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188759 articles

Mathematics Learning with MMP Development

Jumiati Siska, Hadiwinarto
In this study, researchers used the Missouri Mathematics Project (MMP) method which was developed through technology. In general, MMP uses 5 stages using time in each process, namely Review (10 min), Development (35 min), Control Exercise (20 min), Seat Work (15 min) and Assignment (5 min). This method...

The Translation Strategies of Korean Idiomatic Expressions in the Going Seventeen Variety Show

Didin Samsudin, Rastya Ismatriyana
Translation is a process of transferring the meaning as well as the culture contained in the source language (SL) to the target language (TL). An appropriate translation strategy is needed to translate the SL correctly, especially when translating culture-specific items, such as idioms. This research...

The Effect of Dividend Policy, Profitability, and Leverage on Share Price Volatility of Service Sector Enterprise Indexed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange During 2015–2019

Shieryn Fiorenza, Liliana Inggrit Wijaya, Bertha Silvia Sutejo
This research analyzes the effect of dividend payout ratio, dividend yield, earnings volatility, and debt-to-equity ratio on share price volatility in service sector enterprise indexed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the 2015–2019 period. This study used a quantitative approach with multiple linear...

Design and Development of Cultural and Creative Products in Jiujiang Museum

Hong Zhang
In recent years, the public has developed a strong interest in visiting museums, and the museum tourism boom is gradually rising in major cities in China. Under this background, museums have changed their previous academic attitude and become closer to the needs of the public. Various forms of museum...
Proceedings Article

Real Time Detection of Drivers’ Smoking Behavior Using the Improved YOLO-V4 Model

Kaixin Zhao
Drivers’ smoking behavior is one of the causes of traffic accidents. The traditional sensor-based smoking detection methods are expensive. Therefore, the method based on deep learning is used for smoking detection. However, due to the limitation of GPU computing hardware, deep learning detection algorithm...
Proceedings Article

Research on Location Strategy of Service Enterprises Entering Saturated Market

-Take Wuhan Sexy Tea Shop as An Example

Yan Li, Wencan Wu, Keqiang Wang, Jing Huang
With the increasing proportion of the service industry in economic contribution and the increasingly fierce competition among service enterprises, the location strategy will be an important part of the overall enterprise strategy if it wants to survive and develop in the saturated market. This paper...
Proceedings Article

App development in a team sports: A Systematic Literature Review

Muhammad Irvan Eva Salafi, Fauzi Fauzi, Siswantoyo Siswantoyo, Danang Wicaksono
This study aims to conduct a systematic review and a survey in an exemplary academic setting to assess the present state of app development in a sports game along with the following research questions: (Q1) Are software engineering principles well understood in sports game app development? (Q2) Is the...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Influence of Live Streaming E-commerce on Consumers’ Impulsive Purchasing Behavior

Yuanyuan Wen, Hongyuan Wen
Compared with traditional e-commerce, live streaming e-commerce has the dual characteristics of commodity circulation channels and shopping scenes, bringing consumers better shopping experience and achieving sales transformation. Based on S-O-R model, this work constructs a research model of consumers’...

Implementation of Vocational Education and Training Models for Construction Workers

Lilis Widaningsih, Indah Susanti, Yudhistira Kusuma, Aldissain Jurizat, Try Ramadhan, Fauzi Rahmannullah
Skills education and training for construction workers in Indonesia still encounter many difficulties in its implementation. On the other hand, cultural and technological developments in the construction of physical infrastructure require an acceleration of the skills of construction workers. This paper...
Proceedings Article

The Opportunity for Utilizing Low Economic Fish in the Fishing Port

Ririn Irnawati, Mustahal, Dini Surilayani, Hery Sutrawan Nurdin, Adi Susanto, Rifki Prayoga Aditia
The increasing population and rising living standards are expected to contribute to higher demand for animal-derived high-quality protein, primarily from fish. Capture fisheries have become a leading sector that supplies fish production for human consumption and fish processing industries. As the center...

Development of Non-test Learning Instrument Media Based on TikTok Application in the Literary Expression Course

Fina Hiasa, Emi Agustina, Wisman, Fitra Youpika
This development research aims to produce a non-test instrument in the form of a questionnaire which will later be used to test the feasibility of learning media based on TikTok application in the Literary Expression course. The research method used in this research is Research and Development (R&D)...

Design of Social Anxiety Measurement Tools for User of Social Media

Nur Sholehah Dian Saputri, Rita Eka Izzaty, Eka Aryani
Users of social media experience both positive and negative effects. Social anxiety is one of the unfavorable outcomes. Social anxiety among social users manifests as feelings of shame and withdrawal as a result of social engagement processes. In order to assist guidance and counseling teachers in overcoming...
Proceedings Article

A Review of Brain MRI Image Enhancement Techniques

Raghu Amgothu
An important step in analyzing information about brain images is image processing. Electromagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images constitute essential details that the clinicians need to detect disease and make the suitable treatment. To improve the quality of the input images, image preprocessing is...
Proceedings Article

The Small Farms Resource and Innovation Center (SFRIC): A One-Stop Shop to Support Farmers and Rural Communities in North Carolina

Gregory D. Goins, Mark W. Blevins
The work of SFRIC will include disseminating information on farming best practices, farm management and the use of technology in farming, offering help and advice to small farmers in securing loans and developing new microloan funding models, establishing a small farms database to implement data-driven...

Promotive, Preventive, Curative, and Rehabilitative Services in Preventing and Overcoming HIV-AIDS During and Post-covid-19 Pandemic in Surakarta, Indonesia

Argyo Demartoto
The increase in HIV-AIDS case number in Indonesia, including Surakarta, during Covid-19 pandemic makes the public’s social, economic, and health conditions harder. This research studies healthcare services in preventing and overcoming HIV-AIDS during and post-Covid-19 pandemic in Surakarta, Indonesia....

Pentahelix-“An Ecotourism Marketing Application” Focuses on the Development of Mobile Application Platform Based on Android and IOS

Dwi Asri Siti Ambarwati, Dorothy RH. Pandjaitan, Lidya Ayuni Putri
Tourism in general plays a vital role in the development of a region. In addition, tourism is also a priority sector for the Indonesian government to help the country’s economic growth. This is because tourism has contributed quite a lot. The contribution of the tourism sector plays an important role...
Proceedings Article

Risk Analysis of Dry Land Rice Production on the Impact of Climate Change and Weather

Indra Tjahaja Amir, Nisa Hafi Idhoh Fitriana, Eka Mulyana
Food crops are highly dependent on climatic conditions, because food crops, especially annual crops, are closely related to excess or lack of water. Demanding district is included in dryland agriculture where the availability of water depends on rain and pumps from the nearest river. The study aims a)...
Proceedings Article

Stock Price Forecast: Comparison of LSTM, HMM, and Transformer

Qianzhun Wang, Yingqing Yuan
With the development of deep learning, different kinds of neural network models are applied to the analysis and prediction of time series data. In the field of finance, deep learning models are widely used to forecast the stock market, which is an integration of technical data that can directly provide...

Improving Civic Intelligence Through Citizenship Education Based on Digital Literature Curriculum

Dinda Nurul Aini
The writing of this article contains a theoretical study of how learning Citizenship Education based on the digital literacy curriculum which is the Indonesian government’s program, “Indonesia Makin Cakap Digital” can increase the civic intelligence of students, especially young citizens who use digital....
Proceedings Article

Research on Insurance Regulation under the Background of InsurTech

Zhenlong Ma, Jie Liu
In order to realize the digital transformation of China's insurance industry, it is necessary to consider that the booming development of insurance technology brings technical risks, data and information security risks and even induces systemic risks, forcing regulators to conduct in-depth research...

Evaluation of Tourism Business Activities and Multi-sectoral Income Optimization: Case in Pagaralam City, South Sumatra

Jovan Febriantoko, Desi Indriasari, M. Sang Gumilar Panca Putra, Rio Marpen
The motivation behind this assessment study was to learn the variables that assistance or block the enhancement of nearby income in the travel industry area, both formal and casual, in Pagaralam City by deciding the utilization of room and the spatial construction of the district. This study is significant...

The Teaching Design and Practice of VBSE Course based on the Difference of Innate Traits

Liyan Chen, Xiaozhen Dai, Banchao Xiang, Qianqian Wang, Qiqi Shen
The application of Innate Traits Assessment helps to master personality traits, predict behavioral style and communication preference. It can be used to optimize the curriculum system and teaching key points and difficulties. This paper innovatively excellence in learning design of VBSE course based...

Research on the construction and use of a choral conducting learning platform based on the context of big data research

Linying Huang
Based on the choral learning background research secondary school choir choral education work is the core content of the systematic construction work, trinity systematic construction, it can be said that the formation of the management and team operation of the good construction is to provide a more...
Proceedings Article

Exploring People’s Reasons of Living in Disaster-Prone Area and Promoting Disaster Risk Reduction in Urban Planning

Deffi Ayu Puspito Sari, Citra Ridhani
Cities among other areas bear the brunt of the impact of climate-related disasters, especially cities that are located in the coastal zone. To build resilient cities, it is necessary to involve disaster risk reduction (DRR) in spatial planning (RTRW) because it has an essential role in both mitigation...

The Construction and Application of the Financial Early-Warning Model of High-Tech Enterprises

Ying Huang
In recent years, high-tech enterprises have developed rapidly, and their total economic output value has occupied an important proportion in the total output value of China’s national economy. The high-tech enterprises to the contribution of China’s science and technology and economy have the driving...
Proceedings Article

Mobile-Based Application for Versine Improvement by Using Flutter Framework

Aziz Nurmatiarista, Wahyu Tamtomo Adi, Septiana Widi Astuti, Yuwono Wiarco
A mobile application for recording and calculating the ideal versine for the railroad curves maintenance program in the field is needed to help reduce time and effort in calculating. This study intended to create a smartphone-based application for railway curves versine and cant calculation to improve...

Ghost Kitchen Concept: An Alternative Culinary Business Method with a Minimum Space

Toddy Hendrawan Yupardhi
Ghost kitchen is one of the culinary entrepreneurs’ creative efforts to survive, adapt and revive in the post-Covid-19 pandemic. This culinary business has a place to produce food but doesn’t need a place for visitors to consume its products. This concept is then increasingly popular with the presence...

Costume and Property as the Reflection of Cultural Identity in Wayang Cumplung Performance

Eni Nur Aeni, Tri Murniati, R. Pujo Handoyo
Traditional Culture can be instituted in various forms of art, one of those is in Wayang traditional art (Puppet Show). This form of stage performance can be found in several regions in Indonesia, one of which is in Banyumas regency with its Wayang Cumplung. It is originated from a ritual called Cowongan...
Proceedings Article

Extreme Climate and Agricultural Product Price Volatility: Empirical Evidence from the Futures Market

Zishuo Lian, Surui Zhang, Yawen Lin, Qianting Ma, Rong Sun
As the frequency of extreme climate events escalates, the financial systems face significant challenges. This paper empirically examines the effects of extreme climate on the volatility of agricultural product futures prices by constructing a network of agricultural product futures. The findings reveal...
Proceedings Article

A Novel Case Knowledge Representation Model for Maritime Collision Accidents

Zhiying Chen, Ke Shi
It is of great significance to research a method to standardize the management of maritime collision case knowledge with high complexity, poor standardization and weak regularity. In this paper, a novel case knowledge representation model is proposed based on ontology and convolution neural network....

Desmos as a Bridge in Learning Functions in Indonesia Secondary Level: A Literature Review

Dini Asri Kusnia Dewi, Nur Robiah Nofikusumawati Peni
The use of technology in the pandemic era requires teachers to look for various learning alternatives that are applied so that learning objectives are still achieved. However, learning mathematics online makes it more challenging to comprehend the material because it appears to be more abstract. One...

Religiosity, Covid 19, and Death Threats in Indonesian Poetry

Erlis Nurmujiningsih, Dina Amalia, Mu’jizah Mu’jizah, Suryami Suryami, Erli Yetti, Purwaningsih Purwaningsih
Covid is a scary pandemic. Millions of people died due to this disease. Although the vaccine has been injected, this disease still exists and is no cure. Fear haunts many people, and death spreads in many places. This condition brought people closer to God and inspired many poets to create poetry. Many...

The Meaning of Love, Regret, Sadness, and Confusion in the Jwaidah’s “Lau Annana Lam Naftariq”

M. Anwar Masadi, Fika Burhan Tajalla, Nurul Alfiah Kurniawati, Nur Illiyyin Setya Mufti
New criticism is a literary movement that counters historical, biographical, and impressionistic approaches. This study aims to contribute views to those focusing on a scholarly and critical study of literature, especially in the study of poetry form, to interpret “Lau Annana Lam Naftariq” poetry by...

Leadership Communication for Crisis Network Coordination During “PPKM” Using Social Network Analysis Method

Pipit Fitriyah, Andre Noevi Rahmanto, Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni, Drajat Tri Kartono
In a large-scale social crisis, the government responsible for protecting the community needs to work together and coordinate in the context of mitigation and increasing resilience. This study analysis the coordination of leadership communication in handling the Covid-19 pandemic. During the Covid-19...

The Effect of Financial Knowledge on Financial Behavior Mediated by Financial Attitude and Financial Self Efficacy on MSME Activities in Medan City During the Covid-19

Desmilan Amelia, Nisrul Irawati, Chairul Muluk
This study aimed to examine and analyze the effect of financial knowledge on financial behavior mediated by financial attitude and financial self-efficacy directly or indirectly. The approach used in this study was a causal approach. The population, as well as the sample of this study that was taken...

Development of Constructivism-Based Pictorial Chemistry Cards on Electrolyte and Non-Electrolyte Solution Materials

Elvy Rahmi Mawarnis, Syafmiati Khaira, Mohd. Yusri Abd
Electrolyte solution is one of the abstract chemistry learning materials, which explains chemical phenomena mostly at the microscopic and symbolic representation levels. This can be an obstacle for students in learning and understanding the material so that it can result in low student learning outcomes....

Sustainable Investment in the United States: Today and Future

Pengqi Zhao
Global warming has become a severe issue that threatens the human’s lives. Gun control, corruption, and social mobility are also severe issues in the US. Sustainable investment directs investment capital to enterprises that not just pursue the highest profit but also want to make positive environmental...
Proceedings Article

Experimental study of surface friction coefficient of coarse-grained soil

Xuepeng Wang, Shuguo Zhang, Jinzhu Zhou, Dongming Li, Yongkang Zhu
Friction coefficients have a significant impact on the vibratory compaction characteristics of coarse-grained soils during road construction. This study conducted vibratory compaction simulations with varying friction coefficients and quantified the roughness of pebble particles and rubble particles...

Academic Integrity Through Administration, Interaction, and Satisfaction with Distance Learning at Universitas Negeri Medan

Randeska Manullang, Ivo Selvia Agusti, Revita Yuni, Pasca Dwi Putra
The importance of maintaining academic integrity, especially in distance learning, will help produce students who have ethics both in education and the world of work. It is difficult to maintain academic integrity due to the lack of direct supervision and interaction that causes academic dishonesty....
Proceedings Article

Urban Expansion Survey by Fractal Dimension

Case of Khovd Town, Mongolia

Myagmartseren Purevtseren, Myagmarjav Indra, Ganpurev Dashlegtseg, Chinbat Badamdorj, Davaakhuu Battumur, Ulziibayar Dorjbaatar
This study summarizes the dynamics of urban expansion and urbanization in the recent 20 years in Khovd town, Khovd province of Mongolia. The study used fractal geometry to describe urban land use in Khovd using a geographic information system (GIS), and applied the relation of area and perimeter index...

Functions of Verbs in the Sasak Dialect of Pujut

I Wayan Budiarta, Arifin Ahmad, Ni Wayan Kasni
Sasak language is the language used by the Sasak tribe on the island of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara archipelago. Lombok Island is located between the island of Bali and the island of Sumbawa. This study examines the function of verbs in the Sasak language in the Pujut dialect (BSDP). To achieve these...
Proceedings Article

Noise Level Assessment of Chainsaw during Felling and Bucking Operations in Pasoh Forests Peninsular Malaysia

Nurhidayu Ali Anuar, Seca Gandaseca, Mohd. Hasmadi Ismail
Chainsaws are the most common piece of mechanized harvesting equipment used during logging operations, and their noise has a major negative impact on the health of the logging employees. The objectives of this study were to assess the noise level and noise effect of a chainsaw during felling and bucking...

Development of Attendance System Applications Using Location Coordinate Validation in Collaboration with Mobile Application

Muhammad Arya Pramudya Subekti, Sinung Suakanto, Ahmad Musnansyah, Margareta Hardiyanti
Along with the times, with advances in technology, the need for an attendance system at schools, in companies, or in organizations is increasing. At this time, students and workers find and identify that reliability is a key indicator of the quality of service facilities and infrastructure to determine...

The Impact of Electronic Word-Of-Mouth (eWOM) on Ecotourism Destination Choice: A Conceptual Paper

Nurul Aida Harun, Masliana Tamrin, Norazamimah Bogal, Surya Ahmad Royali, Afrah Hayati Abdul Rahman
The influence of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) on consumers is widely recognised, especially on the consumers’ purchase intention. However, in recent years, social media has formed a new dimension on eWOM, enabling users to interact online and greatly influencing consumers. The presence of eWOM is...
Proceedings Article

Energy Efficiency of Hydrogen Technologies on Thermal Power Plant

Olga Gorina, Vladimir Lebedev
The article is devoted to the current state of hydrogen economy and its prospects from the ecological and energy points of view. The article considers possibilities of applying hydrogen as efficient fuel for power boilers. The analysis of foreign experience in using hydrogen in power generation is considered....

Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED): Implications and Challenges

Hesham Allam, Juan Dempere, Vish Akre, Pedro Flores
Artificial intelligence (AI) is having an impact on every aspect of contemporary life. Artificial intelligence (AI) is being increasingly widely used in an effort to imitate human cognitive abilities via applications that make people's lives simpler and more efficient. Artificial intelligence is...
Proceedings Article

Integrated Power Plant Fired by Syngas from Solid Wastes and Natural Gas with Case for Energy Storage

Ogheneruona E. Diemuodeke, Kesiena Owebor
The study presents an integrated power generation system fired by dual-fuel (syngas from solid wastes and natural gas) with a carbon capture technology to minimize greenhouse gas emissions from power plants and landfills. This study is vital because the upstream power sector’s decarbonisation is necessary...

Improving Student Mathematics Achievement Through a Realistic Mathematics Approach

Ismawati, Awi Dassa, Hisyam Ihsan
This research aims to improve mathematics learning on the topic of plane geometry through a realistic mathematics approach of the 5th-grade students of SD Inpres Japing, Gowa Regency. This study is classroom action research proposed by Kemmis and Mc. Taggart consists of 2 cycles. The research subjects...
Conference Abstract


R. Al Maskari, S. Cleary, Y. Li, A. Khir, G. Mitchell, I. Wilkinson, K. O’Shaughnessy, Yasmin
Pages: 126 - 127

Responsibility of the Board of Directors for Violations of Good Corporate Governance Principles

Thelisia Kristin, Amad Sudiro
Taking into account the provisions of the Articles of the Limited Liability Company Law, it can be stated that there are no provisions governing the application of the GCG principles, because it only stipulates that the company is obliged to comply with all good things in a corporation, but it is not...