Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics, Management and Accounting (ICEMAC 2021)

133 authors
Abireza, M. Ihsan
Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management, ICT and Employee Performance: A Literature Review
Aji, Sankan Fahmi
Fuzzy Decision Support System for ABC University Student Admission Selection
Akbar, Bintang Mukhammad Burhanudin
How to Build National Health Insurance: Ethical Views from Several Countries
Al Hakim, Amanna D.
Start-Up Raising: Web Development Company Based on Coffee Industry
Al Hakim, Amanna D.
Business Model Based on Coffee Husk Bioconversion by Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia Illucens) and Agroforestry System in Bandung Regency, West Java
Althaf, Muhammad Erwin
The Effect of CSR Disclosure on Financial Performance Listed on the Kompas 100 Index 2018-2020
Antoro, Hadyan Rifqi
Evaluation of Budgeting Process for Infrastructure Investment Project in Manufacturing Companies
Anwar, Agus Parhan Saepul
Influence of Good Corporate Governance Implementation on Profit Management: A Research Proposal
Anwar, Tezza Adriansyah
Experiential Marketing, Product Diversity, and Location to the Decision to Make a Reservation at Al&Co Coffee Shop
Apriani, Rizki
The Effect of Dividend Policy, Debt Policy, and Asset Growth on Firm Value with Managerial Ownership as Moderating Variables
Ardhiyansyah, Andri
Oriflame Company’s Personal Selling and Green Marketing Strategy on Consumer Purchase Interest: A Literature Review
Ardhiyansyah, Andri
The Influence of Social Network Attributes, Flows, Trust, and Electronic Word of Mouth on Social Network Users’ Purchase Intentions for Smart Phone Products in Indonesia
Arini, Rani Eka
The Effect of Benchmark, Money Raised, Market Value, and Magnitude of Underpricing Towards Abnormal Return Shares on the Long-Term Performance of Initial Public Offerings in Indonesia
Aristiawan, Edwin
The Effect of Co-Creation on the Performance of Indonesian Wholesale Carrier Service Companies
Astadiyani, Esti Kusuma
Examine the Effect of State Ownership on the Relationship Between Internationalization and Technical Efficiency During 2015 ASEAN Economic Community: Evidence from Singapore-Listed Firms
Aulia, Mochamad Ficky
Scheme Developing (Alternative) Promotion Designing for Visual Communication Design
Azam, S. M. Ferdous
The Nexus of International Trade and Inflation on ASEAN-5 Countries’ Economic Growth: The Mediating Role of Exchange Rates
Azhari, Siti K.
Start-Up Raising: Web Development Company Based on Coffee Industry
Azhari, Siti K.
Business Model Based on Coffee Husk Bioconversion by Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia Illucens) and Agroforestry System in Bandung Regency, West Java
Azka, Raka M.
Start-Up Raising: Web Development Company Based on Coffee Industry
Azka, Raka M.
Business Model Based on Coffee Husk Bioconversion by Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia Illucens) and Agroforestry System in Bandung Regency, West Java
Basalama, Farrah Angelica
Professional Risk Management in XYZ Certified Public Accountant Firm
Budiman, Dana
Millennials’ Development Strategy Agri-Socio-Preneur in West Java
Budiman, Dana
The Influence of Organizational Culture on Leadership and Its Implications on Local Economic Development
Christine, Elida
Scheme Developing (Alternative) Promotion Designing for Visual Communication Design
Dalimunthe, Zulian
The Effect of CSR Disclosure on Financial Performance Listed on the Kompas 100 Index 2018-2020
Darmawan, Agus
Scheme Developing (Alternative) Promotion Designing for Visual Communication Design
De Wibowo, Aryo
Fuzzy Decision Support System for ABC University Student Admission Selection
Diyanty, Vera
Fraud Hexagon and Fraudulent Financial Statement: Comparison Between OMI and Beneish Model
Elisah, Siti
Effect of Debt to Equity Ratio, Current Ratio, Total Assets Turnover, Earning Per Share, Price Earning-Ratio, Sales Growth, and Net Profit Margin on Return on Equity
Erfina, Adhitia
Selection of Detergent Product Brands Using the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process Method
Fadhilah, Nur Hidayah K
The Influence of Good Corporate Governance, Free Cash Flow and Leverage Factors on Earnings Management with Audit Quality as Moderating Variable
Fadhilah, Nur Hidayah K
The Effect of Dividend Policy, Debt Policy, and Asset Growth on Firm Value with Managerial Ownership as Moderating Variables
Fadhilah, Nur Hidayah K
Management Audit on the Process of Selling Non-Cash Fuel Oil to the Government at PT. ABC
Fadhilah, Siti Hasna
The Influence of Financial Literacy and Environmental on Student Intentions for Social Entrepreneurship
Faris, Riyan Mirdan
Fuzzy Decision Support System for ABC University Student Admission Selection
Faris, Riyan Mirdan
Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management, ICT and Employee Performance: A Literature Review
Fatmawati, Amelia
The Influence of Accounting Understanding and Use of Accounting Information Systems on the Quality of Financial Statements
Febriani, Indri
Effect of Debt to Equity Ratio, Current Ratio, Total Assets Turnover, Earning Per Share, Price Earning-Ratio, Sales Growth, and Net Profit Margin on Return on Equity
Ginting, Liasta
Comparison Analysis of Start-Up Company Liquidity Before and After the Covid-19 Pandemic
Hapsari, Ayuningtyas Yuli
Experiential Marketing, Product Diversity, and Location to the Decision to Make a Reservation at Al&Co Coffee Shop
Haryani, Putri
The Nexus of International Trade and Inflation on ASEAN-5 Countries’ Economic Growth: The Mediating Role of Exchange Rates
Hatmoko, Muhammad Zulvan Dwi
Analysis of Effectiveness of Internal Control System for Use of Village Fund in Villages of Bangunrejo Subdistrict Lampung Central District
The Influence of Financial Literacy and Environmental on Student Intentions for Social Entrepreneurship
Effect of Debt to Equity Ratio, Current Ratio, Total Assets Turnover, Earning Per Share, Price Earning-Ratio, Sales Growth, and Net Profit Margin on Return on Equity
Herdina, Vina
The Influence of Financial Literacy and Environmental on Student Intentions for Social Entrepreneurship
Herlina, Lina
A Study of Problems Faced by Indonesian Employees at PT. Doosan Jaya Sukabumi in Writing English Business Documents
Hidayat, Erma Susilawati
The Influence of Good Corporate Governance, Free Cash Flow and Leverage Factors on Earnings Management with Audit Quality as Moderating Variable
Hidayati, Nanda
Human Resources Management Review on Netflix
Entrepreneurial Competencies, Competitive Advantage, and Social Enterprise Performance: A Literature Review
Hutabarat, Zoel
The Effect of Service Quality on Perceived Trust Moderated by Digital Technology at PT. Pupuk Indonesia
Iskandar, Yusuf
The Effect of Benchmark, Money Raised, Market Value, and Magnitude of Underpricing Towards Abnormal Return Shares on the Long-Term Performance of Initial Public Offerings in Indonesia
Iskandar, Yusuf
The Effect of the Entrepreneurial Spirit, Entrepreneurial Values Towards Entrepreneurial Behavior, and Their Implications on Business Independence
Iskandar, Yusuf
Strategic Business Development of Polosan Mas Ibing with the Business Model Canvas Approach
Iskandar, Yusuf
Performance Model Based on Market Knowledge, Product Knowledge, and Entrepreneurship Knowledge Case Study on Basic Food SMES in Sukabumi
Iskandar, Yusuf
Entrepreneurial Competencies, Competitive Advantage, and Social Enterprise Performance: A Literature Review
Iskandar, Yusuf
The Influence of Entrepreneurial Characteristics, Operational Strategies, and Marketing Strategies on the Performance of MSMEs in the Preserved Fish Processing Industry in Sukabumi Regency
Iskandar, Yusuf
Millennials’ Development Strategy Agri-Socio-Preneur in West Java
Jaman, Ujang Badru
Distribution of Credit Linkage Program to Cooperatives Facing a Competitive ASEAN Economic Community
Jasuni, Ana Yuliana
Influence of Good Corporate Governance Implementation on Profit Management: A Research Proposal
Jasuni, Ana Yuliana
Millennials’ Development Strategy Agri-Socio-Preneur in West Java
Entrepreneurial Competencies, Competitive Advantage, and Social Enterprise Performance: A Literature Review
Julianto, Ardi
Fraud Analysis of Financial Statements in the Perspective of Fraud Triangle
Juniarso, Andy
Oriflame Company’s Personal Selling and Green Marketing Strategy on Consumer Purchase Interest: A Literature Review
Kaltum, Umi
The Effect of Co-Creation on the Performance of Indonesian Wholesale Carrier Service Companies
Kaltum, Umi
Entrepreneurial Competencies, Competitive Advantage, and Social Enterprise Performance: A Literature Review
Khairunnisa, Widia
Do Inflation, Exchange Rate, Interest Rates, Tourist Visits, Government Spending and Investment Affect Indonesia’s Economic Growth?
Experiential Marketing, Product Diversity, and Location to the Decision to Make a Reservation at Al&Co Coffee Shop
How to Build National Health Insurance: Ethical Views from Several Countries
Kurniaji, Kalfajrin
Analysis Technology Structure Reengineering Towards Quality of Service (Case Study in ITPC Busan)
Experiential Marketing, Product Diversity, and Location to the Decision to Make a Reservation at Al&Co Coffee Shop
Kurniawan, Wahyu Ramdan
The Influence of Good Corporate Governance, Free Cash Flow and Leverage Factors on Earnings Management with Audit Quality as Moderating Variable
Lattu, Arny
Selection of Detergent Product Brands Using the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process Method
Latumeten, John
Distribution of Credit Linkage Program to Cooperatives Facing a Competitive ASEAN Economic Community
Lesmana, Tera
The Influence of Entrepreneurial Characteristics, Operational Strategies, and Marketing Strategies on the Performance of MSMEs in the Preserved Fish Processing Industry in Sukabumi Regency
Lestari, Fitrina
Performance Analysis of Conventional Commercial Banks in Indonesia During the Covid-19 Pandemic (2019-2020)
Maharani, Dwi Putri
Oriflame Company’s Personal Selling and Green Marketing Strategy on Consumer Purchase Interest: A Literature Review
Mara, Kevin
The Effect of Service Quality on Perceived Trust Moderated by Digital Technology at PT. Pupuk Indonesia
Mardianti, Arti
Influence of Liquidity, Profitability, and Leverage on Company Value
Mareta, Fitri
The Influence of Accounting Understanding and Use of Accounting Information Systems on the Quality of Financial Statements
Mareta, Fitri
The Impact of Leadership Style on Seller’s Transfer Price: The Moderating Role of Compensation Scheme
Mareta, Fitri
Effect of Debt to Equity Ratio, Current Ratio, Total Assets Turnover, Earning Per Share, Price Earning-Ratio, Sales Growth, and Net Profit Margin on Return on Equity
Maulana, Agung
The Nexus of International Trade and Inflation on ASEAN-5 Countries’ Economic Growth: The Mediating Role of Exchange Rates
Mirza, Aryan Danil
The Impact of Leadership Style on Seller’s Transfer Price: The Moderating Role of Compensation Scheme
Mooduto, Krishnanda Raditya
Design of Strawberry Fruit Packaging for Agribusiness Small and Medium Enterprises in Cinumpang Village
Mufidah, Vernida
Investment Decision Analysis of LPG Trans-Shipment Project
Mulkanaz, Bobby Primananda
Lease Receivables Information System Design: Case Study on PT. X During the Implementation of Work from Home
Munaf, Dicky R.
Start-Up Raising: Web Development Company Based on Coffee Industry
Munaf, Dicky R.
Business Model Based on Coffee Husk Bioconversion by Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia Illucens) and Agroforestry System in Bandung Regency, West Java
Nidar, Sulaeman Rahman
The Effect of Co-Creation on the Performance of Indonesian Wholesale Carrier Service Companies
Noerhatini, Pathmi
Start-Up Raising: Web Development Company Based on Coffee Industry
Noerhatini, Pathmi
Business Model Based on Coffee Husk Bioconversion by Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia Illucens) and Agroforestry System in Bandung Regency, West Java
Nugroho, Dwiyanjana Santyo
Fraud Hexagon and Fraudulent Financial Statement: Comparison Between OMI and Beneish Model
Nugroho, Sahid Susilo
The Influence of Social Network Attributes, Flows, Trust, and Electronic Word of Mouth on Social Network Users’ Purchase Intentions for Smart Phone Products in Indonesia
Nurdiansari, Ranti
The Effect of Dividend Policy, Debt Policy, and Asset Growth on Firm Value with Managerial Ownership as Moderating Variables
Pan, Wei-Hwa
Examine the Effect of State Ownership on the Relationship Between Internationalization and Technical Efficiency During 2015 ASEAN Economic Community: Evidence from Singapore-Listed Firms
Pan, Wei-Hwa
The Impact of Global Diversification as Growth Corporate Strategy to Performance: An Investigation on Taiwan Electronics Firms
Paulina, Elin
Company Financial Performance Analysis (Case Study at PT Matahari Department Store and PT Ramayana Lestari Sentosa Tbk)
Pertiwi, Endah
Distribution of Credit Linkage Program to Cooperatives Facing a Competitive ASEAN Economic Community
Priyana, Yana
Implementation of President Grants for Micro Business Productive (BPUM) to Increase Productivity of MSMEs Amid Adaptation of New Normal: A Research Proposal