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189597 articles

Effect of Father’s Involvement in Early Childhood Education

Rohmalina, Ghina Wulansuci
Father not only helps breadwinners, but fathers are also able to care for and care for their children as mothers do. This has been proven by science that father involvement has an important role to be involved in the care and care of children physically and psychologically especially in the process of...

Improving Teachers Teaching Performances Through Development of Capacity Buildings and Innovative Work Behaviors

Ima Rahmawati, Johar Permana
Improving the quality of education through the role of teachers in developing sustainable professionalism (capacity building) and the teacher’s innovative work behavior towards teacher teaching performance is an effort to be made. This study aims to describe the influence of capacity building and innovative...

The Development of Terbang Papat and Larung Sesaji Local Wisdom-Based Physics Learning Module to Increase the Senior High School Students’ Physics Representation Ability in Realizing Nature of Sciences

Warsono, Supahar, Ahdika Setiyadi, Danis Alif Oktavia, Rio Sandhika Darma, Puji Iman Nursuhud
This study aims to determine the feasibility level of local wisdom-based physics learning module in high school physics learning and determine the effectiveness of local wisdom-based physics learning module in increasing the students’ representation ability in high school physics learning. This research...

Exploration and Practice of a New Way of Practical Education for College Students—Taking “Five-One Homework in Winter Vacation” as an Example

Xuyi Guo, Xiaolan Luo, Xinzhu Xiang, Liang Li, Qiangwei Yan
By carrying out the “five-one” winter vacation homework as a grasp of the winter vacation theme education practice activities, it makes up for the weaknesses of students’ comprehensive ability effectively, and has a positive impact on College Students’ skills to solve problems and adapt to professional...
Proceedings Article

Low Carbon Affordable Apartments in Hot-Humid Climate of Indonesia: Design Concept of the Full-Scale Experimental House

Fathina Izmi Nugrahanti, Tetsu Kubota, Dewi Larasati, Andhang Rakhmat Trihamdani, Kouhei Morita, Hirofumi Inoue
In Indonesia, GHG emissions are expected to increase up to 1,751 MtCO2e in 2030. In parallel, as a response towards the Paris Agreement, the Indonesian government has made a commitment through NDC to reduce the carbon emissions by 2030. On the other hand, the Indonesian population continues to increase,...
Proceedings Article

Level of Psychology of Taekwondo Athletes

Okky Indera Pamungkas, Risti Nurfadhilah
Sports psychology has an important role for athletes, especially in influencing athletes’ performance. So we need a test to measure the level of psychology in taekwondo athletes. This study aims to determine the level of psychology in taekwondo athletes. There were 12 respondents who filled in the complete...

Learning, Listening, and Reading Based on Child Worksheets Interactive Multimedia in Early Childhood of 5–6 Years

Megi Desfita
Interactive learning is a multimedia-based learning by combining and synergize all the media that consists of programmed text, photos, videos, animations, and music. Interactive multimedia-based learning in early childhood of 5-6 years will increase interest and motivation children in learning. The problem...
Proceedings Article

The Utilization of Village Funds and Its Correlation on Health Development at Village Level in Kebumen Regency in 2015–2018

Nadilah Salma, Ede Surya Darmawan
Background: Nowadays, a village is not just become an object of development but the subject behind it with its real autonomy avowed by formal regulatory framework (Village Law (Law No. 6 Year 2014 about Village)). A village also receives additional income in the form of village funds which potentially...

Arbitration Settlement in the ASEAN Economy Community

Rahayu Hartini, Syariful Alam
Arbitration of business disputes is the most popular choice for business people, especially in the current MEA era. The focus of this research is: 1). What is the process of resolving business disputes through arbitration in the era of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)?.2). What is the ideal concept...

Administrative Dispute Settlement Local Leaders Election in Indonesia

Herdi Munte, Mirza Nasution
The legal norms for resolving administrative disputes over local leaders elections in Indonesia are stipulated in the legislation. The Provincial and District/City Election Supervisory Agency is in charge of resolving administrative disputes, and the decisions are binding. The research problems in this...

Improvement of Teacher’s Capability in Developing Christian Ethics of Elementary School Students

Uranus Zamili
Something that becomes a reality that often happens that Christian ethics has begun to disappear in millennials, especially in the world of education in this millennial era. Violation of Christian ethics is not only done by students, but even school principals and teachers do so. Not only those students...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Determinants of Musculoskeletal Disorders and Life Quality of Informal Workers

Nuraini, Heru Santoso, Erna Mutiara, Wirsal Hasan
Musculoskeletal disorders are a pain in muscles, tendons, and nerves. Building workers and workers with heavy physical workloads and static muscles so that the muscles experience pressure and cause muscle and bone pain. This affects the life quality of informal workers. The aim of the study was to analyze...

Comparison of Learning Management System Moodle, Edmodo and Jejak Bali

Harry Dhika, Fitriana Destiawati, Michael Sonny, Surajiyo, Musa Jaya
E-learning, some features can be used by students and teachers from making online competency tests, student activity, learning process graphs, or value recapitulation. In this study, analyzing the LMS in the comparison of Moodle, Edmodo, and Jejak Bali so that users can compare and distinguish LMS and...

Study on “Yao Nan Troupe” in Qinghe District During the Anti-Japanese War

Sha Jia Yi
Yao Nan Troupe, which is active in qinghe district, made special contributions to the stability and development of the red regime during the war of resistance against Japan and the war of liberation. Special geographical location and specific historical period shaped yao nan troupe. Yao nan troupe in...

The Influences of Economic Risk, Interest Rate and Exchange Rate on Non Oil Export and Its Implication on Gross Domestic Product in Indonesia Using SmartPLS

Arkas Viddy, Besse Asniwati, Rafiqoh Rafiqoh
The research objectives are to create and to analyze the influence of exogenous variable such as economic risk, interest rate, and exchange rate on Indonesian none oil export and its implications for Indonesian economic growth. There are several variables are used such as economic risk, interest rates,...

Multiliteracies Approach in English Language Teaching Paradigm in 21st Century

The multiliteracies approach in English Language Teaching in 21st Century Paradigm is a learning paradigm that has long been echoed in the world of education. However, there are still some people who are opaque about this multiliteracies. The teaching paradigm with a multiliteracies approach in this...

The Women’s Role in Public Leadership: The Experience of PCNA of West Jenangan, Ponorogo

Katni, Sigit Dwi Laksana, Puput Wulandari
This paper discusses the role of women’s pioneering in public leadership at the organization of the Branch Management of Aisyiyah of West Jenang, Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia. Women as pioneers of social movements at both the sub-district and village levels, collaborate intensively with various parties,...

Analysis of Maritime Learning Material Development Needs Using Google Form

Ridhwan, Rima Meilita Sari, Sumarmi
Indonesia has vast potential of maritime resource. It is necessary to increase knowledge through education. The purpose of this study is to find out student’s perceptions about the development of maritime teaching materials. This study was used quantitative as a research design and was conducted from...

The Digital Economy Supports the Policy Recommendations of the “Belt and Road” Construction

Limei Hu
With the advent of the digital age of the Internet, the development of the digital economy has become an important engine for the development of the new economy, making new contributions to the construction of the “One Belt and One Road” initiative, but the challenge of the digital economy supporting...

A Study on the Identification Mechanism for Revolutionary Spirit of College Students

Xiaoyun Jiao, Puxiu Peng
In order to give play to the function of educating people in the revolutionary spirit, and to cultivate the core socialist values of college students with the revolutionary spirit, we must first make college students realize the recognition of the revolutionary spirit. For that end, we must build the...
Proceedings Article

Dhuha Prayer and Character Strength of Students

Alivermana Wiguna, Fatimah Setiani, Jayadi, Agus Heriyanto
There is an interesting phenomenon in the Al-Kautsar MAN prayer room in Kotawaringin Timur, Central Kalimantan at every break. Not a few students and students came to the prayer room to perform the Dhuha prayer, which is one of the Sunnah prayers that are carried out around the sun begins to rise until...

Effect of Hand-Eye Coordination, Concentration and Believe in the Accuracy of Shooting in Petanque

Ari Purnomo, Yendrizal
The problem in this study is that Jambi Provincial Petanque athletes still lack shooting accuracy in Petanque matches. This type of research is quantitative research with a path analysis approach involving 40 athletes. The purpose of this study is to determine the direct and indirect effects on shooting...

Analysis of E-Service Quality on Website E-Commerce on E-Customer Satisfaction

Rahmat Hidayat, Nilam Suri Anasis
E-commerce has been positively accepted by the community in business to reach customers Easily. E-commerce system must meet all criteria that the community needed to improve the service quality in order to increase of customer satisfaction in online shopping, and at the end it will be affected to an...

An Analysis of Speaking Materials in English Textbook for the Tenth Grade of the Senior High School

Ratmanida, Yeni Suryanti
The purpose of this research is to find the quality of materials in the English textbook for the tenth grade of senior high school. This research focus on speaking material in the textbook for senior high school. This is descriptive research. The data is the textbook assessment scores in the form quantitative...

Developing the Set of Mathematics Learning Materials Based on NHT Model With Peer Assessment

Asri Fauzi, Djamilah Bondan Widjajanti, Arif Widodo, Umar Umar
This study aims at developing a valid, practice and effective set of mathematics learning materials based on Numbered Heads Together (NHT) model with peer-assessment to enhance students’ conceptual understanding and achievement. To fulfil the goal, the research was carried in research development setting...

Regional Decision-Making in the Context of a Pandemic: Speed vs Cost Assessment

N.Yu. Vlasova, I.I. Rakhmeeva
The paper deals with Russian experience of regional decision-making in the context of a pandemic. The research aims to investigate approaches to decision-making in Russian regions. Research tasks are to systematize the types of regional pandemic policy and to identify approaches to a regulatory impact...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Circuit Training to Incrase VO2 max for Futsal Player

Najarudin Nafis, Sapto Adi, Mahmud Yunus
Endurance can be trained by low or small load, with a lot of frequency and in a long duration of time. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of circuit training to increase vo2 max for futsal player of RedFox club in Malang City after given treatment. The research used was quasi experiment...

Role of Leading People Plantation Commodities in Increasing Community Income and Environmental Preservation in River Areas Langsa District

Hanisah, Kiagus Muhammad Zain Basriwijaya, Karnelis, Layli Fitriana
This research was conducted to examine the role of leading community plantation commodities in increasing community income and environmental preservation in the Langsa area, Langsa Regency. The research method uses descriptive analysis and location quotient (LQ), with secondary data from the 2008-2014-time...

Copyright Issues on the Prank Video on the Youtube

Nurul Hulwanita Sharfina, Hasbir Paserangi, Fitri Pratiwi Rasyid, Muhammad Ikram Nur Fuady
This study aims to examine copyright infringement that occurs in prank videos uploaded on YouTube social media. The next goal is to find out how the criteria for prank videos that can be said to violate copyright are categorized as cinematographic works. This research was conducted by taking data samples...

Four-Phases Hypothesis of Drama Culture Translation: A Case of Academic Translation Project on Silk Road: The Study of Drama Culture

Fen Gao, Fan Yang, Lin Wang
Starting from the procedure of applying for Chinese Academic Translation Project sponsored by Chinese Fund for the Humanities and Social Sciences, this paper probes into the four phases of translation for drama culture in Silk Road: The Study of Drama Culture, i.e. initial translation, re-translation,...
Proceedings Article

The Overview of Pain in Cancer Patients

Wantonoro, Edy Suprayitno, Endang Koni Suryaningsih
Pain is a major problem in cancer patients. The experience of pain is a multi-factorial phenomenon including sensory, cognitive, physiologic, affective, motivational, and behavioral dimensions. Hence, comprehensive assessment of pain is important in order to (provide) pain relieve intervention strategies....
Proceedings Article

Existence of Streptococcus Mutans and Streptococcus Sobrinus in Oral Cavity as Main Cariogenc Bacteria of Dental Caries

Santi Chismirina, Suzanna Sungkar, Ridha Andayani, Sri Rezeki, Darmawi
Objective of this review is to give an overview about the role of Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus in dental caries pathogenicity. Both of these bacteria known as main agent of dental caries which has been succesfully isolated from patient with caries. We review current data on Streptococcus...

Implementation of Principal’s Digital Leadership in Communication and Teacher Professional Development at School

Ius Rusnati, Mohammad Fakry Gaffar
This research aims to examine the implementation of digital leadership in terms of communication and teacher professional development. The descriptive-analytic method with a qualitative approach was performed. The primary data was collected from respondents through interviews with principals in the elementary...

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Smart Tourism

Tingdan Yang, Zhijun Yan, Jun Wen
The purpose of the paper is to explore how smart tourism has been changed and affected due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It analyzed the emergence of new models of smart tourism, the improvement of smart tourism and the changing of tourists’ travel methods during the pandemic. It draws a conclusion that...
Proceedings Article

Zeolite and Active Carbon Addition on Closed System Transportation for Milkfish Juvenile (Chanos chanos) Survival Rate

Mustahal, Forcep Rio Indaryanto, Deri Hermawan, Mas Bayu Syamsunarno
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the optimum ratio of zeolite and activated carbon to preserve the survival rate of milkfish juvenile in closed system transportation. This research was conduct from May to July 2018 at the Laboratory of Aquaculture, University of Sultan...

Early Childhood Sex Education in Coastal Areas

Pahlita Ratri Ramadhani, Amir Syamsyudin
Today, child sexual abuse was increasingly prevalent. In fact, these actions of sexual abuse are carried out by those closest people, including family. The most of people community considers that sexual education is a taboo thing to be taught to young children. The effect of the lack of public awareness...

The Guarantee of Language Rights and the Realization of Cultural Capital

A Study on the Status of Language Rights of Ethnic Minorities in China

Zhiyong Yang
Cultural capital is rooted in the social structure and institutional legal environment. Language, as one of the important carriers of culture, plays an important role in the acquisition of cultural capital. Language rights have the function of constructing a system and legal guarantee for the realization...

Constitutional Law in the 21st Century: Impacts of Digitalization

Iliya Ruzanov, Maria Vlasova
The article raises the question of the scope and intensity of constitutional regulation of the economy in the 21st century that is distinguished by the impact of digitalization. It is shown that the subject of constitutional law is steadily expanding, including at the present stage already a whole bunch...

Financial Risk Analysis and Regulatory Suggestions for Shadow Banking

Yilu Li
With the rapid expansion of shadow banking in China, its effect of risk prevention and control is initially effective, but related financial risks are still accumulating. The People’s Bank of China mentioned in its 2019 China Financial Stability Report that “properly defusing the risks of shadow banking”...

The Role of Teachers in Planning Early Childhood Learning

Agus Sumitra, Rita Nurunnisa, Ririn Hunafa Lestari
The teacher as a planner and implementer of learning is the teacher’s role that must be implemented. One of the roles is the administrator role. The administrator is one of the teacher’s roles in planning a series of learning for a certain period following the rules of manufacture and arrangement. However,...

A Study on the Communist Party of China’s Expressions in Discourse on Women’s Liberation During the War of Resistance Against Japan: Taking the Xinhua Daily as an Example

Ting Zhang
Since its foundation in the 1920s, the Communist Party of China (CPC) had paid substantial attention to women’s liberation problems in China under the guidance of Marxist theory on women’s liberation. During the War of Resistance against Japan, Xinhua Daily, as the only publicly-issued CPC party newspaper...

Improvement of Fine Motor Skills Through Cheerful Weaving Activities in Group B PGRI 03 Kindergarten Tumpang Malang

Isrotul Muslimah, Tomas Iriyanto, Evania Yafie
The purpose of this study was to find out how the application of cheerful weaving activities to improve children’s fine motor skills, and describe whether through cheerful weaving activities can improve children’s fine motor skills. This study uses a classroom action research (CAR) design with qualitative...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Short Interval Training on Anaerobic Resistance Power in U-14 Arema Academy Players

Fandi Ari Wijaya, Slamet Raharjo, Sapto Adi
Anaerobic endurance called stamina is a higher endurance level than endurance, stamina work is at an anaerobic level, where oxygen supply or insufficiency does not adequately serve the work needs of the muscles. Short interval training is needed to support anaerobic endurance capability. The purpose...

Symmetries, Conservation Laws, Invariant Solutions and Difference Schemes of the One-dimensional Green-Naghdi Equations

V.A. Dorodnitsyn, E.I. Kaptsov, S.V. Meleshko
Pages: 90 - 107
The paper is devoted to the Lie group properties of the one-dimensional Green-Naghdi equations describing the behavior of fluid flow over uneven bottom topography. The bottom topography is incorporated into the Green-Naghdi equations in two ways: in the classical Green-Naghdi form and in the approximated...

Educational Value in the Amat Rhang Manyang Legend as Literacy Material for Elementary School

Asriani, Syihabuddin, Yeti Mulyati, Sumiyadi
The people of Aceh have many legends. These legends are passed on orally from generation to generation. This is because the legend is full of educational values for all ages, so it is very feasible for literacy learning for children in elementary schools. The purpose of this study is to find the content...
Proceedings Article

High Performance Supercapacitor Based on Activated Carbon Electrodes Prepared Using Microwave Temperature as Process Parameter

Adekunle Moshood Abioye, Farid Nasir Ani
The activated carbon (AC) electrodes were prepared by a two-step microwave-induced CO2 activation of OPS using bed temperature as control parameter. The electrochemical properties of the AC electrodes were investigated at room temperature by cyclic voltammetry (CV), galvanostatic charge-discharge (GCD)...

Kartini on Screen: Narrating Kartini as Feminist Agent

Ahmad Jum’a Khatib Nur Ali, Robingah
Kartini is a national heroine that inspires Indonesian women. Her heroism is presented in lots of mediums: schoolbooks, history, stories, and movies. This research aims to explore the construction of Kartini ideological characterization in movies. To do so, it employs a qualitative method. Two recent...

Character Strengths of Student and College Student Undergoing Learning Activities During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Hetti Sari Ramadhani, Jatie K. Pudjibudojo, Lena N. Panjaitan
Youth character strengths becomes the front line for the nation’s future generations to face future challenges, including during the Covid-19 pandemic. Previous research has shown character strengths in helping people and the nation cope the vicissitudes of Covid-19 pandemic. This research aims to identify...

Evaluation of Certified Teachers

Siti Rochanah, Munawir, Kumaidi, Waston, Furqan, Deddy Ramdhani
This evaluation research intends to define the achievement of certified teachers in Senior High Schools (HS). The first variable is compiling lesson plans, the second is performing learning in class, the third is attending evaluations, the fourth is student guidance. The research found that the instrument...

Flipgrid: A Pathway to Enhance Students’ Speaking Performance

Della Nuridah Kartika Sari Amirulloh, Ika Lestari Damayanti, Ellen Citraningrum
The aim of the study was to explore the use of Flipgrid’s features as students’ learning support to improve their speaking skills. Utilizing a case study, the present research involved nineteen students of the Department of English Education in a public university in Bandung, West Java. The data were...