Proceedings of the 3rd Universitas Lampung International Conference on Social Sciences (ULICoSS 2022)

376 authors
Shafira, Maya
Law Enforcement of Corruption in the Misuse of Village Fund Allocations (Study in the Legal Area of ​​the North Lampung Resort Police)
Shafwati, Dian
Speaking Learning Based on Local Cultural Wisdom
Sidik, Hasbi
A Review Towards Global Crime Governance in Overcoming Trafficking in Cultural Property
Simbolon, Khairunnisa
Comparative Study of Waste Management Between Seoul and Bandar Lampung to Support Environmental Security
Siregar, Naek
The Dynamics of Indonesian Migrant Workers’ Problem (Regulation and Protection Based on Job Creation Law and International Civil Law)
Sitorus, Nurbetty Herlina
Bank Capital Buffer Model and Monetary Policy Approach to Non-performing Loans in Indonesia
Sonata, Depri Liber
Lampung Polda Effort in Management Spread of Hoax News Related to the Prevention and Transmission of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Suchmasasi, Yudha
Analysis of the Implementation of Protection for Domestic Violence (KDRT) Victims in Indonesia
Sujadmiko, Bayu
Russia’s Conflict with Ukraine: In the Perspective of International Law and Its Influence on Indonesia’s Development Policy Strategy
Sulistiowati, Rahayu
Analysis of the Implementation of Protection for Domestic Violence (KDRT) Victims in Indonesia
Sulistyarini, Dhanik
Leaders and Legacy: A Study of the Values of Lampung University in Indonesia in 1998–2019
Sulistyarini, Rachmi
Strengthening Sustainable Economic Concept Through Village-Owned Enterprises
Sulistyo, Iwan
A Review Towards Global Crime Governance in Overcoming Trafficking in Cultural Property
Ngumbai Lawok Tradition as a Form of Environmental Sustainability of Fishing Communities in Tanggamus Regency
Contrastive Analysis of Indonesian Morphosyntax and Languages for Foreign Students University of Lampung (Design of BIPA Teaching Materials)
Sunarti, Iing
Contrastive Analysis of Indonesian Morphosyntax and Languages for Foreign Students University of Lampung (Design of BIPA Teaching Materials)
The Characteristics of Predatory Pricing Violations According to Competition Laws in Indonesia
Legal Framework of Inventory Policy of Lampung Indigenous Culture as a Traditional Cultural Expression
Juridical Review on Empowerment of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Creating Powerful and Independent Business
The Chemical Learning Effectiveness Based on Pelangiran Ethnoscience in Improving Students’ Scientific Process Skills Through Electrolyte and Non-electrolyte Material Solution
Reinforcement on Students’ Scientific Literacy: Development of Worksheet Based Lynk
Application of Digital Literature Based on Video, Website and Peer Tutoring on Student’s Academic Literature Skills
Suryandari, Kris Ari
Achievement of Development Performance in Central Lampung Regency in Achieving the Target of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Susiatiningsih, Hermini
Burden Sharing as the Effort in Bridging Locality and Internationalization: The Penetration of Kampung Batik Laweyan into Global Market
Susiatiningsih, Hermini
Good Governance in International Relations: Integrity Management and Locality in Nasrafa Painting Fabric, Jebres, Solo
The Hijrah Phenomenon in Indonesia: A Case Study Among Students in Public and Private Universities in Lampung Province on Sumatra Island
Swastyardi, Drisnaf
Teachers’ and Students’ Perception Toward Competency of Undergraduate Medical Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Syafis, Kamadie Sumanda
Analysis of the Impact of the Latest Use E-Form Policy for Individual Taxpayers (Experimental Study)
Syaiful, M.
Pepper Diplomacy: Lampung International Network in the Bargaining Position of the Banten Sultanate
Syarifudin, Ahmad
Democracy Challenges in Lampung Province: Young Voter and Religious Approach in Eradication of Vote Buying
Tahar, Abdul Muthalib
Ecocide in the International Law: Integration Between Environmental Rights and International Crime and Its Implementation in Indonesia
Tania, Lisa
Development of an Android-Based Color Detector for Chemistry Experiment in the Classroom
Tarumanegara, Fahmi
Compiling Variables of Development on Shrimp Export Competitiveness Index
Tauda, Gunawan
When Do Articles on Decentralization and Human Rights in Indonesian Constitutions Matters?
Trenggono, Nanang
Leaders and Legacy: A Study of the Values of Lampung University in Indonesia in 1998–2019
Toward the Legal Aspect on Developing Academics Intellectual Property Rights in University
Ulfa, Ririn Nafisa
The Role of Political Connections, Cash Holdings, and Public Ownership in Improving Lq45 Company Performance on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
Usman, Moneyzar
Food Security in Aceh, North Sumatera, Riau, and South Sumatera
Utami, Anisa
Dynamic Governance: Educational Transformation Through the Merdeka Belajar Policy “Sekolah Penggerak” in Lampung Province
VC, Raineven Sailano
The Implementation of Multi-purpose Financing Agreement Between PT Commerce Finance (PT CF) and Loan Recipients on the E-Commerce Shopee Platform
Reinforcement on Students’ Scientific Literacy: Development of Worksheet Based Lynk
Wahyudi, Heru
Food Security in Aceh, North Sumatera, Riau, and South Sumatera
Wahyuningdiah, Kingkin
The Effectiveness of Mediation as an Alternative of Civil Dispute Settlement
Wahyuningdiah, Kingkin
The Implementation of Multi-purpose Financing Agreement Between PT Commerce Finance (PT CF) and Loan Recipients on the E-Commerce Shopee Platform
Wardhani, Andy Corry
Communication Strategy Through SWOT Analysis as a Solution for the Sustainability of Beggars and Street Children in Bandarlampung City
Wardhani, Andy Corry
Leaders and Legacy: A Study of the Values of Lampung University in Indonesia in 1998–2019
Wardhani, Yulia Kusuma
The Effectiveness of Mediation as an Alternative of Civil Dispute Settlement
Waspodo, Lego
Rational Choice Theory as a Concept for Optimizing Financial Software Empowerment and Digital Marketing for MSMEs in Bandar Lampung City
Wicaksono, Lungit
Management of Educational Facilities and Infrastructure to Create Effective Schools in Elementary Schools in Lampung Province
Widodo, Sugeng
Development of Problem Based Learning Modules on the Theme of My Country’s Richness to Improve Learners’ Writing Skills Grade 4 Elementary School
Wijaya, Toni
Service Performance Analysis of Halal Tourism Based on CHSE Protocol in New Normal Era in Lampung Province
Winatha, Komang
Application of Digital Literature Based on Video, Website and Peer Tutoring on Student’s Academic Literature Skills
Windah, Andi
Needs Analysis of Disaster Mitigation Learning Design Based on Information Literacy in Efforts to Increase Disaster Self-awareness of Early Childhood
Wiranata, Indra Jaya
Comparative Study of Waste Management Between Seoul and Bandar Lampung to Support Environmental Security
Wiweko, Hidayat
The Role of Political Connections, Cash Holdings, and Public Ownership in Improving Lq45 Company Performance on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
Wulan, Mutiasari Nur
Multimedia-Based Learning Media in Increasing Spss Student Learning Independence
Wulandari, Jeni
Adjustment in the Workplace: The Impact of WFH on Working Mothers in Indonesia
Yanfika, Helvi
Tourism Development Policy Strategy in Lampung Province Based on Community Capacity
The Implication of the Job Creation Law on Local Government Basic Service Affairs
Yanti, Nurul Riski
Rational Choice Theory as a Concept for Optimizing Financial Software Empowerment and Digital Marketing for MSMEs in Bandar Lampung City
Yanti, Nurul Riski
Card Legal Review of Social Security Providing Agency Health (BPJS Kesehatan) is a Mandatory Requirement for Administration in Notarial Buying Agreement
Yudhi, Rifka
Tourism Potential of Water Catchment Areas Against Work Force Absorption in Bandar Lampung City
Yulianti, Dwi
Developing Problem-Based Learning Models to Build Critical Thinking Skills for Grade Five Students of Elementary School
Coffee Farmer Assistance Intervention in Rural Development in West Lampung, Indonesia
Yulistia, Annisa
Impact of Covid 19 Towards the Sustanaibility of Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Bandar Lampung City
Yulistia, Annisa
Causal Modelling of Economic Growth: A Review of Four Key Variables Using SAS
Yulita, Nurma
Analysis of Joint Liability Groups’ Performance Using Social Cohesion Approach to Sharia Savings and Loans Cooperatives in Indonesia
Yuliyanto, Riyan
Multimedia-Based Learning Media in Increasing Spss Student Learning Independence
Yuniarsih, Yeti
The Necessary for Implementation Regional Foreign Cooperation by Local Governments
Yuniarsih, Yeti
Strategic Model for Increasing the Effectiveness of Local Government’s Legal Development in the Establishment of Local Regulations Based on Community Needs
Yuniati, Ati
Tourism Potential of Water Catchment Areas Against Work Force Absorption in Bandar Lampung City
The Effect of Hustle Culture on Psychological Distress with Self Compassion as Moderating Variable
Yusdiyanto, Yusdiyanto
Legal Construction of E-Participation and E-Petition Institutions to Guarantee Public Participation in Pandemic Times
Government Policy Design to Improve Taxpayer Compliance in Paying Local Taxes in Bandar Lampung
Zahirah, Zalfa
Comparative Study of Waste Management Between Seoul and Bandar Lampung to Support Environmental Security
Zainal, Anna Gustina
Tourism Development Policy Strategy in Lampung Province Based on Community Capacity