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188734 articles

The Effect of PBL and DRTA on Critical Thinking and Reading Comprehension to Students in Elementary School

Arief Cahyo Utomo, Kastam Syamsi
This research aims to know the difference in effectiveness between the PBL and DRTA in terms of critical thinking and reading comprehension in elementary school. This study is a quasi experiment research. The subject of research is the elementary school students. The instruments used were the utilization...

Encouraging Students to Create their ESP Course Design Using Project-Based Instruction

Rida Wahyuningrum
This paper presents some steps of teaching EFL students to create an ESP course design in their ESP class by applying a project-based instruction (PBI). This study was conducted due to the background of the students’ low achievement in understanding ESP subject. The purpose was that by using PBI students...

Cultural Acculturation of The Villagers in Desa Pegayaman Buleleng Bali

Suzy Azeharie
Bali Islands has long been known as a tourism destination in Indonesia. A unique thing in the island is the majority of its population embraced Hinduism as their main religion. However, in the society whose religion is mostly Hinduism, the residents who live in Desa Pegayaman, Sukasada, Buleleng District...
Proceedings Article

Diversify House Heating Mode Comparison and Optimization in Northern China

Shudong Zhang, Jingyan Xuan, Han Song, Yan Zhang, Chengri Jin, Dongzhu Yan
The air pollution caused by coal-fired heating in the northern cities is again attracting attention. As a new type of heating mode, electric heating enters people's view. In order to make the public understand the characteristics of electric heating, this paper firstly analyzes the technical scheme of...

Local Wisdom of Kampung Naga in Mitigating Disaster

Enok Maryani, Anna Permanasari
Indonesia is a multi-islands, multi-ethnics and multi-disasters country. Each etnic has a set of culture which is adapted into its environment, including in anticipating the pontential disaster around its area. Local wisdom, in the form of life philosophy, attitude, and behavior guidance, will help the...
Proceedings Article

The Theory of Complexity : A New Opportunity to Optimize Green Energy Approaches for Achieving Sustainable Development

Agustinus Djoko Istiadji, Gagoek Hardiman, Prasasto Satwiko
The worse impact of climate change on the life system shows that the implementation of Sustainable Development method has not been optimal yet. For more than two decades, environmentalists have adopted Green Building approach to achieve energy efficiency, resource conservation, highperformance design,...

The Effectiveness of Industrial Work Practice in Preparing the Capabilities of Students to Enter the Business, Industrial World (DUDI) and Industrial Revolution 4.0

Waras Kamdi, Diana Mulya Dewi
Industrial Work Practice or Field Practice is a school project which combines systematically and synchronously between education programs implemented in the school and in companies through work experiences in the workplace to achieve a professional skill level. A problem which likely occurs in the implementation...

Development Of Money Market Media For Counting And Knowing Currency Class III Primary School

Riza Permadi, Desi Bella Putri, Hidar Amaruddin, Wiwi Isnaeni
This study aims to: 1) Develop Money Market media to facilitate students in counting and knowing currency class III primary school, 2) Knowing the feasibility of Money Market counting and knowing currency class III primary school that have been developed. This research is a type of research and development...

The Potentials of Gamelan as Education Tourism Media in Surakarta

Suryo Ediyono, Setyo Budi, Sahid Teguh Widodo
Gamelan is a type of traditional Javanese musical instrument that has existed since hundreds of years ago. This traditional Javanese musical instrument is increasingly in demand and studied by world musicians as an art of classical music. The specific purpose of this research is to know the potential...

Mice Tourism Development Strategy: Makassar City

Nasrullah, Usman Rendra, Moh. Hatta, Erna Cahyani, Irfan Palippui
This paper explores the applicability of MICE tourism development strategy. To plan and implement this, different management and decision making tools were used including literature study, surveys and interviews as well as SWOT analysis. A series of interviews was conducted in order to identify actions...

Implementation Character Education through School Culture

Nurazizah Nurazizah, Cicih Sutarsih
Character Education teaches habits of ways of thinking and behavior that help individuals to live and work together as family, community and state and help them to make accountable decisions. This study aims to determine the implementation of character education through school culture in the formation...

Mother Perception of Toilet Training in Toddler

Dian Nur Andriani Eka Setiawati, Dian Putriana
The development of toddler is very important to be noticed by a mother, because when the transition phase occurs the children, learn to regulate and control themselves in doing poop and pee, therefore in this phase toilet training is very important to be implemented. A mother's perception has a very...
Proceedings Article

Research on Detection Methods of Steel Defects Based on Modal Analysis

Yu’e Yang, Yizheng Zhang, Dong Zhao, Yantao An
Steel is used in construction, Bridges, ships, boilers and other projects on the metal structure, or is used in the manufacture of machinery and equipment parts, which can produce defects such as corrosion and crack due to the effect of load and environment. In order to ensure the healthy use of steel,...

The Ideology in "Culture, Education, and Intellectual Life?" a Book Chapter by Vltchek: A political discourse analysis

Aliya Izet Begovic Yahya, Ratna Dewanti, Siti Drivoka Sulistyaningrum
Political literacy is one of the global literacy that requires understanding of one's ideology. The purpose of this research is to investigate the ideology represented a book chapter by Vltchek entitled "Indonesia: Archipelago of Fear". Drawing on Fariclough’s 3D approach to CDA, this study found that...

Management of Hazardous and Toxic Waste: A legal study of environmental health of fish and shrimp feed Industry in PT Suri Tani Pemuka Cirebon West Java Indonesia

Ayih Sutarih, Junaedi Junaedi, M. Fadri Al Baehaqi
Toxic and hazardous waste is leftovers as a result of industrial activities, which contain substances, energy, and / or other components which due to their nature, concentration and / or amounts can threaten, pollute, damage and / or endanger health and the environment. The threat actualization contradicts...

Islamic Work Ethics Implementation in Islamic Bank

Nurfahmiyati Nurfahmiyati, Allya Roosallyn A, Westi Riani
People’s believes that forms the aqidah relating to work may affects the optimal performance of individuals in the organization. Previous researches state that well-implemented Islamic work ethics has a direct and positive influence on various dimension of attitudes in organizational change and individual...

Psychological well-being and workplace relations gaps on generational differences

Norse Indraswati Ardiansyah, Noviaty Kresna Darmasetiawan
This research is done to gain a picture of relationships and communications between staffs and higher-ups, problems that arise in workplace, the problem-solving connected with the generational differences and effects on psychological well-being. Gaps in work relation due to generational differences if...

Study on Translation of Visceral Manifestation Terminologies Under the Guidance of Skopos Theory

Hongling Que
Nowadays, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has gotten a wide range of attention. As visceral manifestation is an important component of TCM, many scholars research the translation of visceral manifestation terminologies. Under the guidance of Skopos theory, this paper explores translation of visceral...

Challenges and Opportunities of E-government in Big Data Era

Naili Liu, Lei Ma
Big data is affecting our work, life, even economy and society. Nowadays, with the development of big data, big data not only provides opportunities for the development of e-government but also brings challenges to the development of e-government. This paper summarizes the impact of big data and opportunities...
Proceedings Article

Fano Resonances from Quadrupole-dipole Split Mode Interference in Photonic Crystal Waveguide-single-cavity Structure

Yin-bing An, Tao Fu, Zheng-biao Ouyang
In this paper, a waveguide-single-cavity structure in a square-lattice photonic crystal is proposed to generate Fano resonances by the interference of two split modes in the structure with a rectangle defect column in the cavity. Through analyzing the band map of the modes in the bandgap region, Fano...

The Curriculum Model for Inclusion Schools for Gifted and Talented Based on Psychosocial and Emotional Intelligence Abilities

Iqbal Fahri, Achmad Hufad, Didi Tarsidi, Imas Diana Aprilia
This article proposes an inclusive school curriculum model that is able to identify intelligence and talent, social-emotional problems, and student learning disabilities through a school-based psycho-social approach and the development of an emotional intelligence training program to develop the emotional...
Proceedings Article

Detecting SQL Injection Attacks based on Text Analysis

Lu Yu, Senlin Luo, Limin Pan
SQL injection attacks have been a major security threat to web applications for many years. Detection of SQL injection attacks has been a great challenge to researchers due to its diversity and complexity. In this paper, we present a novel approach to detect SQL injection attacks based on text analysis....

Taking Advantage From The Increased Construction Liberalization Under Akfta To Indonesia’s Economic Growth

M. Fawaiq M. Fawaiq, K. Jati K. Jati, A. Mardiansyah A. Mardiansyah, Herlitah Herlitah
The purpose of this study is to measure the impact of the increased liberalization level of construction services under AKFTA on the Indonesian economy and on the performance of the construction service sector. The method used in this research is CGE with processing data through GTAP simulation. The...

Interpretation and Application of the “Equal Conditions” for Shareholder’s Preemptive Right in Limited Liability Companies

Zhuoyi Gui
The “equal conditions” clauses in the Company Law not only guarantee the transfer of shareholders’ right to freely dispose of property and the economic benefits obtained therefrom without substantial damage, but balance the interests among a company’s shareholders. As for the standards and specific content...

Social Movement and Kebaya Design Trends in the Borderless World

Tan Paulina Candra Agista, Faruk, Suzie Handajani
Kebaya as a form of Indonesian female clothes has experienced big changes in its looks. Contestation has happened between the traditional kebaya and the modern one since fashionable kebaya was introduced by an Indonesian kebaya designer, Anne Avantie. By considering the cultural practices and preferences...

Analysis on the Way of Promoting Accurate Poverty Alleviation in Tobacco Leaves Growing in Yunnan Province

Shen Shen
Yunnan is an agricultural province, whose task of poverty alleviation is arduous. The cultivation of tobacco leaves is an important source of farmers' income in most areas and has gradually become an important means for farmers to get rid of poverty and become rich. Based on the situation in Yunnan province,...

Disney's Glocalization in Shanghai: the emotional branding strategy

Yuan Wenjie
This paper applies the emotional branding strategy to analyze Shanghai Disneyland's successful adaption in China. After Paris and Hong Kong Disneyland all hard to make decent profits for years, Disney executives attempted to take new branding strategy to create emotional attachments to the brand. This...

Testing the Monday Effect in the Banking Sector in Indonesia Stock Exchange

Agus Arman, Dwi Ayu Lestari
Calendar anomalies are one of the market anomalies that disrupt the efficient market hypothesis. Based on studies of calendar anomalies carried out in several capital markets in the world prove the existence of irregularities in seasonal return (day of the week effect) and monthly (month of the year...
Proceedings Article

Multi-Criteria Optimization of the Heat Energy Sources Structure

Olga Edeleva, Valeriy Stennikov
In the article multi-criteria problem of optimization of heat energy sources is formulated, which provides reliable and safe heat supply to consumers with minimal impact of heat supply facilities on the environment. There are two stages of its solution. Firstly, via decomposition method the problem is...

Research on the Value and Realization Path of Developing Key Competences in Physical Education from an International Perspective

Yixuan Cen
Against the background of the world and the international practice in physical education, the current research explores into the values connotation and realization path of developing key competences in physical education from the perspectives of integration degree, ways of interaction, development of...

Is Internship Program Impact Career Development Perception? Empirical Study on “SGU” Hospitality Students

Adelia Samantha Sabirin, Munawaroh, Robert La Are
The impact of internship towards career development is the main objective of this research. This study aims to find what impact perceived by students during internship that can influence their career development This study is limited for Swiss German University student majoring in Hotel and Tourism Management....
Proceedings Article

Dual-layer flexible THz metamaterial realization of electromagnetically induced transparency and absorption

Yonggang Zhang
Terahertz electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) metamaterial based on the dual layered resonator array was fabricated on flexible polyimide films using photolithography technique. The samples were measured by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS). The reflectance and absorption of the...
Proceedings Article

Determinants of Paddy Fields Conversion in Java Island, Indonesia

Edmon Daris, Iwan Aminudin, Adhitya Feriansyah
Rice is a main staple food of Indonesia. Availability of rice is not separated from Java island as the largest rice supplier in Indonesia. Almost 52% of Indonesia's rice production is produced on the Java island. However, production growth is only 0,7% given the increasing number of people. One of the...
Proceedings Article

Design of Feedback Variable Rate Spraying System Based on ARM

Bing Ji, Bo Zhao, Yashuo Li, Yanwei Yuan, Xin Dong
In order to realize variable rate spraying and ensure the spraying effect, a set of feedback variable spraying control system based on ARM was designed. The system takes the vehicular ARM controller as the core and adopts Linux operating system to obtain the information such as vehicle speed, liquid...

Column Carving Art in Ancient Huizhou Architecture

Li Feng
Unlike column base wood, furniture, porcelain, people today can add color or decoration Home Furnishing at home and admire. Unlike wood, furniture, porcelain, people today can add color or decoration Home Furnishing at home and admire. Stone plinth in modern life for the villagers have no practical significance,...

Moderating Role of Psychological Capital on Relationship between Work-Family Conflict and Job Satisfaction among Working Mothers

Devy Fitria Rahmatika, Endang Parahyanti
This study aimed to prove whether work-family conflict (work interfering with family/WIF and family interfering with work/FIW) negatively related to job satisfaction and whether family supportive supervisor behavior as a moderator, could weaken the negative relationship between work-family conflict (WIF...

Parikan in Ludruk's Kidungan (An Ethnolinguistics Study)

Ermi Dyah Kurnia, Setyangga Achmad Ferdianto
Ludruk is one of the traditional arts in East Java. In ludruk, there is a unique song (kidungan), and it is accompanied by the Jula-juli song. This song is in the form of parikan. Social, political, economic, and cultural issues are portrayed in ludruk through satire, criticism, humor, and more human...
Proceedings Article

Digital and organizational transformation of the educational process

Tatyana Leybert, Elvira Khalikov
The digital transformation of the Russian economy is becoming one of the areas of strategic development of companies. In this regard, approaches to assessing the knowledge and skills that a modern employee must meet are changing. In this regard, there is a need for the formation of a new model of human...

Promoting Course Teaching Level of "Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation" Specialty Based on ABET Concepts

Liangwen Wang, Hongwei Li, Wenliao Du, Fannian Meng, Guizhong Xie
In order to build the characteristic specialty of “mechanical design, manufacturing and automation” in Zhengzhou University of Light Industry a Chinese first-class major, based on the valuable experience in some American universities, the ABET (American engineering and technology certification commission)...
Proceedings Article

Determining National Road Performance and Sustainability Indicators

Yoga Pradana, Tri Joko Wahyu Adi, Herry Budianto
This study aims to determine factors influencing performance assessment of road infrastructure and design proposals for non-toll road performance and sustainability assessment models. As of now, the existing assessment is limited to the construction of new roads and road improvements. It also still needs...

Blended Learning Approach Implementation: Pre-service English Teachers’ Perception

Rizki Farani
The purpose of this study is to investigate pre-service English teachers’ perception about blended learning approach to support them in developing instructional design for English subject. The participants of this study were 2 pre-service English teachers from Teaching Reading and Writing course. In...

Profit: A Denotation and Connotation Meaning in Rolland Barthes Perspective

Sulis Rochayatun, Fitriya Andriyani
The purpose of this study is to find out how accountants and non-accountants interpret earnings, and what the reality behind the interpretation. A reality in the accounting profession and students of SMK Akuntansi establish a perception that profit is matching between income and expense (syntactic)....

Leaders and financial risks in small and medium enterprises

Mihaela Simionescu, Aleksander Kozharinov
This paper focuses on the issue of leaders and financial risks in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Business leaders who are often the managers or owners of small enterprises are the first to face the risk and to suffer most severely from their outcomes. Thence, they need to be aware of all possible...
Proceedings Article

The Main Factors that Affect Pilot Attention and Decision Making During Landing Operation Leading to Runway Incursion

Hastawati Chrisna Suroso, Chindy Elsanna Revadi
A runway incursion is a problem which rare to happen but has a great impact while happening. According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), there are three categories that caused runway incursion: Operational error, Pilot deviation, Vehicle/Pedestrian deviation. The major caused is pilot deviation...

Learning Community Construction of Higher Vocational Colleges Based on the Teaching Time and Space Construction

Yongbo Lai, Hui Yan
In view of the Chinese education informationization 2.0 action, this paper developed a kind of class learning community of the Chinese higher vocational education by teaching time and space integrating construction. Namely, in the limited class teaching time and space, this paper designed the teaching...

The Quality of Family Communication as a Factor in Psychography, a Sense of Responsibility and Good Media Consumption Patterns for Children

Irine Rachmitasari
The family is a blood ties uniting the image which is based, formed and maintained through communication. The relationship between mass media and family communication has high and complex interdependence. Family can be arranged, structured and defined partly by mass media, especially television. Many...

Big Data and the Revolution of Political Campaign in Indonesia

Dani Fadillah, Luo Zhenglin, Dong Hao
This paper aims to explain how the development of BIG data as such as the development of technology affects many things in human life, including politics. This research using the library research method is to use several sources of the library looking for some things that can explain the effect produced...

Digital economy and retail competitiveness

N.S. Necheukhina, T.I. Buyanova, O.V. Mustafina
The article presents the results of a study that determine the need for the widespread introduction of innovations in the practice of accounting and analytical work for economic entities in retail trade. This is due to the general trend of the digital economy and related innovations. The relevance of...

Study on the Layered and Mobile English Teaching Mode in Senior High School under the New College Entrance Examination Background

Qian Luo
The Implementation Opinions on Deepening the Implementation of the Reform of the Entrance Examination System reforms the scheme of College Entrance enrollment on English subject, which brings unprecedented Opportunities and challenges to English teaching in senior high school. Based on the theories of...

The Study of Online Lecturing Implementation in Improving Skills of Early Childhood Teacher in Handling Children with Special Needs

Ana Rafikayati, Lutfi Isni Badiah, Mr Mudhar
The purpose of this research was to describe the implementation of online lecturing in improving skills of early childhood teacher in handling children with special needs in Sidoarjo. This research used qualitative approach with descriptive qualitative type. Research subject in this study was 20 early...