Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Local Wisdom (Incolwis 2022)

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34 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Prasetyo Adi Wisnu Wibowo, Sumarlam Sumarlam, Wakit Abdullah Rais, Dewanta Arya Nugraha
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the The 4th International Conference of Local Wisdom (Incolwis 2022) during 23-25 September 2022 in Surakarta, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief,...
Proceedings Article

Pranakan as the Identity of Courtiers of the Yogyakarta Palace (Ethnolinguistic Study)

Linda Widiastutik, Wakit Abdullah, Prasetyo Adi Wisnu Wibowo
This study aims to discuss about pranakan, namely the clothes or uniforms of the abdi dalem (courtiers) of the Yogyakarta palace as a symbol of identity in social life. Pranakans in their function are not just clothes for the courtiers of the Yogyakarta Palace but can act as a means of regulating behavior....
Proceedings Article

Morphological Changes in Words with Superlative Meanings in the Javanese Language of the Magelang Sub-Dialect in Speech Communities in the Andong and Telomoyo’s Mountains

Rumtini Rumtini, Hary Sulistyo, Endang Sartika, F. X. Sawardi
This paper discusses the superlative meaningful words of the speech community in the Andong-Telomoyo Mountain area, which is on the west side of Mount Merapi-Merbabu from a morphological perspective. The discussion on the Magelang sub-dialect is interesting because as a characteristic of people who live...
Proceedings Article

Literacy of Sundanese-language Prayer Texts Through Whatsapp Social Media

Yayat Sudaryat, Jatmika Nurhadi, Ade Sutisna
The era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 has led people’s lives and cultures into the digital world. Sending messages has been done through various digital applications, including WhatsApp. This study aims to explain the literacy of prayer texts, especially those in the Sundanese regional language, through...
Proceedings Article

Representation of Power in the Myth of Prince Samudra

Asep Yudha Wirajaya
The myth of Prince Samudra has at least colored the land of Java for more than 7 centuries. However, since the end of the Java War, this myth has received a new meaning that is far from the beginning. In fact, until now this myth is widely believed by pilgrims as the basis for carrying out the pesugihan...
Proceedings Article

The Sirih Temple: The Temple Made of Tuff Stone of the Outside of the Ancient Mataram

Baskoro Daru Tjahjono, Hery Priswanto, Muhammad Chawari, Mudjijono Mudjijono, Sofwan Noerwidi, Hari Wibowo
The Ancient Mataram was a Hindu-Buddhist kingdom centered in the Kedu-Prambanan area that ruled between the VIII - X AD centuries. This Kingdom has a fairly wide area covering Central Java and parts of East Java. As a kingdom with Hindu and Buddhist backgrounds, this kingdom has many temples as places...
Proceedings Article

Gunung Padang Stone Terraces as a Modification of the Highland Resource for Ancestor Worship Activity

Lutfi Yondri, Zusneli Zubir, Nurul Laili, Ani Rostiyati, Ria Intani Tresnasih
The stone terrace of Gunung Padang site located at the top of the mount, a couple of years ago had become polemic as the oldest pyramid in the world. Based on the results of the research, until now it did not find all data to support it. From archaeological thought, the stone terrace in the prehistoric...
Proceedings Article

Development of a Noble Speech Culture Based on Sabdajati Manuscript by Ranggawarsita III as a Representation of Power

Roch Aris Hidayat, Umi Masfiah, Mustolehudin, Moch Lukluil Maknun
This paper aims to describe the noble teachings of Ranggawarsita III in the Sabdajati manuscript. The noble advice is useful for every human being, including those in power. The research method uses a qualitative approach with library research techniques, the analysis uses content analysis techniques...
Proceedings Article

Internal Conflict of Main Character Karna in Wayang Kulit Performance “Karna Tandhing” by Ki Seno Nugroho

Angga Bimo Satoto, Diah Retno Hapsari, Afendy Widayat
Many values can be learned from wayang kulit performance, such as the values of character, morals, and education. One of the values that can be learned is the psyche of wayang kulit characters, especially in the form of inner conflicts and their solutions. The inner conflict of the wayang kulit character...
Proceedings Article

Rhyme in the Sundanese Mantra Manuscript Text: The Connection of Structure, Meaning, and Functions in Society

Elis Suryani Nani Sumarlina, Rangga Saptya Mohamad Permana, Undang Ahmad Darsa
The text of the Sundanese mantra manuscript, which is the subject of this paper, is a literary work of the ‘poetry’ genre whose formal structure is examined. It is anticipated that those who study the Sundanese Mantra text through the lens of rhyme will be able to dissect the text's structure and...
Proceedings Article

Javanese Language Politeness in Novel Prasetyane Wanita by Tulus Setiyadi

Nur Fateah, Riska Putri Mardiyani
Language politeness is a person's attitude or way of respecting others when communicating, politeness can be seen through literary works, namely novels. This study aims to (1) describe the principles of language politeness contained in the dialogue between characters in the novel Prasetyane Wanita,...
Proceedings Article

Rajah on Ngikis Ceremony in Karangkamulyan Site Ciamis

Ani Rostiyati, Suwardi Alamsyah, Adeng Adeng, Nina Merlina
Indonesia is a country with plurality especially in terms of customs and culture. One of the customs and traditions that is always done is to perform rituals or traditional ceremonies aiming for safety and gratitude to the Creator, including the ancestors. It also happened among Sundanese community in...
Proceedings Article

Symbolic meaning of Nyadran, Javanese tradition at the Banyon village, Central Klaten District, Regency of Klaten

Nanik Herawati
Nyadran is one of Javanese tradition commonly done once in a year, that is, in Ruwah – Javanese year. Javanese society usually has tradition to conserve various culture of their ancestors, which is, one of them is nyadran. They still do the tradition of nyadran. The aims of this research are (1) to describe...
Proceedings Article

Quality of Language Readability in Kartika Textbook Based on BSNP Parameters

Nurhidayati Nurhidayati, Suwarna Suwarna, Sri Hertanti Wulan, Yayan Rubiyanto
Readability is an absolute requirement for textbooks to be declared suitable for use in learning. Kartika Basa Textbook is a Javanese language textbook used for junior high school students in DIY. The book’s readability has not been examined using quantitative and qualitative techniques simultaneously....
Proceedings Article

Representation of Power Serat Sestradi as A Basic for Cultivation Ethics and Morals Values in Kindergarten Student

Windi Wulandari Iman Utama, Yanuar Bagas Arwansyah, Bayu Ananto Wibowo
A pluralistic society is one of the factors in the emergence of ethical and moral friction which is a benchmark standard to determine whether a person’s attitude and actions are seen in terms of good or bad as a human being. This study aims to describe empirically the representation of the power of the...
Proceedings Article

Gastrolinguistic Cultural Semantics of Sega Creative Processed in Java’s Custom and Traditional Ceremonies as National Value Reinforcement

Wiwin Erni Siti Nurlina, Edi Setiyanto, Besse Darmawati, Umar Sidik, Herie Saksono, Suwarna Dwijonagoro
Culture as a resource has uniqueness and power that is not found in natural resources. Cultural exploration precisely creates new monumental works, and novelties that highlight the nation's identity, strengthen the national character, enrich the collective memory and national heritage, play a diplomatic...
Proceedings Article

Serat Wicara Keras and The Hegemony of Javanese Priyayi

Aloysius Indratmo, Wakit Abdullah Rais, Susanto, Dwi Susanto
This study attempts to explain how Javanese ideology and culture, as articulated by the poet R. Ng. Yasadipura II in Serat Wicara Keras, marked the beginning of the hegemony of the Javanese aristocratic group over the Kawula group. Hegemonic analysis, interpretation, and text analysis are all used in...
Proceedings Article

The Land and Water Ritual in Toyomarto Singasari Malang: Genealogy and Social Praxis

Aprinus Salam, Rina Zuliana
This article discusses genealogy and social praxis and the possibility of discourse contestation in the water ritual of indigenous people in Toyomarto, Singasari of Malang Regency. This ritual merges previous rituals practiced in each hamlet called the water ritual, then centered in a cultural space...
Proceedings Article

Keboan: Emik, Syncretism, and Negotiation

Aprinus Salam, M Hafidzulloh SM
The traditional Keboan ritual is accelerating and articulating the culture of the Using community in Aliyan village, Banyuwangi, East Java. Cultural axioms manifest the articulation of ancestral traditions that are thick with values. This article will explore the conception and the treasures of local...
Proceedings Article

The Dukun between Traditionality and Modernity: Element of Magical Realism in Drama di Boven Digul by Kwee Tek Hoay

Cahyaningrum Dewojati, Rina Zuliana
The study of magical realism has become a trend and popular in Indonesia since the 1990s. In its development, magical realism has been understood in various ways, from its position as a genre, narrative strategy, or theoretical framework. This article positions magical realism as a reading strategy to...
Proceedings Article

Interaction Vs Power of Ola: Synthesis of Dialogues and Scenes of I Never Cry a Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis

Donie Fadjar Kurniawan, Andini Pradya Savitri, Ratih Asti Supriyanto, Sri Handayani, Sumarlam Sumarlam
Interaction is a reciprocal relationship that occurs between individuals and other. Power here tend to a sign of the meaning of the character Ola that is a brave figure. A film certainly cannot be separated from characters, so interactions between characters with certain shapes and purposes are created....
Proceedings Article

Divisions of Space of Batujaya Temple Complex in Karawang, West Java

Endang Widyastuti, Nanang Saptono
The area of Batujaya Temple Complex is 5 km2, administratively located in two different villages and sub-districts, which are Segaran Village, Batujaya District and Telagajaya Village, Pakisjaya District, Karawang Regency. In the area, there are 49 mounds of soil (unur) which was presumed that there...
Proceedings Article

Minahasan Local Wisdom in the Art of the Indies Architecture in the Colonial Era of Minahasa, North Sulawesi: A Study of Historical Archaeology

Irfanuddin Wahid Marzuki
As a region with a strong influence on the Dutch during the colonial period, Minahasa was often referred to as “the 12th Province of the Netherlands”. In fact, the great influence of the Dutch has entrenched not only in the aspect of religion and language but also in the art of building and architecture....
Proceedings Article

The Ritual of Opening The Cupu Panjala: Efforts to Predict Social, Economic, and Political Conditions

Mudjijono Mudjijono, Sofwan Noerwidi, Hery Priswanto, Baskoro Daru Tjahjono, Muhammad Chawari, Hari Wibowo
The rituals of Opening The Cupu Panjala a social activity for the Javanese community in Gunungkidul Regency. This ritual is a common religious ceremony or belief carried out by various elements of religion or belief and serves as a reflection of relationship harmony between peoples. This ritual is also...
Proceedings Article

Introduction to Balinese Language in Early Childhood: Identification of Teacher Strategies

Ni Gusti Ayu Made Yeni Lestari, Endry Boeriswati, Nurbiana Dhieni
The strategy used by the teacher will have a direct impact on the motivation and ability of children to recognize Balinese. This study aims to determine the strategies used by teachers in introducing Balinese to early childhood. This study used a survey method. The research data was obtained through...
Proceedings Article

Teater Sunda Kiwari (TSK) Alignment between Capital and Strategy on Pierre Bourdieu’s Perspective

Nia Kurnia, Rini Widiastuti, Resti Nurfaidah, Sariah Sariah
Teater Sunda Kiwari (hereinafter referred to as TSK) is a consistent modern Sundanese theater community and has the aim of preserving the Sundanese language, especially among students. TSK has survived until now, amid the possible extinction of Sundanese as a regional language or mother tongue in West...
Proceedings Article

Local Wisdom Based Leardership Philosophi Minang Proverb

Ninawati Syahrul, Sastri Sunarti, Atisah Atisah, Harits Fadlly
Proverbs seem to have begun to lose their identity along with the development of social life of society which tends to be carried away by the flow of modern human lifestyle. The consequence is that the proverb is no longer a source of values, so that the Minang community began to experience a crisis...
Proceedings Article

The Cultural Meaning of The Tiger Myth in Asia: A Comparative Literary Study

Ninawati Syahrul, Sastri Sunarti, Ade Mulyanah, Agus Iswanto
The Tiger is one of the most essential predatory animals in the food chain, so it is feared and respected animal among in the wild. Some of tiger’s myth in Asian countries such as Bangladesh, China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, Indonesia, and India tell relationship between tiger and humans being....
Proceedings Article

The Shape and Function of Kyai Ageng Henis and The Laweyan Mosque as A Strengthening Education of Character

Nurnaningsih Nurnaningsih
Oral folklore in the Javanese land was widely found in various areas. Folklore is categorized in oral variation. Oral stories are mainly owned by certain societies that are used as a tool to promote a sense of solidarity and a tool to reinforce the cultural social teaching that prevails in that society....
Proceedings Article

The Existence of Millennials Wayang Beber in The Middle of Globalization Era as A Tools of Strengthening The Nation’s Character

Prasetyo Adi Wisnu Wibowo, Suyatno Suyatno, Endang Tri Winarni, Sisyono Eko Widodo, Siti Muslifah, Aloysius Indratmo
The millennials Wayang Beber are puppets telling stories that can be used as tools to create character especially to the younger generation. The millennials Wayang Beber in Laweyan Surakarta, a new technique designed in the batik expanse that contained the story and teachings of adiluhung (high quality)....
Proceedings Article

Linguistic Commodification in The D’kandang Tourism Area, Depok City, West Java

Sariah Sariah, Rini Widiastuti, Ade Mulyanah, Tri Saptarini
The use of language in tourism is inevitable. Language becomes the transmission of meaning to convey information and build images. In this context, language has undergone commodification because language is used to build a tourist area’s identity (branding). This study aims to reveal the commodification...
Proceedings Article

The Study of Javanese Women in The Primbon Books

Supana Supana, Sumarlam Sumarlam, Wakit Wakit, Yohanes Suwanto, Sutarjo Sutarjo
A substantial amount of aspects of the life of women are exposed in the life of Javanese people, particularly in song lyrics, literary works and other ancient writings. This demonstrates the importance of understanding the female character. The books of Primbon contain guidelines for several aspects...
Proceedings Article

Distribution and Relationship of Regional Language Vocabulary in Central Sulawesi Province

Wati Kurniawati, Deni Karsana, Ryen Maerina, Mukhamdanah Mukhamdanah
Regional languages in Indonesia have been the object of many publications so far, there is a dearth of dialectological research on the topic. This research discusses the gap by identifying the distribution and relation of regional language vocabulary in Poso, Tojo Una-Una, and North Morowali as well...

Correction to: The Existence of Millennials Wayang Beber in The Middle of Globalization Era as A Tools of Strengthening The Nation’s Character

Prasetyo Adi Wisnu Wibowo, Suyatno Suyatno, Endang Tri Winarni, Sisyono Eko Widodo, Siti Muslifah, Aloysius Indratmo