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189328 articles

Factors Affecting Students’ Academic Performance: (In the case of the Accounting study of National University of Mongolia)

Avirmed Davaatseren, Mishigdorj Myagmar, Nyamaa Dulamsuren
Many factors such as student goals, teacher skills, school management attitudes, and curriculum have influenced students’ academic performance. In this study, we considered some core factors affecting students’ performance and their influence. The information of the research was collected by students...

Green Human Resource Management Research: Comparative Analysis of Research Inside and Outside China Based on Knowledge Graph

Di Wang
Using CiteSpace6.2R4, this paper visually analyzes important literatures in the field of green human resource management (GHRM) published 182 in WOS and 125 in CNKI from 2000 to 2022. Based on literature reading, this paper compares and analyzes the results presented by knowledge graph, and summarizes...
Proceedings Article

Influence of Initial Pressure on Shock Wave Parameters in Large Explosion Wave Simulation Equipment

Chaoyuan Hang, Fei Liu, Kai Xin, Yonghong Gao, Yaoyao Zhang
In the equipment for simulating explosion waves, the ideal test loading curve can be obtained using high-pressure air drive. To investigate the impact of initial pressure on relevant parameters of shock waves in the test section, AUTODYN16.0 software was employed to simulate the propagation process of...

Interfaith Marriages in Indonesia: A Study in The Perspective of Islamic Law and State Law

Moh Najib, A. Suganda, Zuhdi Rifa’i
This study tried to explain the intricate landscape of interfaith marriages within Indonesia, examining how Islamic law and state law intersect and impact these unions. It delves into the legal complexities surrounding marriage, focusing on the religious and legal dimensions that shape the validity and...

Development and Validation of the Sexual Psychoeducation Module for Adolescents

Katrim Alifa Putrikita, Mulianti Widanarti, Narastri Insan Utami
In Yogyakarta, Indonesia the prevalence of sexual activities in adolescents seems to be high. Data from PSS PKBI DIY (2004) showed that 12.1% adolescents in Yogyakarta had premarital sexual activities. In social media, premarital sexual activities in adolescents are seen as normal activity. The inadequate...

Obligation to Register Halal Certification of Pharmaceutical Products as Guarantee of Halal Products Based on the Perspective of Maqashid Al Syariah

Abdul Rahman
The subjects or informants in the study were Muslim consumers who used pharmaceutical products. The purpose of this study is how the perspective of maqasid al-sharia regarding the obligation to register halal certification of pharmaceutical products. In this study the authors used a muti disciplinary...

Narrative Ability of Mandarin-Speaking Patients with Cerebral Palsy

Lin Li
Patients with cerebral palsy (CP) were found to have narrative difficulty. To examine the exact difficult dimensions, a group of 6 CP patients were investigated on their narrative performance. The 6 adult CP patients attended our collection of narratives and then their narratives were examined concerning...

The Role of Religious-Based Student Organizations in Political Education for National Caderization

A Study on Muslim Students Association in Karawang

Aris Riswandi Sanusi, Fitri Silvia Sofyan, Idrus Affandi
This study aims to analyze the construction of religious-based student organizations’ political education in building national regeneration. The method in this study used a descriptive-analytical method with data collection procedures through interviews, observation, documentation studies, and literature...

The Fierce Competition of Shopee Battlefield Among Generation Z Consumers

A Neuromarketing Perspective

Suryo Hadi Wira Prabowo, Cesya Rizkika Parahiyanti, Yana Respati Dewi, Fatwah Inna Aulisaina, Norzalita Abd Aziz
The shift in consumer buying patterns towards online purchases has led to a significant increase in the number of sellers using e-commerce platforms to promote their products. Shopee is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms in Indonesia. However, the rapid rise in the number of sellers on Shopee...
Proceedings Article

Blended Learning for Teachers in the Era of "Internet+": From Meta-analysis to Multidimensional Scale Constructs

Lin He, Haili Lu
The Internet+ era has brought changes to teachers' learning styles. Objective: To study teachers' blended learning not only at the theoretical and strategic levels, but also at the practical level. Methods: Using meta-analysis, we explored the characteristics of teachers' blended learning...

Exploring the teaching model of an industrial robotics course based on integrated theory-virtual-practice

Yage Wang, Lianyao Tang, Dan Wang, Peiming Peng, Lu Zheng
In order to meet the demand for high-end industrial robotics talents in China, according to the current industrial robotics courses offered by applied undergraduate colleges and universities, there are problems in the teaching process such as incomplete content and inability to combine theoretical knowledge...
Proceedings Article

System Design of Supply Chain Management (SCM) to Increase Productivity: SMEs in Indonesia

Rianto, Setia Wardani
SMEs have an important role in economic growth in developing countries. However, SMEs have many obstacles in carrying out business processes. Capital is a major problem for SMEs, limited information and access to investors are the main reasons for these problems. In addition to the problem of capital,...

Santripreneurship Through the Development of Industrial and Santri Creation to Manifest Sharia-Based Economy

Raisa Fitri, Sudarmiatin, Della Ayu Zona Lia, Filianti
This research aims to improve the community’s welfare through the basis of Islamic boarding schools by empowering industrialized and creative santri (students at Islamic boarding schools) and supporting government policies for the sharia economy implementation—this research data collection using a questionnaire....
Proceedings Article

Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Younger Adult Female with a History of Breast Cancer: A Rare Case Report

Ricky Yue, Jessica Filbertine
Tongue squamous cell carcinoma (TSCC) is the most common presentation of oral cancer (OC). Risk factor traditionally associated with tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption affecting both sexes starting in four decades. Current case report highlights the associated risk factors from this patient and...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Agile Education for Study Program Operational Plan Development

Dodik Arwin Dermawan, Salamun Rohman Nudin, Hafizhuddin Zul Fahmi, I. Gde Agung Sri Sidhimantra, Septian Rahman Hakim
The rapid development of science and technology at this time has also spurred progress in various fields of life, including education, especially in providing good and quality services. Universities compete with each other to be the best in providing services. The applied informatics management undergraduate...

Podsen’s Writing Attitude Survey: How Reliable is the Scale in Bahasa Indonesia?

Lestari Setyowati, Sony Sukmawan, Sari Karmina
It’s crucial to approach writing with positivity. Students who approach writing in a positive way will complete the writing task well. However, little study has been done to examine the validity of the writing attitude scale. This study aims to examine the validity of the writing attitude scale that...
Proceedings Article

Financial and Economic Feasibility Study of Tempel - Yogyakarta - Samas Urban Railway Line

Aryadhatu Dhaniswara, Imam Muthohar, Dewanti
The government of the Special Region of. Yogyakarta proposed the development of the Tempel – Yogyakarta – Samas railway line. This study aimed to determine the financial and economic feasibility. Investment costs and income were calculated for the 50 years concession period from 2024 to 2073. The financial...

Social and Economic Impacts of Renewable Energy Development in Morocco in the Context of International Relations: Opportunities and Challenges

Wen Siyi
The ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the imminent risk posed by climate change are compelling factors that need the strategic imperative to enhance energy source diversification, encompassing the integration of renewable energy sources (RES). This study investigates the role of Morocco as a border nation...
Proceedings Article

Optimized Design of Outdoor Symbiotic Environments for the Elderly and Children in Urban Housing

Zhou Zhou, Ajuan Ren
Demographic structure is one of the important factors affecting residential patterns. Accompanied by the implementation of the comprehensive two-child policy and under the current specific national conditions of China, the demographic structure at this stage presents two obvious characteristics: population...
Proceedings Article

Comparative Analysis of Ceramic Insulator Performance with The Application of Silicone Rubber Coating and Nano-Ceramic Coating

Alfredo Bastianta Bukit, Abdul Syakur, Jaka Windarta
Insulators are components that isolate between voltage components and other components. insulators are very important in the distribution of electrical energy. If the quality of the insulator is poor, it can cause interference with the power system. The quality of the insulator is determined by the standard...
Proceedings Article

Lean Manufacturing to Reduce Production Time for Pressure Vessel Production

Bintang Timur Lazuardi, Moses Laksono Singgih
In a fiercely competitive business landscape, every company must optimize its resources and minimize wastage in the production process. At the Pressure Vessel Company (PVC), a study revealed various areas of waste, including non-compliant raw materials, delayed engineering documents, extended production...

Analyzing Thomas Lickona’s Ideas in Character Education (A Library Research)

Suroso Suroso, Farida Husin
This paper focuses on examining the ideas put forth by Thomas Lickona. Lickona’s perspective on character education revolves around a theory consisting of three fundamental elements: understanding what is morally right, having a deep appreciation for moral values, and actively applying these values in...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Influence of Fatigue on the Shear Performance of Metal Rubber Bearing

Xin Qiao, Xiushen Xia
The metal rubber bearing has excellent characteristics such as anti-fatigue, anti-aging and anti-corrosion, while the vehicle live load will cause fatigue damage to the metal rubber bearing and thus affect its shear mechanical properties. This paper is based on 2 million times of vertical fatigue test...
Proceedings Article

Steganography on Color Images Using Least Significant Bit (LSB) Method

Tutuk Indriyani, S. Nurmuslimah, Audita Taufiqurrahman, Rinci Kembang Hapsari, Citra Nurina Prabiantissa, Aeri Rachmad
In some fields, high data security is required for data transmission. This raises concerns about misuse of data to irresponsible parties. To protect it, efforts were made to hide factual information on top of other information, namely steganography using the Least Significant Bit (LSB) method. This method...

Status Quo and Suggestions for the Digital Transformation of the Manufacturing Industry in Guangdong Province

Jingyuan Yang
This paper analyses the status quo and necessity of the manufacturing industry’s digital transformation in Guangdong Province, combined with the government documents Guangdong Province, to understand and analyze the path of the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry in Guangdong Province....
Proceedings Article

Lung Cancer Nodules Detection Using Ideal Features Extraction Technique in CT Images

Vikul J. Pawar, P. Premchand, I. Govardhanrao
In the present time, worldwide the number of patients related to lung cancer disease getting increase exponentially, accordingly the application of Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) system building association with medical science to deliver pertinent solution using Image Processing and Machine Learning...

Breaking Down Consumer Preferences: What Drives the Millennial Generation’s Choices in Batik Clothing?

Eny Endah Pujiastuti, Humam Santosa Utomo, Suratna, Sigit Haryono
This study aimed to identify the key attributes that influence millennial consumers’ preferences in selecting batik clothing. The study was conducted in Sleman, Yogyakarta, and involved 100 respondents between the ages of 18–25. The research was conducted in three stages, including focus group discussions...

College Students’ E-learning Quality Influencing Factors and Improvement Strategies

Jiamin Tian, Xiaoyu Zhang, Ze Liu
After the outbreak of Covid-19, in order to avoid the impact of the epidemic on teaching and learning activities, educational institutions around the world are trying to leverage the internet to make extensive use of numerous technological tools such as computers, tablets, cell phones, and the Internet...
Proceedings Article

In Silico Evaluation of Soybean Protein as Bioactive Peptide for Anti-Thrombotic Agent by Molecular Docking Study

Fadilla Sherlyna, Muhammad Ilham Fahri, Arief Koeswanto, Dandan Wang
Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) are a growing global concern, including in Indonesia. By 2021, strokes were the leading cause of cardiovascular diseases (CVD), affecting 87% of the global population, while in 2018, 33.3% of Indonesians experienced CVD primarily due to strokes. Thrombolysis mediated by...

Problems in Fixed Assets Management of State-Owned Enterprises and its Optimization Measures-Taking X Company as an Example

Qianqian Zan
Fixed Assets Management is one of the important contents of modern state-owned enterprise management, its management level has a significant impact on the efficiency of enterprise management. The effective management of the fixed assets of the state-owned enterprises is of great significance to improve...

The Effectiveness of Mathematics Learning Through the Application of Approaches Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) in Increasing the Ability of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) Mathematics Teachers

Zulfahmi Mustapa. R, Usman Mulbar, Hamzah Upu
Type of research is pre-experimental research that aims to determine the effectiveness of mathematics learning through applying the approach Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) in increasing the ability of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) mathematics teachers. This study refers to three indicators...

Development of Youth Guides Who can Convey the Cultural Capital Narratives of Nibong Commercial Area, Yala Province, Thailand

Ninusra Mintrasak, Suphawini Kittiwinit, Putra Arelae, Saringkarn Kittiwinit, Mustasa Yusoh
The objective of this research is to develop youth guides through the process of participation in the transmission of cultural capital narratives of Nibong commercial area, Muang district, Yala province. We selected 20 youth recruitment groups in the southern border provinces. It is divided into 3 activities:...

First-Year Experience: Pedagogies of Care as an Enabler to Student Success

Arthi Ramrung
This reflective paper aims to explore the need to embrace alternate pedagogical practices in the traditional curriculum. Being an academic who teaches first-year students and leads the First-year Experience Programme (FYE) at a university of technology has allowed me to reflect not only on my practice...
Conference Abstract


Dimitrios Terentes-Printzios*, Charalambos Vlachopoulos, Nikolaos Ioakeimidis, Athanasios Aggelis, Panagiotis Xaplanteris, Panagiota Pietri, Dimitrios Tousoulis
Pages: 39 - 40
Objectives: Smoking has an unfavorable effect on arterial properties. Vascular aging is an independent predictor of cardiovascular risk. We examined the effect of quitting smoking on the progression of arterial stiffness. Methods: 142 subjects (mean age 51.9 ± 10.8 years, 94 men) with no established...
Conference Abstract


Giacomo Pucci*, Francesca Battista, Fabio Anastasio, Mariano Edoardo Crapa, Leandro Sanesi, Giuseppe Schillaci
Pages: 39 - 39
Objective: Pulse pressure (PP) is a complex physiologic trait affected by many variables, including LV contractility (reflected by stroke volume), arterial stiffness, and central-to-brachial amplification.The impact of age on the relationship between stroke volume and central or brachial PP has not been...
Conference Abstract


Zhen Yu Zhang*, Vannina Marrachelli, Lutgarde Thijs, Wen Yi Yang, Fang Fei Wei, Daniel Monleon, Lotte Jacobs, Tim Nawrot, Peter Verhamme, Jens-Uwe Voigt, Tatiana Kuznetsova, Josep Redón, Jan Staessen
Pages: 39 - 39
Background: The metabolic signature associated with subclinical diastolic left ventricular (LV) dysfunction in the general population is unknown. Objectives: This population study aimed at identifying a specific profile of circulating me-tabolites associated with asymptomatic diastolic LV dysfunction. Methods:...

Parenting Styles and Self-Acceptance of High School Students: The Mediating Role of Academic Self-Efficacy

Yu Peng
To explore the mediating mechanism of academic self-efficacy between parenting style and senior high school students’ self-acceptance, a total of 178 high school students were invited to fill in the Short-form Egna Minnenav Bardoms Uppfostran for Chinese, Academic Self-efficacy Scale and Self -Acceptance...

Finite-time Stabilization for Nonholonomic Chained Form Systems with Communication Delay

Hengjun Zhang, Chaoli Wang, Gang Wang
Pages: 39 - 44
In this paper, the problem of finite-time stabilization is developed for nonholonomic chained form systems with communication delay in the input. The finite-time control laws are presented by utilizing the switching control strategy and the theory of finite-time stability, which can make the states of...

On the Objectives of Industrial Engineering from the Perspectives of the Energy Efficiency

Chen Zhou
Pages: 39 - 51
The focus of Industrial engineering has always been efficiency. While industrial engineering has contributed significantly to the improvement of productivity and quality of life, the objective function in the models used in industrial engineering normally measures of efficiency of products or processes....

Autonomously Implemented Versatile Path Planning for Mobile Robots Based on Cellular Automata and Ant Colony

Adel Akbarimajd, Akbar Hassanzadeh
Pages: 39 - 52
A path planning method for mobile robots based on two dimensional cellular automata is proposed. The method can be applied for environments with both concave and convex obstacles. It is also appropriate for multi-robot problems as well as dynamic environments. In order to develop the planning method,...

GA-Based Feature Selection Method for Imbalanced Data with Application in Radio Signal Recognition

Limin Du, Yang Xu, Jun Liu, Fangli Ma
Pages: 39 - 47
This paper presents an improved genetic algorithm (GA) based feature selection method for imbalanced data classification, which is then applied to radio signal recognition of ground-air communication. The proposed method improves the fitness function while SVM is selected as the classifier due to its...

Deep Learning for Detection of Routing Attacks in the Internet of Things

Furkan Yusuf YAVUZ, Devrim ÜNAL, Ensar GÜL
Pages: 39 - 58
Cyber threats are a showstopper for Internet of Things (IoT) has recently been used at an industrial scale. Network layer attacks on IoT can cause significant disruptions and loss of information. Among such attacks, routing attacks are especially hard to defend against because of the ad-hoc nature of...

Video Classification and Shot Detection for Video Retrieval Applications

M. Kalaiselvi Geetha, S. Palanivel
Pages: 39 - 50
Appropriate organization of video databases is essential for pertinent indexing and retrieval of visual information. This paper proposes a new feature called Block Intensity Comparison Code (BICC) for video classification and an unsupervised shot change detection algorithm to detect the shot changes...

A New Lifetime Model: The Gamma Extended Fréchet Distribution

Ronaldo V. da Silva, Thiago A.N. de Andrade, Diego B.M. Maciel, Renilma P. S. Campos, Gauss M. Cordeiro
Pages: 39 - 54
For the first time, a four-parameter lifetime model, called the gamma extended Fr´echet distribution, is defined and studied. We obtain some of its mathematical properties. Explicit expressions for the ordinary and incomplete moments, quantile function, mean deviations, R´enyi entropy and reliability...

Evolution of Sanitary Pads: From the Traditional Product to a Tethered Digital Platform

Ni Zeng, Yuhao Liu, Yuzhe Huang, Huiru Luo
Digital platforms have made a dramatic impact on the modern economy. Firms with business models anchored on digital platforms are generating unprecedented value. Much of this value comes through unlocking the power of data. Exemplars are companies such as Didi, WeChat and Alipay. Previous research has...
Proceedings Article

Biopellet Production from the Wastes of Palm Oil Plantation and Processing Plant Through Various Pretreatment Processes: A Review

Diah Indriani Widiputri, Fernanda Ayuyasmin, Evita Herawati Legowo
Indonesia as one of the world’s largest palm oil producers is facing one significant problem with the amount of wastes they are producing from different stages in palm oil processing, which are consisted of the oil palm trunk (OPT), oil palm frond (OPF), empty fruit bunches (EFB), mesocarp fibre (MF)...

Internalization of the Value of Political Education Through the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) Approach in Citizenship Education Subjects in the Digital Era

Asep Nurjaman, Dasim Budimansyah
The Recent political developments in Indonesia, especially the political awareness of the younger generation who lack political education, became the initial concern of this research. This study aims to describe the process of internalizing the values of Political Education through the Contextual Teaching...

The Logic of the Public Prosecutor’s Monologue in Legal Interpretation: Tracing the Fallacy of the Public Prosecutor’s Indictment in the Crime of Corruption in Indonesia

M. Adystia Sunggara, Rocky Marbun
The Public Prosecutor as one component of the Criminal Justice System that carries out the prosecution function is one of the functions of the government to enforce the law. In the law enforcement process, the Public Prosecutor performs knowledge production through the mechanism of legal interpretation...

Research on Blended Learning Practice Based on Student Engagement

Xuyan Sun, Hui Guan
Blended learning has become a mainstream teaching mode in the “Internet + Education” era. Improving student engagement is an effective way to improve the quality of blended learning. To study blended learning practice based on student engagement, we surveyed behavioral engagement, cognitive engagement...

4’33’’-Silent Shock

Zixiao Gong, Jinan Du
The American musician John Cage was the most controversial avant-gardists of the 20th century. His piano work 4’33’’, which he composed over five years, has become one of his masterpieces. For half a century, this work remains hugely controversial and heatedly debatable. Based on the critical analysis...