Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Folklore, Language, Education and Exhibition (ICOFLEX 2019)

188 authors
Abdillah, Fikri
Visual Multimedia Performance for Astronomical Education ‘Eight Planets’
Achdiyat, Maman
Enhancing the Head of Education Office Performance Through Leadership, Environment, and Organizational Culture
Achdiyat, Maman
Utilization of the Learning Media Based Lectora Inspire for Physics Learning: A Pilot Study
Adelia, Dina
Counseling Services Information Using Jigsaw Method to Improve Students’ Learning Motivation
Al-Qosebaty, Ali
Phonetic Relationship Between Form and Meaning of Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian Colloquial Language on Animals Name
Alam, Bambang Perkasa
Students’ Error Analysis in Completing English Math Story Problems
Ali, Ahmad Jum’a Khatib Nur
Kartini on Screen: Narrating Kartini as Feminist Agent
Amzy, Nurulfatmi
The Construction of Minang Cultural Identity in Singgalang Daily Newspaper
Andrijanto, M.S.
Anthropomorphic Arabic Calligraphy: The Elements of Srabad in Cirebon
Anggraini, Indrani Dewi
Twisted Fairy Tale: Promoting Multiculturalism in Young Adult Postmodern Picture Book
Apriyani, Dwi Dani
Comparison of the Performance of the k-Nearest Neighbor, Naïve Bayes Classifier and Support Vector Machine Algorithm With SMOTE for Classification of Bully Behavior on the WhatsApp Messenger Application
Ardianti, Tanti
Student’s Diagnostic Ability on Review Text and Persuasive Text in Indonesian Language Test
Ardiyanti, Greta Kharisma
Sultan Rum in Javanese Manuscripts: An Overview of Islamic Vision
Ardy, Vickrie
Development of Learning Media-Based Digital Book on Modern Physics Learning
Asih, Dwi Aprillia Setia
Development of Learning Media-Based Digital Book on Modern Physics Learning
Astuti, Budi
The Indonesians’ Peaceful Mind: A Gadamerian Hermeneutic Study of the Markesot Bertutur
Astuti, Irnin Agustina Dwi
Utilization of the Learning Media Based Lectora Inspire for Physics Learning: A Pilot Study
Astuti, Irnin Agustina Dwi
Increasing the Students’ Practicum Skills via Flipped Classroom Model
Ayriza, Yulia
The Indonesians’ Peaceful Mind: A Gadamerian Hermeneutic Study of the Markesot Bertutur
Azwar, Muhammad
Phonetic Relationship Between Form and Meaning of Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian Colloquial Language on Animals Name
Bhakti, Yoga Budi
Utilization of the Learning Media Based Lectora Inspire for Physics Learning: A Pilot Study
Bhakti, Yoga Budi
Increasing the Students’ Practicum Skills via Flipped Classroom Model
Christomy, Tommy
Sultan Rum in Javanese Manuscripts: An Overview of Islamic Vision
Damayanti, Nuning Y
Expression and Visual Narration of The Jakarta Marunda Batik
Damayanti, Silvia
Disaster Discourse in Children’s Story Books
Damayanti, Welsi
The Characteristics of Meme in Social Media: Case Study 2019 Presidential Election in Indonesia
Development of Learning Media-Based Digital Book on Modern Physics Learning
Increasing the Students’ Practicum Skills via Flipped Classroom Model
Dawami, Angga Kusuma
The Construction of Minang Cultural Identity in Singgalang Daily Newspaper
Dewati, Maria
Increasing the Students’ Practicum Skills via Flipped Classroom Model
Dinihari, Yulian
The Linguistic Aspects on the 2019 Presidential Candidate Debate
Pragmatic Failures in Translating Indonesian Culture Implicatures Into English of the Novel ‘The Rape of Sukreni’
Endahyani, Titik
Preserving Siak Cultural Heritage Through Interior and Furniture Design as Reinforcement Identity for Indonesian Tourism
Eppendi, Jhoni
Addressing EFL Paper-Based Assignment Into WhatsApp
Erlyana, Yana
Semiotic Analysis of Packaging Designs in Promina Puffs Weaning Food
Erlyana, Yana
Creative Strategy Analysis on the Billboard Ads of Gojek AnakBangsaBisa Edition
Ernawati, Atie
An Assessment to the Cultural Significance of Habib Kuncung Historical Sites in Jakarta
The Challenge and Opportunity in the Implementation of Environmental Field Assessment Study to Encourage Behavior Change for Protecting the Environment
Everlin, Shierly
Creative Strategy Analysis on the Billboard Ads of Gojek AnakBangsaBisa Edition
Fahmi, Royan Nur
BIPA (Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing/Indonesian as a Foreign Language) Policy as the Implementation of National Language Politics
Evaluation of e-Campus-Based e-Learning Implementation by Mathematics Education Study Program Students at the University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta
Fijriani, Fijriani
Increasing Positive Self-Concept of Adolescents With Physically Disabilities via Client-Centered Counseling
Fitri, Euis Nessia
Counseling Services Information Using Jigsaw Method to Improve Students’ Learning Motivation
Fitriyanti, Evi
Student’s Diagnostic Ability on Review Text and Persuasive Text in Indonesian Language Test
Franzia, Elda
The Line Stickers as the Youngsters Ethnic Identity and Media Representation
Franzia, Elda
Visual Multimedia Performance for Astronomical Education ‘Eight Planets’
Ginanjar, Martha Tisna Putri
Analyzing the Shifting Facial Expression of Ondel-ondel as the Cultural Icon of Betawi Community
Hakim, Arif Rahman
Teachers’ Ability in Designing Test Assessments
Hamidah, Siti
The Characteristics of Meme in Social Media: Case Study 2019 Presidential Election in Indonesia
Hananto, Brian Alvin
MESATUA: Adapting Bali Folklore Scripts and Plays to Short Stories
Handoko, Muawal Panji
BIPA (Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing/Indonesian as a Foreign Language) Policy as the Implementation of National Language Politics
Hanif, Muhammad
Values of Dongkrek Art as Sources to Improve Cultural Resilience
Hapsari, Sri
Creating a Class Climate to Enhance the Ability to Think Creatively
Harared, Nico
The Speech Act of Advising as Netizens’ Response to 2019 Presidential-VP Candidate Polling on YouTube in Rocky Gerung’s Channel
Harjanti, Trinugi Wira
Research Ethics in Computer Science Publications: Critical Studies
Identifying External Factors With Career Development of High School Students in Depok, West Java
Hidayati, Atiek Nur
Cultural Identity Construction in Betawi Fashion System of Kerak Telor Sellers
Research Ethics in Computer Science Publications: Critical Studies
Hizbullah, Nur
Synonymy of the Word ‘Goodness’ in the Al-Quran and Its Meaning in Indonesian Language
Illahi, Akbar Amanah
Phonetic Relationship Between Form and Meaning of Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian Colloquial Language on Animals Name
Irfansyah, Puput
Comparison of the Performance of the k-Nearest Neighbor, Naïve Bayes Classifier and Support Vector Machine Algorithm With SMOTE for Classification of Bully Behavior on the WhatsApp Messenger Application
Irfansyah, Puput
Research Ethics in Computer Science Publications: Critical Studies
The Effect of Mathematics Disposition (Confidence, Monitor, Interest, Perseverance, Application, Perceived Value, and Flexible in Mathematics) Towards 7th Grade Students’ Mathematics Anxiety
Ismawan, Fiqih
Research Ethics in Computer Science Publications: Critical Studies
Iswara, Prana D
Multiple Intelligences Approach to Improve Writing Skills of Elementary School Students
Kasmanah, Kasmanah
Student’s Diagnostic Ability on Review Text and Persuasive Text in Indonesian Language Test
Kasyadi, Soeparlan
Enhancing the Head of Education Office Performance Through Leadership, Environment, and Organizational Culture
Kurniasih, Euis
Character Values in Sundanese Children Song Lyrics of Sekar Galuh Album by Djuwita Djati
BIPA (Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing/Indonesian as a Foreign Language) Policy as the Implementation of National Language Politics
Lapasau, Merry
Conceptual Metaphors in Modern Indonesian Literature and Their Implication in Language Learning
Lapasau, Merry
Enhancing the Head of Education Office Performance Through Leadership, Environment, and Organizational Culture
Limbong, Priscila Fitriasih
Tax Regulations on Forest Products in Ternate at the XIX Century
Lissandhi, Ayu Nova
Trio Hantu Cs: A Comic and Animation Series Adaptations of Indonesian Ghost Stories
Listya, Ariefika
Cultural Identity Construction in Betawi Fashion System of Kerak Telor Sellers
Lusyantie, Ninuk
Online Media and Politics: Critical Discourse Analysis About Hoax News
Lutvaidah, Ukti
Students’ Error Analysis in Completing English Math Story Problems
The Visual City Branding of Tanjungpinang City – Riau Islands
Marisa, Cindy
Counseling Services Information Using Jigsaw Method to Improve Students’ Learning Motivation
Marlianingsih, Noni
Online Media and Politics: Critical Discourse Analysis About Hoax News
Martaputri, Nadhifa Salsabila
Tax Regulations on Forest Products in Ternate at the XIX Century
Marti’ah, Siti
Identifying External Factors With Career Development of High School Students in Depok, West Java
Martokusumo, Widjaja
An Assessment to the Cultural Significance of Habib Kuncung Historical Sites in Jakarta
Mayasari, Ira
Conceptual Metaphors in Modern Indonesian Literature and Their Implication in Language Learning
Meidasari, Venny Eka
Pragmatic Failures in Translating Indonesian Culture Implicatures Into English of the Novel ‘The Rape of Sukreni’
Miftah, Zaeni
Exploratory Research on the Myth of Batik Gentongan in Tanjung Bumi
Miskanik, Miskanik
Increasing Positive Self-Concept of Adolescents With Physically Disabilities via Client-Centered Counseling
Mulyaningsih, Neng Nenden
Development of Learning Media-Based Digital Book on Modern Physics Learning
Mulyatna, Fauzi
The Influence of Learning Model and Learning Motivation Towards Mathematical Reasoning Abilities in Junior High School
Mutakin, Tatan Zenal
Teachers’ Ability in Designing Test Assessments
Muta’ali, Abdul
Synonymy of the Word ‘Goodness’ in the Al-Quran and Its Meaning in Indonesian Language
Mutia, Intan
Research Ethics in Computer Science Publications: Critical Studies
Noorwatha, I Kadek Dwi
Folklore’s Inspiration in Character-Based Intellectual Property (IP) Construction ‘RomOn’ as an Effort to Create Local IP for Global Markets
Novianto, Victor
Pragmatic Failures in Translating Indonesian Culture Implicatures Into English of the Novel ‘The Rape of Sukreni’
Nurfarkhana, Anna
Cultural Identity Construction in Betawi Fashion System of Kerak Telor Sellers
Nurfitriyanti, Maya
Effectiveness of Mathematical Comics as the Development of Teaching Material
Effectiveness of Mathematical Comics as the Development of Teaching Material
Nurhayati, Dwi Astuti Wahyu
Plosive and Fricative Sounds Produced by EFL Students Using Online Media: A Perspective on Learning English Phonology
Nuriyanti, Widya
The Construction of Minang Cultural Identity in Singgalang Daily Newspaper
Nurrahmah, Arfatin
The Influence of Learning Model and Learning Motivation Towards Mathematical Reasoning Abilities in Junior High School
Okyranida, Indica Yona
Increasing the Students’ Practicum Skills via Flipped Classroom Model