Proceedings of the International Conference of Learning on Advance Education (ICOLAE 2021)
133 articles
Proceedings Article
Students’ Problems in Learning English-Speaking Skills at Fastco English Course Blora
Muamaroh Muamaroh, Kartina Setia Rahayu
This research aims to find students’ problems in English-speaking and their efforts to solve their problems. The research design was case study. The technique for analyzing data was qualitative. The subjects were 8 students at major class. They were 6 female students and two male students. The instruments...
Proceedings Article
An Appraisal Analysis of English Youth Songs and Its Potential Implication on Teaching English to Teenagers
Anggi Nurjanah, Qanitah Masykuroh
This study aims to explore the Appraisal in selected English youth songs in Pamungkas’ albums as well as its potential implication on teaching English to teenagers. Rooted in constructive interpretative epistemology, this qualitative study focuses on the sub type of Attitude of appraisal analysis. The...
Proceedings Article
Integrating Child Rights Education and English Language Teaching
Nurhidayat, Sutama Sutama, Harun Joko Prayitno, Anam Sutopo
There are some purposes of the study in this article. 1) It describes children’s rights education, 2) It describes integrated English learning, 3) It develops a framework for integrating English learning and children’s rights education. This type of research is literature study with some procedural steps....
Proceedings Article
An Analysis on Speaking Materials of a Student Textbook
(A Descriptive Research on “BRIGHT AN ENGLISH SMP/MTs Kelas IX” Of PKBM Homeschooling HSPG Madiun)
Aulia Putri, Muamaroh Muamaroh
The main interest of this study was to know if the high school textbook “BRIGHT AN ENGLISH” is suitable for the K-13 curriculum. To carry out this study and obtain the results, the author used the method of description and content analysis. The data collection technique of choice was a document review....
Proceedings Article
Implementing STAD Learning Model to Improve Children’s Spelling Ability
Rahmat Syawaludin, Hardika Dwi Hermawan
Reading is a basic skill that must be mastered by everyone. But in reality, there are still a lot of children who have difficulty in reading. These children have difficulty reading because they still do not understand how to spell a word. This study aims to improve students’ spelling skills by using...
Proceedings Article
Grammatical Cohesion of Sports News Texts on Electronic News Media and Their Implications for Learning Indonesian
Warih Hirmoyo, Harun Joko Prayitno, Miftakhul Huda, Laili Etika Rahmawati
The reference, substitution, suction and conjunction are important aspects of grammatical cohesion or markers of cohesion. Grammatical cohesion is a fusion of discourses reviewed from the form of discourse and the initial structure. Sports news is currently only rife mediated or published. In sports...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis of Elementary School Vulnerability in Flood-prone Areas, Sukoharjo, Indonesia
Usmaningtyas Ayu Dwi Septiningrum, Yunus Aris Wibowo, Ratih Puspita Dewi
The impact of the flood not only resulted in paralyzed social, economic, and community activities but also resulted in stopping educational activities. Unfortunately, few studies have examined the vulnerability of the school environment in flood-prone areas. This study aims to analyze the vulnerability...
Proceedings Article
The Urgency of the Geographic Laboratory at the Senior High School
Dila Fitriani, Ratih Puspita Dewi, Yunus Aris Wibowo
Geography learning can be done in the classroom, outside the classroom, or in the laboratory, but in senior high school, there are not many geography laboratories. The purpose of this study was to analyze the urgency of the geography laboratory according to geography teachers at the senior high school....
Proceedings Article
Educational Implications Title of Covid News in Electronic Media
Mia Ari Pangesti, Harun Joko Prayitno, Miftakhul Huda, Laili Etika Rahmawati
The Educational implicature is an utterance that contains a meaning. Educational implicature focuses on the field of education. As in the title of the Covid-19 news. Conventional implicature is the meaning of speech obtained through direct speech, conversational implicature is the meaning of speech obtained...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Implementation Peer Feedback of Essay Writing at Tertiary Level
Muamaroh Muamaroh, Apreliani Dwiastuti
This study aimed to find out the effect of peer feedback towards students’ writing performance in essay writing class. The participants of this study were 26 students in the third semester of Essay Writing Class at Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. There were 9 male and 17 female students. The study...
Proceedings Article
Teacher Problem in Geographic Information System Material During Covid-19 Pandemic in Senoir High School
Lusi Shentiya Lindi Yanti, Ratih Puspita Dewi, Yunus Aris Wibowo
The Covid-19 pandemic has changed conditions in various fields in the world, especially education. The Covid-19 pandemic has forced learning to be done online as an effort to break the chain of the spread of Covid-19. This became the background of research on teacher readiness in Geographic Information...
Proceedings Article
The Social Education of Rural Communities Sukoharjo as a Result of the Safira Housing Development
Harsono Harsono, Maulida Sholichatun
Housing improvement is a large societal need in terms of social betterment. The Safira housing improvement, which is placed in Triyagan District, Sukoharjo Regency and turned into created and operated by means of the Safira organization, is one of the housing traits. In phrases of redesigning public...
Proceedings Article
Online Learning: Its Implementation in Sega’s Program at a Private University in Surakarta Indonesia
Kara Rizal Luqmana, Koesoemo Ratih
This research aims to describe the implementation of online learning in Saturday English Gathering Activities (hereafter termed “SEGA”) program at a private university (hereafter termed “Sun University”) in Surakarta Indonesia. The object of this research is the implementation of the online learning...
Proceedings Article
Character Education in Celie’s Personality Reflected in The Color Purple Novel (1982): Psychoanalytical Perspective
Fitri Ayu Widiyastuti, Titis Setyabudi
This is an analysis of the personality of the character Celie in the novel The Color Purple (1982) using psychoanalytic theory according to Sigmund Freud. The aim of this study is to identify the personalities of Celie’s character, describe how the personality of Celie’s character, and reveal the reason...
Proceedings Article
Repair Strategies in Formal Conversations by Indonesian Efl Students
Diyah Murti Hastuti, Agus Wijayanto, Malikatul Laila
The ability to conduct smooth conversation is the basis of human communication throughout centuries. In the globalization era in which intercultural communication is frequently performed, the ability to conduct conversations with others directly or indirectly through modern means of communication is...
Proceedings Article
The Issues of the Implementation of E-Learning in the Master Program of English Education in a Private University in Surakarta, Central Java
Fina Azulfa, Koesoemo Ratih, Mauly Halwat Hikmat
Technological developments have an impact on the world of education in which e-learning appears to facilitate distance teaching and learning activities. In the covid-19 pandemic, the process of teaching and learning must be implemented through online in order to reduce the virus spread. In fact, the...
Proceedings Article
Knowledge, Perceptions and Environmental Concerns of Student Against Metal Factory Waste Pollutants at State Junior High School 1 Ceper, Klaten Regency, Indonesia
Muflichati Wanda Nur’Aini, Yunus Aris Wibowo, Siti Hadiyati Nur Hafida
Environmental pollution from industrial metal waste is hazardous for human survival, so knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes of caring for the environment must be formed early. The formation of knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes to care for the environment can be done through education. This study...
Proceedings Article
Humanizing Human Reflected in Metaphors Used by W. H. Auden in His Poems
Aulia Ainun Arsah, Titis Setyabudi
This study aims to find out the types of metaphor found on selected poems by W. H. Auden; Funeral Blues, O what is That Sound, dan O Tell Me the Truth About Love by using Lakoff and Johnson theory and to find out the meaning of each metaphor. This research used qualitative research. The data were analyzed...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship of Spatial Thinking Ability and Understanding Image Interpretation of Google Earth By Students at SMAN 2 Karanganyar
Anisaa Nur Halimah, Wahyu Widiyatmoko, Puspita Indra Wardhani, Yunus Aris Wibowo
This study aims to determine how the relationship of the ability of spatial thinking to the understanding of image interpretation google earth in the matter of remote sensing in SMA Negeri 2 Karanganyar. Type of study in this research is Quantitative Research. The population in this research is all students...
Proceedings Article
Overcoming Social Conflict in the Movie Little Women (2019): A Sociological Approach
Titis Setyabudi, Anggraini Aliffatul Laili
The research title of this film is “Overcoming Social conflict in the Movie Little Women (2019): A Sociological Approach. The purpose of this study is to describe the types and positive functions of social conflict in this film. The theoretical approach used in this research is a sociological perspective....
Proceedings Article
Development of the Umbul Encyclopedia in Klaten as Social Studies Learning Media for SMP/MTs Students
Asna Nur Rachma, Puspita Indra Wardhani
The study and development was based on one of the Klaten Regency’s schools, MTs N 5 Klaten. The school has never exploited the surrounding environment as a learning resource, and there is no learning media in the form of an encyclopedia in the classroom for social studies learning activities. The goal...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Preparedness on the Adaptive Capacity of Junior High School Students in Dealing With a Landslide Disaster, Banjarnegara, Indonesia
Eka Wulan Safriani, Yunus Aris Wibowo, Siti Hadiyati Nur Hafida
Children are often vulnerable to disasters because of their lack of preparedness and capacity. Preparedness is an action to reduce the impact of a disaster event. Disaster preparedness is one of the factors that affect the adaptive capacity of each individual from direct or indirect experiences. Therefore,...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of the Multiliteracy Learning Model in Advertisement Text for MTs Students
Atika Lisamawati Nur Qoyyimah, Laili Etika Rahmawati, Markhamah Markhamah
Multiliteracy learning was learning that puts the ability of reading, writing, listening, and speaking to improve thinking skills including the ability to criticize, analyse, and evaluate. This study aimed to determine the planning and implementation of a multiliteracy learning model in advertisement...
Proceedings Article
Advantages and Disadvantages of Peer Feedback on EFL Students Essay Writing at Tertiary Level
Muamaroh Muamaroh, Ulya Septiana Pratiwi
Peer feedback is an important learning strategy in essay writing. The objective of this study was to describe the advantages and disadvantages of peer feedback. The subject of this study were twenty-five essay-writing students in third semester. The instruments to collect data, were observation, open-ended...
Proceedings Article
Resilience’s Awareness Building Strategy in Early Childhood
Shofiyanti Nur Zuama, Bambang Sumardjoko, Harsono, Ahmad Muhibbin
The city of Palu and its surroundings in 2018, experienced consecutive natural disasters, earthquakes, tsunamis to liquifaksi. Not yet fully recovered due to the disaster, the global pandemic Covid-19 hit the world, including Indonesia. This makes teachers do various ways or strategies in online learning...
Proceedings Article
The Validity of Literary Teaching Materials based on Local Wisdom to Class XI Students of SMK Negeri 2 Musi Rawas
Agung Nugroho, Syukri Hamzah, Badeni, Agus Triyogo
This study aims to determine the validity of literature teaching materials based on local wisdom in Class XI students of SMK Negeri 2 Musi Rawas. The research method uses R&D (Research and Development) with the Dick & Carey development model used to see the validity of the product. The research...
Proceedings Article
Indigenous People Communication Patterns in Papua’s Success as the Host National Sports Week 2021
Teri Wanena
The success of the Papua Province and West Papua Province as the host of the National Sports Week (PON) Papua 2021 cannot be separated from the communication patterns of indigenous peoples. The reason is that indigenous peoples in Papua have a central position regarding the implementation of sports competitions...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of the Pandemic on English Language Development at Elementary School
Intan Puspitasari, Tri Indah Rusli, Nur Rizky Alfiany, Titin Rahmiatin, Syarif Amin, Yulianah Sain, Rahmat Nasrullah
This research aims to find the impact of the pandemic on language development. This research was conducted at SDS Muhammadiyah Pomalaa, Kolaka. The subjects of this study were 5th grade students, where 15 students were used for the diagnostic test instrument and after that the researcher selected 5 students...
Proceedings Article
Mentoring Program of Elementary School Principals in The Era of Learning Freedom
Endang Rahayu Mudi Hastuti, Sutama Sutama, Harsono Harsono, Ahmad Muhibbin
This research was aimed to find out the elementary school principal mentoring program based on teachers’ competence in learning management. This research was qualitatively ethnographic to describe the implementation of the principal mentoring programs and its process. The subject were principals and...
Proceedings Article
An Error Analysis on Students’ Writing of Descriptive Text at SMK Negeri 1 Pedan, Klaten
Ridwan Ari Murti, Susiati, Belva Amalia Destaty, Sally A. Jarin
This study aims to determine the types of errors and causes of errors made by 10th grade students of SMK Negeri 1 Pedan in writing descriptive texts. This type of research is descriptive qualitative using the error analysis method. The subjects of this study were 30 students of SMK Negeri 1 Pedan who...
Proceedings Article
Assessing the Honesty Integrity of the Educator Candidates
Mahasri Shobahiya, Sapta Mei Budiyanto
This field research study is carried out at the faculty of a private university at Surakarta. The aim of the research is to describe the integrity of the students’ honesty as the educator candidates after attending the learning process for at least five semesters. The kinds of the research used the mix...
Proceedings Article
Translation Method of Passive Voice in I Am Number Four Novel: An English - Indonesian Translation Evaluation
Anam Sutopo, Maratina Indah Prasmawati, Harun Joko Prayitno
This study aims at describing the method of translation of passive voice used in the novel “I Am Number Four”. This study is based on the qualitative paradigm analysis. The data are in line with passive voices obtained in and their translation of “I Am Number Four” novel. The data are taken from Pittacus...
Proceedings Article
Progressive Learning with a Prophetic Approach at SMA Muhammadiyah PK Surakarta
Anam Sutopo, Zaki Setiawan, Harun Joko Prayitno
This study composes two objectives, namely (1) to describe progressivism in learning at SMA Muhammadiyah PK Surakarta and (2) to describe prophetic values in accordance with Prophetic Social Sciences in learning activities at SMA Muhammadiyah PK. The research was conducted at SMA Muhammadiyah PK Surakarta...