Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities 2023 (IJCAH 2023)
205 articles
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness and Efficiency of the National Movement in Orderly Archive Awareness in Accelerating the Promotion Process to Professors at State University of Surabaya
Titin Sumarti, Diana Widyati, Tusiana Skriptin, Johan Wahyudi
This study directs to describe the effectiveness and efficiency of the National Movement in Orderly Archives Awareness (GNSTA) in accelerating the promotion process to professors at Surabaya State University (Unesa), to describe the efforts of staffing employees in conducting records management in accelerating...
Proceedings Article
Tracer Study of Nutrition Study Program at Universitas Negeri Surabaya in 2023
Amalia Ruhana, Siti Sulandjari
The purpose of this study is to find out information on graduates of the nutrition study program in 2022. This research is a quantitative research with a cross-sectional study approach. The tracer study was carried out using a questionnaire that had been developed by the Sub Directorate of UNESA Student...
Proceedings Article
Development of a Nutrition Education Textbook for Improving Knowledge Mastery of Nutrition Students
Choirul Anna Nur Afifah, Siti Sulandjari, Rahayu Dewi Soeyono
Nutrition Education is a basic course to support the achievement of community nutrition skill competencies for prospective nutritionists. Course achievements expect students to be able to plan, implement, and evaluate nutrition education so they need textbooks as a reference for student lectures. The...
Proceedings Article
The Exploration of Lesson Planning in Senior High School Teachers’ with Literacy Strategies
Kisyani Laksono, Sjafiatul Mardliyah, Sri Abidah Suryaningsih, Suswanto, Zulaikah Abdullah, Ahmad Bayu Prastyo, Della Hauzaniah Hajidah
In Indonesia, they recently started using the “Freedom to Learn” curriculum. All the more reason for teachers to themselves become literate. Reading is also given a lot of attention in the lessons. The incorporation of strategies for teaching reading and writing is explicitly modeled in these lesson...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Nutritional Education on Food Safety and Snack Choices Knowledge among 6th Grade Students in Islamic Elementary School: A Pre-Post Intervention Study
Satwika Arya Pratama, Noor Rohmah Mayasari, Veni Indrawati
Knowledge related to healthy snacks was still inadequate in school- age children. The unhealthy, unsafe and non-nutritious snacks was still occurred in elementary schools. Changes in the behavior of choosing snacks is one of the challenges among school students. The implementation of Information, Education,...
Proceedings Article
Scopus Publication Performance of PTNBH Accounting Lecturers
Susi Handayani, Ni Nyoman Alit Triani
The Ministry of Research Technology, and Higher Education has set the output of all basic research and capacity building activities to at least produce publications. Accounting lecturer publications in the form of articles, proceedings, and other documents indexed by Scopus are very important both for...
Proceedings Article
Research Roadmap and Community Service in the Field of Cosmetology Education Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Maspiyah, Biyan Yesi Wilujeng, Novia Restu Windayani, Yuli Sutoto Nugroho
There are three essential parts to a research road map and community service (PKM) that must all work together. The road plan will illustrate the connection between past, present, and future research endeavors and volunteer efforts. Institutional support for research roadmap creation and outreach is...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of SIMLPPM on the Performance Achievement of LPPM University of Surabaya State
Zulaikha Abdullah, Tintin S. Puspitasasri, Dody Purwanto, Nuzzila R. Fidarina
The Institute for Research and Community Service at University of Surabaya State (LPPM Unesa) has 5 tasks and functions, one of which is to carry out the management and development of research and community service in accordance with the policy directions of the Chancellor of Unesa. This study focuses...
Proceedings Article
Basic Communication Skills Therapy for People with Autistics Spectrum Disorder (ASD) with the ABA Method and Media of Concrete Objects
Mintowati, Nur Fauziah, M. Kharis, Hans Yosef Tandra Dasion
This article is motivated by the need and importance of basic communication skills therapy for people with autism. As stated by experts, people with ASD have deficiencies in communicating, socializing, and behaving. Through this research, it is expected that people with ASD have basic communication skills...
Proceedings Article
Development of Academic-Efficacy Video Media as the Content of Islamic Guidance and Counselling Application (IGCA)
Najlatun Naqiyah, Nabila Salma Salsabila, M. Farid Ilhamuddin, Syafi’ul Anam, Dian Mutammima, Diajeng Retno Kinanti Putri
A sense of accomplishment determines the ability to achieve designated goals. Increasing the sense of success (self-efficacy) is the main key to developing success in the future. The role of guidance and counselling teachers can increase students' self-efficacy through video media. Guidance and...
Proceedings Article
Development of Psychological Well-Being Scale for Students in Islamic Boarding Schools
Ari Khusumadewi, Mayang Pramesti
Many new students in Islamic boarding schools experience psychological well-being problems, particularly in their stage of identity search development. Adolescents at this stage are going through an identity crisis, which can lead to complex problems in their lives, such as rapid changes in emotions,...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of Islamic Boarding School Website for Quality Service Improvement to Achieve or Support SDG’s
Ananda Dea Kusuma, Daffa Risq Mudhoffar, Lailatul Fitriyah
This study was conducted with the main aim of knowing how effective the use of the website available by the Santri Islamic boarding school Baitul Makmur. With this research, researchers can understand what are the ad- vantages and disadvantages of the website owned by the Baitul Makmur Islamic Boarding...
Proceedings Article
Improving Efficiency and Compliance Through SOP Review at PPPM Baitul Makmur Surabaya Islamic Asrama in According to the SDGs
Lailatul Fitriyah, Ananda Dea Kusuma, Daffa Risq Mudhoffar
This observation was made to identify, describe, and compare patterns of sanctions or SOPs and criminal sanctions at PPPM Baitul Makmur. These observations are based on phenomena explained in natural words through inter- viewing and documentation techniques. The results of the analysis obtained data...
Proceedings Article
Teacher Professional Education Program to Improve the Quality of Education: Lesson Learned from International Practice
Silfia Asning Tias, Waraporn Tongjean
This review paper examines Indonesia's professional teacher education program by exploring similar practices from an international perspective. This study elaborates on the model of teacher education programs worldwide and the current trends in teacher education following the reform agenda in the...
Proceedings Article
Developing CBL Through WiSGuD in Teaching and Learning of English Writing Skill
E. Mulyadi, Y. Riyanto, A. Kristanto
This research intends to develop and to test the validity of the learning model CBL Through WiSGuD or Collaborative Blended Learning Through Written Small Group Dis-cussion The research subjects were the 11th grade students of SMAN Madani. The research and development of this learning model used the...
Proceedings Article
Design and Assessment of Project-Based Learning (PjBL) for Improving Design Skill in Modest Fashion Design Course
Indarti, Yulistiana, Urip Wahyuningsih, Fadlilah Indira Sari, Li Hsun Peng
Project-Based Learning (PjBL) has become one of the learning models that has been set by the Indonesian government as a learning model based on student centers. The purpose of the study was to describe how the design and assessment in the PjBL model to improve design skills in the Modest Fashion Design...
Proceedings Article
Application of Project Based Learning on Storytelling Ability in Early Childhood
Eka Cahya Maulidiyah
Project base learning is a learning model that is used by giving projects to students with the aim of completing lecture targets with meaningful learning for students. The purpose of this study is to determine the application of project based learning to learning that involves mastering the concept and...
Proceedings Article
Literature Review: Enhancing Education Accessibility: The Role of Assistive Technology in Promoting Equality for the Visually Impaired
Pamuji, Ida Alfa Nerri, Fairus Niratama
Visually impaired individuals, who belong to the special needs group, experience a loss of visual abilities and play a significant role as 85% of information is visual. Visually impaired individuals require education that addresses their needs and maximizes the use of tactile and auditory functions....
Proceedings Article
Profile of Innovative Behavior in Early Childhood Education Teachers
Umi Anugerah Izzati, Warih Handayaningrum, Olievia Prabandini Mulyana
Teachers have an important role in supporting the world of education. Various individual behaviors, especially innovative behavior in early childhood education teachers in educational research is something interesting to study. This research aims to explore the description of Innovative Behavior in early...
Proceedings Article
Group Guidance with Budi Santri Values to Increase Impulse Control of Students
D. Setiawati, E. Winingsih, A. Khusmadewi, B. D. Wiyono, B. Al-Habsy
The purpose of this study was to test student resilience between before and after the application of group guidance with budi santri values to increase student resilience. This research is an experimental type with a pretest-posttest one group design. The measuring instrument used is the resilience scale....
Proceedings Article
The Role of Principal on Teacher Professional Learning Communities
Windasaro, Muhamad Sholeh, Widyo Winarso, Zuraidah Abdullah, Farah Dhiyah Ulfa
As the school has transformed significantly, these changes have also had an impact on the principal. Principals nowadays also have to build collaborations and networks with the community, become a support system for teachers and students and improve services to students. This study aims to determine...
Proceedings Article
Gen Z and the World of Work: A Study Literature of New Graduates’ Challenges in Building Job Readiness
F. Magfiroh, S. Jaro’ah
Work readiness is an essential attribute for new graduates to adjust to the world of work, for job performance indicator and future career development. However, many fresh graduates are still immature in building work readiness. This study aims to explore the skills required for work readiness and the...
Proceedings Article
Comparison of the Reliability Test of Semester Final Exam Scores for Graphic Media Courses Using Various Reliability Test Methods
Hari Sugiharto Setyaedhi, A. Ardianik, M. Hanif
The purpose of this study was to determine the accuracy of the estimated reliability coefficients of several reliability coefficient methods. Data were analyzed using the Spearman-Brown formula, the Flanagan formula, the Rulon formula, the Hoyt formula, the Kuder-Richardson 20 and 21 formulas, and the...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Needs for Early Children’s Creative Thinking in Indonesia
Mallevi Agustin Ningrum, Budi Jatmiko, Mochamad Nursalim, Suryanti, Lailatun Nazar
This study aims to identify the creative thinking skills of children aged -6 years in Indonesia. A qualitative method with a reflective descriptive type is 5 applied in this research. The research was conducted at an early childhood education institution involving100 early childhood observations. The...
Proceedings Article
Resilient, Innovative and Inclusive Guidance and Counselling Master Programme Curriculum
Najlatun Naqiyah, Elisabeth Cristiana, Retno Tri Hariastuti, Diajeng Retno Kinanti Putri
The Guidance and Counselling master's study programme made adjustments in accordance with the vision and mission of UNESA PTNBH. The KKNI curriculum that has been implemented needs to be reviewed to suit the needs of the job market. This study aims to explain the curriculum structure of the master...
Proceedings Article
Experiential Learning to Improve Vocational Life Skill Disabilities in Inclusive Schools
Wiwik Widajati, Siti Mahmudah, Diah Ekasari, Danis Ade Dwirisnanda, K. N. Devina Rahmadiani, Ni Made Marlin Minarsih, Diah Anggraeny, Ima Kurrotun Ainin
Experiential learning provides opportunities for individuals with disabilities to learn from experience including the link between doing and thinking, actively thinking about what is learned and applying what has been learned in real contexts or other (new) contexts related to vocational life skills...
Proceedings Article
The Principal’s Leadership Role to Minimize Bullying in Schools
Muhamad Sholeh, Windasari, Bima Anggana Widhiarta Putra, Agung Stiawan
Bullying cases in Indonesia are being discussed in the media. The impact of bullying is extremely high, both for the perpetrators and victims of bullying. The principal’s leadership is required to creating an anti-bullying school climate. The research was conducted to investigate the school principal’s...
Proceedings Article
An Overview of Psychological Well-Being among MDVI Students
O. F. Anggara, A. O. N. Beni, D. Anggraeny
This research aims to provide an overview of psychological well- being among students with Multiple Disabilities and Visual Impairment (MDVI) pursuing higher education. The study employs a qualitative approach with a case study method, involving in-depth interviews and observations of participants. The...
Proceedings Article
Childhood Maltreatment: Crisis in Family Informal Education
Ameerah Tsabita Yuliwarto, Satiningsih
Survivors of childhood maltreatment generally have low self-esteem. Low self-esteem conditions can reduce resources and experience difficulties in dealing with problems in everyday life and have a negative impact on individual mental health. This study aims to examine the self-esteem picture of early...
Proceedings Article
Gender Differences in Higher Education’ Self Esteem
Mallevi Agustin Ningrum, Budi Jatmiko, Mochamad Nursalim, Suryanti, Lailatun Nazar
This study aims to identify the creative thinking skills of children aged -6 years in Indonesia. A qualitative method with a reflective descriptive type is 5 applied in this research. The research was conducted at an early childhood education institution involving100 early childhood observations. The...
Proceedings Article
Untangling the Knot: Navigating Teacher Doubts in Implementing Inclusive Education in Indonesia
Khofidotur Rofiah
The concept of inclusive education has gained significant attention in Indonesia as a means to create equitable and accessible learning environments for all students. However, its successful implementation relies heavily on the active participation and understanding of teachers. This article explores...
Proceedings Article
Multigrade Learning in Elementary Schools: A Bibliometric Analysis
Putri Rachmadyanti, Hendrik Pandu Paksi, Ricky Setyawan, Heru Subrata, Jauharotillah
One of the learning practices and challenges in education is related to limited human resources, lack of teachers, lack of students, and also lack of infrastructure in the form of learning places. This problem is not only faced by schools in Indonesia, but also becomes a problem for the implementation...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Child-Friendly School Policies in Inclusive Elementary Schools (Case Study at Unesa Lab-School Elementary School)
Vicky Dwi Wicaksono, Hitta Alfi Muhimmah, Wahyu Sukartiningsih, Mulyani, Julianto
In the 2020 Child Friendly Schools policy guidebook, it is explained that the Child Friendly Schools (SRA) policy is a mandate to protect children wherever they are. To make this policy successful, a lot of efforts are needed that are carried out thoroughly and involve all sectors including the children...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Class Teachers’ Self-Efficacy on Inclusive Education Services for Special Needs Children in Inclusive Schools
Devina Rahmadiani Kamaruddin Nur, Danis Ade Dwirisnanda, Ni Made MarlinMinarsih, Diah Ekasari, Wiwik Widajati, Siti Mahmudah
This study aims to compare the level of self-esteem between male and female students at Universitas Negeri Surabaya. This research is quantitative by using a comparative method. The instrument used is the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES). Participants in this study were 1156 students from various departments...
Proceedings Article
Comparative Study of Extracurricular Planning According to the Talents and Interests of Students in SMA Lab School UNESA and SIKL Malaysia
Setiawan, SupriyAmrozi Khamidi, Aditya Candraanto, Ima Widiyanah
Development of extracurricular activities is important to do, because extracurricular activities are felt to be lacking in developing students' potential. Thus, the need for companion activities that can help maximize the potential of students. The purpose of this study was to investigate the development...
Proceedings Article
SMIOC Strategic Model to Improve the Achievement Motivation of Students: Literature Review
B. D. Wiyono, Nurhidayah, M. Ramli, A. Atmoko, Madya Amin Al-Hadi Shafie
This article is a preliminary study that aims to provide a theoretical overview of the short solution-focused counseling (SFBC) motivational inter- viewing (MI) and online counseling approaches that were developed into SMIOC. The method used is a literature review of the SFBC, MI and online counseling...
Proceedings Article
Reducing the Inner Child level of College Students via Sufistic Guidance and Counseling with Tadabbur Alam Technique
Devi Ratnasari, Mamat Supriatna, Juntika Nurihsan, Agus Taufiq
This study aims to describe the inner child profile in students and analyze its implications for Sufistic guidance and counseling of tadabbur alam techniques. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. The research subjects amounted to three active students of Universitas In...
Proceedings Article
Teachers’ Level of Knowledge on Multisensory Learning Methods
Mochamad Nursalim, Widya Nusantara, Faridah Istianah, Citra Fitri Kholidiya, Siri Jaro’ah, Ni Made Marlin Minarsih, Nur Ika Sari Rakhmawati, Aditya Chandra Setiawan, Muhammad Farid Ilhamuddin
This study aims to provide training to teachers on multisensory learning methods with the Orton-Gillingham approach to address specific learning difficulties in students at Sekolah Indonesia Davao. Specific learning difficulties, such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia, can be an obstacle in students’...
Proceedings Article
The Need for Interdisciplinary Programs at the Postgraduate Levels: A Study of the Saturation of Existing Study Programs
Bambang Yulianto, Sueb, Harmanto, Hasan Subekti, Prima Vidya Asteria, Ika D. C. Arifah, Puspita S. Sukardani
In recent years, the landscape of higher education has undergone significant transformation due to advancements in knowledge, technology, and globalization. In the context of developing countries, there have been rapid expansions of interdisciplinary programs at higher education levels, with a growing...
Proceedings Article
Systematic Literature Review (SLR) on the Effect of Animation Skill Competence on Employability
Mardi, Eko Hariadi, Any Sutiadiningsih, I. Gusti Putu Asto B, Tri Wrahatnolo, Lilik Anifah
In the world of the creative industry, animation had become one of the important things needed to produce interesting visual content. Good animation skills can increase individual competitiveness in the world of work and can also affect the chance of getting a job. This study used the SLR method to collect...
Proceedings Article
The Importance of Minimal Standard Educational Service in Human Resource Management: Some Experience of Quality Assurance System During Pandemic in Primary School Surabaya
R. Ester Yudheyaningrum, Agus Prasetyawan, Yuyun Eka Kartika Sari, Achmad Aufa Anggarda, Ida Farida, Varrel Raihansyah Judhityo Arifin, Tazkiyatul Qolbi Masyithoh
The challenge in implementing education now, especially after the pandemic is how each organizer quickly finds out the school's needs related to quality and effective services following the Minimum Service Standards of PERMENDIKBUD Number 32 of 2018. The Minimum Service Standards explain the standard...
Proceedings Article
Navigating Risk and Resilience: Exploring Prudential Policies for Proactive Prevention of Non-Performing Loans (NPLs)
Miftah Idris, Hasbir Paserangi, Padma D. Liman, Oky Deviany
Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) refer to loans or credit that have passed a certain time limit without expected interest or principal payments. However, the main challenge faced by NPLs is that they can trigger a domino effect that is detrimental to overall economic stability. This study uses a conceptual...
Proceedings Article
Juridical Review of Determination of Marriage Certificate in Divorce Applications in Decision No. 5361 Rev. G/2022/PA. Badg
Budi Hermono, Nurul Hikmah, Astrid Amidiaputri H, Syahid Akhmad Faisol
Marriage is a great agreement between two human beings bound by a strong bond that aims to form an eternal and harmonious family. One aspect related to marriage is divorce and marriage constituencies which in this study refer to Decision No. 5361 Rev. G/2022/PA. Badg. The court's decision emphasized...
Proceedings Article
Impact of Constitutional Court Decision No. 24/PUU-XX/2022 Regarding Marriage as a Prerequisite for Fulfilling the Right to Have a Family and Continuing Offspring: A Socio-Legal Perspective
Nurul Hikmah, Budi Hermono, Agung Ari, Syahid Akhmad Faisol
MK Decision No. 24/PUU-XX/2022 comes with legal considerations in the form of an affirmation that marriage cannot be interpreted as a right but is a prerequisite for fulfilling the right to have a family and continue offspring. The construction of the Constitutional Court Decision impacts people's...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Land Registration Arrangements as an Effort for Legal Certainty on the Utilization of Underground
Dita Perwitasari, Tamsil, S.Indri Fogar, Mahendra Wardhana
The use and utilization of underground space have become a necessity, especially in the field of property development, such as malls, apartments, hotels, and shopping centers, as well as in infrastructure, especially transportation. There are various problems related to the use and utilization of the...
Proceedings Article
Problem of Regulations of Restorative Justice by Law Enforcement Agencies in Indonesia
S. H. M. H. Gelar Ali Ahmad, S. H. M. H. Pudji Astuti, S. H. M. H. Vita Mahardhika
Restorative justice in criminal law is known in Indonesia in the Juvenile Criminal Justice System as diversion. As for adult criminals, it has just been enforced these days. Instead of going to court or engaging in litigation, restorative justice is used to settle criminal matters. The state remains...
Proceedings Article
Implications of Changing Building Permit (IMB) to Building Approval (PBG): A Legal Analysis
Muh. Ali Masnun, Siti Nur Azizah, Eny Sulityowati, Okky Ocktaviyanti
This article aims to identify and analyze legal problems after the enactment of the Job Creation Law which revoked the Building Permit (IMB) to become a Building Approval (PBG). This research was carried out using library research with a specificity in normative legal research while to see how in the...
Proceedings Article
Arrangement of Internal Regulations at UNESA after Status of a State University with a Legal Entity (PTN-BH)
Sulaksono, Muh. Ali Masnun, Eny Sulityowati, Arinto Nugroho, Intan Lovisonya
The change in status of UNESA from a Public Service Agency (BLU) to the status of a State University with a Legal Entity (PTN-BH) has consequences in various aspects, especially from a legal perspective. The purpose of this article is to analyze how the arrangement of internal regulations in the UNESA...
Proceedings Article
Constitutionality of the General Election System According to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia
Yudhistira Yovi Audito, Ribka Ezra Situmeang, Valensia Lie, Hananto Widodo, Elisabeth Septin Puspoayu, Intan Lovisonya
General elections are one of the indicators of democracy in a country. Several factors make general elections in a country considered democratic. One of the factors is the general election system. The Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia does not implicitly stipulate the adopted legislative general...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Service Standards in the Framework of Increasing the Quality of Public Services in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law State University of Surabaya to Achieve the Integrity Zone of Area Free of Corruption
Vita Mahardhika, Dian Ayu Larasati, Mutiah, Melda Fadiyah Hidayat, M. Noer Falaf Amin
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology is continuing to conduct bureaucratic reform in accordance with the road map developed by the bureaucratic reform team and work units. The main goals of bureaucratic reform, which include a clean, accountable, and performing bureaucracy, an...
Proceedings Article
Flexing Phenomena of Students in Surabaya in the Perspective of Digital Economic Actions
Rahmanu Wijaya, Iman Pasu Marganda Hadiarto Purba, Warsono
The high use of social media in Indonesia has resulted in the emergence of a new phenomenon called flexing, which can be expressed as showing off wealth. Similarly, in Surabaya, many students are active users of social media. Their activities on social media in the form of posting photos, videos, and...
Proceedings Article
Development of an Intellectual Property Rights Information system at Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Biyan Yesi Wilujeng, Imami Arum Tri Rahayu
The management information system is described as a pyramid building where the basic layers consist of information, transaction explanations, status explanations and so on. Intellectual property rights are a way of protecting intellectual property by using existing legal instruments, namely copyrights,...
Proceedings Article
The Urgency of Pancasila Student Profile Policy for Parents in Strengthening Character to Cultivate National Identity
Sarmini, Agus Suprijono, Indri Fogar Susilowati, Agung Dwi Bahtiar El Rizaq
The development of superior human resources (HR) is an important dimension in the midst of globalization. The government through the driving school seeks to make Indonesian students with global competence behave Pancasila. The driving school must fulfil various requirements, on the other hand, the acculturation...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Employee Competence and Archive Management on Work Effectiveness at the State University of Surabaya’s Faculty of Social Sciences and Law
Jody Suryanto, Zumrotul Faizah
Every agency wants to be able to achieve maximum results, which can be accomplished by implementing work effectiveness in all tasks performed. Employee Competence and Archive Arrangement have an impact on how well work is done. Employees with good Employee Competence can carry out work effectively based...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Cognitive Abilities and Work Attitudes in Non-Permanent Employees at Surabaya State University
Mohamad Sulton Arifin, Desrina Ariningrum, Joko Yoeliyanto, Nilam Ade Pangestu, M. Iqbal Firdaus Nuzula
This study aims to analyze cognitive abilities and work attitudes at TKTT at Unesa based on assessment test data that has been held. This research is important to be conducted to obtain an overview of cognitive abilities and work attitudes at TKTT at Unesa as a consideration to provide recommendations...
Proceedings Article
Research Trends on Recognition of Prior Learning Policy; Bibliometric Analysis
Mufarrihul Hazin, Muhammad Turhan Yani, Nur Wedia Devi Rahmawati
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the keyword for realizing lifelong learning. RPL policy research has been carried out a lot, but it is necessary to understand existing trends and mapping predictive trends. The specific objectives of this study are to analyze publication trends, document type,...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Waste Policy in Reducing Ocean Pollution
N. L. A. Tiara Ningrum, Noviyanti, Yuni Lestari, Adi Santoso, Lilian Christia Dharma, Nadhifah Naflah Moll, Dewi Anggraini, Nur Arisah
The increase in the volume of waste that occurred in Balung Anyar Village, Lekok District, Pasuruan Regency made Project STOP a program that contains how to dispose of, sort and process waste, aiming to reduce the volume of waste by disposing of it and increasing public awareness. The purpose of this...
Proceedings Article
Comparison Study of Responses to New Life Regulations in Campus after Disaster Covid-19
Ketut Prasetyo, Sarmini, Warsono, Dian Ayu Larasati
Since the Covid-19 pandemic took place, the UNESA campus has enacted various regulations such as online lectures, online graduations, to regulations for temporarily closing (lockdown) the campus. One of the indications to find out the acceptance of regulations by the community, can be approached by knowing...
Proceedings Article
Water Holding Capacity of Karst Valley Soil in Gunungsewu Karst Landscape, Indonesia
Eko Budiyanto, Nugroho Hari Purnomo, Muzayanah, Aida Kurniawati, Muhammad Alfaruqi, Nova Kamelia Syazwana
The eastern Gunungsewu karst landscape generally has characteristics that are vulnerable to environmental degradation problems. Soil is one of the natural elements that can be a protector against the potential threat of degradation. Water holding capacity is an important factor that must be considered...
Proceedings Article
Opportunities and Obstacles in the Development of Sustainable Marine Tourism Case Study: Busung Village, Central Teupah District, Simeulue
Agatha Debby Reiza Macella, Agus Pratama, Veni Nella Syahputri, Nellis Mardhiah, Nodi Marefanda
Simeulue District. Simelue is an island in the middle of the Indonesian Ocean which has amazing marine tourism potential. One of the coastal villages in Simeulue is Busung Village which has Busung Beach tourism. Busung Beach Tourism still has deficiencies, namely such as poor waste management, the assumption...
Proceedings Article
Estimation of The Physical Carrying Capacity of Ria Kenjeran Tourism Area Surabaya City
Agus Sutedjo, Sri Murtini
The tourist area of Ria Kenjeran in Surabaya has seen an increase in the number of visitors year on year. The increase will affect both physical and nonphysical environmental conditions. Efforts are needed to mitigate negative impacts so that Ria Kenjeran can sustainably limit visitors to its carrying...
Proceedings Article
Worker’s Menstruation Leave in the Patriarchy Domination
Sanggam Magda Lasmaria Siahaan
The existence of female workers in the industrial sector is inevitable according to the increasing family needs which are compared to the insufficient production source in the agrarian society, besides, a situation which hopes for an economic improvement from a husband or a man cannot be maintained anymore....
Proceedings Article
Video Podcast Training as A Means to Form Personal Branding of Students with Special Needs
Herma Retno Prabayanti, Irhamna Nirbhaya Carreca, Putri Shofi Nabilah
Access to education is the right of every citizen without exception. The space for education needs to be provided, both for people without physical limitations and for people with disabilities at all levels. Even so, not all educational institutions provide adequate facilities and infrastructure, especially...
Proceedings Article
Understanding Semanggi Traditional Food as an Attraction of Culinary Tourism in Surabaya City
Rindawati, Sri Murtini, Agus Sutedjo, Mawar Setya
The development of the tourism industry can provide opportunities for tourism products including culinary delights in the city of Surabaya. The high development of the tourism industry gives the community great opportunities to participate in the development of culinary tourism. This paper aims to describe...
Proceedings Article
Competing Institutional logics in the Policy of Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in Indonesian Higher Education
Moh Mudzakkir, Naufal Ihya’ Ulumuddin, Refti Handini Listiyani, Arief Sudrajat
This paper aims to examine the debate of policies on preventing and overseeing sexual violence in Indonesian higher education issued by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. This policy was issued as a form of concern for the increase in acts of sexual violence in recent...
Proceedings Article
Public Private Partnership in Developing Anti-money Political Education for the Youth
Maya Mustika Kartika sari, Agus Satmoko Adi, Mi’rojul Huda, Nur Hidayati Septi Rofiko, Auliya Rahmatul Tsani
The reality of money politics occurs massively and progressively. The target is not only the wider community, but also focuses on targeting the younger generation. The reflection and intelligence of young voters is the main focus of countermeasures against money politics. This research attempts to answer...
Proceedings Article
The Visual Beauty of Landscapes in the Prambanan Hills, Yogyakarta
Nugroho Hari Purnomo, Eko Budiyanto, Muzayanah, Aida Kurniawati, Mohammad Daman Huri, Muhammad Bintang Wilistya
The purpose of this research is to carry out a visual analysis of the landscape based on the geomorphological characteristics of the study area. The main method of research is a survey. The variable used in this study is the visual level of the landscape. The research analysis is descriptive of landscape...
Proceedings Article
Karst Valley Land Morphology and Its Uses Patterns in Gunungsewu Karst, Indonesia
Eko Budiyanto, Nugroho Hari Purnomo, Muzayanah, Aida Kurniawati, Muhammad Alfaruqi, Nova Kamelia Syazwana
Gunungsewu karst has hilly and valley landforms. Land on karst topography has many limitations. Agricultural activities carried out by the community are carried out on lands that have many limitations. Therefore, intensive efforts are needed to help increase land productivity, especially on karst valley...
Proceedings Article
Indonesia’s Cyber Security Strategy: Problems and Challenges
Arief Isdiman Saleh, Muhammad Danu Winata
Cyberspace is one among the areas that should be secured by the state, in addition to land, sea and air areas which already included in the national security landscape. Nevertheless, in recent years, among serious threats to the global world comes from cyber threats. Cyber threats potentially attack...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Digital Literacy in Realizing Learning Quality in Education Units
Ade Firmannandya, Eko Pamuji, Oni Dwi Arianto, Fitri Norhabiba, Jauhar Wahyuni
Technology is growing in all fields and human activities, and digitalisation is increasing. So, everyone must improve their ability to understand digitalisation. Understanding and using digital technology is important so that everyone can take advantage of digitalization. Previous research found that...
Proceedings Article
Development of Media Campaigns to Increase Beginner Voters’ Political Participation
Rr Nanik Setyowati, Pudji Astuti, Anam Miftakhul Huda
The democratic party which will be held in 2024 will be attended by all Indonesian citizens, including first-time voters. The level of participation of novice voters is expected to take part in the democratic party. This research is an effort to reduce the number of abstentions in the upcoming 2024 election....
Proceedings Article
Media Framing on Mutilation Case of Papuanese News
Silkania Swarizona, Farid Pribadi, Kholida Ulfi Mubaroka, Arif Affandi
This research unveils the dual nature of the mass media outlet in its coverage of the mutilation case of Mimika, Papua residents. Media, as an agent of social construction, wears a dual face, where on one side, it acts as a conduit for the political aspirations of the general public. However,...
Proceedings Article
The Use of Mobile Phones as a Digital Literacy Medium Among Religious School Students
Farid Pribadi, Diyah Utami, F. X. Sri Sadewo, Kholida Ulfi Mubaroka
During the long school holiday marking the transition to a new academic year, some students or religious boarding school students spend their time playing with smartphones. They take advantage of the school break by engaging in social media and online gaming. The average duration of smartphone usage...
Proceedings Article
Culture-led Regeneration Policy as Urban Transformation Opportunity in Indonesia: Lessons from Glasgow
Satrio Lang Lang Buwono, Adam Faisal Faliti, Ahmad Nizar Hilmi
Culture-led regeneration has been widely recognized as an important concept in urban development discourse. However, this concept has not been widely discussed and included in the urban development policy agenda. This article reviews the practice of culture-led regeneration policy as a means of urban...
Proceedings Article
Service Quality of Public Service Malls: Study of Public Satisfaction Survey Analysis of Electronic Services
Deby Febriyan Eprilianto, Trenda Aktiva Oktraiyanda, M. Noer Falaq Amin, Melda Fadiyah Hidayat, Yuyun Eka Kartika Sari, Nur Fadillah Sebti Sulistiana
The presence of public services is to be able to achieve goals, namely, serving the rights of the general public and meeting the needs of the community for the necessary goods, services and administrative services. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the government to be able to create quality public...
Proceedings Article
Revitalizing Local Wisdom: The Governance of Religious Diversity in Manado
Ahmad Arif Widianto, Nanda Harda Pratama Meiji, M. Mujtaba Habibi, Meredian Alam, Angga Gilang Ramadhan, Alya Muflihatud Dini
The religious diversity in Manado is prone to triggering social tensions. Various mechanisms and policies for managing religious pluralism have been attempted to prevent socio-religious conflicts. One of the strategies is the revitalization of local wisdom as a foundation for religious harmony. However,...
Proceedings Article
Analysis Of User Satisfaction Surveys Of Electronic-Based Government System Services In Realizing Integrity Zones
Deby Febriyan Eprilianto, Dita Perwitasari, Riyadi, Refti Handini Listyani, Dinar Rizky Listyaputri, Yuyun Eka Kartika Sari, Yeni Puspitasari, Nur Fadillah Sebti Sulistiana
The integrity zone is the concept of organizing quality public services. Every service provider is currently competing to get the title as an integrity zone area. One of the efforts to support the implementation is through the implementation of an electronic scholarship government system. The Faculty...
Proceedings Article
Managing Diversity: Religious Community-Based Tourism Development of Antaboga
Ahmad Arif Widianto, Luhung Achmad Perguna, Meredian Alam, Rizky Firmansyah, Farid Akhsani, Nia Lestari, Ahmad Tirtho Faidl Huda
The tourism sector in Banyuwangi, Central Java, Indonesia is rapidly growing. The available tourism resources are not necessarily natural, cultural, and educational tourism, but also religious tourisms. One of them is Antaboga religious tourism, which was initially a place of worship for Hindus. However,...
Proceedings Article
Discourse and Action of Darul Ulum Jombang Islamic Boarding School to Prevent the Influence of Islamism (Intolerant) Thoughts and Movements
Moch. Mubarok Muharam, Mi’rojul Huda, Agus Trilaksana
This study has purpose to analyze the discourse and action from the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding Schools (Ponpes) of Jombang to prevent the Influence of Islamic Thoughts and Movements (Intolerance). This study uses a qualitative approach, conducted in-depth interviews with 4 informants representing– representatives...
Proceedings Article
Policy Implementation Of Human Resources Governance In Increasing Competence In The Era Of State Higher Education Legal Agency (PTN-BH)
(Studies at the Faculty of Social Science and Law, State University of Surabaya)
Meirinawati, Indah Prabawati, Shinta Nuriyah
Global competition is proven by changes in the world that entered the era of revolution industry 4.0. In the education sector, in particular education tall required to develop self. Until moment This education Higher education in Indonesia relies on higher education the height of the country which can...
Proceedings Article
The Transformation of Political Campaigns from Conventional to Digital Political Campaigns (A Study in Mojokerto District)
Agus Satmoko Adi, Sarmini, Mi’rojul Huda
Entering the digital era, political campaigns have undergone significant changes from conventional media to digital campaigns that rely more on social media and the internet. Digital campaigns are considered more effective in targeting the millennial and Generation Z populations, which number over 100...
Proceedings Article
Urban Heat Island Analysis of Gresik City East Java
Dian Ayu Larasati, Ketut Prasetyo, Muzayanah, Bambang Hariyanto
Gresik is a regency in East Java that has the largest industrial area in East Java. With an industrial area of 2326.2 Ha, Gresik Regency is ranked as the first regency with the largest industrial area in East Java. Located on the North Coast of Java, Gresik has great potential for port and trade activities....
Proceedings Article
Importance-Performance Analysis on Smart Village Implementation in Tikusan Village, Bojonegoro Regency
Galih W. Pradana, Muhammad Farid Ma’ruf, Revienda Anita Fitrie, Wara Mustika Pudyaning Ratri, Muhamad Khalid Abdillah
Tikusan Village Government providing digital-based public services as the initiative of the Village Head, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020. One of the strong reasons for implementing digital-based public services is the policy of the central government which requires social distancing. This policy...
Proceedings Article
Implementation Of Unesa Faculty of Social Science and Law Collaboration Policies in the PTN-BH Era (Studies at the Faculty of Social Science and Law, Surabaya State University)
Indah Prabawati, Meirinawati, Moh. Ivan Fawwazi
Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 of 2014 states that in order to improve effectiveness, efficiency, creativity, productivity, quality and conformity with the implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education, cooperation plays a very important...
Proceedings Article
Boarding Place Selection Priority and Preference
Esa P. B. G. G. Patridina, Farid Pribadi, Rahmanu Wijaya, Agung Stiawan
Boarding houses are one of the temporary housing options for students who are studying outside the region. The environment in which the boarding house affects student activity, productivity, and achievement. The boarding environment includes room facilities, shared facilities, and other factors (accessibility...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Laboratory Use in Doing Scientific Work in Elementary Schools
Farida Istianah
This research was conducted with the aim of describing the use of real laboratories in carrying out scientific work on science learning in elementary schools. The method used is qualitative research. The research subjects were carried out in 46 elementary schools in the Surabaya area. The data sources...
Proceedings Article
A Systematic Literature Review of STEAM in Early Childhood Education in Indonesia (2018-2022): Innovation of Learning for Children
E. C. Maulidiyah, S. Setyowati, M. Reza, D. Komalasari
Interest and adjustment to future configurations make STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) learning very in demand in the century this. Value or values given to STEAM education is not can denied is means For develop Skills basics , competence and solving difficulty life real in children...
Proceedings Article
Profile of Numeracy Literacy Skill of Junior High School Student on Motion and Force Materials in Ethnoscience Learning
Mochammad Yasir, Try Hartiningsih, Lusiana Dwiyanti
Numeracy literacy is the ability to use basic mathematical concepts to solve various problems that are often found in everyday life related to science. This study aims to analyze the numeracy literacy achievement of junior high school students on the material of motion and force in bull racing context...
Proceedings Article
The Validity and Effectiveness of the Ethnoscience-Loaded Inquiry Learning Model to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Skills
Saiful Prayogi, Sukainil Ahzan, Indriaturrahmi, Joni Rokhmat
It’s essential to establish a robust pedagogical framework to foster students with strong critical thinking skills. Current research is focused on creating an ethnoscience-loaded inquiry learning model to improve students’ critical thinking skills, then authenticate the content and construct aspects...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Mathematical Representation Ability on Data Presentation Material Based on Student Learning Interest
Alna Salsabila, Yulin Munaya Salsa, Hikmatul Khusna
The representation ability of students at the junior high school level has not shown a significant increase, this is due to various factors, one of which is interest in learning. The purpose of this study is to determine the analysis of mathematical representation ability and learning interest of students...
Proceedings Article
Teachers Conception of Students Creativity
Siti Khabibah, Nina Rinda Prihartiwi, Pradnyo Wijayanti, Arief Budi Wicaksono
Creativity is one of the skills of the 21st century. Therefore, students’ creativity needs to be developed, especially in mathematics classroom. To increase student creativity, it is necessary to understand the perceptions of mathematics teachers on student creativity, so that teachers can train students...
Proceedings Article
Development of Numeracy Test Instrument of Minimum Competency Assessment (MCA) in Algebra and Geometry Contents
Noeri Itsnaniyah, Pradnyo Wijayanti, Rini Setianingsih
This research described the development of an instrument numeracy test of MCA on the valid algebra and geometry content. The questions were developed using the Plomp model, including preliminary research, prototyping, and assessment. Validation focused on three significant aspects; matter, construction,...
Proceedings Article
The Learning Tools of Inquiry-Creative Integrated with Ethnoscience: Its Validity and Effectiveness in Training Prospective Physics Teachers’ Critical Thinking
Ni Nyoman Sri Putu Verawati, Ahmad Harjono, Wahyudi, Syifa’ul Gummah, Saiful Prayogi
This study aimed to develop the learning tool of inquiry-creative integrated with ethnosciences and assess its validity and effectiveness in training prospective physics teachers’ critical thinking (CT) skills. The learning tool developed and validated including lesson plan, learning materials, and CT...
Proceedings Article
Exploring the Digital Literacy Profile: A Closer Look Based on Gender
Fitria Lafifa, Dadan Rosana
Digital literacy is one of the skills that students must learn in digital era. Digital literacy requires students to develop various skills such as the ability to find and create content, solve problems, and communicate online effectively. However, the digital literacy of students in Indonesia is still...
Proceedings Article
Designing Learning Materials Oriented Towards Project-based Learning on Statistics for 7th-grade Students
Ika Kurniasari, Adinda Salshabilla
Mathematics plays a crucial role in facilitating students to develop various skills in the 21st century. It is important for teachers to adapt instructional models and tools based on the characteristics of the current generation. The objective of this research is to describe the process and outcomes...
Proceedings Article
The Development of the Validated Instruments to Assess the Ability of the 9th Graders in Solving Diagnostic Geometry Problem in Two Characteristic Classes
Ovan, Yusuf Fuad, Mega Teguh Budiarto
This study aims to develop a diagnostic test for evaluating the ability of the 9th graders junior high school students in solving geometry problems. The instruments utilized include the Initial Ability Test (IAT) and the Geometry Problem Solving Test (GPST). Before being given to the participants, the...
Proceedings Article
Employability Skills of Higher Education Graduates: Analysis of the Undergraduate Program of Building Construction Education
Wahyu Dwi Mulyono, Gde Agus Yudha Prawira Adistana, Agus Wiyono
The 21st century is the century of knowledge, information technology, and the industrial revolution 4.0. In this century, changes occur very quickly and are difficult to predict. Results Based on a survey of graduates in 2020 of The Undergraduate program of building construction education, Faculty of...
Proceedings Article
Development of Roadmap for Research and Community Service in D4 Electrical Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Aditya Chandra Hermawan, Reza Rahmadian, Widi Aribowo, Mahendra Widyartono, dan Ayusta Lukita Wardani
The development of a research and community service roadmap aims to outline the various research studies and community service activities in accordance with the expertise of faculty members and scientific knowledge. This roadmap serves as a reference for executing, assessing, and advancing research and...
Proceedings Article
Development of STEM-Based “Sports Mask” Worksheets for Class V Elementary School Students
Andhega Wijaya, Vicky Dwi Wicaksono
The spread of the virus occurs in various ways, one of which is through droplets. The use of masks is needed at any time, one of which is when exercising. because development in this situation makes movement and breathing rules better, especially controlling emotions, breathing, and movement. It is necessary...
Proceedings Article
Work Attitudes of Education Personnel with A Background In Vocational and Non-Vocational Education
Agus Prastiawan, Suprapto, Abdul Hafidz
Educational personnel have an important role for tertiary institutions. Education personnel function to guarantee the continuity of the education delivery system in an institution. The performance of educational staff will greatly affect the performance of tertiary institutions, one of the factors that...