Proceedings of the Conference Psychology and Flourishing Humanity (PFH 2023)

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24 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Yusuf Ratu Agung, Muchamad Adam Basori, Fina Hidayati, Ermita Zakiyah
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the PFH conference (Psychology and Flourishing Humanity) during June, 21th-23rd 2023 in Malang, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms...
Proceedings Article

The comparison of acceptance and ridha

Yulia Sholichatun
Acceptance is one of the concepts found to impact mental health positively. On the other hand, there are many studies that prove a positive relationship between faith, religion, and spirituality with mental health, quality of life, well-being, or positive outcomes. Acceptance has a similar meaning to...
Proceedings Article

Restructuring western personality theory the perspective of abu laits as samarqandi with a qur’anic approach

Ermita Zakiyah, Norma Hasanatul Magfiroh, Nur Ikhsan Mahmudi Sarif
Western science and Islam have different approaches, if religion is in the name of absolute revelation, while the west is in the name of science that is proven to be true. This research reveals that western theory and Islamic scholar theory are different, so Back thought becomes the main cornerstone...
Proceedings Article

Student’s grit quality; Contribution of school well-being in Islamic boarding school

Muallifah Muallifah, Elok Halimatus Sakdiyah, Fina Hidayati
Student’ grit is an important aspect in achieving students’ academic success at school. Grit refers to the student’s ability to maintain perseverance, enthusiasm, and consistency in achieving the desired goals. The purpose of this study was to examine the positive influence of school well-being on student’...
Proceedings Article

The role of psychological capital (psycap) in strengthening family resilience post-pandemic

Muh. Anwar Fu’ady, Sali Rahadi Asih, Sri Redatin Retno Pudjiati
WHO has lifted the pandemic emergency status, where the pandemic has affected family conditions around the world. Currently, research on post-pandemic family resilience is limited and not widely known. Due to changes in habits and new life arrangements, family resilience is needed to face various threats...
Proceedings Article

The effect of work-life balance on quiet quitting in millennial generation workers

Muhammad Agus Efendi, Agus Iqbal Hawabi, Endah K. Purwaningtyas
The abstract should summarize the contents of the paper in short terms, i.e. 150–250 words. Quiet quitting is an attitude shown by workers to refuse to do additional work that is not in accordance with their main duties. Quiet quitting is caused by several factors, including workload, bad work culture,...
Proceedings Article

Decision making in Javanese cultural background in Javanese & Mataraman communities

Muhammad Rizqi Aufaqi Akrom, Miftahul Huda, Aulia Urgenadila, Mochammad Mahpur
Decision making is a crucial thing that every individual will definitely face. The Javanese are no exception. In every problem that occurs, it is certain that individuals will be pressured to solve it and require decision making that is expected to be able to go according to the desired goals. In every...
Proceedings Article

The role of self-compassion to form interpersonal communication between parents and adolescents

Elok Halimatus Sa’diyah, Fina Hidayati, Muallifah Muallifah
Interpersonal communication is the ability to establish relationships with openness, full of empathy and equality. In the context of parents with teenagers, this communication ability is characterized by accepting all conditions of adolescents and being open in communicating so that there is a two-way...
Proceedings Article

Child engagement in Female Prisoners

Alifah Aulia Putri Difayanti, Fadilah Purnama Wulandari A. Djulian, Kencana Andini Rahmawati, Ma’rifatul Ika Noviyanti, Fathul Lubabin Nuqul, Rr. Ayu Sri Widyarini
The mother, who is the lifeblood of a child, is not always in an ideal situation to educate her child. Many mothers have to face the law as a result of their actions. They must live in the penitentiary to account for their actions. Based on the Directorate General of Prisons data in 2021, there are 9,152...
Proceedings Article

The differences of work engagement permanent and contract employee in a multinational company in Indonesia

Rahmatika Sari Amalia
This study aims to look at the differences in work engagement among employees with permanent contract and temporary contract status in multinational companies in Indonesia. Work engagement is a positive, satisfying, work-related state of mind characterized by vigor, dedication, and absorption. Employee...
Proceedings Article

The role of language in the recovery of mental disorders

Nurul Hikmah, Halimatus Sa’diyah, Rochmawati Rochmawati
This article examines the important role of language in recovering mental disorders. Mental disorders, such as depression, anxiety, or eating disorders, often affect people's communication and interaction with the world around them. In this context, language significantly impacts the experiences...
Proceedings Article

Father’s Involvement related to academic success in coastal areas: Phenomenological study

Fuji Astutik
The coast surrounds areas geographically of the archipelago. Most of the fathers there work at sea, sail or go overseas. The business of sailing and going overseas makes the father figure far from home, even though one of the functions of father’s care is to support academic success. The purpose of this...
Proceedings Article

Mindful parenting as a compassionate parenting approach and effective communication with adolescents

Fina Hidayati, Elok Halimatus Sa’diyah, Nurul Hartini, Achmad Chusairi
Mindful parenting is caring with full awareness by improving the quality of oneself as a parent so that awareness of every event with the child can implement parenting following the expected goals. With mindful parenting, parents can accept every child's condition without conditions, full of love...
Proceedings Article

Promoting boarding student engagement regards resiliency and gender: A mediated - moderation analysis

Ali Ridho, Abd. Hamid Cholili, Aprilia Mega Rosdiana
This study predicts resilience-based engagement and examines the gender-moderating effect on the prediction. Questionnaires were administered to 106 boarding school students (65 male, 41 female) aged 10 to 20 years (M = 15.78, SD = 2.15) to measure engagement and resilience attributes. The results of...
Proceedings Article

Empowering families in the digital learning era: strategies to promote positive education

Rahmat Aziz, Retno Mangestuti, Esa Nur Wahyuni, Wildana Wargadinata, AlfiyanaYuli Efianti, Iffat Maimunah
In online learning, the role of parents in their children's education changes fundamentally. They have to replace the teacher's duty to teach the subject matter and play the caregiver role. The study was performed on 23 parents of students with certain considerations, aiming to describe and...
Proceedings Article

Psychological Dynamics of Victims of the Kanjuruhan Football Supporter Incident: Phenomenological Study

Siti Mahmudah
This study aims to determine the psychological dynamics of victims who saw firsthand the tragedy of the football supporter at the Arema match with Persebaya at Kanjuruhan Stadium. This research uses phenomenological qualitative methods. Participants in this study consisted of two people using purposive...
Proceedings Article

Online self-presentation for male and female adolescents: A study on university students

Selly Ayu Candra, Lukman Hakim, Hilda Halida, Ainindita Agniacakti
Online activities are now a fun space for users, both from children teenagers and adults. One of the online activities is communication, which is a tool to exchange information. From the survey results it turns out that teenagers are the most online users. It is very clear that teenagers prefer online...
Proceedings Article

Build self-awareness in late childhood

Rika Fuaturosida, Edvin Eka Nur Rochim, Alifan Hakim
The transition period from children to adolescents will certainly be experienced by every human being, especially for students who have completed their final education at the elementary level. Based on the results of interviews and observations with parents and teachers, there were several behaviors...
Proceedings Article

Overview of psychological well-being of college students in Malang City: Wright map Rasch Model

Elok Fa’iz Fatma El Fahmi, Fuji Astutik
This study aims to measure the level of psychological well-being of students in Malang City. This research emerged due to the phenomenon of suicide attempts committed by students in the past two years. The categorization of the level of psychological well-being is differentiated based on male and female...
Proceedings Article

Challenges and opportunities in the use of artificial intelligence in education for academic writing: A scoping review

Nurul Shofiah, Zulmy Faqihuddin Putera, Novia Solichah
Artificial intelligence in education emerged as a highly significant and transformational technological advancement. Academic writing has witnessed significant advancements and widespread adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) tools and approaches across several application domains. AI-based tools...
Proceedings Article

Storytelling for Prosocial Behavior in Young Children: Scoping Review

Novia Solichah, Muchamad Adam Basori, Nurul Shofiah, Iqbal Ali Wafa
Prosocial behavior is an important thing that must be developed as early as possible in order to create positive developments during adulthood. For one decade, data is obtained if digital storytelling is one method that can help children improve their prosocial behaviour. This research aims to explore...
Proceedings Article

Describing school age children problem using strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ)

Umdatul Khoirot
This study aims to describe the problems experienced by elementary school-aged children using the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). The results of this study are expected to provide a better understanding of the problems experienced by elementary school-age children, so that it can help...
Proceedings Article

The language of gratitude: “Alhamdulillah” as an expression of appreciation to improve well-being

Hamim Hamim, Risvi Uly Rosyidah
The abstract should summarize the contents of the paper in short terms, i.e. 150–250 The expression of gratitude is an emotion that has a significant expression in influencing happiness as well as individual well-being and increasing optimism in life. The expression of gratitude is also able to foster...
Proceedings Article

Psychodynamics of resilience in depression sufferers

Rifa Hidayah, Novia Solichah
Many people in this life face problems. If one of these problems is not handled properly, it can cause anxiety, stress, and even depression. Therefore, persistence is needed to survive various pressures. This research aims to explain the psychodynamics of resilience in people with depression, as well...