Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Science and Engineering 2021 (IJCSE 2021)
136 articles
Proceedings Article
Student Assessment: Putting the Formative Assessment as a Monitor to the Student Learning Process During Distance Learning
Leny Novita, Yu-Chuan Yang
Students and teachers were part of the education system that couldn’t be a part of each other. To engage the student to learn, the teacher needs to motivate them with several online strategies. Here, the teacher has to know the student characteristic, background, and any other supported data that can...
Proceedings Article
Influence of Distance Between Nails on Strong Bending of Laminated Wood Beams-Meranti Wood and Sengon Wood
Suprapto Suprapto, Suparji Suparji, Ekohariadi Ekohariadi, Reza B. Aditya, Setya C. Wibawa
Using nails as adhesive materials on meranti wood laminate beams and zinc wood is an attempt to anticipate the problems arising in laminate beams if using glue adhesives, which the laminate process can occur ideally. Improved mechanical possessions such as strong bending and elastic modulus can be achieved....
Proceedings Article
Violent Reconstruction of Science Learning Based on Indonesian Local Wisdom: A Critical Review
Putu Suarmika, Nuris Hidayat, Sutami Lestari, Faisal Faliyandra, Erdi Utama
Every society must have a culture that is passed down from generation to generation, wherein in that culture there is indigenous knowledge, or what is called local wisdom. Integrating local wisdom in science learning can provide benefits to students about learning how to preserve culture because it contains...
Proceedings Article
On the Extension of Sir Model on the Spread of Covid 19 by Assuming Two Types of Viruses
Muhammad Jakfar, Manuharawati, Agung Lukito, Atik Wintarti, Dimas A. Maulana, Fadilah Ilahi
This paper will model the spread of the Covid-19 by assuming two types of viruses using the SIR model extension. Furthermore, it will also be discussed about the analysis of the fixed-point stability of the model. The fixed-point stability analysis result shows that the fixed-points are disease-free,...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Development of Critical Thinking Instruments Test in Physics
Titin Sunarti, Wasis Wasis, Woro Setyarsih, Abu Zainudin, Mukhayyarotin N. R. Jauhariyah
The critical thinking instrument is an instrument that contains essential indicators of thinking to test critical thinking ability. The purpose of this study is to examine instrument development methods, test instrument forms, question indicators, instrument feasibility tests, research subjects, instrument...
Proceedings Article
Gender Disparity in North Sumatera Higher Education and Challenges of Young Indonesian Women in Science and STEM Education
Riris M. Tamba, Chia L. Chiang
This research presents data from The Higher Education Data Base (PDDikti) in 2019 Higher Education Statistics to investigate the gender representations at higher education level and faculty members limited to universities in North Sumatera. Then, reviewed about challenges of young Indonesian women in...
Proceedings Article
Learning from Technopark: Exploring of Physics Concept Through Advanced Technology
Nadi Suprapto, Titin Sunarti, Suliyanah, Alif S. Adam, Husni Mubarok
This particular narrative study describes two science centres in the east of Java-Indonesia, popular as Infinite World and Fun Tech Zone as Technopark. The study utilises the document analysis, literature study from relating references, observation results and the authors’ view. This paper also explains...
Proceedings Article
Device-to-Device Communication in 5G
Dito Pratama Hadyanto, Diva Safina Novariana, Ajeng Wulandari
This super-fast 5G capability is not only to complement the network and as a 4G update, but it can build a new approach where technical capabilities such as data speed, latency, connectivity, and so on will have a different impact than before such as from 3G to 4G. This study uses a literature review...
Proceedings Article
Next Level Matchmaking
Julianto Cristian, Fahrian Muhammad Nabiel, Christ Anderson Wisnu, Ajeng Wulandari
Matchmaking is a matching process. In game, those matchmaking is a matching process that functions to find our opponents and friends. However it is harder to win the game when there are smurf players who play in matches that don’t match their abilities. Because of that, we want to propose next level...
Proceedings Article
Challenges in the Migration to 6G Mobile Systems
Ajeng Wulandari, Aurelius Elvin, Jonathan Albert Purnawan, Reynaldi Ishaka
Implementation of 6G has been done in many countries. Expert said that 6G have more advantages than its predecessors. However, there will be challenges when we migrate to 6G. This paper review several technologies that has been used to migrate mobile system to 6G.
Proceedings Article
Design and Simulation of Automatic Car Parking Areas Based on Human Machine Interface Autonics LP-S070 Series
Joko, Ibrohim, Fendi Achmad
The development of science, technology, and information at this time in the electrical field is very rapid, especially in the design of control system technology that can affect people’s lives to move forward (modernization), practical, and semi-automatic. An automated system of equipment that overrides...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Tracer Study D3 Civil Engineering to Support Vocational Program at Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Puguh Novi Prasetyono, Hasan Dani, Feriza Nadiar, Arik Triarso
In the face of intense competition in the world of work, the development of study programs is absolutely necessary. To produce graduates from study programs who are reliable and competent in their fields, they need to be well prepared in order to compete with graduates from other institutions in the...
Proceedings Article
Online Trading System with Reverse Image Search
Marlo R. Abunales, Ma. Windie C. Velarde, Deborah G. Brosas, John Carlo Q. Abella, Lyra K. Nuevas, Sarah Jane L. Cabral
Online Trading System with Reverse Image Search is designed for people to post their items up for trade. Compared to the bartering and trading system in different social media platforms, this system assures traders that all registered individuals have a valid identity, which may avoid bogus transactions....
Proceedings Article
I Love Tacloban App
Syvel Grace O. Cabonce, Lyra K. Nuevas, Dindo C. Obediencia, John Philip S. Macamay, Jessie R. Paragas, Diane B. Remot, Carlo L. Geran
Innovation became important today’s generation. There are new-found technologies to help users to cope with the fast and modern development of technologies. The study “I love Tacloban App” is an Android application that provides information when visiting Tacloban City. Everything the user wants to know,...
Proceedings Article
Design Build of IoT Based Smart Liquefied Petroleum Gas Leakage Detector with NodeMCU ESP8266 Module
Nurul Rahma Fikha Sujarwo, Nur Kholis, Lilik Anifah, Farid Baskoro
Gas is a molecule that is not bound, formless, invisible, and can change to liquid or solid at a certain temperature. LPG gas is a factor that often occurs the cause of LPG gas fires is the gas regulator that is not installed properly. The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of the...
Proceedings Article
Work Energy Modelling Link Layer Protocol on TinyOS and TinySec Based Wireless Sensor Networks with LEACH Method
Miftahur Rohman, Farid Baskoro
Monitoring the activities of the surrounding area using a wireless sensor network is very important to help support human work such as bridge surveillance, agricultural supervision, and others. Wireless sensor networks work in real time requiring a large amount of power source. In order for the wireless...
Proceedings Article
Character of SMK Graduates in the Field of Building Construction, Sanitation, and Maintenance (KGSP) Skills Needed by the Business/Industry World
Wahyu Dwi Mulyono, Soeparno, Nurmi Frida Dorintan Bertua Pakpahan, Heri Suryaman
Vocational High School (SMK) aims to produce graduates who are competent and ready to work. The competence of SMK graduates must be in accordance with the needs of the Business World / Industrial World (DU / DI). The industry’s need for manpower is not only based on hard skills and soft skills, but also...
Proceedings Article
Tracer Study of Alumni on the Outcome’s Study Programs in the Civil Engineering Department Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Gde Agus Yudha Prawira Adistana, Danayanti A D Nusantara, Meity Wulandari, Wahyu Dwi Mulyono, Erina Rahmadyanti
An alumni survey or better known as a tracer study conducts to tracks the alumni activities. For universities, the benefits of tracer studies include getting information, input, and motivation to advance their achievement further, so they can escalate prospective graduates to adapt to society’s needs...
Proceedings Article
Menstrual-Mi: Mobile Application for Women
Setya Chendra Wibawa, Alim Sumarno, Mashudi, Chika Awalia Rachmawati, Rooselyna Ekawati, Edy Sulistiyo, Eko Handoyo
Every month, women experience menstruation or menstrual periods. The menstrual period greatly affects the daily lives of women. This menstruation often causes other symptoms such as menstrual pain, back pain and even acne. Things like this can actually be overcome by women. There are several foods and...
Proceedings Article
Design and Development of Body Temperature Detection and Attendance Equipment in Covid-19 Era Based on the Internet of Things
Farid Baskoro, Bambang Suprianto, I Gusti Putu Asto Buditjahjanto, Lilik Anifah, Aristyawan Putra Nurdiansyah, Miftahur Rohman
Every effort has been made to break the chain of the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Starting from maintaining distance, wearing masks, washing hands, uniting body temperature, to invitations to participate in vaccinations. However, apart from vaccination during the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for jobs...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Usability Aspects in the Disability Work Center Application (GO-DISWORK)
Dodik Arwin Dermawan, Fresy Nugroho, Budiyanto
Information less than optimal in cyberspace is the leading cause of people with disabilities not getting jobs. The shortcomings of persons with disabilities are also the cause of the difficulty in obtaining information. While labor providers have opened up job opportunities for persons with disabilities,...
Proceedings Article
Heating System Performance in Oil Cooler Capacity Testing Design
Handini Novita Sari, I Made Arsana, Tri Darma Setiawan, Novi Sukma Drastiawati, Mochamad Cholik, Soeryanto
Cooling a vehicle is a very important thing, the goal is not to overheat the engine. Along with advances in vehicle engine cooling technology, there are several types such as radiators and oil coolers, but studies that explain engine cooling, especially on oil coolers, are still lacking. In this study,...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship Between New Student Selection Tests and Learning Achievement at the Vocational Program
Suprapto, Wahyu Dwi Mulyono
The new student admission selection test is the basis for determining the acceptance of prospective students in higher education. The selection test for new admissions generally consists of a basic ability test (TKD) and a test of academic ability and potential (TKPA). This study aims to analyze the...
Proceedings Article
Development of a Web-Based Financial Information System for Independent Educational Accreditation Institutions
Ari Kurniawan, Suryanti, Luthfiyah Nurlaela, Nanik Indahwati, Loggar Bhilawa, Dodik Arwin Dermawan
Accreditation of study program is an assessment of the governance of education and teaching conducted in a study program at a university and is carried out periodically. It has been carried out by LAM (Independent Accreditation Instituton) under the supervision of BAN-PT (National Accreditation Board...
Proceedings Article
The Importance of Social Media Content in Influencing the Intention to Enroll in Higher Education
Rafdinal, Iwan Mulyawan, Lusianus Kusdibyo
Using company generated content (FGC), this article aims to discover the influence of social media content on students’ perceptions of value, social media usage intentions, and college enrollment intentions. A total of 450 people participated in an online survey. IPMA and a variance-based structural...
Proceedings Article
Monitoring System of Self-Isolation COVID-19 Patient Based on Internet of Things
Arif Widodo, Zain Bahaul Anwar
The emergence of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has made many people affected by this disease, making hospital facilities limited as a place of isolation, ranging from mild symptoms to asymptomatic ones such as Happy Hypoxia (severe pneumonia) causing oxygen saturation levels, heart rate, and temperature...
Proceedings Article
Factors Influencing Student Achievement During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Rina Harimurti, Ibrohim, M. Syariffuddien Zuhrie
For this study, we are looking into how COVID 19 pandemic affected student learning outcomes. Several factors are believed to have an impact on the competences that students must attain. Learner models and preexisting skills have an impact on cognitive ability and learning outcomes. 40 students were...
Proceedings Article
Relevance of Engineering Faculty Universitas Negeri Surabaya Graduates in Getting Decent Jobs
Muamar Zainul Arif, Wahyu Dwi Kurniawan, Wahyu Dwi Mulyono, Yuli Sutoto Nugroho
This study aims to determine the level of relevance of graduates in getting a decent job. This type of research is descriptive quantitative. The variables studied included the level of closeness of the field of study with work, the same level of education with job needs, and alumni income. The number...
Proceedings Article
Design and Development of LAMDIK Accreditaion Information System
Asmunin, Yuni Sri Rahayu, Muchlas Samani, Ekohariadi, Ari Kurniawan
LAMDIK is an independent accreditation agency that accredits study programs in the field of education. SIMAK is a web-based application for the administration and automation of the accreditation process, can synchronize with PD-DIKTI, multiuser (assessor, study program, validator, facilitator), and can...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Critical Thinking on Digital Electronics 2 Courses Based on Online Learning
Munoto, Miftahur Rohman, Meini Sondang Sumbawati, Farid Baskoro
This study aims to reveal the level of contribution of the creative thinking learning model, by observing the factors that support student interest in learning. The number of respondents in this study were 22 students who took digital electronics courses 2 for the 2020/2021 academic year in the Electrical...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Academic Services, Non-Academic Services, Information Services on Student Satisfaction in Terms of Gender
Joko, Arif Widodo, Supari Muslim, Agus Budi Santoso
In order to provide high-quality service, companies must meet or surpass their customers’ expectations while also ensuring that their products are delivered on time and accurately. Higher education sustainability depends on students’ evaluations of service quality, and student happiness is becoming increasingly...
Proceedings Article
Online Git Tutorial Application for Pair Programming Learning that Supports the Coworking Space Concept
Wahyu Nur Hidayat
The existence of the COVID-19 pandemic has made the development of information and communication technology so rapid that it fosters new habits in the community to work from home and take advantage of the coworking space concept. Vocational High School students need to learn pair programming that supports...
Proceedings Article
The Development of a PHP-Based Instrument for Skill Assessment of Learning Outcomes to Improve the Achievement Efficiency of Multimedia Expertise Program Students in Vocational High School in Malang
Hary Suswanto, Fajri Novitasari, Gres Dyah Kusuma Ningrum, Achmad Hamdan
Teachers use the assessment of learning outcomes (Penilaian Hasil belajar/PHB) to improve students’ achievements. Teachers easily arrange the learning design and strategy based on the indicators in the assessment. The indicators are based on the expected achievement of the subjects’ characteristics....
Proceedings Article
Sustainable Professional Development Supporting Learning Teacher Profession Development Through Learning Models and Innovative Media at SMK Ketintang Surabaya
Farid Baskoro, Ismet Basuki, Euis Ismayati, Munoto, Aditya Candra Hermawan
An important skill that a teacher must have is knowledge of all kinds of learning strategies. This indicates that the teacher is not only required to understand the subject they are delivering but also must have knowledge of strategies in delivering learning material to students. PPGP is the development...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Expertise Groups in Compilation of Research Roadmap for Diploma Program in Engineering Technology Building Construction
Satriana Fitri Mustika Sari, Berkat Cipta Zega, Arik Triarso, Anggi Rahmad Zulfikar
Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education number 44 of 2015 concerning the National Standards for Higher Education, universities must make adjustments to meet the standards of education, research and community service. The purpose of this research is to produce a research...
Proceedings Article
Design and Build Termin Information System at PT Delta Sinergi Prima to Optimize Term Management Using the Method Software Development Life cycle
Siska Wahyu Prasetyani, Aries Dwi Indriyanti
The information system brings together various data from every business process carried out by the organization, processes and presents it in the form of reports which can later be used as the basis for decision making and even strategic planning in an organization. PT Delta Sinergi Prima is a service...