Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT 2019)
309 authors
- Oztaysi, Basar
- Outlier Detection in Location Based Systems By Using Fuzzy Clustering
- Pal, Priyanka
- On a category of deterministic fuzzy automata
- Palangetić, Marko
- Extension of the Fuzzy Dominance-Based Rough Set Approach Using Ordered Weighted Average Operators
- Palmeira, Eduardo
- e-Operators on the Extension of Lattice-valued (U,N)-implications
- Palmigiano, Alessandra
- Modelling competing theories
- Pantserev, Konstantin
- Artificial Intelligence in the Context of Psychological Security: Theoretical and Practical Implications
- Pascale, Francesco
- Sentiment Analysis in Social Networks: A Methodology Based on the Latent Dirichlet Allocation Approach
- Paseka, Jan
- Nuclei and conuclei on Girard posets
- Pashentsev, Evgeny
- Artificial Intelligence in the Context of Psychological Security: Theoretical and Practical Implications
- Patel, Himanshukumar
- Fault Tolerant Control Design Based on Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Logic: Application to a Three-Tank System
- Patel, Himanshukumar
- Design of Interval Type 2 Fuzzy Fault-Tolerant Controller for a Non-Minimum Phase System: Application to quadruple conical tank system
- Pecori, Riccardo
- Incremental Learning of Fuzzy Decision Trees for Streaming Data Classification
- Peláez-Moreno, Carmen
- Formal Equivalence Analysis
- Pereira Dimuro, Graçaliz
- Aggregation functions based on the Choquet integral applied to image resizing
- Pereira-Fariña, Martín
- Content Determination for Natural Language Descriptions of Predictive Bayesian Networks
- Perez, Ignacio J.
- Extracting group decision making experts' preferences from debate transcriptions using sentiment analysis
- Perfilieva, Irina
- On the relationship between L-fuzzifying approximation spaces and L-fuzzifying pretopological spaces
- Perfilieva, Irina
- Dimensionality Reduction and Its F-Transform Representation
- Petrović, Bratislav
- Forecasting Cryptocurrency Time Series Using Fuzzy Transform, Fourier Transform and Fuzzy Inference System
- Petrović, Bratislav
- Interpolative Boolean Algebra for Generalizations of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets
- Pilla, Mauricio
- Towards Memory Access Optimization in Quantum Computing
- Pilla, Mauricio
- Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Approach for Overloaded Hosts in Consolidation of Virtual Machines in Cloud Computing
- Poledica, Ana
- Logical clustering approach for analysing digital economy and society performance of countries
- Poledica, Ana
- Forecasting Cryptocurrency Time Series Using Fuzzy Transform, Fourier Transform and Fuzzy Inference System
- Porto, Alisson
- Granular Evolving Min-Max Fuzzy Modeling
- Prats-Domínguez, Nuria
- Vascular Network Analysis with Manual and Automatic Segmentation Using Fuzzy Mathematical Morphology
- Pérez-Fernández, Raúl
- A preliminary inquiry into the aggregation of compositional data
- Rakićević, Aleksandar
- Logical clustering approach for analysing digital economy and society performance of countries
- Rakićević, Jovana
- Logical clustering approach for analysing digital economy and society performance of countries
- Recasens, Jordi
- Characterizing Positive Definite Matrices with t-norms
- Reisen, Renata
- Towards Memory Access Optimization in Quantum Computing
- Reiser, Renata
- Typical Hesitant Fuzzy Sets: Evaluating Strategies in GDM Applying Consensus Measures
- Reiser, Renata
- Study on n-Dimensional R-implications
- Reiser, Renata
- Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Approach for Overloaded Hosts in Consolidation of Virtual Machines in Cloud Computing
- Rodríguez, Rosa M.
- An Adaptive Consensus Reaching Process Dealing with Comparative Linguistic Expressions in Large-scale Group Decision Making
- Romaniuk, Maciej
- Flexible bootstrap based on the canonical representation of fuzzy numbers
- Romero, Francisco P.
- Computing Sentiment Analysis through Aspect-based fuzzy Aggregations
- Rovetta, Stefano
- Emotion recognition from speech signal using fuzzy clustering
- Rozenberg, Igor
- Algorithm for Finding Domination Set in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Graph
- Ruiz, M. Dolores
- A comparative analysis of tools for visualizing association rules: A proposal for visualising fuzzy association rules
- Rutkowska, Aleksandra
- Experton approach to vague information in portfolio selection problem with many views
- Saenz-Perez, Fernando
- WordNet and Prolog: why not?
- Sanchez, Daniel
- Free Mechanical Vibrations Models via p-fuzzy Systems
- Sanchez, Luciano
- Graphical analysis of the progression of atrial arrhythmia through an ensemble of Generative Adversarial Network Discriminators
- Santaniello, Domenico
- Sentiment Analysis in Social Networks: A Methodology Based on the Latent Dirichlet Allocation Approach
- Santos, Helida
- Typical Hesitant Fuzzy Sets: Evaluating Strategies in GDM Applying Consensus Measures
- Santos, Helida
- Aggregation functions based on the Choquet integral applied to image resizing
- Schick, Leonardo
- Merging Clusters in Summary Structures for Data Stream Mining based on Fuzzy Similarity Measures
- Schneider, Guilherme
- Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Approach for Overloaded Hosts in Consolidation of Virtual Machines in Cloud Computing
- Schwensfeier, Tony
- Fuzzy Multiset Clustering for Metagame Analysis
- Serrano-Guerrero, Jesus
- Computing Sentiment Analysis through Aspect-based fuzzy Aggregations
- Shah, Vipul
- Fault Tolerant Control Design Based on Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Logic: Application to a Three-Tank System
- Shah, Vipul
- Design of Interval Type 2 Fuzzy Fault-Tolerant Controller for a Non-Minimum Phase System: Application to quadruple conical tank system
- Simons, Monique
- Fuzzy modeling to 'understand' personal preferences of mHealth users: a case study
- Singh, Anand Pratap
- On LM-valued F-transforms and LM-valued fuzzy rough sets
- Singh, Anand Pratap
- On the relationship between L-fuzzifying approximation spaces and L-fuzzifying pretopological spaces
- Singh, Shailendra
- On L-fuzzy partitioned automata
- Smolev, Vladimir
- Application of Non-additive Measures and Integrals for Analysis of the Importance of Party Positions for Voting
- Smrek, Peter
- Generalized deviation functions and construction of aggregation functions
- Sostak, Alexander
- Many-level fuzzy rough approximation spaces induced by many-level fuzzy preorders and the related ditopological structures
- Sostak, Alexander
- Some remarks on topological structures in the context of fuzzy relational mathematical morphology
- Stachowiak, Anna
- Uncertainty-aware similarity measures – properties and construction method
- Stupnanova, Andrea
- Generalized deviation functions and construction of aggregation functions
- Su, Yong
- Cross-migrative commutative aggregation functions with respect to Archimedean triangular norms
- Sussner, Peter
- Numerical Solution for Lotka-Volterra Model of Oscillating Chemical Reactions with Interactive Fuzzy Initial Conditions
- Sussner, Peter
- An Approach Towards Image Edge Detection Based on Interval-Valued Fuzzy Mathematical Morphology and Admissible Orders
- Suvorova, Alena
- Prediction quality of Bayesian belief network model for risky behavior: comparison of subsamples with different rates
- Szmidt, Eulalia
- A New Method for Attributes Selection in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Models
- Słowiński, Roman
- Extension of the Fuzzy Dominance-Based Rough Set Approach Using Ordered Weighted Average Operators
- Tanscheit, Ricardo
- Automatic Generation of a Type-2 Fuzzy System for Time Series Forecast based on Genetic Programming
- Tatsumi, Keiji
- Scalarization for Approximate Multiobjective Multiclass Support Vector Machine Using the Large-k Norm
- Tiwari, S.P.
- On a category of deterministic fuzzy automata
- Tiwari, S.P.
- On L-fuzzy partitioned automata
- Tiwari, S.P.
- On LM-valued F-transforms and LM-valued fuzzy rough sets
- Tiwari, S.P.
- On fuzzy approximation operators and fuzzy transformation systems
- Tripathi, Abha
- On LM-valued F-transforms and LM-valued fuzzy rough sets
- Tulupyev, Alexander
- Prediction quality of Bayesian belief network model for risky behavior: comparison of subsamples with different rates
- Tyshchenko, Oleksii
- Analysis of privacy profiles applying fuzzy clustering techniques
- Uljane, Ingrida
- Many-level fuzzy rough approximation spaces induced by many-level fuzzy preorders and the related ditopological structures
- Uljane, Ingrida
- Some remarks on topological structures in the context of fuzzy relational mathematical morphology
- Unold, Martin
- Modeling CDC in a fuzzy description logic A comparison of different approaches
- Ureña, Raquel
- Personalized Linguistic Information: A Framework of Granular Computing
- Uztürk, Deniz
- 2-Tuple Linguistic Integrated Group Decision Making Methodology for E-Commerce Strategy Selection
- Valverde Albacete, Francisco José
- Formal Equivalence Analysis
- Van Den Berg, Pauline
- Fuzzy modeling to 'understand' personal preferences of mHealth users: a case study
- Van Gorp, Pieter
- Fuzzy modeling to 'understand' personal preferences of mHealth users: a case study
- Vellasco, Marley
- Automatic Generation of a Type-2 Fuzzy System for Time Series Forecast based on Genetic Programming
- Vetterlein, Thomas
- Orthogonality spaces allowing gradual transitions
- Villarino, Guillermo
- A new approach to Color Edge Detection
- Wasques, Vinícius
- Numerical Solution for Lotka-Volterra Model of Oscillating Chemical Reactions with Interactive Fuzzy Initial Conditions
- Wei, Qiang
- Modeling Implicit Feedback and Latent Visual Features for Machine-Learning Based Recommendation
- Wijnberg, Nachoem
- Modelling competing theories
- Yamin, Adenauer
- Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Approach for Overloaded Hosts in Consolidation of Virtual Machines in Cloud Computing
- Yarushkina, Nadezhda G.
- An approach to vocabulary expansion for neural network language model by means of hierarchical clustering
- Yazenin, Alexandr
- On the problem of possibilistic-probabilistic optimization with constraints on possibility/probability in the case of the weakest t-norm
- Yazici, Adnan
- Fuzzy Semantic Web Architecture for Activity Detection in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network Applications
- Yu, Wenyu
- Evaluating Collaboration Ability of R&D Team Members: A Multi-Granular Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Approach
- Zanotelli, Rosana
- Study on n-Dimensional R-implications
- Zedam, Lemnaouar
- Transitivity properties of ternary fuzzy relations
- Zhang, Zhen
- Evaluating Collaboration Ability of R&D Team Members: A Multi-Granular Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Approach