Proceedings of the International Seminar and Workshop Public Health (ISWHOPHA 2023)

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26 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Adian Khoironi, Nurjanah Nurjanah, Haikal Haikal
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 4th International Seminar and Workshop on Public Health Action (ISWOPHA) 2023 during 25-26 September in Semarang City. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee] and approved by the Editor-in-Chief,...
Proceedings Article

Applying Data Mining to Develop a Short Version of The Public Health Informatics Competencies for Primary Health Care (PHIC4PHC) Questionnaire

Enny Rachmani, Evina Widianawati, M. G. Catur Yuantari, Respati Wulandari, S. Hanif Pandu
The successful integration of digital technology in the healthcare sector frequently encounters obstacles due to various factors, mainly when patients are involved, and the other is the competency of health workers. The previous research developed a questionnaire to measure public health informatics...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship between Knowledge and Attitude with Hypertension Control Behavior at Muara Bungo Subdistrict in Jambi

Audy Nurfadila, Marisa
Background: According to the Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2019, the number of people with hypertension in the world continues to increase every year. The number of people with hypertension in the world continues to grow every year and it is predicted that by 2025 there will be 1.5 billion people...
Proceedings Article

Business Intelligence to produce Vulnerability System Based on Communicable Disease Data Analytics in Semarang City

Hanif Pandu Suhito, Mochamad Abdul Hakam, Dina Nur Anggraini Ningrum, Prahita Indriana Raniasmi, Sholikun
This study aims to visualize communicable disease data analysis so that it provides benefits in policy making. In research applying Business Intelligence (BI) using the Tableau data analysis tool to develop a Health Area Vulnerability System based on communicable disease data in the City of Semarang....
Proceedings Article

Attitudes of Health Cadres in Handling Stunting in the Semowo Community Health Center, Semarang

Kusuma Estu Werdani, Anggi Putri Aria Gita
Health cadres are an extension of health workers to participate in handling stunting in the community. However, not all cadres are supportive of the stunting management program. This condition will affect the stunting program in areas with a high prevalence, such as the Semowo Health Center. Several...
Proceedings Article

Enhancing User Engagement in Digital Health Data: Factors Affecting the Usage of My Daily Data Repository

Haikal, Enny Rachmani, M. G. Catur Yuantari, Bayu Yoni Setyo Nugroho, Muhammad Iqbal
In the era of Industry 4.0, data has become a valuable commodity. The continuous growth of data has the potential to be burdensome or rendered useless if not managed effectively. Various sectors of human activity have now become substantial data sources, often called Big Data. Open Science principles,...
Proceedings Article

Prevalence and Associated Variables of Pornography Consumption Among Urban Students

A Cross-Sectional Study

Kismi Mubarokah, Aprianti, Fitria Dewi Puspita Anggraini, Wintanti Ardi, Nanindita Fauziah Maharani, Muhamad Taufik Hidayat
Pornography is one of the most severe threats to today’s young generation. Besides being able to damage the brain of the perpetrator, pornography can also be a cause of sexual crimes. Today, millions of pornographic content are spread on the internet, and anyone can access them easily and quickly. This...
Proceedings Article

COVID-19 Cases in Central Java in 2021: A Map Based on K-Means Cluster

Lucky Wiratama, Evina Widianawati
Central Java was of the ten provinces with the highest number of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia, with 613,744 people infected by COVID-19 at the end of 2021. This study observed the COVID-19 distribution area in Central Java. The color was determined by the K-means cluster to see group categories and shows...
Proceedings Article

The State-of-the-Art Review and Meta-Analysis of High-Risk Conditions for Nosocomial Diseases (2019–2023)

Karlinda, Icha Wieke Firnanda, Nestria Budiasih
Nosocomial infections are common complications in hospitals and health services, affecting 5–10% of hospital admissions in developed and developing countries, particularly in low-income countries. The effects of these infections vary, and the risk extends to patients, health workers, and visitor families....
Proceedings Article

Level Of Knowledge, Stigma, And Community Literacy On TB Disease Prevention Behavior

Maria G. Catur Yuantari, Yusthin M. Manglapy, Ririn Nurmandhani, Edi Jaya Kusuma, Dani Miarso
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which can attack various organs, especially the lungs. Indonesia is ranked second highest in the world, so efforts are needed to identify the causes of the high TB cases in Indonesia. This study aimed to analyze the level of...
Proceedings Article

The density of Aedes spp. in Public Areas: Analysis of Factors of Janitors Practices and Characteristics of Containers

Martini Martini, Agnes Ajeung Dheandri, Sri Yuliawati, Retno Hestiningsih, Muhammad Arie Wurjanto, Ari Udiyono, Susiana Purwantisari
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is an endemic disease in Semarang city that reported cases of DBD every year in Mijen District. This study aims to analyze the relationship of container characteristics and behavior of eradicating mosquito nests janitors to the density of larvae of Aedes spp In Public Places...
Proceedings Article

Behaviour and Information Access With Health Literacy About HIV / AIDS In Female Worker (FSW) In Coastal Area of Jember Indonesia

Dewi Rokhmah, Imas Imama, Nita Indah Lestari, Ahmad Aviv Mahda, D. A. Icha Rohmah, Khoiron
The purpose of this study to examine the relationship between knowledge, attitudes, perceptions, and access to HIV/AIDS information with Female Sex Worker (FSW) health literacy in the coastal area of the Puger Region. This research used cross sectional design. Sampling technique used Quota Sampling method....
Proceedings Article

Factors that influence the length of stay for Covid-19 patients in 5 Central Java Hospitals

Zaenal Sugiyanto, Didy Sucipto, Rakhma Ulinnisa, Laila Lu’luatun Nafisah, Rahesti Sadnaprila, Tyas Ayu Prabaningrum
In patient services with health insurance such as BPJS (Social Security Services Agency), the length of time a patient is treated greatly influences the costs obtained by the hospital, because the funding will be paid by BPJS after the patient has finished being hospitalized. This research aims to look...
Proceedings Article

Regional Differences in Self-reported Maternal Complications in Indonesia: Revisiting the Pattern

Vitri Widyaningsih, Nurussyifa Afiana Zaen, Najlah Amalia, Septyan Dwi Nugroho, Akhmad Azmiardi, Tri Mulyaningsih, Ari Probandari
Maternal complications can lead to serious effects to mothers and newborns. This study aims to evaluate the current prevalence of self-reported maternal complications in Indonesia and its regional differences as a basis for targeted strategy for improving maternal health. This study analyzes the latest...
Proceedings Article

Learning from the Pandemic: Sociodemographic Differences in COVID-19 Stigma among Healthcare Workers

V. Widyaningsih, R. Febrinasari, E. Poncorini, Sumardiyono, S. Mulyani, V. Sari, L. Pangesti, A. Probandari
In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, the novelty of the virus, the related social restrictions, and the surge of information often caused misperception amongst communities, including on stigma. This study assessed the stigma and discriminatory behaviours against anyone perceived to have been in...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Secondhand smoke exposure on Stunting Incidence in Cirebon, Indonesia

Uswatun Khasanah, Eni Suhaeni, Ahmad Fariz Malvi Zamzam Zein, Widya Shafira
Aim This study aimed to analyze the association between secondhand smoke exposure (ShSE) and the incidence of stunting in toddlers. Methods A case-control study was conducted in June 2021 at Suranenggala Community Health Center, Cirebon,...
Proceedings Article

Perception of Behavior Control as a Dominant Factor Influencing Teacher Behavior in Conveying Information on Reproductive Health and Sexuality to Junior High School Students

Tanjung Anitasari Indah Kusumaningrum, Mayang Widya Saputri, Mohamad Fajar Emerald
Adolescents are vulnerable to reproductive health problems. Teachers are one of the most trusted sources of information for adolescents, but few teachers communicate reproductive health to students. This study aims to analyze the factors that most influence the teacher's behavior in providing reproductive...
Proceedings Article

Correlation between Stress Levels and the Incidence of Insomnia among Faculty of Public Health Students, Universitas Diponegoro

Sintya Indah Rahayu, Syamsulhuda Budi Musthofa, Novia Handayani
Stress can generally occur at all ages, including final-year students. Stress that is not immediately resolved can cause other health problems, one of which is the incidence of insomnia. This study aimed to determine the correlation between stress levels and the incidence of insomnia among final-year...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Outpatient Registration System to Improve Health Services in Bhayangkara Hospital Semarang

Risma Esti Permatasari, Oki Setiono, M. Kom
To improve the healthcare services quality, the hospital has developed an outpatient registration system. The hospital always develops an outpatient registration system, so it is necessary to analyze the implementation of an outpatient registration system. This study analyzes the outpatient registration...
Proceedings Article

Health Education Improves Knowledge of Healthy Living and Cleanliness Behavior for Upper Respiratory Infection Prevention

Respati Wulandari, Izzatul Alifah Sifai
The proportion of households in Indonesia Practicing Healthy Living and Cleanliness Behavior (PHLCB) is still very low. Low PHLCB practices can lead to deaths caused by acute respiratory infections such as pneumonia. This study aimed to determine the effect of health education on knowledge and attitudes...
Proceedings Article

Factors Associated with Subjective Complaints of Muscle Pain in Home Industry Convection Workers in the Kalinyamatan District Area

Wulan Dwi Nurcahyati, Ratih Pramitasari
Muscle pain complaints can be defined as symptoms in the body that are often suffered by humans characterized by the appearance of pain or severe pain and stiffness in the muscles. The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between individual characteristics and work factors with subjetive...
Proceedings Article

Infodemics response during COVID-19 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: A thematic analysis

Ramaiah Itullah, Enny Rachmani, Fahad Alshammari, Vamsi Krishna, Suleman Atique
Background Well-timed information and guidance are pivotal to successful management during health emergencies. Right information at the right time is essential to deal with such crises. In an epidemic, dealing with misinformation is as important as dealing with the pandemic itself. ...
Proceedings Article

Long Courtship's Impact on Dating Violence and Sexual Behavior in Private Junior High School, Semarang City

Nis Syifa’ur Rahma, Aprianti
Data from 2022 from the Central Bureau of Statistics Semarang City, as many as 15.38% of the population of Semarang City are teenagers in the age category of 10–19 years. According to Legal Resources Center-Gender Justice and Human Rights, in 2023, most violence cases were dating violence, with 18 cases...
Proceedings Article

From Cognitive Decline to Dementia: A Bibliometric Study of Health Literacy among the Aging Population

Muhammad Solihuddin Muhtar, Min-Huei Hsu
Health literacy among aging people is a critical factor in managing dementia and cognitive decline. It is associated with better health outcomes, lower healthcare utilization, and higher compliance with preventive services. Bibliometrix package under R environment was employed to analyze the database...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Regional-based Infectious Disease Vulnerability in Semarang City

Mochamad Abdul Hakam, Hanif Pandu Suhito, Dina Nur Anggraini Ningrum, Muhammad Solihuddin Muhtar
Decision-making in infectious disease control must be based on data and evidence-based approaches. The objective of this study is to depict the regional-based vulnerability of infectious diseases in Semarang City. Using data from routine services provided by 37 health centers (Puskesmas) from 2020 to...
Proceedings Article

Why Preadolescent Smoke? Intention and Smoking behavior of elementary students in a Rural Area in Central Java

Nurjanah Nurjanah, Yusthin Meriantti Manglapy, Alfiena Nisa Belladiena, P. H. Firmansyah Kholiq Pradana, Chirza Amania, Agustina Nur Indriati, Putri Permatasari
The prevalence of child smokers (10–18 years) increased by 26% from 7.2% (2013) to 9.1% (2018). The GYTS 2019 reported that 39.6% of students aged 13–15 years had smoked (boys 67.7% and girls 12.8%). The school-based health survey in 2015 found that male students started smoking for the first time before...