Proceedings of the 2018 International Symposium on Humanities and Social Sciences, Management and Education Engineering (HSSMEE 2018)
156 authors
- Wang, Yong
- Strategy Study on Primary School English Game Teaching
- Wang, Yong
- Innovative Design and Research into the Talent Cultivation Mode of “Level Certification” under School-Enterprise Cooperation
- Wang, Zaidong
- Exploration of Industrialization Road of Folk Dance Fanshanjiaozi
- Wei, Li
- Empirical Study of the Influence Factors of the Servitization Strategy Performance of High-tech Manufacturing Enterprises Based on Industry Classification Data
- Wei, Liwen
- Image Expression and Aesthetic Theory in Hogarth 's Satirical Moralizing Series
- Wu, Qianyu
- Exploring the Way forward for Chinese Creative Design from the Viewpoint of Cybernetics
- Wu, Shangchun
- Study on Chinese Care Service Support System by OECD Database of Children Aged 0 - 6
- Xie, Chengyu
- The Quality Analysis and Exploration of the Examination Papers of Occupational Safety and Health from the Perspective of Empirical Analysis
- Xie, Chengyu
- Exploration and Practice of Teaching Reform of Fire Engineering Course under the New Form of College Teaching Reform
- Xie, Mei-e
- Dual-channel Supply Chain Integration Model Based on Double-helix Stability Structure of DNA Molecules
- Xie, Zheng
- Research on Quantitative Index of MOOC Quality Based on Data
- Xu, Mengshi
- Knowledge Management in PhD Students’ Information Seeking Behaviors
- Yang, Aoshuang
- On the Father-Son Confrontation in Henderson the Rain King
- Yang, Huanxin
- VR Technology and Its Application and Prospect in the Field of University Education Technology
- Yang, Yang
- Postcolonial Uncanny Narrative in Heart of Darkness
- Yang, Yuxi
- Newsprinters: Transformation Amplifies the Original Advantages
- Yang, Zhimei
- Research on the Influence of Self-consciousness on College Students' Interpersonal Relationship
- Yang, Zishuai
- Library Book Recommendation System of Tianjin University of Technology
- Ye, Hui
- Dual-channel Supply Chain Integration Model Based on Double-helix Stability Structure of DNA Molecules
- Ye, Zihao
- Research and Review on the Public Policy Process of Internet Financial Supervision—Taking P2P Online Lending Platform as an Example
- You, Yufeng
- An Exploration of the ‘Eco museum Ideal’ for Living Heritage Management under the Context of Rural Revitalization in China
- Yu, Huimin
- Internet Operators Dominate the Treatment of Food and Drug Rumors--Taking WeChat as an Example
- Yu, Qiutan
- Inquiry into the Permeation of Moral Education in Primary English Teaching
- Yu, Shuangyan
- Internet Operators Dominate the Treatment of Food and Drug Rumors--Taking WeChat as an Example
- Yuan, Shengqi
- Prediction of the Number of Speakers of World Languages by SVR
- Zhan, Yan
- States Fragility Assessment Model Based on Climate Change
- Zhang, Chi
- Unconditional Basic Income’s Prospects in China
- Zhang, Daomiao
- Foot Pressure and Gait Analysis of Children's Shoes
- Zhang, Di
- Hainan’s all-for-one Rural Tourism Development Path Analysis under Public Policy View — Taking Three Villages in Qionghai, Hainan as an Example
- Zhang, Guoran
- Study on the Influencing Factors of Urban Residents' Income in China
- Zhang, Wenjun
- Exploration of Private Information Pricing Structure
- Zhang, Wenjun
- Exploration of Private Information Market Mechanism
- Zhang, Xiaoqiang
- Exploration and Practice of Teaching Reform of Fire Engineering Course under the New Form of College Teaching Reform
- Zhang, Xinyue
- A Foundation of Trust: The Key to China’s Domestic Cosmetic Companies Earning Their Share of the Rapidly Expanding Chinese Cosmetics Industry
- Zhang, Xuemei
- Oil Painting Creation Based on the Subject Matter of Miao Nationality Settlements in Guizhou
- Zhang, Yixin
- Discussion on Financial Analysis Service Based on Big Data
- Zhang, Yuan
- Research on the Sustainable Development of Family Enterprises in China from the Perspective of "Home Culture"
- Zhao, Dongfu
- Review on Operation Management Mode of Urban Underground Utility Tunnel
- Zhao, Huawei
- Utility Function-based Consumption Model under Continuous Time
- Zhao, Pengfei
- The Weighting Algorithms for the Landweber Method in Electromagnetic Tomography
- Zhao, Rudong
- Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Military and Civilian Integration Equipment Maintenance Support Task Distinction
- Zhao, Yongjun
- Research on College Physical Education Curriculum Reform Based on College Students' Health-related Physical Fitness Improvement
- Zheng, Chengcheng
- Research on the Relationship between Financial Insurance and the Real Economy Development
- Zheng, Hui
- Research on the Innovative Teaching Method of Chinese Language and Literature Major under the Open Education Mode
- Zheng, Lele
- Investigation and Research on the Selection of Environmentally Friendly and Recyclable Intelligent Express Delivery Boxes
- Zhou, Guochang
- Research on Quantitative Index of MOOC Quality Based on Data
- Zhou, Jun
- Innovative Design and Research into the Talent Cultivation Mode of “Level Certification” under School-Enterprise Cooperation
- Zhou, Maike
- Research on the Corporate Strategy’s Influence on Enterprise Development
- Zhou, Tingting
- Study on the Construction of Gu Cheng's Isolated City Field
- Zhou, Yi
- How Today’s Libraries Can Help to Address Information Gaps for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises: Li Ka Shing Library as an Example
- Zhou, Yi
- Knowledge Management in PhD Students’ Information Seeking Behaviors
- Zhu, Dunxiang
- Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Military and Civilian Integration Equipment Maintenance Support Task Distinction
- Zhu, Junbo
- Challenge and Countermeasures on Application of Block Chain Technology in Library Decentralization Problem
- Zhu, Peiyu
- Supply Chain Quality Control Model under Symmetric Information
- Zhu, Yuyang
- The Influencing Factors of Labor Force Wages in China-Based on Empirical Analysis of Mincer Wage Equation
- Zou, Wenjue
- Comprehensive Evaluation Model of Garage Design Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process