Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81396 articles
Proceedings Article

Improving the Student’s Cooperation and Environmental Care Skill using Outdoor Learning Strategy Outbound Variation

Akhmad Riandy Agusta, Noorhapizah
This research describes the impact of learning process use the outdoor learning strategy outbound variation based on Banjarese local wisdom to improve student's cooperation and environmental care skill. The type of research method was classroom action research, and the research subject were students...
Proceedings Article

The Rise of Russia-China International Cooperation in Higher Education

Katkova Evgeniya, Sidorov Dmitry, Wu Ruochen
The article is devoted to the scientific and educational cooperation of Russia and China and discusses the priority areas of Russian educational services’ export to China which can become an effective tool of the “soft power” in Russia's foreign policy. The authors examine the history of Russian – Chinese...
Proceedings Article

A Controversial Existence: Chinese Pastoral Feminism

Jinke Li
After a century of profound historical change, Chinese feminism has developed into diverse schools and branches, with different theoretical approaches and strategies appearing in the internet era. “Chinese pastoral feminism” is a representative and influential form of feminism, but its existence is surrounded...
Proceedings Article

Research on Students' Satisfaction with the Teaching Quality of Foreign Teachers in Universities-Take the Department of Art of M University as an Example

Zhiyi Zhuo, Hexing Dong
This article studies the students’ satisfaction with the teaching quality of foreign teachers who teach art (public art) in the Department of Art of M University. Through the statistical analysis of the teaching attitude, teaching content, teaching effects and evaluation recommendations, the author suggests...
Proceedings Article

21st Century Skills: Literacy-Based Learning in Academic Debate Classes for University Students

Sueb Mr., Lina Purwaning Hartanti, Layli Hidayah
in today’s economic-driven community, the trend of education is to prepare the students more than social and numerical skills. The trend in the future requires more complex demands related to the students’ skills, ranging from literacy and self-autonomy to collaboration ability with others to solve problems....
Proceedings Article

The Significance of Comparative Advantage Theory and Competitive Advantage Theory to the Development of China's Foreign Trade

Zhili Ren, Yuwei Ma
For a long time, China's foreign trade has remained dominated by labor-intensive products. The international division of labor, which only takes comparative advantages, cannot fundamentally drive the country's economic development, but will cause China fall into the "trap of comparative advantage". Based...
Proceedings Article

Nurturance Effects of the New Cognitive Style-Based Learning Strategy in Science Learning

Arif Sholahuddin, Leny Yuanita, Imam Supardi
This research is the field trial stage of research and development of the new cognitive-based learning strategy called @UnESa-GAIn. Basically, this learning strategy is designed for students in concrete cognitive development to improve mainly instructional effects of conceptual understanding, problem-solving...
Proceedings Article

Identifying Business Ethics Manifestation in Ecopreneurship Implementation: Study from Fish 'n Blues Enterprise in Indonesian Fishery Industry

Cut Irna Setiawati, Zidnie Ilma
Fish 'n Blues is an enterprise in Jakarta headquarter that concerns the role as supplier and retailer of environmental seafood products. This enterprise adopts Ecopreneurship principles in business activities in front of parties such customer, fisherman, government, and third party called expert environment...
Proceedings Article

Realization of Professional-Pedagogical Communication in Ensemble Class

Tatyana Varlamova
The article deals with the process of professional-pedagogical communication in the ensemble's class, the interaction of the teacher and students, the exchange of information when cooperating on musical works, self-knowledge and self-expression of the individual in joint music making, the educational...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of TPD between Chinese and English on Basic Writing of Chinese as a Second Language--A Case Study of Linyi University

Jinxia Liu, Hongzhen Qiao
The author first analyzes the errors in Chinese compositions of the students in Linyi University to illustrate the importance of Chinese thought pattern for basic Chinese writing from the perspective of Chinese and English thought patterns. Then the author puts forward some concrete suggestions for the...
Proceedings Article

Investigation and Research on the Construction of Basic Education Information Environment

Le Zhang
With the deepening development of education informationization, the monitoring and evaluation of the development level of education informatization is not only the need of education modernization construction and assessment, but also the need of education informationization construction science. Based...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Self-Efficacy to Mathematical Anxiety on Junior High School Students of YDM Learning Guidance Course Makassar

Dian Novita Siswanti, Novita Maulidya Djalal
Mathematics is often considered as one of difficult subject at school. It causes many students feel anxious when facing this subject. One of the factors that can affect mathematical anxiety is students' belief on their own ability which is called self-efficacy. The purpose of this study is to determine...
Proceedings Article

Economic Performance and Factors Affecting The Context Socio Economic Environmental Accounting (SEEA)

Heri Widodo
This study aims to determine the effect of Environmental Performance on Economic Performance at Pharmaceutical companies in Indonesia, used Predeterminated Variable. This research type is quantitative approach, with the population 10 Pharmaceutical companies listing in Indonesia Stock Exchange. The Period...
Proceedings Article

The Principle of Separation of Powers between Sharia and the Positive Law: a Case Study on the Constitutional System of Saudi Arabia

Muamar Hasan Salameh
The aim of this study is to clarify the extent of the influence of the separation principle of powers in the constitutional system of Saudi Arabia, as it is one of the main principles of democratic systems. Sharia law is the supreme system in Saudi Arabia which necessitates determining the stand of Sharia...
Proceedings Article

The Discussion of Clothing Form with Geometric Modeling

Yueming Yang
First of all, this research was begun by collecting historical researches then integrating and analyzing the consequences, which effected by geometrical form in the design fields. Further it goes to a trial is to draw out the inwardness of geometrical elements those possibly could be transferred into...
Proceedings Article

English Translation Strategies of Tourism Texts Under Skopos Theory

Bingqian Zhou
The rapid development of China's economy and the construction of "the Belt and Road Initiative", have greatly promoted the development of Chinese tourism. Now, China has gradually become an important destination for foreign tourists. The construction of Xiongan New Area and the integration of Beijing,...
Proceedings Article

Development Of Submitting Module Handware And Handmade Maintenance Competency To Increase Creativity And Student Learning Results In Vocational High School

Rizky Yulianingrum Pradani, Luthfiyah Nurlaela, Wahono Widodo
The purpose of this study was to determine : the feasibility of modules developed to support learning with a model Problem Based Learning, the activities of teacher and students in teaching and learning activities using the module Manicure with problem based learning, the difference creativity students...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Students' Mathematical Representations in Solving Geometric Problems

Akhsanul In'am, Intan Ayu Sari Dewi
The objective of this present research is to describe students' mathematical representations in solving geometric problems. A qualitative approach was adopted, and the subject was 6 Students Grade IX, MTs Muhammadiyah 1 Malang, Indonesia. The subject consisted of 3 female and 3 male students. The data...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the New Thinking of Chinese Commercial Film Production Mode In the New Era

Liyang Han
This paper aims to solve the problems of Chinese commercial films in three aspects: organizational structure, content production and producer's ability. And will use the comparative analysis method, and Hollywood commercial film production process for comparison. Using case analysis method, this paper...
Proceedings Article

Informal Supervision Model “Managing by Walking About” in Improving Quality of Learning

Ahmad Ahmad Nurabadi, Ahmad Nurabadi, Sucipto Sucipto, Imam Gunawan
The principal must know all the teachers well, all the students, all parents of students, and the school community. To get to know all parties and their working environment, the principal must have an open door policy and managing by walking about (MBWA), namely managing by blusukan or also known as...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of School-Based Management Implementation and Principals’ Managerial Competencies

Deitje Katuuk, Sjamsi Pasandaran, Apeles Lonto, Recky Sendouw
This study analyzes the problems of School-based Management implementation and principals’ managerial competency. School-Based Management (SBM) is one of the management models to improve school’s performance by delegating management authority and autonomy to the school. This study focused on the problems...
Proceedings Article

Ecological Political Commitments: Measuring The Ecological Leadership Visions of District Head In Bangka Belitung Region

Rendy, Ibrahin, Pratama Sandy
Bangka Belitung is an area rich in natural resources, especially tin. The tin mining process has also continued for hundreds of years, leaving massive environmental damage in the region. Therefore, a leader is required to be able to guarantee political and legal commitments as a regional head. This paper...
Proceedings Article

Intellectual Security as the Leading Factor of Economic Development

Marina Vinogradova, Valeriya Sizikova, Anna Rybakova
Our paper discusses the problem of intellectual security within the concept of economic development represented by the regional development. We argue that in today’s complex world, intellectual security is becoming the leading factor of economic development. The paper discusses such issues as human...
Proceedings Article

Is There Peace in My Classroom? A Student’s Perspective of Peace with Narrative Research in Senior High Schools in Yogyakarta

Eva Imania Eliasa, Sunaryo Kartasasmita, Ilfiandra
This study aims to determine perceptions of peace based on the students, conflict resolution and expectations for class peace. The research approach used narrative type qualitative research. The participants of the research were 22 students of Grade K11 of SMAN 1 Kalasan, Yogyakarta. The interview was...
Proceedings Article

Form of Teacher Communication in Handling Students with Special Needs in Madrasah

Pia Khoirotun Nisa, Yopi Kusmiati
Communication is a basic human activity. By communicating, human can interact to each other. No one has never involved in communication. The importance of communication for as human being cannot be denied, In the world of education, the on going communication will, of course, be related to values and...
Proceedings Article

Decision Support System for Determining Employees Staying Using the Simple Additive Weighting Method

Memed Saputra, Davy Jonathan, Harco Leslie Hendric Spits Warnars
Assessment of employee achievements is an absolute thing to do to find out the achievements that have been achieved by each employee, a problem that also exists is that employee assessment data is still stored in the form of archives / notebooks, there is no protection for each data. Follow-up assessments...
Proceedings Article

Design Thinking and Evolution—Introspection of the Context from Zen Aesthetics to Narrative Design in the Age of Big Data

Wenying Pei
Zen aesthetics and narrative design have great differences with respect to their respective disciplines. Their social background, historical development, and theoretical framework are completely different. However, there is a systematic interoperability basis for the origin of the art design and the...
Proceedings Article

Comparison Analysis of Added Value of Organic Rice and Inorganic Rice

Dwi Eva Nirmagustina, Sri Handayani
Domestic rice consumption increases every year. The demand for organic rice by community has increased as well. In this case, whether organic rice provides added value to farmer compared to inorganic rice, and whether organic rice varieties (Mentik susu and Sintanur) provides different added values as...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of the Viewing Demand of Chinese Audience from the Narrative Strategy: Take the Well-Received Television Series in China from 2015 to 2018 as an Example

Kitio Mou
Although with over billions of people China has a huge TV series market, there are only few TV series currently that can leave a good impression on the audience. The scarcity of quality and the mediocrity of quality have become common problems in the moment. In this context, the narrative strategy with...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Suitability Between Professions and Educational Backgrounds (Preliminary Study of Professional Identity)

Amalina Khairunnisa
Professional identity is a description of how individuals refer to themselves as a professional, and consists of a set of expectations developed by individuals about themselves and their abilities, based on their experience and personal background. Personal abilities and background are related to the...
Proceedings Article

Misconception Identification by Open-Ended Test on Innovative Biology Learning Materials Based on Life-Based Learning and 21st Century Learning Characteristics

Firda Ama Zulfia, Ahmad Kamal Sudrajat, Herawati Susilo, Fandi Tri Fajar Cahyo, Fitria Romadona, Hamri Permana, Rifka Fachrunnisa
Open-ended test is one of the diagnostic tests that can be used to measure misconceptions in students. The use of open-ended tests will give students the freedom to write their reasons for choosing answers to multiple-choice options. The purpose of this study is to identify misconceptions of 21st century...
Proceedings Article

A Study of Olang Bubega Silat Changes From Tradition to Entertainment Arts in the Community Wedding Ceremony in Rokan Hulu Regency, Riau

Santi Mustika Rani, Fuji Astuti
This research was aimed at subscribing and analyzing the changes of Olang Bubega silat from tradition to entertainment arts in the community wedding ceremony. This type of research was qualitative by using a descriptive method. The object of this research was Olang Bubega silat. The data were collected...
Proceedings Article

Exploring Language Teacher Roles as Teacher Identity

Dewi Rochsantiningsih
The article presents the concepts of teacher identity, how it relates to the particular characteristics of language teaching, and how teacher identity is developed through the teacher roles. In this article, teacher identity refers to the in-service PPG teachers’ perception on the teacher roles as teacher...
Proceedings Article

Investing in Quality Early Childhood Education for Quality Indonesian Human Resources

Muhammad Hasbi
Early Childhood Education (ECE) is an important foundation of quality and sustainable human life in Indonesia. The Presidential Decree Number 60/2013 on Holistic and Integrative Early Childhood Education mandates that there are five basic needs that all Indonesian children should have, namely: health,...
Proceedings Article

A development of career guidance modules to improve youth career planning: Study at the Parupuk Tabing youth family development, Koto Tangah, Padang, West Sumatra

Agung Satria Wijaya, A. Muri Yusuf, Agus Irianto
One of the development tasks that must be achieved by adolescents is planning for a future career. Career planning is an important part that will determine the success of adolescents. The purpose of this study is to describe adolescent career planning for doing coaching at the program named Bina Keluarga...
Proceedings Article

Critical Thinking Disposition: The Persistence of Skeptical Students in Completing Mathematical Problems

Purna Bayu Nugroho, Toto Nusantara, Abdur Rahman As’ari, Sisworo, Ratih Handayani
The skeptic in dealing with a problem is not very useful if it is not followed by the persistence to find the correct answer and solve it. This research is qualitative research with an exploratory descriptive type. The results of this research indicated that skeptics could make students apathetic, pseudo...
Proceedings Article

Lighting in the Workplace as the Visual Environment That Affect the Occupant’s Mood: A Literature Review

Silfia Mona Aryani, Arif Kusumawanto, Jatmika Adi Suryabrata
Lighting in the workplace is often assessed based on functionality. In line with scientific development, the research into lighting observes its effect on the occupant’s health and psychology. This article discusses research publications related to the relationship between artificial lighting and mood,...
Proceedings Article

Solving of Fuzzy Transportation Problem Using Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)

Farikhin, Muhammad Sam’an, Bayu Surarso, Bambang Irwanto
Based on research related to solve fuzzy transportation problems that had been proposed and discussed by researchers, it could be concluded that the ranking function is widely used to order fuzzy numbers or convert fuzzy numbers to crisp numbers. The ordering process can indeed make it easier to run...
Proceedings Article

Problems and Suggestions in the Graduation Design of Private Undergraduate Colleges

Jingfeng He, Junjie You
The undergraduate graduation design is a very important link. It is a comprehensive application and test of the knowledge learned in four years. In recent years, the quality of undergraduate graduation design has declined, especially in private colleges. This paper analyzes the current problems in the...
Proceedings Article

Some Emotions Play a Reasonable Role in Akratic Actions, Not a Rational Role

Yu Zhang
According to Donald Davidson, an akratic action is opposed to the agent’s better judgment if the agent act freely and intentionally. Davidson says akratic actions are possible and all akratic actions are irrational. However, although akratic actions are possible, akratic actions could be rational. The...
Proceedings Article

Intralingual Translation Ability by Students of Sharia Law-Economics Against Popular Scientific Words of Sharia Economics

Allif Syahputra Bania, Najihatul Faridy
Popular scientific words in Sharia economics must be understood carefully so that the concept of learning can be absorbed by students as a determinant of the quality and ability of students in global competition. Therefore, students must master the intralingual translation of popular scientific words...
Proceedings Article

The Authority’s Role and Policy in Protecting Citizens from Technology and Information Communications Dynamics During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Insan Tajali Nur, Jamal Wiwoho, Isharyanto
This study begins with the COVID-19 Pandemic’s appearance in an era of rapid technological, information, and communication development that is highly intensive in the midst of society and has an effect on unforeseen social transformation. This cannot be accomplished by the present authorities’ policies...
Proceedings Article

Facial Recognition in Educational Context

The Complicated Relationship Between Facial Recognition Technology and Schools

Shuran Zhao
Facial recognition (FR) technology has been available in public for years. People hold differing attitudes towards the use of FR technology, as it has the potential to assist society as well as poses ethical threats. By analysing two recent cases of FR technology in campus, this study examines the complex...
Proceedings Article

The Reform of Professional Practice Teaching with the Cultivation of Students’ Scientific Research and Innovation Ability as the Core

Baoqing Deng, Cunxin Yan, Zhengyu Deng, Shaojia Huang, Zhuo Yang
Innovative entrepreneurship is a new impetus to cultivate economic and social development. Higher education institutions cultivate students’ innovative thinking and play an important role in students’ innovation and entrepreneurship after graduation. This paper analyzes the confusion of engineering students...
Proceedings Article

Fun Cooking to Increase Early Childhood Learning Motivation During Covid-19 Pandemic

Erna Budiarti
This research is considered important to describe learning motivation in Early Childhood from home during the outbreak of the Coronavirus. Fun cooking activity is one of the activities that are useful for early childhood in reducing canned food produced abroad by cooking healthy food at home with family....
Proceedings Article

Factors Affecting Corporate Tax Avoidance Practices on the Indonesia Stock Exchange

Omi Pramiana, Agus Taufik Hidayat, Dwi Ermayanti Susilo, Sugeng Suprapto, Rachyu Purbowati
This study was conducted to know the factor effecting of financial reporting aggressiveness and tax avoidance. The data used are secondary data taken from the financial report of the Mining Sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange with as many as 164 financial reports, data analysis using...
Proceedings Article

Analyzing the Moderating Effects of Past Work Experiences on Job Burnout in off-campus Hospitality Internship Using Structural Equation Model

To-Han Chang, Chia-Ling Lee
The study estimated interns’ job involvement and tested its impact on job burnout, job performance, and intention to stay with 395 Taiwan technology university students in the off-campus hospitality internship. The structural equation model rejected the null hypothesis that interns’ job involvement negatively...
Proceedings Article

Whether Foreign Accented Speech Predicts Listeners’ Attitude

Angela Dong, Yusi Hu, Licheng Ren, Yunjie Zhou
Talkers’ subjective ratings of talker characteristics influences the listeners’ judgement of the talkers, but it is less clear if talkers’ accent of their speech influences the listeners’ attitude. The present experiment tested the variance accounted for by speakers’ different region-based English pronunciation....
Proceedings Article

The Differences of Early Reading Ability in Children that Often and Rarely Listen to Stories

Aldona Viveronika, Martha Christianti
This study aimed to determine children’s ability to read early in Kindergarten and the differences of children’s ability to read early, who often and rarely listen to stories. This research was a descriptive comparative. Subjects in this study were 68 children and 68 parents in Masyitoh Kindergarten....
Proceedings Article

Values of Dongkrek Art as Sources to Improve Cultural Resilience

Muhammad Hanif
This study aimed to analyze and describe the local wisdom values of Dongkrek in Madiun Regency as a source of increasing cultural resilience. The research was carried out for eight months in Madiun using a critical ethnography approach. It used primary and secondary data sources collected by interview,...
Proceedings Article

Digital Supervision of Assimilated Inmates in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period

Markus Marselinus Soge
The Covid-19 pandemic has forced a breakthrough in public policy, one of which is the policy of assimilation of inmates to avoid the potential impact of the spread of Covid-19 in penitentiaries. The public concern of the assimilation policy is how to supervise the inmates. This paper intended to discuss...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Self-Harm Behavior, Personality, and Parental Separation: A Systematic Literature Review

Janice Valencia, Frikson Christian Sinambela
Children who are separate from one or both of their parents (parental separation) have a higher tendency to experience stress, mental health problems, and self-harm behavior. Self-harm behavior is the practice of deliberately injuring body tissue generally carried out by oneself without the intention...
Proceedings Article

State Responsibility Towards the Right to Health in the Age of Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

Azhari Yahya
The right to health is universally recognized through Article 25 paragraph (1) of Universal Declaration of Human Rights saying that everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and wellbeing of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Relationship Coordination Between Wildlife Protection and Sustainability

Minjin Chen
Since reform and opening-up, individuals and government paid more and more attention on the significance of protecting wildlife and sustainable development. Facing with severe problems brought by environment and ecology, human beings start to reflect their attitudes and behaviors towards animals and...
Proceedings Article

Communication Network Analysis of Negative Campaigns on #BapakHoaxNasional in the 2019 Presidential Election

Ali Al Harkan, Anggun Nadya Fatimah, Dyah Permana Erawaty
The 2019 Indonesia presidential election took place both in real-life and virtual settings, including on social media. Among the many forms of discourse, expressing political views using a hashtag is common practice on Twitter. This communication network analysis research is conducted to describe the...
Proceedings Article

Value of Education in Malabot Tumpe in Batui Indigenous People of Banggai Regency

Karmila P. Lamadang, Mamat Supriatna
This study’s purpose is to analyze analytically the educational value contained in Malabot Tumpe (the ceremony of sending the first maleo eggs in the dry season), from the Matindok kingdom of the Batui tribe Banggai Regency to the Banggai tribal kingdom in the Banggai Regency. Banggai Laut, Central Sulawesi...
Proceedings Article

Why Does Marxism Work from the Centenary of the Founding of the Party

Ying Ding, Ningfang Yang
In the centenary of the founding of the Party, from the perspective of the Communist Party of China, thinking about why Marxism “works” is conducive to understanding that the Communist Party of China is a believer, implementer and innovator of Marxism. Under the leadership and dissemination of the Communist...
Proceedings Article

The Construction of College Teachers’ Image Under the Studio Teaching Model

Zhonghao Hu, Yifan Chen
Under the new educational model of the studio, college teachers are faced with a huge challenge. This challenge is not only a test of professional ability, but also a reconstruction of the teacher’s own image in the face of the transformation of the teacher-student relationship. College teachers not...
Proceedings Article

Moral and Character Rehabilitation of Drug’s Victims Through Moral-Spiritual Approach as an Effort to Build a Charactered Citizens

Ahmad Qudsi, Suwarma Al Muchtar, Prayoga Bestari
The Surface problem of this research is the dangerous impact of the drug. The impact of drug use is not only limited to physical damage but also causes moral damage and the character of the drug victim. The morals and character of the Indonesian nation should have been passed on to adolescents but because...
Proceedings Article

Research on Bio-amplifier for ECG Recording

Qingjun Zhu
The emergence and functions of biological amplifiers not only enrich the medical equipment market, but more importantly, it provides more treatment opportunities for patients and medical staff. Biological amplifiers have been widely used in electrocardiogram (ECG) medical equipment. Doctors have obtained...
Proceedings Article

Regional Government Communication Strategy Dissemination of Covid-19 Policy Information (Preventive Communication Policy Model to Overcome Covid-19 as a Wicked Problem)

Supriadi, Andi Alimuddin Unde, Muh. Akbar
This study aims to obtain information on how the Regional Government’s Communication Strategy for the dissemination of covid-19 policy information in Polewali Mandar Regency. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with a case study approach. The results of the communication research...
Proceedings Article

How to Think Like an Artisan

Riva Tomasowa, Himasari Hanan, Aswin Indraprastha
Studies about designers have been carried out on subjects with a formal educational background to investigate ideas and design activities. On the other hand, the design thinking of an unselfconscious artisan has not received much attention, even though its design has a unique approach. This research...
Proceedings Article

Review of Research on Deliberate Practice and Oral English Learning of University in Mainland China

Lulu Wang
Background and Purpose – Based on English teaching situation and reform requirement, the purpose of this paper is to explore how Deliberate Practice applies to Oral English learning through reviewing English-language and Chinese-language publications about Deliberate Practice and oral English learning...
Proceedings Article

Being Compassionate in Early Adulthood

The Correlation Between Self-Compassion and Physical Appearance Comparison

Umniyah Saleh, Rahti Dwi Kusuma, Mayenrisari Arifin
In early adulthood, college students have dynamics in developmental aspects that help them not to make a physical appearance as their focus. However, many students prioritize their appearance and feel dissatisfied, more sensitive about their physical appearance, and associated with negative feelings...
Proceedings Article

Assistance in Optimizing Financial Statements as a Business Decision Making Tool for MSMEs in Bojongsoang Village

Rini Lestari, Rudy Hartanto, Asri Suangga, Annisa Nadiyah Rahmani, Riyang Mardini, Boyke Rahmat Ramdani, Alia Alifa Ibrahim
Mentoring was carried out in Bojongsoang Village, Bandung Regency, precisely in the MSMEs community of Someah Kampung Digital Bojongsoang. The MSMEs community has been able to compile financial recording and reporting using smartphones practically. However, there are still problems related to the consistency...
Proceedings Article

The COVID-19 Pandemic Has Stimulated Modernization of the Urboecodiagnostics

V. V. Chernaya, B. I. Kochurov, O. V. Bakovetckaya, E. I. Mishnina, R. M. Voronin
The aims of our researches is to identify priority directions of the world’s cities emerging from the post-Covid crisis based on an assessment of the Russian cities environment quality before the COVID-19 pandemic. The analysis of the Russian cities ecological sustainability by the beginning of the pandemic...
Proceedings Article

Civil Society and Civil Islam Implementation on Inter-religious Tolerance in Indonesia: A Phenomenological Study

Twin Yoshua R. Destyanto, Rikardo P. Sianipar, Andreas E. Nugroho, Twin Hosea W. Kristyanto
Civil society become a social concept that is able to help Indonesian people for living in harmony in the midst of diversity. Civil society in Indonesia upholds the synergy of democratic freedom and the use of law as a means of control and monitoring in social aspects. Later, the term civil Islam emerged,...
Proceedings Article

Australian Chinese and Hong Kong Chinese: How Do They Differ in Primary Control and Secondary Control?

Lai Ching-han Lufanna
This study investigated whether the relative use of primary and secondary control varies as a function of cultural difference. It is posited that people who are under the influence of Asian, collectivist culture will be oriented toward secondary control than primary control, but vice versa for those...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Technical Guidance on the Results of Indonesian Madrasah Competency Assessment 2021

Husniyatus Salamah Zainiyati, Imam Suyitno
This study aims to describe the implementation of technical guidance (imtek) as the results of the AKMI 2021, the challenges during the implementation of technical guidance, and alternative solutions for the improvement. This study used qualitative approach with the data were collected through interviews,...
Proceedings Article

Use of Abbreviations in Social Media Accounts of Public Officials and Their Impact on Communication Effectiveness

Frisca Dilla, Agustina
This research aims to describe the type of abbreviation and the process of forming abbreviations used by public officials in their personal social media accounts. This research is qualitative in nature because the data taken are in the form of words or sentences contained in the tweets of 10 national-level...
Proceedings Article

Corporate Responsibility Issues as a Criminal Act of Taxation in Indonesia

Budi Suhariyanto, Slamet Tri Wahyudi
The Law on General Provisions and Tax Procedures (Undang-Undang tentang Ketentuan Umum Dan Tata Cara Perpajakan or “KUP Law”) does not explicitly regulate corporations as legal subjects or the types of offenses, sanctions, and criminal liability. As a result, a polemic of interpretation arises in the...
Proceedings Article

Employees’ Loyalty at Le Tran Furniture Limited in Vietnam

Le Vu Tran, Long Duc Bao Nguyen, Khong Sin Tan, Thiet Thanh Le
The purpose of this study is to determine how the employee’s loyalty to the company can contribute to the company’s long-term development. Achieving this level of devotion from employees requires the company to recognize and implement factors affecting employee loyalty. Thus, this study is designed to...
Proceedings Article

Contribution to Islamic Philanthropy Through Productive Ownership Efforts to Enjoy the Economic Independence of Islamic Boarding Schools

(Case Study: A Modern Darussalam Gontor Islamic BoardingSchool’s Waqf Institute)

Nur Rofiq, M. Zidny Nafi’ Hasbi, Nashih Muhammad, Ahmad Asroni, Agus Irfan
Waqf is one of the Islamic financial instruments that have the potential as an instrument for developing the national economy. Boarding school darussalam Modern Darussalam Gontor has the highest structure in determining policy and economic development, namely the waqf institution. The Islamic boarding...
Proceedings Article

Psychological Problems of Indonesian Students in Speaking German

Dewi Kartika Ardiyani, Rofiáh
Speaking skills are often a major problem for German learners in Indonesia because it is the most complex language skill. The purpose of this study is to find out the psychological problems experienced by German students in speaking. The data of this research are psychological problems in speaking German...
Proceedings Article

Student Perceived Teaching Style Analysis

Kunti Mu’alima, Luky Kurniawan
This research is entitled Analysis of Student Perceived Teaching Style at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Moyudan Yogyakarta. The formulation of the problem in this research is how students perceive the teaching style of educators at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Moyudan Yogyakarta. The method used is descriptive quantitative....
Proceedings Article

Correlation Analysis of Metacognitive Skills with Students Learning Outcomes on Reproductive System Materials

Vita Meylani, Enok Daniar Astriyana, Samuel Agus Triyanto, Didi Jaya Santri, Frista Mutiara
To adapt to the rapid development of the 21st century, students must possess solid soft and hard skills. Metacognitive skills can enable students to learn freely and comprehend topics more thoroughly, making them one of the most crucial components in promoting successful learning. This study intends...
Proceedings Article

The Discussion and Analysis of the Treatment of the Bipolar Disorder

Xianglong Zeng
This article is a general overview of the treatment of bipolar II disorder, including pharmacological treatments, psychosocial treatment, and recommendations for future development. This research aims to systematically review different types of bipolar disorder treatment to promote further research of...
Proceedings Article

Development of Educational Institutions Using the Confrontation Meeting Technique Through Learning Management System (LMS) in Improving School Quality

Hasan Argadinata, Agus Timan, Moch. Faza Pramudya
The development of educational institutions is very necessary in an effort to improve the quality of education. The purpose of the study is to find out how the development of educational institutions, the application of educational development with confrontation meeting techniques in an effort to improve...
Proceedings Article

Exploring Different Types of Healthcare Policies Toward COVID_19 Used by China

Jingjing Song, Yizun Wang, Jiyue Zhang
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound and lasting impact on the entire world. However, China took quick and effective actions in the face of the epidemic, not only curbing the transmission chain of COVID-19 in Wuhan but also implementing a dynamic zero-clearing policy in the following three years....
Proceedings Article

Research on Muscle Fiber Composition in Humans

Mingqi Xiao
Accounting for 30%-40% of total body mass, skeletal muscles consist of multiple types of muscle fibers according to different histochemical classifications. Twitch-speed typing and myosin ATPase typing are two popular classification systems, both dividing muscle fibers into further subtypes. Type I muscle...
Proceedings Article

Keisya Levronka’s “Tak Ingin Usai” Phenomenon in the Context of the Music Industry

Ni Wayan Ardini
Many people are still curious about Keisya Levronka’s failure to hit the high notes of her flagship song “Tak Ingin Usai” (Never Want to Stop). This study will analyze the pros and cons of what happened and place it in the context of the music industry. The data were taken from videos on the YouTube...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Cultivation of Innovative Talents in Computer Science under the Background of New Engineering

Guangjian Chen, Siyan Tao, Xin Wan
With the rapid economic development of our country, the new economy represented by new technologies, new formats, new models and new industries has put forward higher requirements for engineering science and technology talents, and it is urgent to speed up the reform and innovation of engineering education....
Proceedings Article

Legal Responsibility on Halal Labelling of Packaged-Processes Food in Bangkalan

Nasrulloh Nasrulloh, Galuh Widitya Qomaro
Halal food constitutes a lucrative enterprise not only within Muslim-majority nations but also in those with diverse religious demographics. Despite Indonesia holding the position of the world's most populous Muslim country, it presently operates primarily as a market rather than a key player in...
Proceedings Article

Research on Psychological Education Promoting Ideological and Political Education in China’s Colleges and Universities

Linchun Yan, Daohai Lei
In the new era, psychological education has been essential to ideological and political education in colleges and universities in China. The practice of ideological and political education in colleges and universities cannot be conducted without psychological education, which plays a pivotal role in...
Proceedings Article

Interpreting the Personality Transformation and Tragic Fate of the Characters in The Nickel Boys from the Perspective of Cultural Hegemony

Xinmeng Fu
Based on actual events in history and taking the Nickel School in Florida, the southern United States during the Jim Crow era as the focus of the narrative, Colson Whitehead’s award-winning novel The Nickel Boys recreates the actual scenes of racial persecution in history and restores the oppressive...
Proceedings Article

Innovations and Influences: Tracing the Evolution of Art History and Cultural Creativity

Yifan Liu, Jiangxue Han, Tinya Jia
This article explores the dynamic evolution of art history and its profound impact on cultural creative arts, examining various art movements, key figures, and pivotal artworks. We aim to understand how art has been both shaped by and has shaped cultural and historical contexts, highlighting the role...
Proceedings Article

Gender Role In The Conservation And Management Of Forests Over Limestone In Samar Island Natural Park, Philippines

Marne G. Origenes, Noba F. Hilvano, Ren Divien R. Obeña, Jonathan O. Hernandez, Diana Shane A. Balindo, Edelyn O. Echapare, Inocencio E. Buot Jr.
Recognizing and understanding the importance of the different roles and responsibilities of men and women, ensure greater success and provide critical insights as we promote sustainable development and effective conservation policies while properly safeguarding natural resources. Hence, the study was...
Proceedings Article

Cultural Diversity and Its Impact on Social Development

Xinhui Shen
Cultural diversity plays a major role in this increasingly interconnected world, especially as we live in a multicultural society where people live together with different cultural backgrounds. The irreversible trends of globalization and migration also fueled the boom of a wide variety of cultural manifestations....
Proceedings Article

To explore the diversity of ‘contradiction’ creation techniques in ‘Romeo and Juliet’

Shangwen Zhou
As one of the representative tragedies created by Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet utilizes a plethora of contradictory rhetoric in its writing. Simultaneously, within its narrative structure, it employs contradictory creation through the depiction of the social environment and social criticism to enhance...
Proceedings Article

Understanding of Sexual Violence in Students on Campus

Tri Budi Marwanto, Dewi Mustami’ah
Sexual violence on campus occurs a lot, but what comes to the surface is not known for certain. No wonder sexual violence in college is like an iceberg. This raises the real question of what kind of understanding of sexual violence on students ?. There fore it is important to map the understanding of...
Proceedings Article

The Differentiation of Strategies, Overseas Experiences of CEOs, and Green Innovation: Evidence from China

Jiaying Wu
Nowadays, when green development is highly emphasized, the differentiation of corporate strategies affects corporate innovation, and it is worth paying attention to how to increase green innovation and guarantee sustainable development. Using the data of China’s A-share listed companies from 2012-2021,...
Proceedings Article

Patriarchal Culture, Theology and State Hegemony in Issues of Gender Equality in Indonesian Politics

Heriyanto Heriyanto
This research is conducted due to Indonesian women’s low participation in parliament and formal politics. The research aims to analyze the historicity of women’s roles in political history in Indonesia and identify the factors causing the inferior political participation of women in Indonesia. This type...
Proceedings Article

Maintaining Christian Character Within Plurality

Jaco Beyers
Plurality is a reality. It is no longer possible in a globalized society to avoid those who are different than oneself. Christians need to re-evaluate the ways of interacting and the response to encounters with other religions in order to maintain a Christian character. To identify a Christian character...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Work Performance Assessment of Civil Servants at the Tourism Office of North Kalimantan Province

Achmad Saiyidi Arham, Ike Wanusmawatie, Asti Amelia Novita
This study discusses an “analysis of Civil Servant Performance Appraisal in Dinas Pariwisata of North Kalimantan Province.” The purpose of this research is to know and analyze the implementation of Performance Appraisal of Civil Servants, to know and analyze the factors inhibiting the implementation...
Proceedings Article

Recording Songs in the Studio Using a Mobile Phone: Using Dolby on Application

Lareta Stefany, Yudi Sukmayadi
This study aims to awaken the creativity of young people to be more courageous to create, compete, and learn more to make works. Mobile phones are very easy to find and everyone already has a mobile phone, to create a mobile phone is very supportive. Dolby On is a recorder application that can be downloaded...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Governance Path of Rural Public Crisis in China During Covid-19

Shiqi Liang
Effective governance is the premise of rural revitalization and is of great significance to the relief of public crises and the restoration of rural order. To improve and optimize the governance path of the rural public crisis in China, this paper, from the perspective of COVID-19, adopts the literature...
Proceedings Article

Student Difficulties in Learning Mathematics Based on Learning Styles

Nirmala Dewi, Ahmad Talib, Nurwati Djam’an
This study aims to determine the description of the difficulties of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic students in learning mathematics on the subject of linear equations in the eighth grade of MTs DDI Walimpong, Soppeng Regency. This research is a case study with a qualitative approach. There are 3 students...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Science Process Skills for Senior High School Students in Banjarmasin

Arief Ertha Kusuma, Rusmansyah
Science teachers who know the level of students ‘science process skills will easily design good learning in order to improve students’ knowledge and skills. This study aims to describe the level of science process skills of high school students in Banjarmasin City. The science process skill level of...
Proceedings Article

Distribution and Spreading of the Underwater Archaeological Sites in the Selayar Waters

Andi Jusdi, Rosmawati Rosmawati, Andi Muhammad Ahkmar, Abdullah Abdullah, Yadi Mulyadi, Khadijah Thahir Muda
Selayar Islands Regency of South Sulawesi Province has 10.369 Km2 wide (including land and sea). It has a strategic location between the west and the east of the archipelago. It shows that the waters are a shipping lane now and back then. The evidence of shipping activities in the past was proved by...
Proceedings Article

Policy Formulation Concerning Accelerate Development of Electric Motor Vehicles

Dyah Trihandini
The number of countries that have developed in terms of technology encourages the acceleration of innovation in the field of transportation. The development of innovation and technology in the vehicle sector creates an environmentally friendly electric-fueled vehicle. Electric vehicles can save the Earth’s...