Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE 2023)

266 authors
Ikaputri, Salsadila Rizki
A Systematic Literature Review of ChatGPT Utilization in Education: Potentials and Concerns
Imperiani, Ernie Diyahkusumaning Ayu
Peer-Review Statements
Indra, Yulino
Reading the Ethnobotanical Value of Plant Diversity in South Kalimantan
Intan, Nenden Nur
Discovering Language Choices among the Tourism Community in Tidung Island
Irawan, Lalu Ari
Identification of Learning Functional Difficulties on Reading Skills in Elementary School and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Students in East Lombok
Isma, Silva Tenrisara Pertiwi
Identification of Learning Functional Difficulties on Reading Skills in Elementary School and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Students in East Lombok
Ismail, Ahmad
Literacy of the Digital Culture: Reading, Producing and Publishing Text of Netizen on Social Media
Ismatriyana, Rastya
The Translation Strategies of Korean Idiomatic Expressions in the Going Seventeen Variety Show
Iwamony, Rachel
Post-conflict Eco-reconciliation in Moluccan Poetry
Jahdiah, Jahdiah
The Besoyong Mantra in Ngumo Activity of The Paser Indigenous People from The Perspective of Literary Archaeomythology
Jamzaroh, Siti
Reading the Ethnobotanical Value of Plant Diversity in South Kalimantan
Jumroh, Siti Fatihaturrahmah
Teachers’ Perceptions of the Concept of Critical Literacy Based on Critical Pedagogy in Sorong District
Kamila, Intan Rahma
Identification of Challenges and Problems of Education Institutions in Providing Learning Media for Blind Children
Karlina, Yenny
Word Trends in Digital Communication of High School Students in the New Capital of Indonesia (IKN)
Khaerana, A. St. Aldilah
Literacy of the Digital Culture: Reading, Producing and Publishing Text of Netizen on Social Media
Komariah, Satiul
Assessment of AI’s Creativity in the Literary Text
Kurnianto, Ery Agus
The Besoyong Mantra in Ngumo Activity of The Paser Indigenous People from The Perspective of Literary Archaeomythology
Kurniawan, Eri
Peer-Review Statements
Kurniawan, Eri
Form and Meaning of Lexicon in Toponyms
Kurniawan, Eri
Classification and Function of Lexicon in Toponyms in the Western Lembang Fault Area
Kurniawan, Khaerudin
Language Politeness and Speech Function
Kurniawan, Kurniawan
Word Trends in Digital Communication of High School Students in the New Capital of Indonesia (IKN)
Kusumah, Encep
A New Direction in the Studies of Comparative Literature
Kuswari, Usep
Think-Talk-Write Learning Model to Improve the Skills of Writing Personal Experiences
Lengkanawati, Nenden Sri
Linguistic Proficiency and Pedagogical Practices
Lengkanawati, Nenden Sri
A Preliminary Study of Implementing Personalized Learning Instruction in EFL Classroom
Lestariningsih, Dewi Nastiti
Identification of Learning Functional Difficulties on Reading Skills in Elementary School and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Students in East Lombok
Letriana, Dea
Folklore as a Tool for Tracing Indigenous Territories in IKN
Lidra, Harviko
Contrastive Analysis of Vocatives in Japanese and Minangkabau
Lubis, Arif Husein
A Systematic Literature Review of ChatGPT Utilization in Education: Potentials and Concerns
Maharani, Amanda
Language Politeness and Speech Function
Maherani, Vania
Uncovering Cross-Cultural Communication Challenges
Maherani, Vania
Enhancing Cross-Cultural Understanding Through Literature
Mahmud, Amir
Post-conflict Eco-reconciliation in Moluccan Poetry
Martina, Martina
Strengthening Regional Identity Through Toponomy Areas in The West Kalimantan-Serawak Border
Maryamah, Isma
Students’ Perceptions of the BIPA for Arabic Speaker Course at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Megasari, Jayanti
Analysis of Illocutionary Speech Acts in Yoon Suk Yeol’s Victory Speech
Moriyama, Mikihiro
Enhancing Cross-Cultural Understanding Through Literature
Muhaimi, Salza Gusti
Symptoms of Diglossia Leakage in Multilingual Society in Pangandaran Regency Tourism Area
Mujiningsih, Erlis Nur
Folklore as a Tool for Tracing Indigenous Territories in IKN
Mulyanah, Ade
Strengthening Regional Identity Through Toponomy Areas in The West Kalimantan-Serawak Border
Mulyanto, Dedi
Two Second Languages at Once
Mulyati, Yeti
Reading Literacy Based on Experiential Learning as an Effort to Increase Students’ Reading Interest
Mulyati, Yeti
Challenges of Reading Literacy Assessment in the Digital Age
Mulyati, Yeti
Assessment of Literacy Competence among 15-Year-Old Students in the Bandung Area
Mulyo, Budi Mukhamad
Word Trends in Digital Communication of High School Students in the New Capital of Indonesia (IKN)
Munandar, Aris
Transposition Technique in English-Indonesian Translation of Mechanical Engineering Terms
Murdowo, Drajat Agus
Culinary in Public Space
Mustopa, Rizki Akbar
Challenges of Reading Literacy Assessment in the Digital Age
Muthmainnah, Yunengsih Nur
Improving Listening Skills Through the Use of Audiovisual Media
Mutiarsih, Yuliarti
Pragmatic Analysis of the Humorous Speech in The Comic Les Aventures de Tintin: Le Trésor de Rackham le Rouge
Nafisah, Nia
Peer-Review Statements
Nafisah, Nia
An Analysis of Feminism in Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019)
Nazar, Alvin Yahya Makarim
Partnering with Automatic Writing Evaluation
Nishijima, Yoshinori
Differences in Direction Indicating Expressions Between Japanese and German
Nismara, Zahra Adinda
Indonesian Local Wisdom as Material for Strengthening the Competence of BIPA Teachers in Australia
Nugroho, Muhammad Wahyu
Discovering Language Choices among the Tourism Community in Tidung Island
Nurbayan, Yayan
Improving Listening Skills Through the Use of Audiovisual Media
Nurhabibah, Siti Fatimah
Examining the Validity of an Arabic Test for Islamic Secondary School Students
Nurhadi, Jatmika
Form and Meaning of Lexicon in Toponyms
Nurhanisa, Nisha
Identification of Challenges and Problems of Education Institutions in Providing Learning Media for Blind Children
Nurjanah, Kartika Dewi
English for Specific Purpose Needs Analysis at a Vocational High School
Nurlelawati, Iyen
Linguistic Proficiency and Pedagogical Practices
Nurmala, Mia
Students’ Perceptions of the BIPA for Arabic Speaker Course at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Nurmala, Mia
The Cultural Lexicon in Structural Terms of Kampung Adat Sinar Resmi Leadership Cisolok, Sukabumi
Okitasari, Indah
Identification of Learning Functional Difficulties on Reading Skills in Elementary School and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Students in East Lombok
Pawitra, Balerina Aulia
Identification of Challenges and Problems of Education Institutions in Providing Learning Media for Blind Children
Permadi, Tedi
The Local Legend of Bengkulu Society as an Enrichment of Didactic Literature Teaching Materials
Permana, Pepen
Mastering German Reading Skills
Permana, Pepen
The Application of the Flipped Classroom Model in Learning German Writing Skill
Permatawati, Irma
Mastering German Reading Skills
Permatawati, Irma
The Application of the Flipped Classroom Model in Learning German Writing Skill
Prastowo, Fuji Riang
Buddhist Meditation, Ascetic Education, and Emotional Intelligence
Purnama, Maya
Needs Analysis of Japanese Language Learning for Caregivers
Purnaman, Endah Sindangkasih
Characteristics of Women’s Language in “Kim Jiyoung: Born 1982” by Cho Namjoo
Puspitaloka, Nina
Preparing Accountants in a Globalized Industry
Puspitaloka, Nina
English for Specific Purpose Needs Analysis at a Vocational High School
Puspitasari, Devi Ambarwati
Word Trends in Digital Communication of High School Students in the New Capital of Indonesia (IKN)
Puspitasari, Ferani Wulan
Code-Switching and Code-Mixing in Cross-Marriage Couple
Putri, Agiela Fadea
An Analysis of Feminism in Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019)
Racmadhany, Ariessa
Digital Natives Students’ Perception on Development of Application “Trigatra” in Indonesia
Rahmadani, Annisa
Linguistic Proficiency and Pedagogical Practices
Rahmawati, Fitra Awalia
Two Second Languages at Once
Rahmawati, Rahmawati
Form and Meaning of Lexicon in Toponyms
Rahmawati, Rahmawati
Classification and Function of Lexicon in Toponyms in the Western Lembang Fault Area
Rahmawati, Rahmawati
Post-conflict Eco-reconciliation in Moluccan Poetry
Ramadani, Pitra
Enhancing Cross-Cultural Understanding Through Literature
Ramadhani, Rezky
Literacy of the Digital Culture: Reading, Producing and Publishing Text of Netizen on Social Media
Ramadini, Febyasti Davela
Identification of Learning Functional Difficulties on Reading Skills in Elementary School and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Students in East Lombok
Ramdhani, Rizal
Think-Talk-Write Learning Model to Improve the Skills of Writing Personal Experiences
Retnaningtyas, Nina
Reading Literacy Based on Experiential Learning as an Effort to Increase Students’ Reading Interest
Riana, Derri Ris
The Besoyong Mantra in Ngumo Activity of The Paser Indigenous People from The Perspective of Literary Archaeomythology
Riana, Derri Ris
Reading the Ethnobotanical Value of Plant Diversity in South Kalimantan
Rismelati, Risma
Final Particle -tte in Formal Japanese Conversations
Rodliyah, Rojab Siti
English for Small and Medium Enterprises
Rumaf, Nouval
Teachers’ Perceptions of the Concept of Critical Literacy Based on Critical Pedagogy in Sorong District
Salsabila, Putri Syifa Maulida
Assessment of Literacy Competence among 15-Year-Old Students in the Bandung Area
Samsudin, Didin
Application of Peer Correction Technique in Korean Descriptive Text Writing Learning
Samsudin, Didin
The Translation Strategies of Korean Idiomatic Expressions in the Going Seventeen Variety Show
Samsudin, Didin
The Use of Neologism and Trending Habits among Generation Z in Korea