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188759 articles

Thoughts on the Function of Community Education from the Perspective of Policy Network During the Epidemic Period

Yu Liu
At present, when COVID-19 has become a global “pandemic”, only by keeping the defense line of community can we effectively cut off the channels for the spread of the epidemic. Taking the epidemic situation as an opportunity, starting from the study of community governance, this paper reconsiders the...

The Effect of Profitability and Tangibility on Capital Structures

S. Sulastri, Putri, Heraeni Tanuatmodjo
The aims of this study to determine the overview of the profitability measured by Return On Equity (ROE), tangibility, and the capital structure measured by Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), and to know the profitability and tangibility of the capital structure. The research methods used are descriptive and...

Cold War, Chinese Overseas and Sino-Indonesian Relations: A Review

BaiCheng Wu
This review situates Taomo Zhou’s analysis of Chinese overseas during the Cold War in relation to U.S-Indonesian and China-Indonesian bilateral relations. After introducing Migration in the time of Revolution, the author compares Simpson and Hong Liu’s monograph which offers a mirror image about China...

Philosophic and Esthetic Traditions, Synthesis of Arts in the Artistic Culture of Russia at the Turn of the XIX-XX Century

Andrey Konovalov, Liudmila Mikheeva, Yulia Gushchina
The article tackles the Silver Age of the Russian culture as distinct period in the history of the country. Philosophers and creative community of the turn of the XIX-XX century) considered preservation of common values, fidelity to the humanitarian tradition of the great Russian culture to be their...

Novikov Super-Algebras with Associative Non-Degenerate Super-Symmetric Bilinear Forms

Junna Ni, Zhiqi Chen
Pages: 159 - 166
Novikov super-algebras are related to quadratic conformal super-algebras which correspond to Hamiltonian pairs and play fundamental role in completely integrable systems. In this paper, we focus on quadratic Novikov super-algebras, which are Novikov super-algebras with associative non-degenerate super-symmetric...

Preliminary Study on the Implementation of Spiritual Needs Accommodation in Retirement Community Landscape in the Context of Smart Pension

Yanhong Liu, Ting wen, Yongdong Liu, Mimi Tsai, Juan Chen
Smart Pension aims to cope with severe problems caused by population aging with the help of information technology, which helps the elderly improve their quality of life and demonstrate their value and dignity. Technology and needs accommodation are the cores of Smart Pension, in which the supply of...

The Effect of Tax Payer Awareness, Taxation Knowledge and the Implementation of Modern Tax Administration System on Taxpayer Compliance

Noldy Chandra, Moh. Dharma Halwi, Rahma Masdar, Tampang, Muhammad Din, Nuraela Mapparessa, Lucyani Meldawati
This Research aims to determine and analyze the influence of taxpayer awareness, taxation knowledge, and the application of modern taxation administration system to taxpayer compliance. The theory used in this research is the taxpayer owner of the Land Transportation Bureau located in Palu City. The...

Analysis of the Russian Experience in the Implementation of Regional Financial Regulation

R.V. Badylevich
The article analyzes the implementation of regional financial regulation in Russia at the present stage of development. The urgency of studying the issues of financial regulation of territorial development in Russia is substantiated and the content of this element of state economic policy is given. The...

Commercialization of Exclusive Rights in the Digital Age in the Conditions of Globalization

Victoria S. Savina, Anna A. Avanesova, Tatyana A. Strutinskaya, Viktoriya V. Degtyareva
The article is devoted to the analysis of the process of commercialization of exclusive rights in the digitalized world’s economy. In digital technology, there is a unique opportunity to create copies of works, ensuring their absolute identity with the original. As soon as an object is converted to digital...

The Attitudes Towards Distance Learning of Ton Duc Thang University Students and Teachers

Minh Uyen Ky Tran
High school and university students in Vietnam are compelled to learn through the virtual classroom in the era of COVID-19, which traumatized many students because it is the only choice at that time. This study looks into the attitudes towards distance learning of 15 teachers and more than 300 students...

Stimulation Booklet Content Development for Information and Early Childhood Development

Lailatul Fitriyah, Zaini Gunawan, Tristan Rokhmawan
In the context of the availability of literacy sources about early childhood development, the people of Kotaanyar District, Probolinggo Regency are constrained by limited access and understanding. The limited access in this case is the limitation in finding main literacy sources such as books and online...

Characterization and Biological Activity Test of Garlic and Its Fermentation as Antioxidant, Analgesic, and Anticancer

Sri Atun, Nurfina Aznam, Retno Arianingrum, Senam, Yashinta Devi, Riski Melasari
The purpose of this study was to characterize and biological activity test of garlic and its fermented products (black garlic) as antioxidants, analgesics, and anticancer properties. The subject of this study was garlic and its fermented products (black garlic). Characterization includes analysis of...

Symbol and Communication: Study on the Relationship Between Exhibition Activities and City Image and Its Application

Taking Hangzhou City as an Example

Gangqing He
Taking Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province as an example, this paper studies the communication characteristics in the process of city image formation from the perspective of urban exhibition activities. By investigating the core words of the city image of Hangzhou, the paper finds that during the historical...

Problems of Proof of Illegal Use of Copyright for Computer Programs

Vladimir Ivshin, Artem Shmarev, Sergey Starodumov
The article deals with the problem of criminal law evaluation of the use of access to a protected copyright object imitating a computer program access key. An analysis of the mechanism of the commission of the crime and the problems of proof arising in such criminal cases is provided. These circumstances...

Teachers’ Understanding on Music for Early Childhood

Siti Hodijah, Leli Kurniawati
Music learning is believed to have positive impact and influence on children’s development. Teachers’ understanding of music advocates for music learning practices which are applied in early childhood education. Many literatures explain that the teachers’ perceptions and knowledge of music are very important...

Excessive Control of Teleworkers’ Activity as a Factor of Labor Relations Pollution

Marina Chudinovskikh, Alena Fedorova, Natalia Tonkikh
With the spread of COVID-19, many organizations are forced to switch employees to telework. One of the most important issues in the organization of telework is the control over the activities, results ant outputs. This study evaluates the methods of monitoring teleworker activities, including electronic...
Proceedings Article

Diagnose Enforcement of Case Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor (CTVT) on Domestic Dog

Awaluddin Awaluddin, Etriwati Etriwati, S.N Habiburrahman, Rusyidi Rusyidi, Ummu Balqis, Cut Dahlia Iskandar, Denny Irmawati Hasan
Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor (CTVT) also known as venereal sarcoma is an inflammation mediated by reticuloendothelial tumors and infects the canine genitalia. This study aimed to diagnose CTVT cases in domestic dogs by looking at clinical symptoms, macroscopic, hematologic, blood chemistry and...

Improvement of the Assistance Mechanism in the Social Security System

Young-Chei Yi, Shufan Tang
The assistance mechanism is an important part of the social welfare security system and an important way to promote the general improvement of people’s living standards. In the new era of socialist construction, improving the assistance mechanism in the social security system will help eliminate poverty,...

A Novel Target Searching Algorithm for Swarm UAVs Inspired From Spatial Distribution Patterns of Plant Population

Xiaoming Zhang, Yongqiang Hu, Tingjuan Li
Pages: 159 - 167
Like some social animal groups, the evolution of plant populations in nature also contains swarm intelligence. Aiming at the problem of swarm Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) target searching in complex and unknown environments, this paper explores search models suitable for swarm UAVs by investigating...

Innovation and Practice of the Cooperative Education Mechanism of Industry and Education Under the “Double High Plan”

Shaoqin Lu
The integration of industry and education is the fundamental and essence of vocational education. The “Double High Plan” construction colleges need to innovate on the mechanism of collaborative education between industry and education to further enhance the role of the industrial chain in the training...

The DEA Model Analysis of Comprehensive Agricultural Efficiency in Shanxi Province of China

Jun Ren, Guang Li
Agriculture is the source of food and clothing, the foundation of survival, and the primary condition of all production. It provides grain, non-staple food, industrial raw materials, capital and export materials for other sectors of the national economy. Agriculture is the foundation of other industries,...

Conditions for Digitalization of Education and Related Health Problems of Students

T.V. Bashkireva, A.V. Bashkireva, A.V. Morozov, A.I. Evdokimova, M.A. Apsite
The article deals with the problems of the influence of mastering digitalization on the health of student youth in terms of spectral analysis using the method of heart rate variability. The study used the heart rate variability method. Measurements filmed in the classroom for 180 minutes. The results...

Implementation of the Active Learning Model Type of Role Reversal Question to Improve Student Learning Outcomes

Siti Khotimah, Saiful Amin, Yeny Irawati, Wahdaniyah Azizah Putri Ayuningtyas
This study aims to describe the improvement of Civics learning outcomes by using the active learning model with the role reversal question type for fifth-grade students of SD Negeri Tangkil 03 Wlingi. This type of research is classroom action research. The research subjects were students of class V SD...

The Effect of Product Review on Purchase Decisions Online on Rananta Store Batam

Yulinda Tarigan, Ayu Puspitasari, Zulfa Refera, Fandy Bestario Harlan, Zainal Abidin Tarigan Sirait
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of product reviews on online purchasing decisions at Rananta store Batam. This type of research is quantitative. Sampling uses a purposive sampling technique The data used are primary data obtained by distributing questionnaires consisting of 12 items...

Lifelong Learning in the Era of Industry 4.0

Workplace Learning Perspective

Archanya Ratana-Ubol
This article intends to describe the major problems regarding the operation of community enterprise in Thailand; to study successful cases for analyzing the best practices based on adult learning approach to promote the community enterprise; and to propose the guideline of Promoting Thai Community Enterprises...

The Future of Marketing Chinese Luxury Brands

An Analysis of Current Consumer Behavior and Future Implications

Jun Liang Li, Wenxi Li, Zeyang Wang, Ziwei Wang, Xinyao Zhang
Mainland China has seen significant expansion in its luxury goods market over the past decade and is on track to become the world’s largest luxury consumer by 2025. Understanding the most current consumption patterns of Chinese luxury consumers is pertinent to brand success in China. The purpose of this...

Improving Values of Characters Through Post Modern Dance Education in the State Junior High School 2 Jaten

Tri Handayani
This study aims to: 1) improve the characters of alpha generation through post modern dance education, 2) deepen and extend the students’ knowledge in understanding how the school subjects relate to one another and cultivate their talent and interest; 3) establish character education based on the school...
Proceedings Article

Simulation Experiment to Predict the Critical Friction Area of Acetabular Liner Component on Hip Joint Replacement Implant During Movement

Tresna P. Soemardi, Agri Suwandi, Anwar Soefi Ibrahim
This paper has shown that simulation experiment to predict the critical friction area of acetabular liner component on hip joint replacement implant during movement. With the simulation method, that can help find the friction and stress area. The results of the friction simulation, the area friction...

The Strategy of CSR for Post COVID-19 Era


Wanda Kharisa Ristyanti, Mayrani Tika Mulyana, Priscilla Maulina Juliani Siregar, Nur Nadhirah Saiful, Arbi Abdullah Saleh, Yap Charlyn Joy Ballona, Nyayu Lathifah Tirdasari
PERTAMINA’s commitment to sustainability can be seen by meeting some of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) field practice during the COVID-19 pandemic, PERTAMINA focuses on moving directly to survive and adapt to the situation. This study aims to propose...

The Church’s Readiness for the Industrial Revolution 4.0

Asih Rachmani Endang Sumiwi, Yusak Sigit Prabowo, Joko Sembodo, Agustin Soewitomo Putri, Erik Prasetyo
The church is a community of people who believe in Jesus Christ, and this community is inextricably linked to a rapidly changing world civilization. The transition towards a new era known as Industrial Revolution 4.0 is taking place and must be properly addressed. The church cannot remain unaffected...

Public Debt and Macroeconomic Dynamics: A Simulation Model with Variables of Interest Rate, Economic Growth, Domestic Consumption, Government Expenditure, and Net Exports

Sebastiana Viphindrartin, Regina Niken Wilantari, Zainuri, Rudi Kristiawan, Suryaning Bawono, Gusni Ariansyah
This research explores causal relationships among public debt, interest rates, economic growth, domestic consumption, government spending, and net exports. It employs a panel vector model to investigate these relationships, assuming that all variables are endogenous and influenced by their own past values...
Proceedings Article

Application of MATLAB in College Students Mathematical Modeling Competition

Xiao Chen
In the process of college students mathematical modeling competition, it is necessary to improve the data processing and calculation ability. This research mainly starts from the modeling competition, and analyzes and discusses the application points of MATLAB in the process of college students mathematical...
Proceedings Article

Incidental Finding of Hearing Loss in Patients before the Intra-arterial Heparin Flushing (IAHF) Procedure

Elvita Rahmi Daulay, Delfitri Munir, Aznan Lelo, Terawan Agus Putranto
Background: Hearing loss is often not addressed by the patient. Patients underwent pure tone audiometry test before the Intra-arterial Heparin Flushing (IAHF) procedure, and some patients had hearing loss. Objective: The purpose of this study is to find out how patients describe their hearing...

Measurement of Partnerships, External Relations and Networks in Building Districts in Jayapura Regency

Andjar Prasetyo, Heri Wahyudianto, Agustinus Hartopo
The development program in Jayapura Regency refers to the Regional Medium Development Plan 2017-2022. In implementation through a form of building District that requires partnership, external relations, and networking. The purpose of the research is to determine and measure the maturity of network partnerships...
Proceedings Article

Gradation Analysis of Fine Aggregate with Comparison of Cimangkok Sand, Jebrok Sand, Cipelang Sand, Pelabuhan Ratu Sand in Sukabumi

Abdul Malik Algoni, Nurarti Awalia, Yusi Nurusyifa, Dio Damas Permadi, Nadhya Susilo Nugroho, Triono Triono
This research report presents a gradation analysis of fine aggregates, a comparison of Cimangkok Sand, Jebrog Sand, River Sand, and Sea Sand in Sukabumi. Fine aggregate gradation analysis is essential in concrete mix design and other construction applications. The purpose of this study was to understand...

Error Analysis in Apraxia of Peech Among 3 Sisters: A Neurolinguistic Study

Dwi Setiyadi, V Teguh Suharto, Yusuf Musthofa Ali Nurdin Hijr
In the village, mistakenly calling people names is common. Even those considered normal as these misconducts occur in old people. In fact, it is experienced also by arguing mothers even young ones. This misconduct is so be called apraxia of speech. This study aims to describe (1). The symptoms of someone...

Sustainability Reporting Framing, Trust, and Stakeholders’ Incompatibility Behavior on Legitimacy Perception

Frasto Biyanto, Bambang Subroto, Erwin Saraswati, Abdul Ghofar
The current study looks at how message framing and intents that can be derived from various—positive vs. negative—framings, interact with the growth of trust. There is empirical support for the claim that various, logically similar frames are understood to imply various intentions. Next, the connection...

Madrasah Teachers’ TPACK: To What Extent It Facilitates Students’ Learning for Literacy?

Lilik Huriyah, Zulfahmi Alwi, Nuansa B. Segara, Saifudin Saifudin, Shofar S. Bisri, Ida Zubaidah
Teachers must be proficient not only in subject matter and pedagogy, but also in technology expertise, in order to design lessons holistically in this time of pandemic. This study looked at 80 teachers from 65 madrasahs (Islamic school) in East Java who took part in PPG (Teacher Professional Education...
Proceedings Article

Correlative Analysis of Demographic Characteristics and Depressive Syndrome on Quality of Life

Riska Andriyani, Mustafa M. Amin, Muhammad Surya Husada
Background: The main factor contributing to coronary heart disease (CHD), the world's biggest killer, is the buildup of plaque in the arteries that provide oxygen to the heart muscle. CHD continues to be a serious health issue with socioeconomic effects because it causes a decline in physical and...

A Study of the Internal Mechanism of Consumer Response to Corporate CSR Behavior

He Liu, Zhaoyu Chen
Existing studies mainly study the impact of CSR behavior on consumer response based on questionnaires. However, there are relatively few studies on online consumer response, especially on the intermediate mechanism of impact. From the perspective of grounded theory, this paper takes major CSR events...
Proceedings Article

Mineral Composition, Physical Properties, and Nutritive Values of Calcined Limestone and Bivalve Shell for Muscovy Duck Starter

Khalil Khalil, Andri Andri, Ridho Kurniawan Rusli
The mortality rate of muscovy duckling raised extensively was very high due to malnutrition. This study aimed to study the beneficial effects of calcination on mineral composition, physical properties of limestone and bivalve shells as mineral supplements for muscovy duck starter. Samples of limestones...

Turco-Persian Influence in the Islamic Art of the Malay Archipelago

Muhammad Uzair Ismail, Zuliskandar Ramli, Ros Mahwati Ahmad Zakaria
In the Islamic history of the Malay Archipelago, the Persian’s contribution in terms of the artistic repertoire influence towards the shaping of the Malay’s Islamic art has rarely been discussed by scholars. This is troubling as much of the Persian land (Iran & Iraq) from the 10th until early 13th...

Analysis of the Sports Community in Mainland China and Its Potential Complementary Market in Recent Decades

Yiwen Shi
The concept of a sports community is becoming more popular in recent decades with an increasing disposable income level in mainland China. In addition, individuals become more aware of their health and social images. This change leads to significant growth of the sports community. This paper represents...

Construction and Research of Short-Term Training Smart Classroom

Chao Zhang, Chunxiao Song, Huiyan Yin, Yang Han, Qiang Luo
Most of the current construction models of domestic mainstream smart classrooms are for full-time ordinary colleges and universities, which do not match our short-term technical skills training needs. To solve this problem, this paper summarizes three mainstream models of current domestic smart classrooms,...
Proceedings Article

Application Architecture of Accounting Information and Auditing System Based on Blockchain Technology and a Private Data Sharing Technology

Beijia Zhong, Minjia Du, Sirui Huang, Jiawei Qian
Under the background of informatization and intelligence of financial management, the accounting information and auditing system based on blockchain technology has improved the quality of financial information. It is possible to explore the use of the blockchain technology as a basis to solve the information...

Leading Xi’an’s Urban Development: Challenges and Suggestions for Xi’an’s Urban Infrastructures

Ayuan Zhang, Zurinawati Mohi, Mohd Hafiz Hanafiah, Hafizah Che Hassan
Xi’an, the starting point of the “Silk Road”, is one of the most popular tourist destinations in China with the world famous Qin Terracotta Army, Han and Tang Dynasty tombs and other cultural relics. In 2008, there were 32.3 million tourists to Xi’an. Xi’an has experienced rapid growth in recent years....

Does Non-Performing Financing and Capital Adequacy Impact Profitability of Islamic Banks in Indonesia?

Mokhammad Ridho, Ely Siswanto
This research seeks to investigate the correlation between the impact of Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non-Performing Financing (NPF), Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), and Operational Efficiency Ratio (OER) on the profitability of Islamic Banks, specifically the Return on Assets (ROA). The population...

An Analysis of the Literary Image of Yan’an Literature and Art in the United States

Dong Xi, Yun Wang
As an overseas research center for Chinese modern and contemporary literature research, the United States began to study Chinese Yan’an Literature and Art very early. This article examines the literary image of Yan’an Literature and Art in the United States as an example, in order to explore the strategy...

Study on the Influencing Factors of College Students’ Intention to Change Majors Based on Professional Commitment

Weijia Sun, Tongrui Zhang
At present, it is very common that the phenomenon of students’ professionalism transfer in universities. In this study, to deeply explore the influence factors of university students’ intention of transfer professionalism, a new survey scale was designed based on the survey scale of university students’...
Proceedings Article

Differences in Organoleptic Properties between Cheese Sticks Made from Wheat Flour and Red Bean Flour (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

Syardiansya Syardiansya, Lisnawaty Lisnawaty, Renni Meliahsari
Wheat flour contains protein, particularly gluten, which, if consumed in excess, will negatively impact the human body. Therefore, it is necessary to diversify food using other ingredients that can partially or completely replace wheat flour. One of the foods that are low in gluten is red beans. Flour...