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189328 articles

The Effect of Principal Policy on Teachers’ Professional Commitments and Its Impact on Learning Effectiveness in Vocational Schools

Hanafi, Nurhizrah Gistituati, Rusdinal, Hasdi Aimon
This study aims to build a model of causality that consists of a structural model and a measurement model in the form of a path diagram based on the theoretical justification of the principal’s policy variables, professional commitment, and learning effectiveness. The population of this study was 338...

Approaching Trade Negotiations Under Atypical Conditions Created at Global Pandemic Level

Lilia ȘARGU, Julia VALEEVA, Constantin GÎDILICA
The daily complexity of contemporary socio-economic life, the way in which participation in trade negotiations is carried out in atypical conditions, has become an indispensable international economic requirement of the economic progress of each entity. The intensification of the preoccupations for ensuring...

Analysis of LGBTQ Groups and Movements Based on Social Media

Liqi Hu
This article analyzes the role of social media in the present LGBTQ group members and LGBTQ social movement. Three major questions will be answered: the role of social media in LGBTQ identity formation, the effectiveness of social media as a tool for LGBTQ right movement, and potential risks and limits...

Stock Market Analysis of China and Foreign Countries

Olga Makarova, Svetlana Gladkova, Yulia Makarova
The study of the Chinese securities market is of considerable scientific interest due to its rapid development and limited knowledge of the subject in Russia. In China, as well as in Russia, before the beginning of economic reforms, securities markets were practically absent, which is why with the launch...

Incentives and Food Blogger Influence on Customer Engagement through Instagram

Stephanie Bun, Yeshika Alversia
Indonesia’s food and beverage industry continues to grow and is expected to reach USD 3,221 million market volume by 2024. This growth was supported by emergence of various digital platforms for businesses to market their product at the online market. Utilization of social media as one of the platforms...

On the dynamics of a class of rational Kolmogorov systems

Rachid Boukoucha, Ahmed Bendjeddou
Pages: 21 - 27
In this paper we are intersted in studying the existence of a First integral and the non-existence of limit cycles of rational Kolmogorov systems of the form {x′=x(P(x,y)+R(x,y)S(x,y)),y′=y(Q(x,y)+R(x,y)S(x,y)), where P (x, y) , Q (x, y) , R (x, y) , S (x, y) are homogeneous polynomials of degree...

EFL Students’ Perception on the Use of Debate in Speaking Classroom

Andini Amaylia Putri, Rojab Siti Rodliyah
Speaking is one of the skills to master in any language learning. In EFL context, mastering speaking skills can be challenging due to the limited exposure to the target language and chance to use it in a real communication. Therefore, teachers need to choose appropriate techniques in their speaking class...

TMRGM: A Template-Based Multi-Attention Model for X-Ray Imaging Report Generation

Xuwen Wang, Yu Zhang, Zhen Guo, Jiao Li
Pages: 21 - 32
The rapid growth of medical imaging data brings heavy pressure to radiologists for imaging diagnosis and report writing. This paper aims to extract valuable information automatically from medical images to assist doctors in chest X-ray image interpretation. Considering the different linguistic and visual...
Proceedings Article

Isolation and Characterization Bacillus sp. Producing Cellulase Enzymes from Hanura Mangrove

Sumardi, Salman Farisi, Christina N. Ekowati, Cahya I. Listiyorini
In the mangrove ecosystem, there are cellulolytic bacteria that act to decompose cellulose in nature. This study aims to obtain cellulolytic bacteria from mangrove forests in Hanura village. Bacterial isolation was carried out using Sea Water Complete Agar (SWCA) media which added Carboxymethyl Cellulose...

Reaction of Stock Price on Dividend Announcements

Angeline Soesanto, Werner R. Murhadi, Arif Herlambang
This study aims to determine the existence of market reactions that can be seen from the presence of abnormal returns during the dividend announcements in companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during the 2013-2017 period and find out what factors influence the Cumulative Abnormal Return...

Research on Blind Boxes Consumers---Taking Pop Mart as an Example

Xiaolin Chen
Blind boxes are nowadays new toys both native and abroad. People do not know what is inside before opening it. Recently, there are too many people who would like to spend money on them. In some first-tier cities like Shanghai, Guangzhou, almost every shopping mall has at least one blind boxes department....

The Role of Science Literacy Based Ta’lim Andragogy as an Alternative Media in Strengthening Covid-19 Awareness

A Review

Ahmad Husein Ritonga, Minnah El Widdah, Sukarno
At the end of December 2019, a virus, currently known as the novel coronavirus-2019 or 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), has emerged with a relatively fast spread rate. Each individual is obliged to participate in the process of preventing the disease from spreading. Additionally, any elements of society...

Principal Strategy for Improving the Quality of Teachers

Hadi Yanto, Happy Fitria, Rohana
The aim of this study was to describe and analyze: (1) the main quality improvement strategy for SD Negeri 3 Rambang Dangku, Muara Enim; (2) Restrictions on the principle of quality improvement in SD Negeri 3 Rambang Dangku, Muara Enim; (3) solutions in improving the quality of SD Negeri 3 Rambang Dangku,...
Proceedings Article

Decrease Blood Pressure on Hypertensive Patients with Mediterranean Diet

Endry Septiadi, Andri Andrian Rusman, Achmad Hero Prawira, Rifal Aldi Anugrah, Nur Muhamad Rohman, Muhammad Akmal Rais, M. Arasy Faradina, Reza Fadhil Nugraha
Hypertension is a disease with an increasing number of sufferers every year. To control and lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients, pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies are needed. Non-pharmacological hypertension therapy can be done by modifying the diet, one of which has been recommended...

LPG for Power Generation in Indonesia: Techno-economic and Distribution Analysis

Yussa Dony Antarius, Rinaldy Dalimi
Application of LPG for power generation in Indonesia can be replacing the usage of fuel-oil at the existing power plant. It turns out that LPG is also a flexible and low-emission alternative to other fuel types within power generation that equal with other natural gas such as LNG or CNG. The main LPG...

Understanding Mobility Decision Making of People During Covid-19 with Decision Making Theory

Guanghan Wu, Shouyan Xia, Jiayi Li, Hongyi Chen, Haoxing Qi, Haowen Yu, Jouni Markkula
COVID-19 pandemic broke out at the beginning of 2020. Since then, it has spread all over the world. Restriction of its fatal effects demands understanding and management of human behavior, in order to mitigate the spread of the pandemic and deal with abrupt outbreaks across the globe. The objective of...
Proceedings Article

Feed Digestibility and Rumen Fermentation Characteristic in Growing Goat Fed on Diets with Urea-Limestone Mixture Supplementation and Different Nitrogen to Non-Fiber Carbohydrate Ratios

Muhammad Ainsyar Harahap, Limbang Kustiawan Nuswantara, Eko Pangestu, Fajar Wahyono, Joelal Achmadi
The study examined the effect of limestone-urea mixture (LU) supplementation with different nitrogen (N): non fiber carbohydrate (NFC) ratio in the diet on feed digestibility and rumen fermentation characteristic in growing goat. Twelve Jawarandu local male goats with body weight average of 20.83±7.42...
Proceedings Article

Auxin and Cytokinin Effect on In vitro Callus Induction of Maize (Zea mays L.) Srikandi Putih

Muji Astutik, Bambang Suhartanto, Nafiatul Umami, Nilo Suseno, Miftahush Shirotul Haq
Maize plant (Zea mays L.) can be an alternative for sustainable forage because easy to obtain and can be cultivated in the dry season. Increasing plant biomass is needed to maximize maize plants as a forage crop through genetic mutations. Callus production by tissue culture is one of the planting materials...

Simbuang Stone as a Symbol and Medium of Respect for the Ancestor of Toraja Nobleman

Akin Duli, Rosmawati Rosmawati, Muhammad Nur, Yusriana Yusriana, Stephen Chia
The Toraja ethnic community has a unique culture that was passed down from a predecessor generation and is still maintained today. One of the cultural uniqueness is the tradition of establishing a simbuang (menhir) in the implementation of ritual ceremonies, especially in the ceremony of the death of...

Peer-Review Statements

phil Yudi Sukmayadi, Ade Gafar Abdullah, Isma Widiaty, Cep Ubad Abdullah

Developing Entrepreneurship Program for Rural Community with WhatsApp as A Social Capital

Dewi Sylviani, Entoh Tohani
The COVID-19 pandemic requires people to use remote communication applications to carry out business activities. With the implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) by the government which restrict mobility and community activities in several areas, many people feel that their economy has...

Basic Health Services and Special Autonomy in North Aceh District

Cut Sukmawati, Murniati, Maisyura, Maryam, Misra Feri
“Health is a fundamental human right”, which contains an obligation to heal the sick and maintain the healthy. This statement underlies the idea that health is a basic human right and health is an investment. Health services have an important role in improving the health status of the community. Law...

Research on Children’s Use Behaviors in Public Entertainment Spaces Based on “Child-Friendly Cities”

Xia Jin, Lu Lili
Public entertainment space is a comprehensive space that carries the activity needs of all kinds of people, among which children are one of the most frequent users and active groups. The form and combination of public spaces affect children’s activity behaviors. At the same time, Children’s use behaviors...

Mathematics Modeling Ability of Students in System of Linear Equation of Two Variables Materials with PBL Model at SMPN 1 Pangkalan Baru

Anisa Melyana, Indaryanti Indaryanti, Cecil Hiltrimartin, Yusuf Hartono
This research is motivated by the low ability of students’ mathematical modeling, especially on SPLDV material. The Problem-Based Learning (PBL) model is used to overcome this problem. This study aims to describe students’ mathematical modeling abilities on system of linear equations of two variables...
Proceedings Article

Stress Related Wound Care Mangagement during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Improving Outcomes through Kaki Diabet Indonesia Telemedicine

Ronald Winardi Kartika, Niko Azhari Hidayat, Pamela Hendra Heng, David Victorious Lukas
Many Diabetes Mellitus (DM) patients do not receive treatment from hospital policies that reduce visits and consultations to avoid transmission of COVID-19. There have been many implementations of Telehealth. This review aims to determine the implementation model of Telehealth in Diabetes Mellitus patients...
Proceedings Article

Improving the Efficiency of Power Equipment When Burning Hydrogen Fuel

George Marin, Boris Osipov, Azat Akhmetshin, Pietro Zunino
Hydrogen energy is a promising direction. Hydrogen energy equipment is more environmentally friendly and economical. But there are problems with the introduction of hydrogen into the energy sector: production, storage, combustion, operational safety. Hydrogen production depends on technologies, production...
Proceedings Article

Tuberculosis Treatment History Influenced Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) Incidence Based on Gene-Xpert Examination

Inayati, Qori’atul Putri Nurmala, Hasto Nugroho
Multidrugs Resistant-Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) caused by drugs resistant at least Isoniazid and Rifampicin Mycobacterium tuberculosis affects tuberculosis cases eradication efforts in the world. In 2014, 153 countries had reported MDR TB cases. MDR-TB can be caused by irregularity in taking medication tuberculosis...

The Effect of Corporate Governance on Firm Performance in the Manufacturing Sector in Indonesia and Singapore

Graciela Gunawan, Liliana Inggrit Wijaya, Endang Ernawati
His study aims to analyze the effect of board independence, board size, foreign ownership, institutional ownership, and gender diversity on board with control variable firm size, firm age, and leverage on firm performance measured by Tobin’s Q and ROA in manufacturing sector companies listed in Indonesia...

Climate Change Mitigation through Mangrove Based-Blue Carbon Utilization in Balikpapan

Yuniarti, Cathas Teguh Prakoso, Sukapti, Rendy Wirawan
Since 2010, the Indonesian government has been undertaking climate change mitigation efforts through Blue Carbon. However, few local governments have policies and development plans for their blue carbon potential in their respective regions. Furthermore, the popularity of blue carbon lags behind that...

Morality: A Bulwark for Accounting Students’ Academic Cheating

Heni, Falikhatun, Payamta
The study examined academic dishonesty among Accounting students from General and Islamic-based campuses. The main objective was to identify the causes, methods, and types of academic dishonesty commonly practiced by Accounting students. Through in-depth interviews, the study aimed to provide a clear...

Less Cash Society Movement: The Impact of Using E-Money on Social Changes

Eldi Mulyana, Tetep Tetep, Nizar Alam Hamdani, Indra Cahya Uno
This study aims to examines the phenomenon of electronic money and its impact on social change in urban areas described by Virilio’s acceleration theory. Data collection techniques through interviews with informants using electronic money applications in Garut Regency. The results showed that the impact...

Sharia Stock Investment as a Strategy for Strengthening the Economy of the Riau Border Region

Bagas Heradhyaksa, Umul Baroroh
Border region is an area that should get special attention. This is because it relates to state sovereignty. Therefore, the welfare of the people in the border region must also be considered to prevent social problems. Riau is one of the provinces bordering Malaysia. There are 4 districts in Riau bordering...
Proceedings Article

Prevalence of Squalene Epoxidase Mutation in Terbinafine Resistance: A Systematic Review

Fika Humaeda Assilmi, Cornelia Ghea Savitri
Dermatophytosis is a global burden of disease, as it affects around 20–25% of worldwide population. Many antifungal drugs have been developed to treat dermatophytosis that mainly inhibit the ergosterol biosynthesis. Terbinafine as the drug-of-choice has fungicidal effect by inhibiting ergosterol synthesis...

Preliminary Study on Solid Waste Management in Small Islands: A Case Study of Penawar Rindu, Belakang Padang, Batam, Indonesia

Dian Prima Safitri, Yosef Adicita, Nurul Ulfah, Adi Syahputra Purba, I Wayan Koko Suryawan
Penawar Rindu Island, nestled within Indonesia's Riau Islands province, presents a captivating and lesser-known allure to tourists seeking an escape to nature's tranquility. The Island's pristine beauty and rich cultural heritage have attracted local and regional visitors, making sustainable...

Development of Textbooks Based on Research in the Perspective of Education and Tourism Development in the Bukit Kangin Forest, Tenganan Pegringsingan

Nyoman Wijana, Sanusi Mulyadiharja
Research has been carried out on the forest vegetation of Bukit Kangin and the results of the research are arranged in the form of a textbook. This book is designed to be used in from the perspective of education and forest tourism development. The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility...
Conference Abstract


Andrea Guala*, Michele Scalseggi, Luca Ridolfi
Pages: 21 - 21
Coronary artery diseases are the most common type of cardiovascular diseases and have an increasing prevalence with age. Epidemiological studies demonstrated that coronary failure is associated with several pathologies (as atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, endothelial dysfunction, renal insufficiency)....

Relationship Between Sociocultural Pressures and Body Dissatisfaction Among Female University Students in Batam

Nadia E. Sari, Amalina Ibrahim, Wan Azam, Wan Yunus
The globalization and rapid advancement of Indonesia’s economic and technological states have resulted in the exposure of Western beliefs, attitudes, and practices, including the messages of the thin ideal, spread in the entire country’s areas. This study aims to identify the relationship between sociocultural...

The Determinants of Work Passions: A Study of Education Sector

Chew Sze Cheah, Sei Ying Chiam, Jian Ai Yeow, Sook Fern Yeo
Nowadays, the workforce does encounter big problems in work-life as almost no one is passionate about their work anymore. Work passion is comparable important among educators to maintain their job performance. Over the years, researchers, organizations, and leaders have been struggling with the challenge...
Proceedings Article

An Evaluation of Various Pre-trained Optical Character Recognition Models for Complex License Plates

Haziq Idrose, Nouar AlDahoul, Hezerul Abdul Karim, Rehan Shahid, Manish Kumar Mishra
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) has been investigated widely to recognize characters in images for various applications including license plate recognition. Several limitations and distortions are available in images such as noise, blurring, and closed characters (alphabet and numbers) which makes...

From ICT-Based Learning Media to Gamification Optimalization: Learning Media Research Projection Based on Bibliometric Analysis

Gallant Karunia Assidik, Firstya Evi Dianastiti, Shindy Tresna Vinansih, Erry Widya Kustanti
Learning media is an integral part of the learning system and occupies an important position. Given the significance of media in learning, this paper examines the bibliometric analysis from published research articles on learning media evaluation. It aims to describe research topics that were extensively...

Research on the Integration of Blockchain and Accounting Information Systems Under Budget Reform

Chen Yuhua, Hasri Mustafa, Feng Ziqin, Rosmila Senik
Under the reform of budget performance, this research used a literature review to illustrate the crucial theoretical foundation of budget performance management. An inductive approach based on available research has reasoned the knowledge of blockchain technology. The technical principle of the blockchain...

Innovative Research on the Path and Mechanism of University Education in Student Associations of Common Undergraduate Universities in China

Tianrui Cun, Zhihong Zhao
Student associations are the battle position for colleges and universities to implement the fundamental task of “three-wide education” and an essential platform for ideological and political education. The standard undergraduate colleges have some unique characteristics, such as less financial allocation,...
Proceedings Article

Maternal Risk Factors for Low Birth Weight

Ariyani Lutfitasari, Lia Mulyanti
Background: Low Birth Weight (LBW) is a condition of a baby’s birth weight of less than 2500 gr measured at one hour after the baby is born. The quality of life of future generations is greatly influenced by the incidence of LBW. LBW babies will experience obstacles in their growth and development which...
Proceedings Article

Community Participation and Stakeholder Intervention in Sustainable Ecotourism Development on Lawu Mountainside, Indonesia

Agung Wibowo, Dimas Rahadian Aji Muhammad, Eny Lestari, Ravik Karsidi
Ecotourism is unique in that it promotes environmental conservation, environmental education, welfare for the local community, and respect for local culture. Ecotourism development will inevitably have an impact on community life, bringing significant change to ecological, economic, social and cultural...

Research on SPOC Blended Teaching Mode of Higher Vocational English Based on “Output-Oriented Method”

Nini Zhang
The teaching process of output-oriented method “drive-promote-evaluate” embodies the advanced concept of “integration of learning and application”, and effectively solves the disadvantages of “separation of learning and application”. Therefore, teachers should pay attention to the SPOC mixed teaching...
Proceedings Article

Acceptance of Sponge Cakes Substituting Green Spinach Flour (Amaranthus Viridis) with Different Concentrations

Fatmawati Fatmawati, Suriana Koro
Incorporation of spinach flour into the production process of sponge cakes exerts discernible effects on the resultant sponge cake products. This phenomenon stems from alterations in the fundamental physical attributes of sponge cakes, notably manifested through modifications in color, taste, texture,...

Analysis of Parents’ Interest in Choosing an Islamic-Based Primary School

Adista Suci Merdikawati, Achmad Fathoni
Parents will certainly give the best for their children. One of them is in terms of the education of the child. At this time, many parents choose to send their children to Islamic-based schools. This study aims to analyze parents’ interest in choosing an Islamic-Based Elementary School, with three main...
Proceedings Article

Environmental Concerns are not at Cross Purposes to Farm Justice/Food Security

Cynthia Rice, Buddhi Gyawali, Marion Simon, Whitney Maynard
Hunger in America is unimaginable. There appears to be food everywhere, just buy it. Unfortunately, many sections of our country have subsets of the population without the means to buy, store and prepare nutritious food. From Appalachian hollers to inner city neglected areas to homeless and disenfranchised...
Proceedings Article

Research and Application of Effective Exploitation Mechanism of Microscopic Pores in Heavy Oil Based on Displacement Pressure Gradient

Tingli Li, Jie Tan, Zhiqian Yuan
It is of great significance to study the effective exploitation mechanism of the micro-pores of heavy oil and design the corresponding injection and production pattern for enhanced oil recovery. Based on CT digital core technology, a lattice Boltzmann micropore simulation model was established to study...

Analysis of the Relationship Between Teacher Teaching Style and Experience on Student Discipline

Dewi Puspitasari, Fina Agustina, Ira Rohimah, Joko Suprapmanto
This article aims to determine the relationship between teacher teaching style and experience on student discipline. The method used in this study is a case study. The analytical technique used in this study is thematic analysis. The subjects used in this study were 80 grade 6 students and 40 teachers....