Proceedings of the International Academic Conference on Tourism (INTACT) "Post Pandemic Tourism: Trends and Future Directions" (INTACT 2022)
106 authors
- Abnur, Asman
- Indonesia-Singapore Cross Border Tourism Facts
- Adisuna, Tirana
- The Vaccine as a Major Factor that Improves Indonesians’ Behavioral Intentions to Travel to Natural Destinations During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Amalia, Eva
- Indonesia-Singapore Cross Border Tourism Facts
- Amory, I Dewa Gede Richard Alan
- Opportunities and Challenges of Reopening Tourism for International Markets Amidst Pandemic: Evidence from Bintan Resorts
- Andriani, Dini
- Quality Tourism in the Emergence of Revenge Travel: A Post-pandemic Policy Framework
- Antariksa, Basuki
- Quality Tourism in the Emergence of Revenge Travel: A Post-pandemic Policy Framework
- Antariksa, Basuki
- CHSE Hotel Certification: Polemics and Adaptation After Pandemic in Indonesia
- Anwar, Widya Fransiska Febriati
- Urban Riverside Morphology in Cultural Heritage Area Tourism Planning
- Ardiansyah, Imam
- Analysis of Tourist Satisfaction Towards Implementation of CHSE Protocol for Homestay in Cilember Tourism Village
- Asshagab, Sri Milawati
- CHSE Hotel Certification: Polemics and Adaptation After Pandemic in Indonesia
- Atikasari, Tri Mukti
- Understanding the Intent to Revisit Tourism Village in Yogyakarta, Indonesia During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Az-Zahra, Selma Fathimah
- Community-Based Tourism as an Effort to Increase Women's Participation and Social Inclusion Receiving Tourism Benefits
- Baiquni, Muhammad
- The Social Resilience in Community-Based Tourism (CBT) Towards the Covid-19
- Damanik, Janianton
- Peer-Review Statements
- Damanik, Janianton
- Do They Care?: Looking into Flashpacker’s Accommodation Preferences in Bali Post Covid-19
- Damanik, Janianton
- Forms and Patterns of Cooperation Relations in Tourism Institutions in the Togean Islands
- Damanik, Janianton
- Actor’s Role in Developing Creative Rural Tourism Marketing in the Digital Era: A Case Study in Ponggok, Central Java
- Damanik, Janianton
- The Dramatic Fall of Tourism Villages Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Reflection on an Indonesia’s Primary Tourism Destination
- Dewantara, Yudhiet Fajar
- Analysis of Tourist Satisfaction Towards Implementation of CHSE Protocol for Homestay in Cilember Tourism Village
- Eddyono, Fauziah
- The Vaccine as a Major Factor that Improves Indonesians’ Behavioral Intentions to Travel to Natural Destinations During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Entas, Derinta
- Open Trip Among Jakarta Millennial Travelers in Post Pandemic Covid-19
- Erfinda, Yosi
- Integration Policy and Community Involvement in Developing Educational Tourism in Marine Conservation Areas of Pulau Kelapa Village, Kepulauan Seribu
- Fajri, Desy Nur Aini
- Actor’s Role in Developing Creative Rural Tourism Marketing in the Digital Era: A Case Study in Ponggok, Central Java
- Fatmawati, Indah
- Creating Sustainable Tourism Through Innovation [Digital-Based Marketing in the Tinalah Rural Tourism]
- Firmansyah, Riza
- Community-Based Tourism as an Effort to Increase Women's Participation and Social Inclusion Receiving Tourism Benefits
- Ginting, Ina Veronika
- Retail and Wholesale Travel Business Survival Strategy During Pandemic Period in Bandung, Indonesia
- Hadi, Ismet
- Accessibility of Surabaya Museum for Visitors with Physical Disabilities
- Haidar Rahmat, Ahmad Fatah
- COVID-19 Pandemic as a Trigger for Quality Tourism in Yogyakarta, Indonesia (Case Study in Moana Bike Tour Nanggulan)
- Hakim, Imam Nur
- The Vaccine as a Major Factor that Improves Indonesians’ Behavioral Intentions to Travel to Natural Destinations During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Hakim, Imam Nur
- CHSE Hotel Certification: Polemics and Adaptation After Pandemic in Indonesia
- Hanifah, Regina Dewi
- Analysis of Tourist Satisfaction Towards Implementation of CHSE Protocol for Homestay in Cilember Tourism Village
- Hartanto, Wishnu
- Retail and Wholesale Travel Business Survival Strategy During Pandemic Period in Bandung, Indonesia
- Hati, Sri Rahayu Hijrah
- The Impact of Marketing with 360-Degree Videos on Tourist Willingness to Travel During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Hatibie, Irma Kharisma
- Forms and Patterns of Cooperation Relations in Tourism Institutions in the Togean Islands
- Hendraningrum, Rr. Adi
- Retail and Wholesale Travel Business Survival Strategy During Pandemic Period in Bandung, Indonesia
- Hong, Vuong Le
- Healing Tourism as the “New Normal” in Tourism Industry: Through Expert’s Perspective
- Hsu, Liwei
- Healing Tourism as the “New Normal” in Tourism Industry: Through Expert’s Perspective
- Hulu, Meitolo
- Competitiveness of MSME Products in Tourism Sector to Support Lake Toba as a Super Priority Destination
- Idajati, Hertiari
- Integrating the Tourist Attraction Through the Pathway Development in Surabaya, Indonesia
- Idajati, Hertiari
- Travel for Leisure or Social Media Content?
- Imran, Sarojini
- Integration Policy and Community Involvement in Developing Educational Tourism in Marine Conservation Areas of Pulau Kelapa Village, Kepulauan Seribu
- Iputu Hardani, H.D.
- Travel for Leisure or Social Media Content?
- Irdana, Nuryuda
- Peer-Review Statements
- Istanto, Ismayanti
- The Influence of Content Marketing on Instagram @museum_tekstiljkt Toward Follower Engagement Online During Pandemic
- Jokom, Regina
- Why Tourists Consumed Local Food in Bali During the Pandemic?
- Jokom, Regina
- What Motivates Tourists to Eat and Return to a Destination During Covid-19 Pandemic?
- Kartika, Endo Wijaya
- Why Tourists Consumed Local Food in Bali During the Pandemic?
- Kartika, Endo Wijaya
- What Motivates Tourists to Eat and Return to a Destination During Covid-19 Pandemic?
- Khoiriyani, Fauziah
- CHSE Hotel Certification: Polemics and Adaptation After Pandemic in Indonesia
- Krisnadi, Antonius Rizki
- Analysis of Tourist Satisfaction Towards Implementation of CHSE Protocol for Homestay in Cilember Tourism Village
- Kuntari, Erlina
- Tourists’ Perception of Heritage Tourism Attraction De Tjolomadoe
- Kurniawati, Rina
- Open Trip Among Jakarta Millennial Travelers in Post Pandemic Covid-19
- Kusworo, Hendrie Adji
- Encounter to COVID-19 and Its Impacts on People At-Risk’s Intention for Tourism in the New Normal
- Laksi, Laras Candra
- Through NGO Lens: Gendering the Tourism Curriculum
- Lasally, Adesty
- Tourists’ Perception of Heritage Tourism Attraction De Tjolomadoe
- Maulana, Addin
- Opportunities and Challenges of Reopening Tourism for International Markets Amidst Pandemic: Evidence from Bintan Resorts
- Maulana, Addin
- CHSE Hotel Certification: Polemics and Adaptation After Pandemic in Indonesia
- Mayani, Melati
- The Dramatic Fall of Tourism Villages Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Reflection on an Indonesia’s Primary Tourism Destination
- Mitasari, Rean
- Batik Giriloyo: The Way of Life on a Sheet of Hand-Painted Fabric
- Mohammed, Badaruddin
- Peer-Review Statements
- Monica, Anindwitya Rizqi
- Through NGO Lens: Gendering the Tourism Curriculum
- Munawar, Raniri
- Integrating the Tourist Attraction Through the Pathway Development in Surabaya, Indonesia
- Munawar, Raniri
- Travel for Leisure or Social Media Content?
- Mustofa, Khabib
- Do They Care?: Looking into Flashpacker’s Accommodation Preferences in Bali Post Covid-19
- Noviyanti, Upik Dyah Eka
- Accessibility of Surabaya Museum for Visitors with Physical Disabilities
- Nuryakin
- Creating Sustainable Tourism Through Innovation [Digital-Based Marketing in the Tinalah Rural Tourism]
- Oktadiana, Hera
- Peer-Review Statements
- Oktaviyanti, Dini
- Opportunities and Challenges of Reopening Tourism for International Markets Amidst Pandemic: Evidence from Bintan Resorts
- Pitanatri, Putu Diah Sastri
- Do They Care?: Looking into Flashpacker’s Accommodation Preferences in Bali Post Covid-19
- Pradjwalita, Chamma Fitri Putri
- Opportunities and Challenges of Reopening Tourism for International Markets Amidst Pandemic: Evidence from Bintan Resorts
- Prasetio, Rifai Dwi
- The Impact of Marketing with 360-Degree Videos on Tourist Willingness to Travel During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Pratomo, Soni
- Urban Riverside Morphology in Cultural Heritage Area Tourism Planning
- Priyambodo, Tri Kuntoro
- Actor’s Role in Developing Creative Rural Tourism Marketing in the Digital Era: A Case Study in Ponggok, Central Java
- Priyatmoko, Rakhman
- Quality Tourism in the Emergence of Revenge Travel: A Post-pandemic Policy Framework
- Priyatmoko, Rakhman
- Opportunities and Challenges of Reopening Tourism for International Markets Amidst Pandemic: Evidence from Bintan Resorts
- Purwanto, Sulis
- Analyzing the Role of Local Government in Tourism Village Development: An Empirical Investigation from Kampung Wisata Payo
- Puspitasari, Devi
- Batik Giriloyo: The Way of Life on a Sheet of Hand-Painted Fabric
- Putri, Ni Made Dwiyana Rasuma
- Open Trip Among Jakarta Millennial Travelers in Post Pandemic Covid-19
- Rais, Syafruddin
- Indonesia-Singapore Cross Border Tourism Facts
- Rindrasih, Erda
- Re-focusing Paradise: Analyzing the Tourism for Development Tools Considering Pandemic Covid-19 Case Study: Ubud Bali, Indonesia
- Rossi, Fetty Nurmala
- Integration Policy and Community Involvement in Developing Educational Tourism in Marine Conservation Areas of Pulau Kelapa Village, Kepulauan Seribu
- Roychansyah, Muhammad Sani
- Urban Riverside Morphology in Cultural Heritage Area Tourism Planning
- Rusata, Tatang
- Quality Tourism in the Emergence of Revenge Travel: A Post-pandemic Policy Framework
- Rusli, Meizar
- Community-Based Tourism as an Effort to Increase Women's Participation and Social Inclusion Receiving Tourism Benefits
- Salsabila, Nifata Ridha
- The Influence of Content Marketing on Instagram @museum_tekstiljkt Toward Follower Engagement Online During Pandemic
- Soeprihanto, John
- Forms and Patterns of Cooperation Relations in Tourism Institutions in the Togean Islands
- Sulistyo, Agung
- Creating Sustainable Tourism Through Innovation [Digital-Based Marketing in the Tinalah Rural Tourism]
- Sutikno, Bayu
- Actor’s Role in Developing Creative Rural Tourism Marketing in the Digital Era: A Case Study in Ponggok, Central Java
- Teguh, Frans
- Forms and Patterns of Cooperation Relations in Tourism Institutions in the Togean Islands
- Thio, Sienny
- Why Tourists Consumed Local Food in Bali During the Pandemic?
- Thio, Sienny
- What Motivates Tourists to Eat and Return to a Destination During Covid-19 Pandemic?
- Utami, Sri
- The Dramatic Fall of Tourism Villages Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Reflection on an Indonesia’s Primary Tourism Destination
- Wachyuni, Suci Sandi
- Online Travel Agencies or Official Website? Airline Pricing Behaviour Comparison
- Wahyuni, Nenny
- Online Travel Agencies or Official Website? Airline Pricing Behaviour Comparison
- Wardhani, Ikasari Kusuma
- Travel Intention of People Susceptible to COVID-19: Social Issues
- Wardhani, Ikasari Kusuma
- Encounter to COVID-19 and Its Impacts on People At-Risk’s Intention for Tourism in the New Normal
- Widiyastuti, Dyah
- Travel Intention of People Susceptible to COVID-19: Social Issues
- Widiyastuti, Dyah
- Encounter to COVID-19 and Its Impacts on People At-Risk’s Intention for Tourism in the New Normal
- Widyastuti, Dyah
- Peer-Review Statements
- Wijono, Djoko
- Do They Care?: Looking into Flashpacker’s Accommodation Preferences in Bali Post Covid-19