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189597 articles

The Development Strategies of Tennis in Chinese Universities

Long Zhou
With the constant development of fitness exercises, tennis, as an important sport, has been attracting more and more concern, especially in the sports in colleges and universities. However, for different reasons, there is something wrong with tennis in colleges and universities. The paper is trying to...

A Study on Cultivating Chinese College Students' Cultural Confidence in College English Teaching

Rongqin Ma
Chinese culture is ignored in College English teaching in Chinese colleges and universities, which leads to the phenomenon of "Chinese culture aphasia" in cross-culture communication between Chinese college students and foreigners. This essay aims to strengthen the cultivation of Chinese college students'...

An Overview Of Mobile-Assisted Language Learning

Naely Muchtar
The advance of technology is changing the way lecturer interacts and teaches their students. The paper offer timeline review of important journal publications related with Mobile-Assisted Language Learning to investigate the effect of mobile devices in students' English proficiency. Mobile devices are...

Ecological Consciousness in William Wordsworth's Poetry

Xiuzhi Zhang
Wordsworth is one of the representatives of the romantic poetry. He tried to innovate new ways of writing in his poems and he regarded the poetry as a cure for man's depression. So this paper mainly focuses on William Wordsworth's ecological ideas and analyzes the relationship between man and nature,...

Traditional Rice Farming Ritual Practices of the Banjar Tribe Farmers in South Kalimantan

Karunia Puji Hastuti, Mrs Sumarmi
The majority of Banjar tribe communities work as farmers and convert to Islam. Banjar tribal society called the rice farming system in terms bahuma. Ritual activities in bahuma intended to ask to God in order to harvest abundant and avoided from crop failures. This study aims to describe ritual performed...
Proceedings Article

Anion Concentration Distribution and Tourism Resources Analysis of Guizhou Province

Yueai Chen, Qingshan Li, Yanmin Qian, Jinqiong Luo, Dawei Wu
This paper introduced the overall situation and tourism resources in Guizhou Province, and studied the anion distribution and air quality of scenic places of this region based on the results obtained by the test of some scenic spot, Using city gravity model and actual data, analysis the potential visitors...

The Implementation of E-Procurement Related to Government's Goods / Services in Department of Public Works Medan

Asima Yanty Siahaan, Malikatul Khamdiyah
In accordance with the changing times, public service reform as refflected in the procurement of goods/services of the government. The shift procurement manuall to electronic influence the implemented of e-procurement of goods/services to create good and clean governance. This change begins with the...

Assessing Employability Skills among Special Education Student Teachers in Malaysia

Zainudin Mohd Isa, Ahmad Zamri Khairani
The aim of this study is to assess employability skills among Special Education student teachers in Malaysia with regards to gender and years of study.. Employability skills is conceptualized by 8 generic skills namely, Communication, Critical Thinking, Adaptation, Teamwork, Leadership, Moral and Ethical,...

Research on Variation of Logistics Service Capability of Airport Economic Zone

Qian Sun, Mingfei Liu, Baojia Xue
The Logistics industry, one of the pillar industries of the airport economic zone, plays a key role in driving the development of regional economy. This paper selects 18 airport economic zones as the sample, based on the analysis of the influence factors of the logistics service capability, constructed...

Reflections on the Teaching Reform of Basic Subjects in College of Ethnic Areas Based on the Flipped Classroom

Yahong Li, Aimin Song
In recent years, the implementation of "Flipped Classroom" has become an active exploration and effective attempt in the reform of college education in China. Since the gradual promotion of the "Flipped Classroom" teaching model in higher education institutions in China, some ethnic colleges have begun...

Indonesian tourism marketing communication strategy through LionMag in-flight magazine

Adi P. Tedjakusuma, Hayuning P. Dewi
The world of tourism cannot be separated from transportation and accommodation. Transportation becomes a means of tourists to reach the desired tourist destination both domestic and international. Airplane becomes the most effective option for tourists as it reaches a wide range of destination. Each...

The Impacts of Multinational Companies on the Manufacturing Wage Inequality:Evidence from Indonesia

Detri Fitria Hasyar, Andi Fahmi Lubis
Inward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is generally believed to have a positive effect on the host country's economy. However, several studies have documented that FDI by multinational companies (MNCs) may also relate to rising wage inequality issue. Assuming that MNCs are playing an important role in...
Proceedings Article

Quantifying the Influences of Data Prefetching Using Artificial Neural Networks

Kecheng Ji, Li Liu
Data prefetching has been widely used in modern cache subsystems. Actually, an aggressive prefetching may bring negative yields unexpectedly, in which a new proposed prefetching strategy normally needs to be evaluated before being applied in the real design. In the last decade, prior researchers prefer...

The Essential Principles of Practice-Based Learning

Mr. Kustori, Mr. Rusijono, Andi Mariono
Vocational education faces a number of challenges, in which one of the biggest issues is skills mismatch. Skills mismatch occurs when workers have either fewer or more skills than jobs require. Some mismatch is inevitable, as the labor market involves complex decisions of employers and workers, and depends...
Proceedings Article

Human Face Age Recognition Based on Convolutional Neural Networks

Zijiang Zhu, Yi Hu, Dong Liu, Xiaoguang Deng, Junshan Li
In the field of image recognition, the issue of face age recognition has attracted the attention of many scholars, and a lot of outstanding algorithms have been proposed, but the correctness rate of age recognition is not high. To improve the AGE identification accuracy, this paper proposes a face AGE...

Learning Design of Combinatory Using Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education

Mr. Somakim, Mr. Darmawijoyo, Ning Eliyati
This study aims to find out how the use of Indonesian realistic mathematics education approach (PMRI) can support students' understanding in learning the concept of combinatory. The research method used is Design research. Design research consists of three stages: preliminary, teaching experiment and...
Proceedings Article

Hebbian Constraint on the Resolution of the Homunculus Fallacy Leads to a Network that Searches for Hidden Cause-Effect Relationships

András Lorincz
We elaborate on a potential resolution of the homunculus fallacy that leads to a minimal and simple auto-associative recurrent `reconstruction network' architecture. We insist on Hebbian constraint at each learning step executed in this network. We find that the hidden internal model enables searches...
Proceedings Article

Towards Automated Code Generation for Autonomous Mobile Robots

D. Kerr, U. Nehmzow, S.A. Billings
With the expected growth in mobile robotics the demand for expertise to develop robot control code will also increase. As end-users cannot be expected to develop this control code themselves, a more elegant solution would be to allow the end-users to teach the robot by demonstrating the task. In this...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation Research of Telecommunications Industry Knowledge Transfer Based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process

Gongyi Zhang, Zhuoyi Wang, Lihong Sun
To develop appropriate knowledge transfer strategy for China's telecommunications industry, the paper evaluates the status of the telecommunications industry knowledge transfer and establishes evaluation index system. Based on the AHP, the paper summarizes and analyzes the Telecommunications Industry...
Proceedings Article

Design of Automotive instrument cluster Based on OSEK Standard

Yanwen Li, Jinfeng Gong, Wei Zheng
An automotive instrument cluster was designed based on OSEK standard. The system includes hardware and software. The instrument module connects high and low speed can network, and the software is developed on OSEK standard, which makes the system designed has the following characteristics: universal,...
Proceedings Article

An Access Control System Based on Multistage Firewalls

Xingcheng Zhang, Zhongpan Qiu, Zhijun Song
In accordance with the company’s request, we have designed an Access Control System based on multistage firewalls, whose work flow consists of the centralized management, application, check and automatically alteration of firewalls, to effectively control the access to the server from the clients. In...
Proceedings Article

A review of evaluation methods of Visual Guiding Signage’s layout in Integrated Transportation Hub

Yuyan Zhou, Enjian Yao
With the rapid expansion of the urban population, urban transportation hub are developing in the direction of large-scale, complex and systematic, the main function of urban transportation hub is to guarantee the effective transfer among different transportation modes. As an important means of passenger...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Use of an iPad app for University Student Recruitment

Xavier Ferre, Ricardo Imbert, Emilia Palma, Miguel Angel Pascual
Multi-touch tablet devices, like the iPad, are increasingly used for sales and mar-keting activities. In the higher education sector, these devices can contribute to university promotion and student re-cruitment. With this purpose, we have created an iPad app to be used by univer-sity informants in orientation...
Proceedings Article

Modified F slot loaded CSRR inspired microstrip patch antenna for dual band WiMAX applications (3.5 GHz and 5.8 GHz)

Kumar Goodwill, Jagannath Malik, Ramesh Patel, A. Patnaik, M. V. Kartikeyan Kartikeyan
In this paper, Modified F slot loaded Complimentary split ring resonator inspired microstrip patch antenna for dual band WiMAX applications (3.5 GHz and 5.8 GHz) is proposed. We introduced Modified F slot in ground plane for the reduction of physical size. And Complimentary split ring resonator inspired...
Proceedings Article

Decentralisation and Local Governance

Zhihui Wang
Decentralisation is an indispensable instrument for development in many countries around the world. Effective decentralisation depends on the capacity of local government. To enhance and improve local governance, there are three factors to be taken explicitly into account, popular participation, accountability...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Factors in Flight Delay

Yiyang Xu, Luyao Liu, Xichen Gao, Fanyu Frank Zeng
With the advancement of air transport industry, airline travelling is becoming increasingly prevalent in recent years. Flight delay, however, has been a headache and costly issue for both air companies and travelers, leading to inconvenience in our daily life. We can't help asking: what's the major cause...
Proceedings Article

Enhancing the Digital Literacy of Pre-Service Biology Teacher through Animal Systematics Course

Reni Ambarwati, Ulfi Faizah, Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu
Digital literacy is one of the important skills that must be mastered by Biology Teacher. An effort has been applied to integrate the learning of Animal Systematics with the training of digital literacy for pre-service biology teachers. This research aimed to evaluate the digital literacy of pre-service...

Analysis of the Forecast Models-Evaluation of Resources Object of Diagnosis Based on the Methods of Statistical Solutions

N.K. Barsukova, S.V. Barsukov, S.V. Pakhomov
This paper analyzes some of the current models of planning the technical impact on technical systems. Consider the group of mathematical models of changes in the state of the diagnosis object based on statistical methods recognize signs of states of the objects of diagnosis, in particular, on the methods...

The Intervening Effect of Market Orientation on Entrepreneurial Orientation, Operations Strategy, and Business Performance

F. Wurjaningrum, B. Hartami
The objective of this study was to examine the influence of entrepreneurial orientation and operations strategy towards business performance through intermediaries which market orientation as an intervening variable or not. This study used a quantitative approach which focused on proving the hypothesis...

The Cognitive Reading Strategy in Learning English

Syafrida Maiwen, Jufri
The background of this research is the demanding of the students who should study more by themselves and the important of using strategy in comprehending reading text of EFL students in improving their ability in learning English. However, many of the students do not realize these cases and rarely often...

Determination of Effectiveness Traditional Cosmetics of Coconut Oil and Turmeric as Anti-Dandruff

Ria Andriani Mukti, Agus Ridwan Misbahuddin
Dandruff is a disorder that occurs on the scalp, can be experienced by men or women. Dandruff is a type of inflammatory disease in the scalp type of oily. Actually this disorder is mild but very disturbing and reduce the attractiveness of a person because the head and hair become dirty and result in...

Philosophical Implications of Ex-Tunc and Ex-Nunc Testing in State Administration Disputes

Untoro, Muhani Jibi
The constitution in all countries can almost be said to have reflected the division of legislative, executive, and judicial powers. The idea of separation of powers is the idea of Monstesquieu which teaches the importance of the separation of powers in a country. The State Administrative Court as one...

Evaluation of Fabrication Concrete Wave Breaker Project Scheduling with the Critical Chain Project Management Method

W Nugroho, M Faiizuddaroini, A Nalhadi, S Suryani, S Supriyadi
The project is successful if the implementation of project activities goes according to the allotted time. The problem of execution in the field is complicated to achieve appropriate actions following predetermined targets. This study aims to evaluate the delay in project activities that occur in the...
Proceedings Article

Receptivity Status of Malaria Transmission Toward Malaria Elimination in Indonesia

Wiwik Trapsilowati, Mega Tyas Prihatin, Riyani Setyaningsih, Triwibowo Ambar Garjito, Aryani Pujiyanti, Arief Mulyono
The re-emergence of malaria has become a major public health issue during national malaria elimination program in Indonesia. The receptivity status of Malaria is the key to its re-establishment. A cross-sectional entomological study was carried out to assess the potential of malaria re-introduction and...

On the Use of Blockchain Technologies in the Judicial System of the Russian Federation

M.N. Zatsepin, M.V. Permyakov, E. Morozova
This article describes the possibilities and prospects for the use of information technologies in the judicial system, reveals the principles of “blockchain” technology, and justifies the possibility of using this technology in assessing the reliability of evidence presented in the form of electronic...

The Use of Moodle in Systematic Strategy Training

Irma Permatawati, Pepen Permana
Strategy training aims to provide learners with a repertoire of strategies and appropriate strategies for them. Awareness, implementation, and evaluation are the steps of systematic strategy training. It is important to talk about strategies at regular intervals during strategy training and to remind...

The Research of the Coupling Degree Between Social Insurance and Economic Development in China

Na Cao, Lixia Tang, Hongyan Li
This paper chooses 8 economic development evaluation indicators and 14 social insurance evaluation indicators to explore the status quo and internal coupling and coordination of social insurance and economic development investment in the 10 years from 2007 to 2016 by means of combining the principal...
Research Article

Study Protocol – Insight 46 Cardiovascular: A Sub-study of the MRC National Survey of Health and Development

Sarah Ann Mason, Lamia Al Saikhan, Siana Jones, Gemma Bale, Sarah-Naomi James, Heidi Murray-Smith, Alicja Rapala, Suzanne Williams, Brian Wong, Marcus Richards, Nick C. Fox, Rebecca Hardy, Jonathan M. Schott, Nish Chaturvedi, Alun D. Hughes
Pages: 170 - 179
The commonest causes of dementia are Alzheimer’s disease and vascular cognitive impairment. Although these conditions have been viewed as distinct entities, there is increasing evidence that neurodegenerative and vascular pathologies interact or overlap to cause cognitive decline, and that at least in...

Balanced Innovative Development of Energy Enterprises Under the Conditions of Digitalization as a Factor of Economic Security of Russia

Oksana Kiseleva, Elena Oskina, Alexandra Kulbyakina, Olga Sysoeva
The article deals with the issues of digitalization of energy enterprises as representatives of one of the most important sectors of the Russian economy, which determines the possibility of developing other spheres of the national economy in order to ensure the economic security of the Russian Federation. As...

Students’ Writing Apprehension in Research Background Development

Hilda Izzati Madjid, Achmad Nafal Firdaus Amru, Renaldi Bimantoro, Dandy Azhar Ramadhan
in higher educational context or universities in Indonesia, most EFL students still find difficulties to write the ideas in written form, especially in writing the background section of an academic article. There are a lot of problems occured when they are writing an academic article. On of the problems...

Standardization of Insurance Services as a Factor in Improving Their Quality

Tatyana D. Odinokova, Elena B. Dvoryadkina
The popularity of an insurance product depends on many parameters, but the most significant of them is the quality of the service provided. Insurance services are related to financial services and are complex enough for the population to understand the specifics of their provision and, as practice has...

The Problem of Confusing Images of “Nationalist” and “Patriot” in Polycode Texts in the Era of Digitalization of the Information Space

M.N. Latu, Yu.R. Tagiltseva
The article examines peculiarities of perception of Patriotic images in the context of nationalist extremist discourse, which are actively broadcasted in the virtual space, primarily in social networks, by various nationalist communities to create their attractiveness and popularity of their ideas among...

Legal Protection That Justice the Filariasis Patient in Efforts to Prevent Infectious Diseases

Nurul Ummi Rofiah, Sarsintorini Putra, Anggraeni Endah Kusumaningrum
Legal protection can be interpreted as protection by law or protection by using institutions and legal means. The law in providing protection can be through certain ways, including by making regulations and enforcing. The number of patients with Filariasis in Indonesia is increasing every year due to...

Influence of Transfer Pricing, CEO Compensation, and Accounting Irregularities on Tax Aggressiveness

Estralita Trisnawati, Fenny, Herlina Budiono
The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of transfer pricing, chief executive officers’ compensation, accounting irregularities on tax aggressiveness. The sample covers manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) during 2012 – 2016. By using purposive sampling,...

Philosophy of Gender Justice in the Indigenous Malay People in Siak Sri Indrapura Regency

Dessy Artina
“Adat” in the Kingdom of Siak is a tradition based on Islamic Sharia called “adat bersendikan syarak, and syarak bersendikan Kitabullah”. For Malay people, what is called Malay is those who have Malay customs, speaking in Malay language and Islam. So, the customs and culture of Malay is based on Islam,...
Proceedings Article

Relationship Characteristics of Non-Nursing Students to Reproductive Health Knowledge at the STIKes Bakti Tunas Husada Tasikmalaya

Evi Imayanti
Adolescent reproductive helath is a component of reproductive health. Problems of reproductive health in adolescent usually have a characteristic that is associated with knowladge about reproductive health itself. Parentaal ignorance of clear and true and adequate knowladge about aspect of the development...

The Belt & Road Initiative: A Study from Malaysian SMEs’ Perspective

Chin Mui-Yin, Theresa Ho-Char-Fei, Teo Poh-Chuin, Chong Chu-Le, Wai Chew-Keong
The Belt & Road Initiative that was introduced by President Xi Jinping has received numerous attentions from the governments, business organizations and individuals from different countries. However, even though it is believed that Chinese companies will be the big winners from the Belt & Road...

Support of Mnemonics Strategies and Parental Involvement in the Development of Early Childhood Literacy

Nurul Mishbah
One of the essential abilities to develop early on is literacy. Literacy is the foundation of the learning process and the key to learning success. Literacy skills become an early foundation for the mastery of various science and technology throughout the ages. Literacy skills are not the ability that...

Research on Mongolian Translation of Terminologies for New Media

With the increasing development of the new media, the new terminologies related to the publication industries are sprouting, bringing about the critical issue on how to formulate and implement them in Mongolian. At present, there are trends that the translators adopt the new terminologies according to...