Proceedings of the International Academic Summer Conference on Number Theory and Information Security (NTIS 2023)

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11 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Zhiyong Zheng, Tianze Wang
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the Proceedings of Number Theory and Information Security during 27-29 July 2023 in Zhengzhou, China. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms...
Proceedings Article

Secure Two-party Computation for Equality of Bilateral Data Based on Pinhole Camera Model

Changfeng Gui, Mengsi Han, Wei He, Zhantong Xie
Secure two-party computation is always the focus in the international cryptographic community, and establishing a secure two-party computation for determining the equality of data is a fundamental and crucial task within this field. There is still substantial room for improvement in terms of efficiency...
Proceedings Article

A Comprehensive Study on Existence theory and Ulam’s stabilities of Impulsive Fractional Langevin Equation

Rizwan Rizwan, Fengxia Liu, Akbar Zada, Syed Omar Shah
In this paper, a class of impulsive fractional Langevin equation is considered and proceeds to derive a solution formula for this equation, incorporating Mittag-Leffler functions. The solution is obtained through an analysis of linear Langevin equation involving distinct fractional derivatives. We establish...
Proceedings Article

Representation by sums of ascending even prime powers

Linlin Wang, Qiyu Yang, Doudou Zhu
In this work, we investigate the representation of numbers as sums of powers of prime numbers. It is shown that all sufficiently large integers are sums of some ascending even prime powers.
Proceedings Article

Semisoft Task Clustering for Multi-Task Learning

Zhang Yuzhao, Sun Yifan
Multi-task learning (MTL) aims to improve the performance of multiple related prediction tasks by leveraging useful information from them. Due to their flexibility and ability to reduce unknown coefficients substantially, the task-clustering-based MTL approaches have attracted considerable attention....
Proceedings Article

Application exploration of Quantum Security Service Platform based on Quantum Key Distribution

Rutong Zhang, Zhining Ye, Guoliang Yang, Xuefu Wang
Quantum key distribution can produce real-time quantum keys between nodes in different places. Its application is limited by the optical fiber environment and cannot be directly applied to mobile Internet or Internet of Things. This paper describes the application of quantum keys to mobile Internet or...
Proceedings Article

Low Regularity for Nonlinear Dirac Equation in the Half Line

Fengxia Liu, Kun Tian, Yi Zhang, Zixian Gong, Shanxiang Lyv
We study the Initial-Boundary Value problem (IBVP) for a nonlinear Dirac equation with vector self-interaction (Thirring model), and obtain local existence, uniqueness, and continuous dependence on initial data in low-regularity spaces. Moreover, we get the global existence for initial data in ...
Proceedings Article

Magic-Resource Generating Power of Quantum Channels

Xiaohui Li
In the stabilizer formalism of quantum error correction and fault-tolerant quantum computation, stabilizer states, as common eigenstates (with the eigenvalue 1) of operators in maximal Abelian subgroups of the Pauli group, play the role of classical states, while magic (non-stabilizer) states are quantum...
Proceedings Article

Characterization of the continuity of Δ-space via the convergence

Fan Feng, Qingguo Li
The concepts of Δ-convergence and ΔL-convergence of a net are introduced in Δ-space defined by Zhang The characterization of the continuity of the Δ-space is obtained in terms of the Δ-convergence of the nets. The result that the continuity of the Δ-space implies the ΔL-convergence being topological...
Proceedings Article

On G-decimal Representation over Function Fields

Hong Ziwei, Zheng Zhiyong
This paper discusses decimal representation over function field k∞. Firstly, we provide definitions and establish existence of decimal representation over function fields. For function field k∞, The work of L. Carlitz demonstrates that for the function field  ...
Proceedings Article

Moments and non-vanishing of central values of quadratic Hecke L-functions in the Gaussian field

Peng Gao
We evaluate the first three moments of central values of a family of quadratic Hecke L-functions in the Gaussian field with power saving error terms. In particular, we obtain asymptotic formulas for the first two moments with error terms of size O(X1/2+ε). We also study the first and second mollified...