Proceedings of the 9th International Conference for Science Educators and Teachers (ICSET 2017)

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190 articles
Proceedings Article

Development of Cultural Counselor Competency Based On Students Creativogenic Factors

Alizamar Alizamar, Afdal Afdal
Various efforts have been made by the government in an attempt to improve the creativity of students, both through educational programs and other programs directly. In an effort to education, in the development of that creativity can't be separated from the role of culture in the wider community who...
Proceedings Article

The Construction of Biopsychosocial Concept On Video On Demand Technology in Raising Empathy and Improving Communication of Counselor Candidates

Henny Indreswari, Henry Praherdhiono
A biopsychosocial approach to the concept of empowering empathy and communication is the idea of strengthening the competence and capability of the counselor. Strengthening the counselor capability is the counselor's capacity in linking interactions and actions with various biological factors. Strengthening...
Proceedings Article

Identification of Learning Needs of Youth: The case study at the Tourism Village Bejiharjo, Karangmojo, Gunungkidul

Lutfi Wibawa
Research identifying learning needs of youth groups in the tourist village aims to reveal the learning needs of aspects of knowledge (knowledge), attitudes and behavior of mental (mental attiude and behavior) in a positive direction and the increase in life skills. This study used a qualitative descriptive...
Proceedings Article

Strategy of Oyster Mushroom Cultivation in Mushroom House at Urban Village of Siumbut Baru, Sub-District of East Kisaran, District of Asahan

Rosdiana, Noni Afifah
The problem in this research is how the management strategy of oyster mushroom cultivation in Mushroom House, Urban Village of SiumbutBaru, sub-district of East Kisaran, District of Asahan. The purpose of this research is to find out the management strategy of oyster mushroom cultivation in Mushroom...
Proceedings Article

Indigeneous Learning With Local Traditionl Inheritance To The Young Generation Of Ngadas Village Comunnity

Indigeneous learning is an indigenous or local learning process that grows and is nurtured in everyday life in a particular society with the aim of enhancing certain knowledge, attitudes, and skills that are grown and maintained in everyday life in the community even though local. Local culture is not...
Proceedings Article

Students' Social Interaction Ability at Class Viii Of Mts Negeri Gorontalo

Tuti Wantu
This research aims at investigating students' social interaction ability at class VIII of MTs Negeri Gorontalo. This is a descriptive quantitative research with one variable design namely students' social interaction ability. Samples of this research are 31 students at class VIII of MTs Negeri Gorontalo....
Proceedings Article

Development of Maze Game on Interactive Whiteboard for Fine Motor Learning

Yerry Soepriyanto, Akhmad Fakharuddin Adi, Sihkabuden, Eka Pramono Adi
This development aims to create a valid product maze game on Interactive WhiteBoard (IWB) for fine motor learning. Game maze is a game consisting of a path or a collection of roads that branch in order to achieve the goal by finding the right path. IWB use for projection game and place which user can...
Proceedings Article

Freedom Material in Peace Education Based-Local-Wisdom as Hidden Curriculum

Ratih Hidayah, Intan Pritasari Andriyani, Ghanis Putra Widhanarto
This article aims to discuss the project of cultivating a culture of peace through local Wisdom. The importance of this discussion departs from the view that local wisdom is an intermediary for the transformation of values and character formation. Likewise, the values and culture of peace and the person...
Proceedings Article

Development Electronic Module On Subject Matter Kalor For Junior High School Student

Utari Dewi, Sulistiowati
This study aims to develop electronic module media viable and effective in science subjects and subject matter kalor for students of class VII G SMPN 34 Surabaya. The type of research used is research development. Model used is ADDIE Model with stages of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation...
Proceedings Article

Environment-Based Curriculum Management In Primary School

Nunuk Hariyati, Apriliani Hartini Namat
Environmental education is an effort to improve the understanding and awareness of the community in seeking solutions and prevention of environmental problems. School authority in developing curriculum and designing learning, enables schools to adapt to the needs of environmental students. This study...
Proceedings Article

Implementation Cooperative Learning Happy Cooking To Improve Social Emotional Skill Children Ages 5-6 Years

Safira Nurannisa Pulungan, Tomas Iriyanto, Tegariyani putri S. Sandy
Social emotional skill is one of important skill that need to improve in early years. Children with good social emotional skill would be good personality and be accepted in social environment. Purpose of this study to show how implementation of cooperative learning happy cooking to improve social emotional...
Proceedings Article

Model of Integrated Disaster Awareness Community To Community Learning Center (CLC) in Bantul and Sleman Distric

Iis Prasetyo, Entoh Tohani, R.B. Suharta
These study aimed to describe: 1) the disaster awareness community in Bantul and Sleman; 2) disaster awareness community activities in Bantul and Sleman; 3) Model of Disaster-awareness community integrated to CLC. This study uses qualitative methods to describe the model of disaster-awareness communities...
Proceedings Article

Model of The Social Capital Based Community Entrepreneurship Education (CCE) For Empowering Community: A Initial Theoretical

Entoh Tohani
This paper seeks to examine social capital in community entrepreneurship education (CCE) in the context of community economic empowerment. The importance of social capital is utilized in the implementation of community entrepreneurship education due to CCE nowadays many of which are implemented more...
Proceedings Article

Inclusive Education Training Model Based On Need Assessment And Andragogy For Elementary School Teachers

The problem that occurs in Padang Elementary School is the lack of competence in implementing inclusive education from the teachers. This study aims to develop a training model based on need assessment and andragogy in order to improve the competence of teachers in implementing inclusive education in...
Proceedings Article

The Influence Of Group Leadership And Climate Group To The Empowerment Of Farmer Group In The Village Of Sumber Rejo Beringin Subdistrict Deli Serdang Regency

Yusnadi, H. Silvia Mariah
Farmer group is a place for farmers to obtain various innovations in agriculture through the learning process. As a forum for learning, farmer groups should have the independence to develop groups based on their needs, so that groups become empowered. Group empowerment is linked to many factors, including...
Proceedings Article

Increasing Teacher Performance for School Quality Improvement

Nurhizrah Gistituati
From the studies that have been conducted concerning teacher performance at several schools and also from the interviews with several principals in West Sumatera shown that teacher performance has not yet as it is expected. It cannot be denied that teacher performance is the heart of the school in carrying...
Proceedings Article

Interaction Between Technology With Learning Activity

The study aims to describe the interaction between technology in learning as a learning experience, in the context of the field of professional practice for undergraduate education technology. Our main focus is the meaning and essence of the learning experience, on the integration of technology in learning....
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Betengan Game On the Socio-Emotional Skills of Pre-School Children

Sri Maryati Deliana, Ummi Khaedaroh Jazilah, Hartono
This research is aimed at analyzing differences in children's socio-emotional development prior to and after playing Betengan game at TK Al Maghfiroh Semarang and analyzing the measure of socio-emotional skills development after playing Betengan game at TK Al Maghfiroh Semarang. This research employed...
Proceedings Article

Out of School Learning in Study Tour Program For Improving Social Competence Students in Gembira Loka Zoo

Sujarwo, Tristanti
The activity of out of school learning purpose to develop social competence and morality of students because this activity have done together and responsibility so that it can to develop student ability. The aims of this research are; (1) understand the implementation of out of school learning in study...
Proceedings Article

Early Childhood Education Teachers' Effective Communication Based Teaching Skill

Yuliani Nurani, Ade Dwi Utami
This research aimed to develop a set of effective communication based teaching skills for early childhood education teacher which evolved according to Indonesian National Curriculum Framework used recently in Early Childhood Education Department, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta. The...
Proceedings Article

The School Principals' Strategies for Effective School Development in Primary Schools in Bulango Timur, Gorontalo

Novianty Djafri, Risnawati R. Ibrahim
This study aims (1) to describe strategies of the school principals of primary schools in Bulango Timur, in accordance with the schools' visions and missions; (2) to apply leadership professionals; (3) to reform for more conducive school environment; and (4) to build partnership between the school and...
Proceedings Article

Academic Procrastination of Undergraduate Students: The Role of Academic Self-efficacy and The Big Five Personality Traits

Yogi Swaraswati, A. Rachmad Djati Winarno, Haryo Goeritno
The current study aimed to examine the relationships between academic self-efficacy, the Big Five personality traits (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness), and academic procrastination among undergraduate students. Two hundred and seven undergraduate students in...
Proceedings Article

The Improvement Of The Guidance And Counselling Teachers Or Counsellors' Understanding On The Five Focuses Of Individual Counselling Service And Their Application

Understanding and applying the five focuses of individual counselling service are the essential parts in increasing the quality of the students' daily life regarded as the goal of guidance and counselling service at school. Unfortunately, there are still a number of Guidance and Counselling teachers...
Proceedings Article

Teaching Character Education to Primary School Students through Javanese Ethnolinguistics

Oktaviani Adhi Suciptaningsih, Suwarno Widodo, Titik Haryati
Globalization as the most powerful phenomenon of the present time is widely contested for its positive and negative outcomes. To Indonesian context, particularly to the Javanese, it brings more negative impacts than the advantages causing the decrease of primary school students' character as seen from...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation Study of the Small and Medium Business Assistance Program to Increase the Life of the Community-Based People

Anan Sutisna, Arifal Isnain Herginanto
This study aims to describe the success of the mentoring program in improving the livelihood of community-based people of small and medium enterprises which incorporated in the Self-Help Groups (KSM). This mentoring activity has a strategic role. Therefore, it needs to be carefully evaluated by using...
Proceedings Article

Teacher Guidance and Counseling Efforts to Prevent Cheating Behavior

Riska Ahmad
Academic dishonesty or cheating is behaviour that is done by the students, they have become a serious problem in the world. One of the functions of guidance and counselling teacher is to prevent the occurance of bad behaviour. So, guidance and counselling teachers should strive to prevent cheating behaviour....
Proceedings Article

The Development Of Elementary School Headmaster's Managerial Performance-Assessment Model Based On Competence Standard

Wahyu Sri Ambar Arum
This research is aimed to 1) formulate the model of headmaster managerial performance assessment based on managerial competency standard and 2) develop more effective model of headmaster managerial performance assessment. This research uses Research and Development method (R and D) and fishbone diagram...
Proceedings Article

Measuring The Quality of Pedagogy Infrastructure in Web Based Instruction Using Learning Object Framework (LORI) to Promoting Student's Writing Skill in Indonesian Language Subject

Taufik Ikhsan Slamet
Promoting student's communication skill, particularly in writing, has been issue for the past decades. Some researches have been conducted to formulate the framework of learning environment which is developed to engage to describe the wuality and its characters of pedagogy infrastructures in web based...
Proceedings Article

The Life of Women's Entrepeneurs Case Study of Women Empowerment in Education Tourism Kampung Coklat Blitar District

Roesminingsih, I Gusti Lanang Putra Eka Prismana
Kampung Coklat is an Educational Tourism has changed the way of life of women in Plosorejo village. The presence of Educational Tourism has benefits society, especially women. Women who have been preoccupied with domestic sector or home contributors to family income supplements. They have the opportunity...
Proceedings Article

Strengthening Quality Of School Based On Accreditation At Boarding School

Sitti Roskina Mas, Yulan Radjia
The research objectives were to find out to (1) leadership and teacher commitment in strengthening quality based on accreditation, (2) students' commitment to maintain quality of MAN IC Gorontalo. The research used a qualitative descriptive research with case study design. Data were taken from head master,...
Proceedings Article

Application of 'say yes or no' Game in Instilling Character Education in Early Childhood

Samsiah, Rapi Us Djuko
Cosby S. Roger and Janet K Sawyers (1995) Playing is one of fun children's world activities. It can raise children's intrinsic motivation, provide serenity and life balance for them. Instilling education for early age children, particularly for character education is noteworthy, Lickona (1991) states...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of School-based Management for School Effectiveness

School-based Management (SBM) has been implemented in Indonesia since 2000, but after 16 years of implementation there are still many schools that have not succeeded in implementing it. This article aims to measure the impact of SBM implementation on school effectiveness. The objectives are to find out:...
Proceedings Article

Understanding Profession Identity of Junior High School Counselor in Malang City

Arbin Janu Setiyowati
This study aims at acquiring the understanding of profession identity of Junior High School Counselor within Malang City. This study used qualitative design using phenomenology approach. The result of this study revealed that 1) counselor comprehend their role and capacity as a form of responsibility,...
Proceedings Article

The Effect Of Pogil Assisted With Mind Mapping Toward The Science Learning Outcomes

Desak Putu Parmiti, I Gede Margunayasa
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of POGIL assisted with mind mapping toward the science learning outcomes. The type of this study was quasi experimental research with non equivalent design posttest only control group design. The population of this research was the students of grade 5...
Proceedings Article

Developing College Students' Soft Skills through Generative Learning Model

Yetti Ariani
Generative learning method is based on constructivism theory with assumption that students develop mathematics knowledge actively. The analysis of this experiment research shows that the implementation of generative learning model in Mathematics Instruction course in the Faculty of Education UNP improve...
Proceedings Article

Developing Literacy Reading Teaching Materials by Using Big Books as an Effort to Build the 2nd Grade Students' Characters in Elementary School

Taufina Muhammadi
Producing appropriate literacy reading teaching materials as an effort to establish the 2nd grade students' characters is regarded as a crucial goal in literacy reading topics. Moral degradation that could threaten the Elementary School students' positive characters is viewed as a huge problem to be...
Proceedings Article

Scientific Article Education Evaluation Of Inclusion Of Junior High Schools In Central Java

Eka Sari Setianingsih, Widyaningrum
Education inclusion is schools had to accommodate all children without looking at the physical condition, intellectual, social emotional, linguistic or other conditions. Education inclusion is a education services to its students have needs special education in regular school which is extraordinarily...
Proceedings Article

Increasing Learning Result of Student IV Students Using Constructiveness Approach

The background research that has not fully maximized learning outcomes The aim of this study was to describe the learning outcome with a constructivist approach. This type of research is classroom action research with qualitative and quantitative approaches. Research conducted at SDN 11 Piai Tangah District...
Proceedings Article

Developing The Big Questions And Bookmark Organizers (Bqbo) Strategy–Based Literacy Reading Learning Materials In The 4th Grade Of Elementary School

Taufina, Chandra
This research is intended to produce BQBO strategy – based literacy reading learning materials for the 4th grade students of Elementary School which are valid, practical, and effective. To produce the prototype of the materials, Plomp Model was applied. The prototype was revised by using Self Evaluation...
Proceedings Article

Material Writing Characterized Narration For Elementary School

Darnis Arief
Field observation of the authors shows that learning to write a narration in the fourth grade of elementary school has not been effective, so that the students' writing has not been in suitable with the provisions. Therefore, the development of teaching materials to write effective character narratives...
Proceedings Article

Validity Analysis of the VARK (Visual, Auditory, Read-Write, and Kinesthetic) Model – Based Basic Reading and Writing Instructional Materials for the 1st Grade Students of Elementary School

Mayarnimar, Taufina
This research aims to produce Lesson Plan and learning materials of Basic Reading and Writing by using VARK (Visual, Auditory, Read-Write, and Kinesthetic) Model in the 1st grade of Elementary School. The development was done on the basis of the students' needs. They were assumed to have low ability...
Proceedings Article

Career option and its problem

Wenny Hulukati
Abstract-Problem statement of this research is students have not yet understood career option. This research aims to analyze students' career option in class X of SMA Prasetya Kota. This is a quantitative descriptive research with one variable namely students' career option. Research samples are 59 students....
Proceedings Article

Inclusive Education: a Descriptive Study In Sidoarjo Regency

Wiwik Dwi Astuti, Anggun Dyah Anjarsari
Many children with special need can not go to school and get a proper education because of the school's distance is too far. Therefore, every sub-district should has at least one inclusion school for every level of education. Considering the analysis context, the researcher studies the inclusion education...
Proceedings Article

Processing Skills in Science Instruction as a Means to Increase Elementary School Students' Mental, Physical and Social Basic Skills

This paper aims to explain the definition of processing skills in science instruction in elementary school, the importance of processing skills, the theme on applying processing skills, the skills that usually used in science instruction (observing skills, classifying, communicating, measuring, predicting,...
Proceedings Article

Revitalization of Javanese cultural values system: An idea of character education based multicultural

I.M. Hambali
Old Javanese work of literature, which is script, is cultural inheritance contains of Javanese people living aspects in the past. Javanese work of literature mostly presents description about people living at that time, such as social order, social relationship pattern, or values supported community...
Proceedings Article

The Readiness Of Institution, Supporting And Inhibiting Factors As Well As Strategy In Enhancing The Quality Of Students' Scientific Work Publication

Achmad Supriyanto, Burhanuddin, Raden Bambang Sumarsono
This research aims to examine the readiness of institution, supporting and inhibiting factors as well as strategy in enhancing the quality of students'scientific work publication. This study used descriptive research design. The population consisted of the chairmen of institutions and the journal manager....
Proceedings Article

Integrative and Collaborative Education Models in Primary School Teacher Education Department

Wahyu Sukartiningsih
In the application of Integrated Thematic learning in the 2013 Curriculum, for the early grades (I to III class grade), Indonesian subjects are filled with science and social studies subjects. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare materials that accommodate each of the characteristics of Indonesian,...
Proceedings Article

A Study of Career Adaptability and Career Planning of Faculty of Education Students of Universitas Negeri Malang

This study aim to describe career adaptability and career planning of the students of faculty of education of Universitas Negeri Malang East Java Indonesia. Research conducted by mixed method adapted from Tasakkori model. Research population were fifth semester student of faculty of education. Research...
Proceedings Article

Urgency cognitive-behavioral counseling based on local wisdom for junior high school counselor in East Java

Nur Hidayah, M. Ramli, Husni Hanafi
The cultural encounters of counselors-counselees have great influence to the success of counseling services. Counseling services in Indonesia still use western theory, have not considered the value of eastern culture. One of the study of Indonesian culture, especially East Java contains uniqueness in...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Student Training Implementation in MSK Course At Educational Technology, Universitas Negeri Padang: Perspektive Training Participants

Zuwirna, Yeni J Fetri, Ulfia Rahmi
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the training activities undertaken by the students of Educational Technology in the framework of the implementation of Training Systems Management courses. The evaluation is reviewed from the implementation process that has been done in the semester of January-...
Proceedings Article

Guidance And Counseling Services For Women Victims Of Domestic Violence

Afdal Afdal, Alizamar Alizamar, Ifdil Ifdil, Erlamsyah Erlamsyah, Taufik Taufik
Domestic Violence (DV) is defined as every act against a person, especially a woman, resulting in physical, sexual, psychological, or neglectful misery or suffering. In addition to alleviating problems through legal channels, other things that can be done is through guidance and counseling services....
Proceedings Article

Life Skills Potential Mapping of School Students in Rural and Urban Area

Afdal Afdal, Alizamar Alizamar, Ifdil Ifdil, Erlamsyah Erlamsyah, Taufik Taufik
Domestic Violence (DV) is defined as every act against a person, especially a woman, resulting in physical, sexual, psychological, or neglectful misery or suffering. In addition to alleviating problems through legal channels, other things that can be done is through guidance and counseling services....
Proceedings Article

Comprehensive Supervision Model And Professional Competences Of Prospective School Counselors

Agus Taufiq
The purpose of the research was to develop the comprehensive supervision model which is effective to improve the professional competence of prospective school counselors in Counselor Education Program for Program of Bachelors Educating in Rural Areas. The Design-Based Research procedure was employed...
Proceedings Article

School Principal Competence in Developing School Culture to Complete Facilities and Infrastructure Supporting Curriculum Implementation in Primary School

Nina Lamatenggo, Nurlina Panigoro
The object of this study was to obtain description about management competence of school principal in managing school facilities and infrastructures which supporting curriculum implementation. Particularly, objective of this study was to find out the image of primary school facilities and infrastructures...
Proceedings Article

Enhancing Teaching Skills Towards Lesson Study

Ahmad Supriyantoa, Ferril Ilham Muzakki
This lesson study is purposed to improve the quality in teaching and learning process, esspecially in university levels. The students are taken from elementary teachers training program at their first year in their university degrees. The method is done by planning, action and re-planning. The results...
Proceedings Article

Management of Educational Technology Implementation In Learning Praxis

Budiyono, Haryono, Niam Wahzudik
The purpose of this research program is to describe the management of educational technology implementation in learning praxis. This research was conducted by using survey research design. The research was conducted in Senior/Vocational High School located in six regencies / cities in Central Java province...
Proceedings Article

Differentiated Learning Model For Student With Reading Difficulties

Aldjon Dapa
This research is an analytical-descriptive study which focuses on the characteristics of students with difficulties in reading and the needs for differentiated learning instruction. The result of this study reveals that the prevalence of Students with Difficulties in Reading reaches 9,15% of the total...
Proceedings Article

Enforcement of Student Discipline Character, What School Principal Acts?

Syunu Trihantoyo
This study was conducted to know the effort or strategy of principal in improving the character of student discipline. The research method used a qualitative approach. The technique of data collected was by interview, observation, and documentation study. Informants in this study consisted of principals,...
Proceedings Article

Mother Factory Worker's Parenting Style and its Implication for Early Childhood Islamic Education*

Enoh, Erhamwilda, Nurul Afrianti
Currently, the mother who works in the factory has increased from year to year caused by various factors. This condition triggered a debate related to its influence on the development of children, especially education in early childhood. To explore this problem, this research is aimed to know the mother's...
Proceedings Article

Performance Difference Of Paud Teachers Certified With Non-Certified Teachers At Paud Institution In Kecamatan Medan Tembung T.A 2014/2015

Aman Simaremare, Adiyani Shintarini
This study aims to determine: the performance of certified teachers, non-certified teachers' performance, and differences in performance of certified teachers with non-certified teachers. This research is a comparative descriptive research. The target population of this study is the total of TK / PAUD...
Proceedings Article

Implementation Of Sq4r Model To Increase Reading Comprehension Ability Of Elementary Students

Naeklan Simbolon, Inrasari Marbun
This research aims to improve students' reading comprehension ability by using SQ4R model (Survey, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, Review) in fifth Grade. This research was conducted at SDN Medan Johor. Subjects were 30 students. This research was conducted in two cycles. In each cycle carried out the...
Proceedings Article

Self Acceptance In Adolescent Teachers As A Result Of Pregnancy (Case Study In Kebonbatur Demak Village

Anis Syahadatil Laili
In terms of expressing sexual feelings, many teens behave sexually even without marriage bonds. So the phenomenon of teenagers who become pregnant out of wedlock more and more occur when they are not ready to get pregnant, so experiencing various difficulties including in terms of self-acceptance. The...
Proceedings Article

The Ability Of Teachers To Organize Science Learning For Early Childhood

Anita Yus
This paper examines contemporary issues in early childhood teacher education in Sumatera Utara. The aim of the study was to explain the teacher's abilities to organize science learning for early childhood through a constructivist approach with sample of 115 early childhood teachers in Sumatera Utara....
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Total Quality Management in Higher Education (A Case of State University of Gorontalo, Indonesia)

Total Quality Management (TQM) is recognized as a modern management technique that is oriented towards improving the quality of the products.Over the last few years, TQM has been applied in the education industry including the higher education institutions. The overall purpose of this study was to investigate...
Proceedings Article

Analysis Of Supervisor Competencies In Implementing School Based Management Towards Quality Improvement Of Secondary Schools

Arfan Arsyad
This research is aimed, at: (1) developing competence test instrument that is valid in mapping competencies of school supervisors; (2) getting a description of competencies of school supervisors, which includes: (a) personality, (b) managerial supervision, (c) academic supervision, curriculum and teaching...
Proceedings Article

Implication Of Organizational Climate On Strengthening The Organisational Commitment

Besse Marhawati
The paper aims to describe the organization's climate implications in strengthening organization commitment. The paper described the result of study and review of literature from various articles related to organization climate and organization commitment then it identified, organized, and managed into...
Proceedings Article

Implementating The Lecturer'S Inspirative Values In Faculty Of Education Semarang State University

Fakhruddin Fakhruddin, Joko Sutarto, Edy Mulyono Sungkowo, Sinta Saraswati
Inspiration values modeled by lecturers in their work and function have strategic role especially for student learning both inside and outside. The problem is, how much inspiration values the lecturer showed in learning activities, including in doing research and community service. Data was collected...
Proceedings Article

The Effect Of Learning Methods And The Ability Of Students Think Logically To The Learning Outcomes On Natural Sciences Of Grade Iv`S Student

Ary Kiswanto
This study aims to determine the effect of the Problem Based Learning method and exsperiment method and the ability to think logically of student to the learning outcomes on natural sciences of student of elementary school. The study was conducted at the grade IV SDN 10 Sapiran. Research design using...
Proceedings Article

Use of Damar Kurung Media in Science Learning in Primary School to improve Learning outcomes

Mintohari, Budiono Sadiman, Pamela Ayu Larasati
Damar Kurung is one of the unique forms of cultural art from Gresik, East Java, Indonesia, in the form of rectangular lanterns, its material is made of paper, its frame is made of bamboo, and on each side is painted with a certain story. This cultural art has a very high value and its existence must...
Proceedings Article

The Effect Of Education Background On The Teachers' Morale In Conducting Their Profession Duties

Bambang Budi Wiyono
There are two types of teacher education systems, namely concurrent model and consecutive model. In the concurrent model, the subject matter material is given with the educational material simultaneously, whereas in the consecutive model, the subject matter material is given firstly, then the educational...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Teacher Performance on Learning Managment in Primary School

Roos. M. S. Tuerah
This research intends to acquire data on the influence of learning management and commitment to the performance of primary school teachers, and this research approach using quantitative and survey methods. Population research are primary school teachers in Tomohon city that add up to 700 people. With...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of 360° Performance Appraisal in Decreasing Social Loafing in a Team

Olievia Prabandini Mulyana
This research is aimed to determine the effect of 360° performance appraisal in decreasing social loafing in a team. 360° performance appraisal which is applied in this research is the appraisal to measure the individual job performance based on peer evaluation, leader evaluation or follower evaluation,...
Proceedings Article

Creating a safe school for children and teachers to teach them to become smart and competitive human resources

Anak Agung Gede Agung
Vary of violances occurred in schools (e.g. Tabanan case in 2014 and Makasar case in 2016) showed us of how school has no longer been a safe and friendly place for teachers and students as well. Indonesian Law 20/2003 art. 3 stated that the national education functions to develop the capability, character,...
Proceedings Article

Optimizing the Counselors' Role in Senior High School and Higher Education

Daharnis, Zadrian Ardi
Many cases in students whose career interests that unsuitable with their majoring, this issues resulting in student activity, learning outcomes, and success; There are also the students want to move their majors even though already in the final semesters. The case are caused by various factors, such...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of POGIL Assisted with Mind Mapping toward the Science Learning Outcomes

Desak Putu Parmiti, I Gede Margunayasa
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of POGIL assisted with mind mapping toward the science learning outcomes. The type of this study was quasi experimental research with non equivalent design posttest only control group design. The population of this research was the students of grade 5...
Proceedings Article

Development of SAVI (Somatic Auditory Visual and Intellectual) Learning Model with Audiovisual to Increase Writing Skill of Elementary Student

Hartati, Nugraheti Sismulyasih
This research aims to (1) produce SAVI learning model that was effective in improving narrative writing skills of Elementary School students (2) to test the effectiveness of the SAVI learning model in improving narrative writing skills. The research method used Research and Development. This research...
Proceedings Article

Utilization of mentoring and counseling services between hope and solutions

Rena L. Madina
The purpose of Guidance and Counseling services is in principle to help students understand the abilities, talents, interests and factors that influence these aspects. In dealing with various problems of students in School, Guidance and Counseling Teacher (BK) should be able to play a role, especially...
Proceedings Article

Student's social interaction ability at class VIII of MTS Negeri Gorontalo

Tuti Wantu
This research aims at investigating students' social interaction ability at class VIII of MTs Negeri Gorontalo. This is a descriptive quantitative research with one variable design namely students' social interaction ability. Samples of this research are 31 students at class VIII of MTs Negeri Gorontalo.Research...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness Of Video Media Development Learning Skills Teaching On Micro Teaching Course

The development of instructional video media with Adobe Premiere 6.0 application in Micro Teaching course on teaching skills is done as an effort to solve the problem of Micro Teaching course to overcome student difficulties in understanding teaching skill which must be mastered as a prospective educator....
Proceedings Article

Cultural Study of Counselors and Counselees in Counseling

Elia Flurentin, Djoko Budi Santoso
Cultural Study of Counselors and Counselees in Counseling. The purpose of this study is to explain the culture of the counselors and counselees with regard to language, values, stereotypes, social class, ethnicity, gender, age, and lifestyle aspects. This study uses qualitative approach. The cultural...
Proceedings Article

Needs Asessment of Inclusive Education of Vocational High School in Yogyakarta

Haryanto, Suparno, Deni Hardianto, Sukinah
This study aimed to identifiy the problems faced by schools, principals, teachers in Inclusive Vocational High School, to determine the needs of inclusive Vocational High School in Yogyakarta. This research employed a descriptive method to identify teacher problems in the real context. The data gathered...
Proceedings Article

Developing Moral Values-Based Character Ingrade IV of Primary School

Rusmin Husain, Yulyanty
This study aims to describe the teacher's efforts in developing moral values-based character. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The technique of collecting data in this research is by using observation, interview, and documentation. The results of this study show that of 19 students,...
Proceedings Article

Autonomy And Community Participation On The Implementation Of School-Based Management In The City Of South Tangerang

Hadiyanto, Yulianto Santoso Suryadi, Siti Zulaikha
The main aim of the study is to explore the implementation of school-based management in the junior secondary schools in the city of Tangerang Selatan, Banten. More specifically, this study aims to compare the autonomy and community participation of school-based management in public and private junior...
Proceedings Article

Developing a Moral Behavior Learning Model Through Regular Practices at Playgroups

Wirdatul 'Aini
The research aimed at developing a model which could shape children's moral behavior through activities at the Playgroups in Padang. Moreover, the research was also to describe the effectiveness of the learning model that was used to shape children's moral through their regular practices. The design...
Proceedings Article

Describing To Improvement Of Students' Skill In Relief Print By Using Explicit Instruction

This research was aimed at describing the improvement of students' skill in relief print by using explicit instruction in second grade of elementary school. This was a classroom action research which applied qualitative and quantitative approaches. The subject of this research was the practitioner teacher...
Proceedings Article

Developing Autonomy through the School Extra Feeding Program: Experimental Research of 7 Years Old Children in Elementary School

Tasu'ah Neneng
The aims of this research was to understand comprehensively the influence of extra feeding activities toward independence children (Experiment in student class I at SDN Pejaten Barat, South Jakarta, 2013).The method used in this study is the experimental method with Children independence as the main...
Proceedings Article

Early Intervention Model to Enhance Communication Skills Social Interaction and Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Oom Sitti Homdijah, Tjutju Soendari
The research was motivated because of every year the population of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) continues to increase. An autism spectrum disorder characterized by three impairments (triad of impairments) are impairment of social communication, impairment of social interaction and behavior....
Proceedings Article

Virtual Colonies Between Teacher with Student

Development of virtual colonies with teacher and student entities needs to be done in cyberspace. Virtual colonies provide simplification and flexibility that is increasingly becoming a trend in society. More online systems are in demand by the public. The colony system begins with e-mail, followed by...
Proceedings Article

Modeling Android-Based Camcorder Simulator Application as A Learning Media for Cinematography Course

Heri Triluqman, Mulyoto, Leo Agung Sutimin
Integrating information and communication technology (ICT) in the learning process continues to evolve with various patterns and strategies, grouped into (1) e-Learning system, the process of learning that utilizes electronic devices and digital media, and (2) m- Learning, or mobile learning, the process...
Proceedings Article

Learners Interaction In Learning With Audio On Demand

Zainul Abidin, Arafah Husna
The study presents a case study to evaluate the use of Audio Technology WhatsApp to support asynchronous audio discussions. The study discusses the possibility of learning strategies and pedagogic thinking. Technology is implemented in modules for learning activities. The focus of the study is the possibility...