Proceedings of the Sriwijaya International Conference on Information Technology and Its Applications (SICONIAN 2019)
416 authors
- ABDIANSAH, Abdiansah
- Information Extraction from Web as Knowledge Resources for Indonesian Question Answering System
- ABDIANSAH, Abdiansah
- MBRTE: Modified BLEU Algorithm for Recognition Textual Entailment
- ABDIANSAH, Abdiansah
- Analysis of Moodle Features to Build Moodle-Lite
- Mathematical Implementation of Circle Hough Transformation Theorem Model Using C# For Calculation Attribute of Circle
- System Design of Iris Ring Detection Using Circular Hough Algorithm for Iris Localization
- Evaluation Performance Neural Network Genetic Algorithm
- ABIDIN, Dodo Zaenal
- Text Classification of Cancer Clinical Trials Documents Using Deep Neural Network and Fine Grained Document Clustering
- Implementation of Web-Based Customer Relationship Management at PT. Kimia Farma Trading and Distribution Palembang
- Handling Numerical Features on Dataset Using Gauss Density Formula and Data Discretization Toward Naïve Bayes Algorithm
- AFRINA, Mira
- Implementation of Web-Based Customer Relationship Management at PT. Kimia Farma Trading and Distribution Palembang
- AKBAR, Muhammad
- Public Private Partnership E-Government in Improving Service Quality in Community Health
- AKBAR, Muhammad
- Development of E-Government Trustworthiness to Increase Public Trust
- AKBAR, Muhammad Fijar Rotul
- Latent GLM Tweedie Distribution in Butterflies Species Counts
- AKRAM, Bio
- Cyber Threats Analysis on Jakarta Smart City
- ALHAURA, Latifah
- Text Steganography on Digital Video Using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Cryptographic Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm
- AMIRUDDIN, Amiruddin
- Cyber Threats Analysis on Jakarta Smart City
- ANGKOTASAN, Ilham Junias
- Design Depth and Balanced Control System of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle with Fuzzy logic
- ANGKOTASAN, Ilham Junius
- Design Heading Control for Steering AUV with fuzzy logic
- ANSHARY, Muhammad Adi Khairul
- Implementation of Augmented Reality in Multiplayer Games
- ANTONI, Darius
- Public Private Partnership E-Government in Improving Service Quality in Community Health
- ANTONI, Darius
- Development of E-Government Trustworthiness to Increase Public Trust
- Enterprise Architecture Planning for Balikpapan Environmental Services Using TOGAF ADM
- ARIELLA, Jurnalistika Febra
- Analysis of Factors Affecting User Loyalty in an Online Discussion Forum
- The Development of Indonesian Sentiment Analysis with Negation Handling
- ARSALAN, Osvari
- Text Steganography on Digital Video Using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Cryptographic Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm
- ARSALAN, Osvari
- E-WS: A Novel Smart Information System Towards Smokers for the Outdoor Canteen Environment
- ASMIR, Robbyansyah
- Image Processing of Hand Gesture for Augmented Reality Systems
- ATRINAWATI, Lovinta Happy
- Enterprise Architecture Planning with TOGAF ADM for Balikpapan College of Economics
- ATRINAWATI, Lovinta Happy
- Enterprise Architecture Planning for Balikpapan Environmental Services Using TOGAF ADM
- AZHAR, Iman Saladin B.
- Sequential Models for Text Classification Using Recurrent Neural Network
- Al RAVI, Muhammad
- Design Heading Control for Steering AUV with fuzzy logic
- Alfarisi
- Application of Water Height Puddles Based on Android and Arduino
- Alzaini, Akbar
- Implementation of Quick Response to Customer Relationship Management System Based on Mobile Application
- Ananda, Dea Tri
- The Effectiveness of Instagram Features as a Sales Promotion Media Using Discrepancy Evaluation Model Method in Increasing Customer Loyalty
- Andestra, Nesa Aulia
- Analysis of Line Application Deployment Using Customer Relationship Management Approach to Customer Loyalty in GO-US
- Asmawati, S
- Latent GLM Tweedie Distribution in Butterflies Species Counts
- Athirah, Assadiah
- Tag Detection in RFID System Based on RSSI Technique for UHF Passive Tag with Slotted Aloha Method Under Interference Environment
- Audya, Meitiana
- The Effect of E-Commerce Application Service Quality of Customer Loyalty Using Customer Relationship Management Approach
- BARATA, Gusti
- E-Marketplace Printing Services Using Mobile-Based Application with Customer Relationship Management Approach
- Information Risk Assessment Model of Accuracy and Timeliness Dimensions
- BASKORO, M. Lahandi
- Analysis of Factors Affecting User Loyalty in an Online Discussion Forum
- BERNOVA, Niffari Meirina
- Application of Theory of Planned Behavior for Knowledge Sharing System Among Nurses
- BERNOVA, Niffari Meirina
- Organizational Knowledge Representation Using Flowcharts with POS Tagger Techniques for Bahasa
- BERNOVA, Niffari Meirina
- Theory of Reasoned Action Implementation on Knowledge Sharing Process Between Alumni and College Students
- BILLAH, Mohotasim
- The Content and Construct Development of CGMs Device Adoption Model
- BUCHARI, Muhammad Ali
- E-WS: A Novel Smart Information System Towards Smokers for the Outdoor Canteen Environment
- BUCHARI, Muhammad Ali
- Introducing SOMA-DEF: An IT Service Requirement Engineering Model
- BUDI, Indra
- Borrower Sentiment on P2P Lending in Indonesia Based on Google Playstore Reviews
- BUDI, Indra
- P2P Lending Sentiment Analysis in Indonesian Online News
- BUDI, Indra
- Data Quality Management Evaluation: A Case Study at the BPS-Statistics of Kaur Regency Bengkulu Province
- BUDI, Indra
- Analysis of Factors Affecting User Loyalty in an Online Discussion Forum
- Bannop, Kallaya
- The Statistics of Equatorial Spread-F and Effects on Critical Frequency at Chumphon, Thailand
- CAESAR, Varian
- Modified Email Header Steganography Using LZW Compression Algorithm
- CAHYANI, Rizki Dwi
- Application of Theory of Planned Behavior for Knowledge Sharing System Among Nurses
- CAHYANI, Rizki Dwi
- Organizational Knowledge Representation Using Flowcharts with POS Tagger Techniques for Bahasa
- CAHYANI, Rizki Dwi
- Theory of Reasoned Action Implementation on Knowledge Sharing Process Between Alumni and College Students
- CARAKA, Rezzy Eko
- Latent GLM Tweedie Distribution in Butterflies Species Counts
- CHANDRA, Ardi Wasila
- The Effect of Preliminary Centroid Determination Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm in High Dimension Data Clustering
- CHEN, Rung Ching
- Latent GLM Tweedie Distribution in Butterflies Species Counts
- DALIMUNTHE, Abdul Haris
- The Design of Online Promotion System for Entrepreneur in Palembang City Based on Mobile Application
- DALIMUNTHE, Abdul Haris
- Design of Mobile Application as Communication Media and Information Broadcasting for Elementary School Based on Android
- Enterprise Architecture Planning with TOGAF ADM for Balikpapan College of Economics
- DAYANTI, Alvina
- Implementation of Distribution Requirement Planning in the Subsidized Fertilizer Management System
- GIS Software Based on Android Mobile to Search Tourism Objects Using Technology Acceptance Model with Rasch Model Measurement
- Software Design Android (GIS) for Tourist Destination Seekers in Palembang City Using Rasch Model Measurements
- DINI, Fitri Hana
- Cyber Threats Analysis on Jakarta Smart City
- Fair Network Optimization with the Cellular Network Traffic Management Model Using Lingo 13.0
- Desiani, Anita
- The Effect of Preliminary Centroid Determination Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm in High Dimension Data Clustering
- Destrilia
- Online Retail Marketing Recommendation System Based on Generalized Sequential Pattern Algorithm and FP-Growth Algorithm
- Dinna, Yunika H
- Information Security: Credit Service Application Analysis at Bank Indonesia
- Dwazar, Ikamartha
- Implementation of Quick Response to Customer Relationship Management System Based on Mobile Application
- EFENDI, Rusdi
- Implementation of Fuzzy Logic in Determining the Value of Uncertainty Factors on Expert System
- Usability Testing to Measure Real Perception Generation Level in Introduction of Bengkulu University Building Based on Virtual Tour with 360° Object Modelling
- Population-Based Ant Colony Optimization with New Hierarchical Pheromone Updating Mechanism for DNA Sequence Design Problem
- ERMATITA, Ermatita
- Knowledge Management Barriers in Higher Education: Strategic Issues at Private University
- ERNAWATI, Ernawati
- Handling Numerical Features on Dataset Using Gauss Density Formula and Data Discretization Toward Naïve Bayes Algorithm
- EXAUDI, Kemahyanto
- E-WS: A Novel Smart Information System Towards Smokers for the Outdoor Canteen Environment
- FAJAR, Muhammad
- Implementation of Fuzzy Logic Method for Lifting Control System on Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
- Usability Testing to Measure Real Perception Generation Level in Introduction of Bengkulu University Building Based on Virtual Tour with 360° Object Modelling
- FARADILLAH, Faradillah
- Knowledge Management Barriers in Higher Education: Strategic Issues at Private University
- Information Security: Credit Service Application Analysis at Bank Indonesia
- Decision Support System of Advisability Assessment of Partnership Funding Recipient Using Simple Additive Weighting Method
- FIQAR, Tegar Palyus
- Enterprise Architecture Planning for Balikpapan Environmental Services Using TOGAF ADM
- Author Matching Using String Similarities and Deep Neural Networks
- FIRDAUS, Mgs. Afriyan
- Security Capability Assessment on Network Monitoring Information System Using COBIT 5 for Information Security
- FIRDAUS, Mgs. Afriyan
- Implementation of Distribution Requirement Planning in the Subsidized Fertilizer Management System
- FIRDAUS, Rangga
- A Procedural Model for the Design of Informatics Competency Proficiency Assistance Systems Based on Ubiquitous Learning
- Navigation System Based on Learning Vector Quantization Method for Robot Inspecting Object
- Febrianti, Mutia Mariam
- The Effectiveness of Instagram Features as a Sales Promotion Media Using Discrepancy Evaluation Model Method in Increasing Customer Loyalty
- Firanisa, Arni
- The Effect of E-Commerce Application Service Quality of Customer Loyalty Using Customer Relationship Management Approach
- GINA, Alif
- Social Media Monitoring Twitter: Mobile Brand Awareness Using the Selection Sort
- GULTOM, Rudy A.G
- Mathematical Implementation of Circle Hough Transformation Theorem Model Using C# For Calculation Attribute of Circle
- GULTOM, Rudy A.G
- System Design of Iris Ring Detection Using Circular Hough Algorithm for Iris Localization
- GUNAWAN, Wahyu
- GACOBOT Navigation System for Distribution Solid Waste to Temporary Dumpsite
- HAMDADI, Antonius
- The Design of Monitoring System of Smart Farming Based on IoT Technology to Support Operational Management of Tea Plantation
- Knowledge Management Maturity Model: A Case Study at Ministry XYZ
- Accelerating Convolutional Neural Network Training for Colon Histopathology Images by Customizing Deep Learning Framework
- HERAWATI, Clara Agustina
- E-WS: A Novel Smart Information System Towards Smokers for the Outdoor Canteen Environment
- HEROZA, Rahmat Izwan
- Performance Analysis of Parallel Processing on GPU for Simple Mathematical Computations
- HEROZA, Rahmat Izwan
- Application of Theory of Planned Behavior for Knowledge Sharing System Among Nurses