Proceedings of the 2023 3rd International Conference on Public Management and Intelligent Society (PMIS 2023)

424 authors
Niu, Xiaofan
Quantitative Evaluation of Fixed Assets Use Efficiency of Power Grid Enterprises Under the Transmission and Distribution Price Reform
Ou, Xian
Research and Design of Multi-level Network Security Active Defense System
Pan, Xiaoyi
Evaluation of the Efficiency of Provincial Medical and Health Services in China from 2012 to 2021
Pang, Wenhuan
Exploration on the Application of ERP and WMS Integration Technology in Engineering Enterprises
Peng, Cong
Exploration of Construction Waste Treatment and Management Practice in the Zero Waste Cities of China
Peng, Shanbi
RBI Risk Assessment of Gas Field Stations Based on Improved CRITIC Method and Cloud Model
Peng, Shuhong
Prediction of Population Development Trend in Huizhou Based on Grey Discrete Incremental Model
Qi, Li
Research on Improving Elderly Health Service System by Computer Artificial Intelligence Technology
Qi, Xiuhui
Entrepreneurship, Exploratory Innovation and Financial Performance
Qi, Xuge
Research and Discussion on Diagnosis and Treatment Service Mode of Intelligent Hospital
Qi, Yiye
Research on Engineering Cost Management in the Context of Intelligent Construction
Qin, Yawei
Spatial and Temporal Trends of Carbon Emissions Caused by Buildings in China
Qin, Youran
Research on the Status and Development of Emergency Volunteer Service in Hubei Province
Qing, Songzhu
RBI Risk Assessment of Gas Field Stations Based on Improved CRITIC Method and Cloud Model
Qiu, Jianlong
Research on Logistics Data Governance System
Qiu, Ting
Intellectual Property Protection Management Platform of Digital Resources Based on Artificial Intelligence
Qu, Susu
Study on the Vulnerability of Port Logistics System of Guangzhou Port Under the New Development Pattern
Qu, Yi
Research on Improving Elderly Health Service System by Computer Artificial Intelligence Technology
Qu, Yuxiao
Research and Development of Vocational Education Service Management System Based on SAAS Model
Ren, Dayang
Research Status of Key Technologies of TCM Intelligent Acupuncture Robot
Rui, Wang
Exploring the Rationalization of Bus Stop Layout: A Case Study of Changning District, Shanghai
Sahari, Faridah binti
Research on the Balance Efficiency of the Intelligent Hanging System for Jeans Production Line
Shang, Mengke
The Impact of Inspection Supervision on Firms’ Innovation Performance - An Analysis of the Moderating Effect Based on Financial Subsidies
Shang, Mengke
The Impact of Tax Incentives on Firms’ Innovation Performance - An Analysis of the Moderating Effect Based on Inspection Monitoring
Shen, Bingyu
Research on Speech Enhancement Algorithms for Wearable Devices
Shen, Jiangang
Research and Application on the Model of State-Owned Enterprise Cadre Portrait Under the Background of Big Data
Shen, Jiayu
Research on Engineering Cost Management in the Context of Intelligent Construction
Shen, Sen
Design and Implementation of Position Integrated Management System Based on 3D GIS and Internet of Things
Sheng, Nan
Design of a Visual Traffic Management System for Smart Cities Based on Digital Twin Technology
Shi, Anna
The Improvement Plan of China’s Social Endowment Insurance System
Song, Guoxin
Research on Planning of Multi Vehicle Series Line Based on AGV Adaptive Internal Circulation
Song, Lili
Probe on the Construction of Marine Environmental Safety Emergency Security Standard System in China
Song, Lili
Study on the Physical and Chemical Characteristics and Sources of Atmospheric Single Particles in Weifang During the 2022 Winter Olympic Games and the Winter Paralympic Games
Song, Tian
Research on Improving Elderly Health Service System by Computer Artificial Intelligence Technology
Su, Min
Research on Implementation Strategy of Objectives and Key Results Assessment in State-Owned Enterprises
Sui, Dongxue
Analysis of Port Enterprise Management Construction Considering Cargo Owner Satisfaction
Sui, Xiaomeng
Call Center Industry Research on Customer Satisfaction Promotion Strategy
Sun, Chengjin
Performance Evaluation of Listed Enterprises in China’s Cotton Textile Industry Based on Combination Evaluation
Sun, Fulang
Research on Speech Enhancement Algorithms for Wearable Devices
Sun, Huijie
Study on the Integrated Financing Credit Service Model for Small and Micro Enterprises
Sun, Junwei
Measurement of High-Quality Development Efficiency and Analysis Study on Regional Differences in 31 Provinces in China
Sun, Lei
Analysis on the Influence Relationship of Each Element in Intelligent Construction Site Based on DEMATEL-ISM
Sun, Louyan
Application of Data Mining in Public Management Classification
Sun, Qiuqi
Research Status of Key Technologies of TCM Intelligent Acupuncture Robot
Sun, Qixuan
Prediction of Adolescent Suicidal Tendency Based on Random Forest Algorithm
Sun, Xiaoxiao
Research on Engineering Cost Management in the Context of Intelligent Construction
Sun, Xueyin
Research on Implementation Strategy of Objectives and Key Results Assessment in State-Owned Enterprises
Suo, Zihan
Design of Asset Digitalization Management System for Communication Enterprises
Tan, Fa
Design and Implementation of the Exchange Information Platform for Foreign Students in Colleges and Universities Based on WeChat Applet
Tian, Jiaxin
Research Status of Key Technologies of TCM Intelligent Acupuncture Robot
Tian, Wenjun
Research and Discussion on Diagnosis and Treatment Service Mode of Intelligent Hospital
Wang, Chuanfei
Towards Rural Grid Governance: A Case Study of Resettlement Communities of South-to-North Water Diversion Project, China
Wang, Dong
A Study on the Mechanisms and Risk Challenges of Fintech-Driven Financial Business Innovation
Wang, Haoran
Analysis of Career Development Factors of Workers with New Employment Forms
Wang, Hongyan
The Prospect of Medical Device Companies Under the Background of COVID-19 Based on Factor Analysis and Regression Model
Wang, Jiawei
Quantitative Evaluation of Fixed Assets Use Efficiency of Power Grid Enterprises Under the Transmission and Distribution Price Reform
Wang, Jie
A Study on the Scheduling Problem of Car Sharing with User Participation Under Dynamic Incentives
Wang, Jie
Analysis of Port Enterprise Management Construction Considering Cargo Owner Satisfaction
Wang, Jing
Prediction of Population Development Trend in Huizhou Based on Grey Discrete Incremental Model
Wang, Lei
Methods for the Intellectual Properties Retrieval from Patents
Wang, Li
Evaluation of the Efficiency of Provincial Medical and Health Services in China from 2012 to 2021
Wang, Li
On the Innovation of Refined Scientific Research Management in Application-Oriented Universities in the Context of Big Data
Wang, Liangmin
Prediction of Carbon Peak in Shaanxi Province and Its Cities
Wang, Linghao
Positive Analysis and Exploration of Green Economic Model and Smart Management on Economic Progress in the Context of Big Data
Wang, Mai
The Prospect of Medical Device Companies Under the Background of COVID-19 Based on Factor Analysis and Regression Model
Wang, Mengyao
Research on Improving Elderly Health Service System by Computer Artificial Intelligence Technology
Wang, Qun
Entrepreneurship, Exploratory Innovation and Financial Performance
Wang, Shengqiang
Research Status of Key Technologies of TCM Intelligent Acupuncture Robot
Wang, Shunli
Standard Cost Forecasting Model for Power Grid Production and Operation Under Multidimensional Lean Management Model
Wang, Sijie
New Urbanization and Residents’ Wage Income: Data from China’s Urban Level
Wang, Songyu
Performance Evaluation of Listed Enterprises in China’s Cotton Textile Industry Based on Combination Evaluation
Wang, Suikun
How the Green Finance Policy of China’s Central Bank Helps the Green Transformation of Enterprises
Wang, Tingjing
Construction and Optimization of Traffic Safety Evaluation Index System for Long Downhill Tunnels of Mountain Highways
Wang, Wenxi
Analysis of Port Enterprise Management Construction Considering Cargo Owner Satisfaction
Wang, Xianjia
A Neural Network Approach to Explaining Donation Behavior
Wang, Xiaofeng
Research on Planning of Multi Vehicle Series Line Based on AGV Adaptive Internal Circulation
Wang, Xiaoyang
Analysis of Career Development Factors of Workers with New Employment Forms
Wang, Xinwan
Research on Implementation Strategy of Objectives and Key Results Assessment in State-Owned Enterprises
Wang, Xuewei
A Survey on Acoustic Control Systems
Wang, Yanqin
Standard Cost Forecasting Model for Power Grid Production and Operation Under Multidimensional Lean Management Model
Wang, Ying
A Platform for Intelligent Funding Information Management System for Colleges and Universities Based on Random Forest Algorithm
Wang, Yingda
Integration Research on Driving Factors of Green Innovation in Tourism Enterprises
Wang, Yingjing
Research on the Impact of the Knowledge Graph on Public Service Quality
Wang, Yingxue
The Impact of the Impact of Different National Characteristics Under the Background of Countries Along the Belt and Road on the International Trade of China's Agricultural Products
Wang, Yong
Standard Cost Forecasting Model for Power Grid Production and Operation Under Multidimensional Lean Management Model
Wang, Zihao
Research on Speech Enhancement Algorithms for Wearable Devices
Wang, Zixuan
Research on the Status and Development of Emergency Volunteer Service in Hubei Province
Wei, Cuicui
Exploration on the Application of ERP and WMS Integration Technology in Engineering Enterprises
Wen, Hongmei
A Study of Financial Engineering Security Issues Based on Block Cryptography
Wen, Jian
Performance Evaluation of Listed Enterprises in China’s Cotton Textile Industry Based on Combination Evaluation
Wen, Zhan
RBI Risk Assessment of Gas Field Stations Based on Improved CRITIC Method and Cloud Model
Wenlong, Yu
Exploring the Rationalization of Bus Stop Layout: A Case Study of Changning District, Shanghai
Wu, Changzhong
Research Status of Key Technologies of TCM Intelligent Acupuncture Robot
Wu, Chao
Emergency Management Based on Attention Mechanism
Wu, Enhuizi
Practice and Innovation of Digital Operation Mode of Smart Asian Games
Wu, Enhuizi
Analysis on the Technology Composition and Construction Path of Smart Sports Industry
Wu, Feng
A New Type of Professional Farmers’ Digital Literacy Ability Evaluation Algorithm Based on Two-Step Clustering
Wu, Huiling
A Framework for Constructing Elder-Friendly Walking System Based on Living Circle Scale
Wu, Jiayue
Analysis of the Impact of Real Estate Policies on Carbon Emissions of Residential Buildings in Small and Medium-Sized Cities in China with Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneity
Wu, Peiying
Integration Research on Driving Factors of Green Innovation in Tourism Enterprises