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189328 articles

Writing Music Through Parnumation 3.0 in the Musical Activities Learning Process

Emah Winangsit, Fajry Sub’haan Syah Sinaga
Based on research (Sinaga, Maestro, Winangsit, & Yensharti, 2019) a music teacher must be able to transcribe a note so that it can be learned by students in the process of learning music. Reading music notation for some people is a very complicated thing, especially in singing activities. According to...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Commercial Areas and Industrial Zone Improvement on Road Service Levels Between City Surabaya-Sidoarjo

Budi Sugiarto Waloejo
The Regional Government Policy of Surabaya City which prohibits industrial zones outside industrial estates in Surabaya urban areas encourages the growth of new industrial zones in the hinterland area of Surabaya city or Gerbangkertosusilo region, including Gresik Regency, Sidoarjo Regency and Mojokerto...

Physical Condition and Self-Control Improves the Ability of Back Attack in Volleyball

Bujang, Aridhotul Haqiyah
This research aims to determine the effect of power, flexibility, and self-control towards the ability of back attack volleyball. The research method is a survey, and the analysis technique is path analysis. This research was held at the Islamic University of 45 Bekasi with a population of 30 athletes...
Proceedings Article

Regular and Reverse Lay Up Shoot in Basketball: Movement Analysis for Beginners

David Siahaan, Pangondian H. Purba, M. Faisal Ansari Nasution
The purpose of this study is to find out common mistakes made by beginner basketball players at the student university level in doing regular and reverse lay-up shoots. The shoot-up technique was analyzed based on 6 indicators, namely: (1) bringing the ball to the ring, (2) catching the ball and controlling...

The Process of Adapting the Region Model to the Meso-Level Socio-Economic System

R A Timofeev
In work the relevance is proved and also the analysis of application of process approach at the regional level is carried out. The concepts of the category “process” are considered. The author’s definition of this concept is presented, the key (main) processes influencing competitiveness and efficiency...

Theoretical Preconditions for Business Processes Management of Energy Efficiency in Mining Enterprises

Anatoly Temchenko, Oleksandr Temchenko, Stanislav Stovpnyk, Nataliia Shevchuk, Viktoriia Vapnichna, Rostislav Tulchinskiy
The article justifies the need for further development of the scientific approach to evaluation and selection of energy-saving technologies for the open-cast mining of iron ore deposits, which is important for the mining industry of Ukraine. A structural diagram of the theory of energy saving is proposed....

The Role of Notary on Waqf Land Issues in Bekasi City, West Java

Aisha Adelia, Aad Rusyad Nurdin
Waqf in Indonesia still has many problems because it has not been implemented properly. In fact, many waqf lands do not have waqf land certificate, which can lead to dispute in the future. Based on the regulation, waqf land certificate is issued under the condition that there is waqf pledge deed made...

Error Analysis of Japanese Relative Clause

Nuria Haristiani, Septi Ayu Maulani
The aims of this study was to analyze the type and cause of error in using Japanese relative clauses (meishi shuushoku) by Japanese language learners based on Corder’s (1975) theory. The data in this study collected through a test consists of 35 questions divided into four types of inquiry about meishi...

Factors Affecting the Intention to Establish Innovative Business Based on Local Resources in Young Generation on North Sulawesi

Christoffel Kojo, Christoffel M. O. Mintardjo, Djeini Maradesa, Wensy F. I. Rompas
The problem in North Sulawesi is the lack of innovation and creativity of the younger generation, especially in establishing business and creating innovative and creative products and services. The importance of this problem is because young people who can set up a business and create innovative products...

Dynamic Linkages of Return and Asymmetric Volatility Spillovers Among Asian Emerging Stock Markets: Evidence from Post-Global Financial Crisis Period

Rahil Irfan Ahmed, Guohao Zhao
The purpose of this study is to investigate the dynamics of return linkages and volatility spillovers between Asian emerging stock markets. The findings revealed that the own lagged volatility spillovers are statistically significant in all cases. Our findings also show that the asymmetric volatility...

Features of Training in Financial Management Technologies in the Digital Economy

T. O. Dyukina, V. I. Kordovich, I. V. Diukina
This paper explores and presents the characteristics of training in financial management technologies in the digital economy. The digital economy creates new conditions for the functioning of companies: the form of economic activity of the information community is dynamically developing. As a result,...

The Role of Advertising in the Organization of Digital Marketing Concept

Al-Ababneh Hassan Ali, A.D. Nazarov, I.S. Kondratenko
The article considers theoretical aspects of the use of advertising in the framework of marketing in modern conditions. The relevance and conceptual necessity of highlighting the main role of advertising in the concept of Internet marketing of organizations in modern conditions are determined. The main...

DNA Methylation on Bloodstain as a Forensic Age Estimation Method

Ahmad Yudianto, Masniari Novita, Muhammad Afiful Jauhani, Deka Bagus Binarsa
Forensic identification is an effort to help law enforcement in determining a person’s identity. Personal identity is often a problem in criminal cases, civil cases, death without identity, and mass disasters. Age estimation is very important in forensic identification. DNA methylation is a potential...

The Development of Kato Nan Ampek Picture Storybook Models Through Literacy of Minangkabau Culture to Develop the Character During Early Childhood

Syamsuarni, Delfi Eliza
This study aims to develop a model of picture books through literacy ampek kato nan Minangkabau culture to develop character early childhood. This story book development through literacy Minangkabau culture to develop the character of children aged 5–6 years. This type of research is the research and...

Historical Aspects of the Emergence and Evolution of the Judiciary in Russia

Elena Barasheva, Larisa Dmitrieva
The article deals with the judiciary genesis of Russia. This study researches the historical background and the formation ways of the independent judiciary institute, starting from the first decade of the XI century, and ending with the formation of modern Russian justice system in the 90s of the XX...

Students’ Perception on the Implementation of Soft Skill Training Program at University Level

Awaliawati Wahyullah, Erna Andriyanti
At the university level, especially in English Language Education study program, soft skill training called Bridging Course for Soft Skill has been implemented. This study aimed to investigate the strengths and weaknesses of the implementation of Soft Skill Training program. Descriptive qualitative research...

SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) Analysis of Strategies for the Development of Beach Sports in Hainan in Combination with PEST (Politics, Economy, Society and Technology) Analysis

Jiangtao Li, Xingli Hu
By using SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis in combination with PEST (Politics, Economy, Society and Technology), this paper analyzes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the development of beach sports in Hainan from the perspectives of policy, economy,...

Scout 4.0: Goes Global Through Crowdsourced Website

Ayu Amalia, Mohammad Sani Suprayogi
Website as non-interactional media era has developed a while ago, nowadays, website adopts series of new features, such as implementing the user-generated-content feature to muster and display relevant information automatically on the webpage by implementing particular keywords. Further, this study unveils...

Intercultural Miscommunication With Local People: A Descriptive Study on Foreigners’ Perception and Experiences

Ida Prayatni, Kamaludin Yusra, Lalu Tohir
Initially, the complexity of communication is mainly considered on the transmission of the message from senders to recipients and this can be affected by a range of things. One of them is cultural situation particularly for people from different cultural backgrounds and social groups involved in intercultural...

Will Cyber Warfare Become a Threat to Contemporary International Security?

Yutong Wu, Yudi Huang
With the development of nuclear weapons and countries’ abilities to launch destructive attacks, cyber warfare has become a new alternative for future forms of conflicts. This paper will discuss the concept of cyber warfare and the reasons why it constitutes a serious threat to international security...

Employee Innovation Behavior in Health Care

Abdul Haeba Ramli
The objective of this research is to analyze the influence of Humble Leadership towards Employee Innovation Behavior. This research Applies the explanatory type with quantitative approach. The sample that used for this research are 100 respondents of Hospital employee. The collection of data that used...

Construction Representations of Student on Solving Word Problems Inconsistent Comparison

Anwar Muttaqien, Ariati Dwi Prasetya Rini, Apuanor, Teguh Wibowo, Muhamad Supian, Muhammad Hadianur, Istadi
This study investigates the use of representation of middle and high school students in solving inconsistent additive comparison problem word problems. The study was conducted by analysing the answer to the task of solving word problems and the results of interviews of 5 students aged 12-16 years to...

Farmer’s Behavior in Managing Postharvest in South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Fatmawati, Lahming, Ahmad Rifqi Asrib, Nurlita Pertiwi
Seaweed production in South Sulawesi increased significantly and contributed to Indonesia total production in Indonesia. However, increasing production did not affect the welfare of coastal communities. This fact was significantly related to the behavior of farmers in post-harvest management. This study...

Study on the Innovative Talents Cultivation Model of English Majors Under the Background of “New Liberal Arts”

Xiaoming Yao
The “New Liberal Arts Declaration” puts forward the policy of “proactively seeking change, innovative development”. Based on the background of new liberal arts education, this article explores the innovative path of English talent cultivating model, including integration of “curriculum ideological and...
Proceedings Article

Zeolite Coating with Phenantroline for Adsorption of Ion Fe (III)

Ngatijo, Faizar Farid, Dhea Sulya Putri Dika
Natural zeolite contains impurities such as Na, K, Ca, Mg and Fe and has poor crystallinity. The presence of these impurities can reduce the activity of zeolites. To improve the character of natural zeolite, activation and modification are carried out first. In addition to removing impurities contained...

Political Influence in Communal Elections with Emphasis on the Position of Independent Candidates in Slovakia

Xénia Domaracká
The purpose of this article is to analyse the position and start point of independent candidates in the Slovak elections, with strong emphasis on municipal elections, where independent candidates have gradually gained a significant footing. A further aim of this paper is to show a possible connection...

Analysis of Online Learning Evaluation of Social Science Education Study Program

Asep Ginanjar, Noviani Achmad Putri, Heri Setyawan, Afif Abdan Shakuro, Farida Nur Aini, Risnanda Fermansyah
Social Science Education Program as the most recent study program in the Faculty of Social Sciences with limited infrastructure and human resources, of course, online learning is a challenge, especially when new students in 2020 must immediately feel online learning where students still do not understand...

Decision of Constitutional Court on the Rights of the Child Out of Wedlock

Bambang Ali Kusumo, Abdul Kadir Jaelani, Dora Kusumastuti
The status of children in Indonesia has been regulated in various laws and regulations. In marriage law, it is defined that a legitimate child is a child born from or in a legal marriage. However, after the issuance of the Constitutional Court’s decision on the status of children out of wedlock, a debate...

What is the Relationship Among Wages, Supplementary Labor Income, Unemployment and Productivity?

Evidence From Canadian Manufacturing

Huixuan Xie
This study investigated the relationship between the labor wage (LC), supplementary labor income (SLI), unemployment rate (UN), and labor productivity (LP) of the manufacturing industry in Canada, using time-series econometric techniques. This study was based on the Vector Autoregression Model (VAR)...

The Students’ Perceptions of Religious Radicalism at State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya

Farida Husin, Ibnu Maja, Yulianto Wairan, Lindawati
This research was conducted at State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya with the purpose to find out students’ perceptions of religious radicalism. The method used in this research was a descriptive-analysis method. The population of this study was students who were members of student organization or SMEs and...
Proceedings Article

Bicuspidization of a Mandibular First Molar With Furcation Defect: A Case Report

Ferdina Nidyasari, Wignyo Hadriyanto, Margareta Rinastiti
The increased desire of patients to maintain their dentition has forced conservative dentistry to conserve the teeth which are planned to be removed. Defect in furcation area resulting from the lesion has always been a concern regarding the choice of treatment. Bicuspidization is a process to separate...
Proceedings Article

Basic Skills of Men Garuda Basketball Athlete

Ronni Yenes, Ryan Gutrianto
The purpose of this study is to determine the passing, dribbling andshooting skills possessed by Padang Basketball athletes. This type of research is descriptive research. The sample in this study were all Putra Garuda Basketball athletes in the age group of 23. The instrument used in this research arepassing,...

Problem Solving for Elementary School Students in Rural Areas in Online Learning Activities During New Normal Covid Conditions 19

Case Study at Cikembang 01 Elementary School, Cikembang Village, Kertasari District, Bandung Regency, West Java Province

Luthfi Audia Pribadi, Yayah Rahyasih
This research aims to find solutions to rural problems in optimally learning in the new normal era. The method used, namely using secondary data, was interviews with discretive qualitative methods to see the level of knowledge of teachers and parents regarding learning patterns during the COVID 19 pandemic...

Puppet Art Extracurricular for Education Noble Values of Javanese Culture in Elementary Schools

Ria Ratnawati, Slamet Subiyantoro, Budi Usodo
The entry of various advances in the political, economic, social, cultural, and technological can have a negative impact if we cannot respond properly. One of the negative impacts is the lack of understanding and preservation of puppetry among the younger generation. Many students today are unable to...

The Effect of Implementation English Material Technical Contained on Vocational Schools

Ahmad Nasihin
Learning English at vocational high schools has been provided, but the motivation and skills of students are still very low so they are rejected for international scale industry. Therefore, it is necessary to practice English Learning Teaching (ELT) by innovative materials designed based job demands...

Brand Community Way in Digital Era: Valuable Interaction of Business, Sociability, and Usability in Indonesian Consumers Experience

Zinggara Hidayat
This paper focuses on the study of Indonesian brand community and the practice of digital marketing communication on social media. This literature reviews, observation, and qualitative data analysis conducted to adopt the concept of valuing the community life includes the business values, sociability...

Discursive Othering in the Fighting Against COVID-19: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the China-Related Coverage of COVID-19

Jianxin Yang, Haimei Wang
This study takes the coverage of China related COVID-19 news as the data to examine how a global epidemic is being reported. Through a corpus assisted analysis of the keywords and collocations, together with a qualitative examination of the discursive strategies, we find that an epidemic paralyzed China...

China’s Economic Transformation and Industrial Upgrading Under the New Normal

Zhan Gao
after entering the new normal, China’s economy needs to be properly transformed and developed. Based on the background of the new normal, this paper discusses the transformation and industrial upgrading of China’s economy, and explains the necessity and methods of industrial upgrading.
Case Report

Unusually High Global End Diastolic Index Associated with Optimal Cardiac Index in Two Critically Ill Patients

Xiaoqing Wu, Desheng Chen, Chen Li, Jun Duan
Pages: 31 - 33
The optimal management of hemodynamic disorders among critically ill patients requires an accurate assessment of hemodynamic status. Global End Diastolic Index (GEDI) is taken for a more reliable indicator of preload in critically ill patients than central venous pressure and doctors tend to arrange...

Child Character Building Through the Takaplager Village Children Forum

Ludovikus Bomans Wadu, Robeka Novita Dua Kasing, Andri Fransiskus Gultom, Klemens Mere
This study aims to determine the process of character value formation through non-formal education with the Takaplager Village Children Forum in Sikka Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study approach. Data were collected using: triangulation...

The Empowerment of Post-Indonesian Migrant Workers’ Family Through a Productive Migrant Village Program (Desmigratif)

Lely Indah Mindarti, Farah Anggraeni
The Productive Migrant Village Program (Desmigratif) is a breakthrough effort by the Ministry of Manpower in collaboration with various institutions to empower, improve services and provide protection for Indonesian Migrant Workers/Migrant Worker applicants in villages that become migrant worker enclaves....
Proceedings Article

Women’s Role in Food Waste Management in Indonesia (Study Case in Bandung)

Gumilar Hadiningrat
Food waste is considered as a significant challenge in improving global health. Therefore, proper food waste management is essential. In Indonesia, women are in charge of managing the household, including food waste. They are responsible for taking care of food-related activities such as groceries shopping...

Does Indonesian Government Program Have an Impact on the Development of Village-Owned Enterprise?

Ni Kadek Sinarwati, I Nyoman Putra Yasa, I Made Pradana Adi Putra
Village-Owned Enterprise (Badan Usaha Milik Desa—BUMDes) is one of the business unit that is getting serious attention from the government to be developed. This study aims to analyze the impact of the VOE Revitalization and the Village Cash Workforce Program (PKTD) on the development of VOE businesses....

Crowd Funding as a Promising Alternative Model of Bank Lending

Natalia Melnikova, Tatyana Zaitseva, Natalia Putivtseva, Egor Belotserkovsky
The article examines the theoretical aspects of crowdfunding technology and generalizes methodological approaches to crowdfunding types. The emphasis is primarily that crowdfunding is an innovative tool for financing business projects and is a promising counterpart to bank lending. The main advantages...

Analysis on the Role of Convergent Journalism in Media Community and Press Circles

Jiaying Liu
This paper is based on the freshly-minted Html-5 format of Internet, gradually replacing the Html-4.01 technology, which is catching on quickly among media users globally, and surely its interactive form and more advanced elements have appealed numerous users. To find out the impact of this burgeoning...

Family Communication Patterns in Choosing Halal Food of Muslims Thailand

Kuhafeesah Rongso, Prahastiwi Utari, Andre Rahmanto
This study aims to find out how the general pattern of family communication is in choosing halal food by Muslims. In Thailand, Muslims are considered as an ethnic minority and have restrictions in choosing food. The way to choose halal food is very important to Muslims. The factor in choosing halal food...

Preserving Siak Cultural Heritage Through Interior and Furniture Design as Reinforcement Identity for Indonesian Tourism

Titik Endahyani
It is crucial to develop and reinforce the local tourism destination identity that support the competitive benefit and the sustainability of Indonesian tourism. By preserving local cultural heritage as unique design inspirations, it is potentially supporting the additional values of local tourism identity....

An Analysis of Demographic Dividend Using the Kampoeng KB Program in West Java Province

Achmad Hufad, Purnomo, Joni R Pramudia
This study has been conducted based on the literary reviews of some statistic data and the report of the BKKBN program in West Java Province. The BKKBN program is, associated with the attempt at suppressing the birth rate, today optimizing another approach in economics, education, health, politics, etc....

Entrepreneurial Commitments: Study at Woman Entrepreneurs in Surabaya

Denis Fidita Karya, Reizano Amri Rasyid, Candraningrat
This research was conducted to find out how the effect of work-family conflict (WFC) consisting of work interfere conflict (WIF) and family interfere conflict (FIW) factors on entrepreneurial commitment through mediating work motivation on women entrepreneurs in the city of Surabaya. The data collection...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Bacillus Coagulans as Feed Probiotics on Non-specific Immunity of Whiteleg Shrimp Litopenaeus Vannamei

S Supono, M Rahayu, M W Yusuf
The study aimed to evaluate the effect of giving a different dosage of Bacillus coagulans to feed (feed probiotics) on nonspecific immunity of Litopenaeus vannamei (white shrimp). The parameters tested included water quality and shrimp immunity parameters, namely total hemocyte count (THC), differential...