Proceedings of the 2013 International Academic Workshop on Social Science

542 authors
He, Fengbiao
Research on Assessment of Cold Drink Brand Competitiveness in Perspective of Consumers
He, Guo-zhu
A Fast Matching Algorithm with Feature Points Based on NCC
He, Guo-zhu
On Post 90s Undergraduates How to Realize the Change from “Students” to “Learners”
He, Jie
Analysis of Competitiveness and Development Strategy of Rare Earth Industry in Jiangxi Province——Research based on improved "diamond model"
He, Jinzhe
Reform of the Professional Experimental Teaching and Practice of the Students' Quality and Ability Training-Reform of the Professional Experimental Teaching
He, Peiyao
Research about the casting technique of Chu-style bronze tripod
He, Zhongwei
Study on the early-warning platform of dairy industry damage in China
Hlav ová, Barbara
The Use of Internet Communication Forms and Their Quality in the Educational Process in Higher Education
Ho, Chu-Tai
Impact of International Education on Students’ Attitude toward English as Lingua Franca
Hong, Caizhen
Research on Integration and Interaction of Southern Fujian Culture Creative Industry and Quanzhou Tourism
Hong, Jianzhong
The Implicit Aggression of Indirect Bullies and Victims in Chinese Universities in Memory-guided Saccades
Hou, Ling-ling
Ethical Controversy in Embryonic Stem Cell Research and Discussions on Public Policies
Hsieh, Tsuifang
Using Transaction Cost Theory to Evaluate Outsourcing Decision-making in the Tourist Hotel Industry
Hsu, Chen-Chia
Outstanding farmer's learning style
Hu, Hong-gang
Ethical Controversy in Embryonic Stem Cell Research and Discussions on Public Policies
Hu, Huiyong
Extracting interaction effect of cognitive task and unwanted cognitive activity in pre-sleep period
Hu, Lei
Research on Influencing Factors of M&A Performance in China’ Listed Companies——Based on the Perspective of Property
Hu, Mimi
Study on Financing Efficiency of China's cultural Industry
Hu, Min
A Group of Criterions on National Economic Security with Pass-through Model
Hu, Ping
The Comparison of Chinese and American Interpersonal Relationships
Hu, Shou-Zhong
Consumer intention and marketing strategy of the network custom clothing research
Hu, Xuehai
Analysis on Social Management Innovation from the Perspective of Grassroots Democratic System
Hua, Junyi
Analysis of Recognition of the Chinese animation derivatives-- Based on a survey of the audience of different ages
Huang, Chi-Tsung
Exploring service innovation mechanisms of health cloud service: Aperspective ofactivity theory
Huang, He
Evaluation on the citizenization of migrant workers and its spatial differences in Hangzhou
Huang, Qinghua
New Industrialization Development Tendency and Its Level Measure—Empirical Studies of Chongqing Municipality
Huang, Xin
The Feasibility of Trilingual Education Based on Corpus-linguistics
JIANG, Yi-ping
Construct Integrated Teaching System and Cultivate Excellent Engineering Innovative Talents
Ji, Hongen
A Proposed Theoretical Model for Mobile Commerce Acceptance
Jia, Liuzhan
Gender Difference When Predicting the Effect of Procedural Injustice on Collective Action
Jia, Yizheng
Brand Equity Valuation: an Optimized Interbrand Model which is Based on the Consumer Perspective
Jiang, Fangchun
“CDIO-Learn Freely” Bidirectional Teaching Approach Implementation Research
Jiang, Rui
Extracting interaction effect of cognitive task and unwanted cognitive activity in pre-sleep period
Jiang, Rui
Construction of a Questionnaire of the Attitude towards Homosexuality among Chinese College Students
Jiang, Xilong
On Hierarchical Development of Graphic Creative Thinking
Jiang, Yan
Study on Risk Prevention Mechanism of the Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products - Based on the Perspective of Peasant Special Cooperative Organizations
Jiao, Yongbing
A Study of the Impact of Social Media Characteristics on Customer Adoption Intention of Social Media
Jieqi, Wan
Empirical Analysis on Monetary Policy Efficiency in China
Jou, Yung-Tsan
Integrating SOM with K-Means in Taiwan TrainQuali System Performance Assessment
Ke, Linxia
Reflection on the nature of copyright law: rectifying the formalism of the literary copyright
Khodavandloo, Marzieh
The Effects of Price Limits in an Emerging Market:Evidence from the Bursa Malaysia
Kong, Lingwei
Effects of high performance work systems on employee performance: psychological contract breach as mediator
Kontorovich, Tatiana
Selecting the Startup Combined-cycle Power plants Initial Steam Temperatures in Compliance with the High-Pressure Steam Superheater Outlet Headers Heating Conditions
Ku, Hsueh-Ling
Data-Mining Application to Operating Room Service Performance in the Medical Center
LI, Jie
The practical teaching reform of the ideological and political theory course in University based on CDIO
Lan, Chun-Hsiung
Optimal Policy for Deteriorating Items Ramp Type Demand with Shelf Life
Leu, Jen-Der
Data-Mining Application to Operating Room Service Performance in the Medical Center
Levenberg, Ilana
Do Math with me!Enjoy mathematics within family activities
Levenberg, Ilana
New Immigrant Teachers -Social Assimilation Among School Staff
Li, Ang
Practical Development of Non-performing Assets Securitization In China and Other Countries
Li, Chen
A Review Research on Mobile Social Networking Application in Constructing Seamless Learning Space
Li, Chun
Ethical Controversy in Embryonic Stem Cell Research and Discussions on Public Policies
Li, Dan
Study on the Strategy of Young Retirees' Human Resource Development
Li, Dihua
Public Attitudes about Urban Lawns:Social Opportunities Provided by Urban Lawns in Lund, Sweden
Li, Erchao
Early-warning Analysis for Carrying Capacity in Nandaihe International Amusement Centre Based on Fuzzy Inference and Gray Forecasting
Li, Hongchang
Evaluation of the Transportation Resources Allocation Efficiency Based on the Production Frontiers
Li, Hongxin
Study of SME Technology Venture Investment Mechanism
Li, Jian
A Review Research on Mobile Social Networking Application in Constructing Seamless Learning Space
Li, Jiang
Analysis on Current Situation of Beijing Arts and Crafts Industry Exhibition Design
Li, Jiang
Study on the Model of Participation of Students with Major of Art Design in Design Practice Projects of Enterprises
Li, Jiangwei
The Department-based Job Duties Analysis
Li, Jinying
The Metaphorical Cognitive Mechanism of Spatial Dimensional Term “High”
Li, Lingmei
The Influence of Smart-phone Popularity on the Knowledge Gap between Urban & Rural Middle School Students- Research on four middle schools in Chongqing
Li, Lun
Research on the Design and Practice of Climbing Route of Unclimbed Mountain–A Case Study of Ruoni Mountain II
Li, Meixuan
Li, Nan
Computer-assisted Translation Teaching Based on Constructivist Theory
Li, Tie
The Empirical Analysis of the Relationship Between Sports Industry and National Economy
Li, Wei
Faculty Always Not Enough for High Education------Concerns on talents at colleges and universities
Li, Weixue
Study on the development of students’ engineering qualities in engineering physics teaching
Li, Xiaoming
A Study of Relationship between Individual Benefit and Tourism Impact Perceptions for Residents from Historical & Cultural Metropolis of China
Li, Xingguo
Relying on the development zones to promote the development of Hebei coastal areas
Li, Xingguo
Analysis on the Development Strategy of Data Industry in Hebei Coastal Areas——Taking Qinhuangdao Economic and Technological Development Zone as an example
Li, Xuetao
Research on Competitiveness of Automotive Product Innovation in China
Li, Xuetao
Compare Auto- finance Product Pricing Model
Li, Yanru
A Study on Stock Dividend of Chinese Securities Market
Li, Yun
Biological pollution control technology boost ecological civilization construction
Li, Yutang
The Implicit Aggression of Indirect Bullies and Victims in Chinese Universities in Memory-guided Saccades
Li, Zhen-zhen
Consumer intention and marketing strategy of the network custom clothing research
Li, Zheng
Ralationship of Government Agricultural Public GoodsInvestment and Rural Households’ Input
Li, Zheng
The Urban Space Narrated By Guangzhou East Garden As A Fragment
Li, Zhengda
The Impact of EVA Assessment on State-owned Enterprises’ Ability of Innovation
Li, Zhixiang
Mechanism based on social factors student population crisis
Lian, Xiaohui
Mechanism based on social factors student population crisis
Liang, Xu
Strategy Research on Promote Teaching Ability through Quality Course
Liao, Jili
Development and Evaluation of a Web-based Chinese Poetry Learning Support System
Liao, Zhigao
The research of some single-machine scheduling problems
Lin, Chien-Nan
Optimal Policy for Deteriorating Items Ramp Type Demand with Shelf Life
Lin, Hung-Chia
Exploring service innovation mechanisms of health cloud service: Aperspective ofactivity theory
Lin, Wen-Tsann
Integrating SOM with K-Means in Taiwan TrainQuali System Performance Assessment
Lin, Xu-yao
Group Purchase Strategy Research Based on Channel Game
Ling, Min
Research on The Management of Municipal Solid Waste in Harbin City
Liu, Chenshui
Innovational Research on “City Management” Undergraduate Major Cultivating System
Liu, Chuanju
Developmental research of harmonious education thought in a sociological view
Liu, Dan
Chinese College Students’ Competence in Spoken English: Problems and Tactics
Liu, Fang
Study on the early-warning platform of dairy industry damage in China
Liu, Han
New Industrialization Development Tendency and Its Level Measure—Empirical Studies of Chongqing Municipality
Liu, Huagui
Reform of the Professional Experimental Teaching and Practice of the Students' Quality and Ability Training-Reform of the Professional Experimental Teaching
Liu, Jianhui
Scientific Incentive Mechanism of College English Teachers
Liu, Jinling
Computer-assisted Translation Teaching Based on Constructivist Theory
Liu, Jinming
A new model of the evaluation of the quality of students for parallel application based on multivariate analysis