploring English Vocational High School Teachers’ Critical Incidents: A Case Study

Asih Santihastuti, Utami Widiati, Yazid Basthomi, Utari Praba Astuti
This study aims at identifying and exploring the critical incidents (CI) experienced by English vocational high school teachers. Their particular tasks, such as creating learning opportunities and resources that must meet the students’ specific needs, bring them some challenges and difficulties. Despite...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Development of Community Elderly Care Centers with Government Support in the Context of Internet Big Data

Liyang Chen, Jun Liu, Xiaoning Zhu
The aging problem facing China is increasing, and with it comes the serious problem of elderly care. As an important way to solve the urban aging problem, community elderly care centers have become a model of elderly care vigorously implemented in many cities, and the government plays a crucial role...
Proceedings Article

Research on Practical Teaching Reform of Tourism Management Major on the Basis of Promotion of Vocational Ability

Chunli Lv, Xinqi Ding
Vocational ability is the practical requirement of tourism industry for tourism talents. The purpose of practical teaching reform of tourism management major is to promote vocational ability. On the basis of analyzing vocational ability that university graduates of applied tourism management should have,...
Proceedings Article

Research on Socialization Problems of Endowment Insurance in China

You-Lian Guo
With the rapid growth of aging population in our country, the socialization of endowment insurance is particularly important. The main problems that endowment insurance socialization faces are: the large salary gap between civil service, public Institution and business company; a considerable distance...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Model and Errors in Data Fitting

Cao Ying
To linearize the several commonly nonlinear function by using variable substitution method, using the least square method and the total least squares method to observed curve fitting data after linearized the function, results show that the fitting precision of curve function that use the total least...
Proceedings Article

Research on Owner's Claims Based on Construction Project Delay Compensation

Yifan Han, Ling Yan
Research on owner's claims is insufficient in constructive engineering field, the composition and calculation way of the delay compensation is still not clear. Firstly, make definition of the delay compensation and its character. Secondly, analyze the reasons of delay, make specific division on the composition...
Proceedings Article

Ecology of Culture in the Space of Social and Humanitarian Knowledge

Eleonora Barkova, Olga Buzskaya, Marina Ivleva, Marat Buzskij
The article investigates, on the foundation of eco-philosophical approach, the concept of ecology, in general, and the perspectives of its implementation in the sphere of culture researches; it analyzes the main approaches in ecological methodology. The authors conclude the ecological aspects of culture...
Proceedings Article

Three guises of A. Thackeray, Lady Ritchie: a writer, literary critic and a prototype of two heroines of novels

Irina Burova
The purpose of the article is to give an overview of A. Thackeray's oeuvre and show her in her literary guises an essayist, author of fiction and a historian of literature. Special attention is paid to her major works,"The Story of Elizabeth," "Out of the World," "Miss Angel," and "A Book of Sybils."
Proceedings Article

Study on Risks and Benefits Caused by Commercial Bank Loan Pricing for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

Lulu Hao, Jing Gao
The expected payment of making loan to SMEs for commercial bank is jointly determined by interest rate and the probability of enterprise's repayment. This paper firstly analyzes the effect of loan interest rate on enterprise's risks on the basis of constructing game model of the loan relationship between...
Proceedings Article

Impact of Supplier's R&D Investment on Supply Chain Operations under Stochastic Isoelastic Demand and Consignment Contract

Hengyun Zhang, Ruoyu Lu
In a decentralized supply chain with an upstream supplier and a downstream platform, the supplier sells a product to a stochastic isoelastic demand market through a platform. The supplier considers to make R&D investment to reduce its production cost, and hence the supply chain becomes more cost efficient....
Proceedings Article

Legal Issues of Rural Financial Supervision System in China

Xu-song Jiang
This paper aims at studying the legal issues of rural financial supervision system in China, and tries to solve the problems. For this objective, this paper mainly analyzes the reality demands of rural financial supervision system, to demonstrate the significance of perfecting the supervision system....
Proceedings Article

Construction of Biochemistry Open Online Curriculum in Local Universities Based on MOOC/SPOC

Lusha Ji, Yang Zhang, Shichao Li, Jiahui Zheng
The study analyzes the cases of biochemistry open online curriculum construction in local universities, proposes the specific content, implementation plans, security system and significance of biochemistry open online curriculum construction in local universities. The study provides references for biochemistry...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Applications of Parallel Genetic Algorithm and Optimization Theory in the Enhancement of Network Security

Chen Liwei
In this paper, we conduct research on the applications of parallel genetic algorithm and optimization theory in the enhancement of network security. As the using range of the world's biggest information network, the Internet itself agreement the openness of great convenience to all kinds of computer...
Proceedings Article

A New Variant of Android Educational Game as The Facility Intoduction Number for Early ChildHood

Devi Astri Nawangnugraeni, Subiyanto
This paper presents a new research, development and experiment evaluation of an android application game. The game is proposed as for the educational facility to introduce number for early child. This educational game teaches a childhood to learn while playing that is learning numbers 0-9 uses the media...
Proceedings Article

A study on the changes of the consumption level of rural residents

Xuechao Ma, Hong Yin, Meng Lv
Under the condition of market economy, the demand is the leading force of the market, and the constraint function and the function of the economy will become more and more obvious. China is now in a market economy to accelerate the transition period, the impact of consumption on its economic development...
Proceedings Article

The Informatization Research on Manufacturing Industry in Northeast China

Jie Qiu, Haiyang Zhang
Founding of New China, the manufacturing industry in Northeast China was once the center of China's manufacturing industry, contributing a lot for China’s socialist modernization and national economic development. However, since the reform and opening up, the development speed of the manufacturing industry...
Proceedings Article

Specific Features and Language Components of English Used by EFL Learners in Sundanese Cultural Context: A Case in a Paper Presentation Class

Erlina Zulkifli MAHMUD, Taufik AMPERA
What had happened to EFL learners now in our country needs to be reviewed and evaluated far back to the first learning process in their Elementary School or Junior High School. The language skills given in this level are focused more to Reading and Writing with Grammar as the core. EFL learners in Indonesia...
Proceedings Article

Political Socialization Media of Selayar Islands General Election

Andi Gau Kadir, Dr Nurlinah, Mr Rahmatullah
This paper aims to identify the most influential political socialization media in shaping the political culture of maritime communities in the Selayar Islands District. The research method used is a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods with data collection methods in the form of surveys,...
Proceedings Article

Sensory Characteristic of Gluten-Free Popular Indonesian Cookies

Andian Ari Anggraeni, Titin Hera Widi Handayani, Sri Palupi
This research was performed to develop gluten-free cookies using modified cassava flour-based composite flour. Cookies popular in Indonesia, such as choco-chips, nastar, and kastengel cookies, were produced from various blends of modified cassava flour (MCF), rice flour (RF), maize flour (MF), isolated...
Proceedings Article

The College Classroom Construction and Management under the Background of "Internet plus Education"-Taking South China University of Technology as an Example

Fang Lu
Since the promulgation of Education Informatization Decade Development Plan (2011-2020), the support environment of informatization education of universities in China has reached a large scale and good application results have been achieved. In this paper, through the analysis of the current situation...
Proceedings Article

Research on Service Quality Evaluation of Rural Tourism

Yu Huang
With the continuous development of rural tourism, the quality problem of service is gradually emerging. Service quality is a subjective evaluation of tourists at the end of their service. It affects the tourists' willingness to make recommendations and revisit. Through combing and defining the relevant...
Proceedings Article

Existence of Golkar Party in Banggai Regency 1999-2009

Fathur Rahman, Mohtar Haboddin, Nur Rosalia Juita Tahwali
Golkar Party had become the rulling party in Banggai District for ten years starting from 1999-2009. The fantastic victory achieved by the Golkar Party was about 58 percent of the vote in 1999, followed by 32.78 percent in 2004, and then 37 percent votes in 2009. Banggai District has become a granary...
Proceedings Article

The War and the Nature of National Education in the Works of Russian Neokantians

Vladimir Belov, Julia Karagod
Based on the analysis of works of two Russian thinkers S. Hessen and M. Rubinstein the paper considers the problems of national education. It determines that the First World War served as a specific catalyst for data access issues. Russian Neo-Kantian philosophers, graduates of German universities, did...
Proceedings Article

The Linkage between Vocational High School Cooperation with Industries in field of Information Technology in Malang

Kirya Mateeke Moses, Muladi Muladi, Aji Prasetya Wibawa
Developing potential human resources is every nation's dream through quality education for empowering them for global competition. Skills and knowledge are recognized engines of economic growth and social development in any nation. TVET holds the master key for achieving this growth because it is driven...
Proceedings Article

Angklung Inspired Engineering Design Course

Estiyanti Ekawati, Eko Mursito Budi, Ardhana Putra, Manik Mahachandra, Augie Widyotriatmo
Angklung is a traditional musical instrument of Indonesia that has been existed since the Hindu era. The whole parts of this instrument is made from bamboo and tied by rattan cord. For centuries, artisans have perfecting the craftsmanship of angklung based on inherited wisdom. Since 1968, angklung has...
Proceedings Article

Guided Training Model Development as an Improvement Strategy for Early Childhood Education Teachers' Assessment Ability

Sofia Hartati, Ade Dwi Utami, Lara Fridani
This research aimed to develop a guided training model as an improvement strategy for early childhood education teachers' assessment ability in assessing children's development through learning activities to establish indicators of assessment ability for early childhood education teachers. Literature...
Proceedings Article

Research on Ideological Education of College Students of Finance and Economics under the Perspective of Integrity and Love Culture

Liguang Zhao
Economic universities are the base to cultivate economic talents for the society. The morality and quality of these talents will directly influence the general mood of economic field of the society. It is important to let students accept the substantial spirit of integrity and love culture and shape...
Proceedings Article

Social and Musical Communication Past and Present

Alexander Yakoupov
In this article the author discovers the connection between the society and music communication. He believes music communication to be an important part of social life. He studies the development of public music taste in the XXth century in Russia. Musicians` involvement into cultural life and education...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Creative Model Supervision on 21st Century Skills of Senior High School Students

Yudhi Saparudin
The demographic data stated the huge number of Indonesian students, it is around 49,186,236 students. It makes Indonesia becomes the 7th largest in the world. With this huge number, if the students are educated through a standardized education system, developing 21st century skill students (4C; critical,...
Proceedings Article

Realization of Educational Potential of Public Museums in the Eurasian Educational Space

M.S. Yakushkina, L.A. Kozhemyakina
The system of conditions for the realization of the educational potential of a public museum in the Eurasian educational space is discussed in the article. The concept of “Eurasian educational space” is clarified. The pedagogical meaning of the concepts “the educational potential of public museums” and...
Proceedings Article

Deconstruction of a figure of the leader in the cluster world

Irina Khmyrova-Pruel, Boris Sokolov, Nikita Nogovitsyn
The modern world and people’s consciousness in this world are changing rapidly. Therefore, the former status of the leader as a phenomenon of the "mediator" of the main lines of force of culture is transformed. The main trend of postmodernity can be defined as a global clustering of reality. It consists...
Proceedings Article

The Cultivation of Entrepreneurship Values in Children Aged 5-6 Years at TK Khalifah Samarinda

Hasbi Sjamsir, Farny Sutriany Jafar, Anis Alfiah
This study aims to determine the learning of the cultivation of entrepreneurial values in children aged 5-6 years in TK Khalifah Samarinda and the obstacles experienced in the learning strategy of planting entrepreneurial values in children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten. Khalifah Samarinda. This type...
Proceedings Article

Using Mnemonic-Based Applications to Learning Japanese Hiragana Characters

Linna Meilia Rasiban, Dadang Sudana, Dedi Sutedi
This study investigated the effects of mnemonics on remembering Japanese hiragana characters by Japanese language learners with an alphabetic background. Our true-experimental design involved 36 high school students taking classes in Japanese course. In experimental conditions used two class, one class...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on Updating and Innovative Thinking Mode of Higher Vocational Computer Teaching

Lu Kong
With the development of Chinese economy and the progress of science and technology, computer Internet technology has been widely applied, and the educational field also increasingly pays more attention to the computer teaching. Higher vocational college is an important constituent of China’s education...
Proceedings Article

The Validity of Realistic Problem Based Learning Model Development of Mathematics Learning in Vocational High School (SMK)

Rivdya Eliza, Ahmad Fauzan, Lufri Lufri, Yerizon Yerizon
The aims of this research is to determine the validity aspects of Realistic Problem Based Learning Model or abbreviated as Reaalistic PBL Model for students of SMK grade X1 semester 1 in Padang. Realistic PBL Model is a learning model developed from Problem Based Learning Model and Realistic Mathematics...
Proceedings Article

Ziarah Kubur Activity Phenomenon on the Last Days of Sha’ban Month in Jakarta

Abd Chair, M.Ma'ruf Misbah, Adang Asdari
This article discusses the phenomenon of the tendency among Muslims to carry out the activity of ziarah kubur (visit to the grave) in Jakarta on the last days of Sha'ban month, the 8th month in the Hijri calendar. The purpose of this research is to know the factors that motivate them in implementing...
Proceedings Article

Contestation of Global-Local Culture in Islamic Art of Pondok Pesantren Walisanga Situbondo

Panakajaya Hidayatullah
This article is the result of anthropology research using ethnographic methods. Discusses global and local culture contestation in the performing arts in the Walisanga Islamic Boarding School Situbondo. The findings of this study indicate that this Islamic values spread (dakwah) is a method of Islamic...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Impact of Top Management Team Political Connection on Diversification

Ting Liang
Taking listed companies in Hubei Province as an example, this paper empirically studies the influence of political connection of top management team on diversification of listed companies. The results show that the political connection of top management team has significant influence on the diversification...
Proceedings Article

An innovative research on the construction mode of "situation and policy" curriculum from the perspective of intersubjectivity

Lei Yang
Situation and policy courses in colleges and universities shoulder the historical task of ideological and political education, which is the main position to spread the world situation, national conditions and party situation to college students. The quality and degree of its construction are of great...
Proceedings Article

Optimizing teaching conditions for efficient development of translation skills within postgraduate study programs

Aleksei Alipichev, Olga Takanova, Aleksei Zaitsev, Nina Lozhkina
The paper outlines didactic conditions of organizing foreign language training courses within postgraduate programs of non-linguistic training fields. Based on theoretical and empirical research, the authors offer methodological recommendations for developing translation skills within the structure of...
Proceedings Article

Developed Students Character at Elementary School through Wordless Picture Book

Nina Nurhasanah, Nadiroh, Maratun Nafiah
This research aim toobtain data on the effectiveness of wordless picture book in developing the character of grade 2 elementary school student. Wordless Picture Book as book of enrichmentwhich can be used by teacher to developed student character.Thisbook contains few part of story whichloadcharactervalue...
Proceedings Article

Needs Analysis for Tutor Teacher of Extracurricular Programs

Hanif Alkadri, Nellitawati Nellitawati, Yuskal Kusman, Ayu Tia Ningrum
The purpose of this article is to analyze the needs of students, teachers, and parents towards tutor teachers of extracurricular programs. The method uses a mix method between qualitative research and quantitative research. The results are (1) for extracurricular programs, the students need tutor teachers...
Proceedings Article

Use of Social Media In The Development of Halal Tourism In Madura

Farida Arief, Zulaikha, R. Hartopo Eko Putro
The people of Madurese are well aware of the rituals of prayers offered on the tombs of leaders, both religious leaders and personalities considered as elders of the community. The pilgrimage to the tomb then became a familiar activity conducted by the community. Not only are certain days considered...
Proceedings Article

Problems of Huge Goodwill in Merger and Acquisition: Analysis and Solution

Chaoyao Ni, Chenhong Mo, Jiayu Wu
This paper studies the problems and risks that may exist in the process of high-goodwill mergers and acquisitions. Specifically, taking the event of TONZE ELECTRIC CO.,LTD’s cross-industry M&A of Xintai material in 2016 as an example, the reasons for declined financial performance of the acquired party...
Proceedings Article

E-Musrenbang As A Means In Increasing Community Participation In Development Planning In Indonesia: Its Challenges And Obstacles

Teguh Kurniawan
The advancement of information and communication technology through the internet has offered a new form of participation and interaction between government and society so that in the end it can push the higher level of understanding and acceptance of society to government action. The condition achieved...
Proceedings Article

Concept of Faith: Its Ontological and Gnoseological Aspects

Sergei Nizhnikov
The concept of faith is defined as a universal path to the spiritual knowledge born in the "Axial Age" (K. Jaspers) as a way of understanding the transcendent origins underlying all the world religions and associated philosophies. The author of the article asserts the significance of faith from the philosophical,...
Proceedings Article

Spread Development of Short Video App Analyzed by Fast Hand

Xing Hua, Ke Li, Zongyuan Tan, Jian Zhou
With the rapid development of social media, people began to be dissatisfied with the way of transmission of text pictures. The short video app came into being and opened a new way for users to socialize. As the short video app with advanced users, the fast hand has experienced the development of stage...
Proceedings Article

Is the integration of pop art an important factor in giving birth to the art market?

Yao Wang
Pop art is a new style of art. Its characteristics are popular, popular and mass production, and the characteristics of the art market are to serve the masses and retail a large amount of cheap daily necessities produced in mass production. Pop art is closely related to the supermarket. Andy Warhol is...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on Semantic Relations of English Nominal Anaphora

Yuqing Xu
Anaphora plays an indispensable role in discourse cohesion since it tells us how discourse is constructed and arranged. The present paper aims to analyze anaphora from a semantic angle. In this paper, definition and types of anaphora are presented firstly, and then moves to focus on nominal anaphora....
Proceedings Article

Costing Information System Design for a Clinic Registered as a First-Degree Healthcare Provider (Case Study: Ismal Medika Health Clinic)

Gamal Batara, Machmudin Eka Prasetya
This study aims to analyze and design a costing information system for Ismail Medika Health Clinic, registered as a first-degree health clinic in Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial or BPJS (the Indonesian Social Insurance Administration Organization). The Indonesian Ministry of Health suggests that healthcare...
Proceedings Article

Exploration on the Teaching Practice of Entrepreneurship Management Course in Business Universities

Yonghui Dai, Nianwen Du, Qianfeng Zhu, Peng Zuo
Innovative entrepreneurship education has attracted the attention of colleges and universities as a national strategy. The work explores the curriculum teaching practice of 320 entrepreneurial management students of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics. And the results show that...
Proceedings Article

Enhancing Students' Engagement in TBLT: The Implementation of Mind Mapping

Raka Sitawati, Dyah Hudiananingsih, Rai Jaya Widanta, Dana Ardika, Ketut Suciani, Paulus Subiyanto
Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) has been found effective to improve students' comprehension on language and communication skill. This study aimed at investigating whether (or not) mind mapping, as a part of learning technics, was potential to increase students' engagement in learning English in English...
Proceedings Article

Novels by Gaito Gazdanov and Mental Changes in Literary Consciousness of Russian First-Wave Émigré Writers of the 20th Century

Nikolay Nikolaev, Svetlana Dulova
The first wave of Russian émigré writers of the 20th century has attracted attention as an internally heterogeneous phenomenon for quite a long time. There are two generations of this wave traditionally distinguished by the researchers: the older (I. Bunin, I. Shmelev, and others) and the younger (V....
Proceedings Article

An Argument against Registration of Religions

Jeremy Patrick
The paper examines how is the perspective of freedom of religion and human rights, the official registration and recognition of religious groups is inevitably problematic in democratic societies. Several arguments against the practice follow, but many share a common theme: scepticism of government power....
Proceedings Article

Village Government Leadership Towards Optimizing Society Participation in Development Planning

Adam Latif, Irwan, Ahmad Mustanir, Jamaludin Ahmad, Geminastiti Sakkir
This research is to find out the leadership of the village government and to find out society participation in development planning in Pattondon Salu Village, Maiwa District, Enrekang Regency. The hypothesis of this study is that village government leadership has a significant effect on optimizing society...
Proceedings Article

Peace Guidance and Counseling Based on Indonesian Local Wisdom

Agus Supriyanto, Wahyu Saputra, Budi Astuti
Conflict and violence arise in the behavior of aggression. Aggression behavior in the industrial era 4.0, such as hitting teachers, insulting teachers, uncontrolled emotions, hatred, intolerance, and spreading negative information. The most significant impact is the negative perception of students about...
Proceedings Article

Identifying the Issues of Digital Literacy Skills of Undergraduate Students in Universitas Negeri Padang in Applying Internet as Online Learning Resource

Dedi Supendra, Septriyan Anugrah, Fitri Maiziani
Engaging with online learning materials and resources have been common activities undertaken by undergraduate students in discovering knowledge and in particular situation, assisting them doing their assignments. However, there are some problems emerged during this process so that it cannot reach the...
Proceedings Article

Categories of Space and Time of the Concept “Reindeer Breeding” (in Even and Evenki)

Ekaterina Krivoshapkina, Svetlana Prokopieva
In the context of development of cognitive linguistics, the concept “reindeer breeding” must be regarded more extensive, namely, as a basic category of being for most indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia, and Russian Far East. Using the cognitive approach, its conceptual content must be addressed....
Proceedings Article

Problems and Countermeasures of rural water ecological civilization construction under river system

Min Xiang, Yan-wen Shi, Wei-liang Li, Yi-ming Zhou, Zheng-jia GU
Rural water environment is an integral part of the construction of rural water ecological civilization and an important part of the construction of "beautiful countryside”. But in recent years, rural water ecological environment is deteriorating.This paper analyzes the present situation and causes of...
Proceedings Article

Entering Children’s Literacy Through Whole Language Approach

Ari Susanti, Mustaji Mustaji, Umi Anugerah Izzati
The aim of this research was to determine the influence of the whole language for kindergarten students, especially in early literacy. The researcher chose a whole language approach to help children age 4-5 years understanding early literacy because it integrated 4 language capabilities: reading, writing,...
Proceedings Article

Independent Assessment of the Quality of Education in Russia: Results and Development Directions

Yulia Fedorchuk, Sergey Neustroyev, Anna Arinushkina
The article considers certain elements of the world and national system of independent assessment of the education quality. The structure of the system at the federal, regional, and local levels, the regulatory framework, and the results are considered. The paper also analyzes the normative changes in...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Health Educational Lessons using Learning Activities that Make Students Apply The Knowledge

Hideaki Tanimoto
The Japanese Education Ministry guidelines were revised in 2008 with an emphasis to elevate the thinking levels, judgment capacity and an expressive faculty. This will be passed down by the next guidelines revised in 2017. As in any health education, handling the Content of the Education Ministry guidelines...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Multiple Intelligences Theory in Mathematics Teaching

Nan Wang
The construction of high-end technical and skilled personnel training project in Beijing is not only the need of social development, but also the need of school education development. Through the application of multiple intelligences theory in mathematics class, teachers can correctly treat the diversity...
Proceedings Article

Putative Dehalogenase uptake gene from Rhizobium sp. RC1

Adam Izzuddin Nasir, Aliyu Adamu, Yilmaz Kaya, Mohamed Faraj Edbeib, Fahrul Huyop
Halogenated compounds that are polluting the environment is becoming a huge concern that demands an efficient solution. The rising priority in the use of microorganisms that have the potential to be the most environmental-friendly way to degrade and dispose of halogenated compounds is crucial in solving...
Proceedings Article

Arguments in Critical Thinking Ability

Nonik Indrawatiningsih
The ability to think critically is an essential skill and becomes one of the primary goals in college. A person who can think critically will be able to use appropriate criteria to evaluate an argument. There must be clear evidence and accompanied by a plausible explanation. This study aims to investigate...