Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Reinventing Business Practices, Start-ups and Sustainability (ICRBSS 2023)
Welcome to the 3rd International Conference on Reinventing Business Practices, Start-ups and Sustainability (ICRBSS 2023). ICRBSS 2023 aimed to bring together scholars, researchers, educators, and professionals from around the world to discuss the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in the spheres of businesses, regulatory environment, consumer groups, advocacy agencies and the environment
at large. The sub-theme of the conference this year—Responsible Consumption and Production—is the 12th goal of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The present volume “Reinventing Business Practices, Start-ups, and Sustainability” brings out the selected papers from seven conference tracks.
Please click here for the conference website.
Please click here for the conference website.