Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Sustainable Innovation 2020–Social, Humanity, and Education (ICoSIHESS 2020)

164 authors
Abdullah, Effendi bin
Teachers’ Perspectives on Digital Game-Based Language Learning for Arabic Language in Malaysian Primary Schools
Adi, Amalia Savitri
Do English Language Teachers’ Characteristics Affect Self-Efficacy?
Agustina, Noor Qomaria
The Genealogy of Digital Literacy
Agustina, Tri Siwi
The Effect of Learning Motivation and Social Support on Learning Achievement of the Students in Aisyiyah Female Orphanage Serangan Yogyakarta
Aini, Eni Nur
Grammar Teaching Materials: What Makes Them Interesting?
Aini, Qurratul
Innovation in Strategic Planning at Private Hospital in Central Java District, Indonesia
Aisyah, Nurul
The Role of Pesantren in Improving the Religiosity of Tahfidz Al-Quran Santri in Yogyakarta
Aji, Setiawan
Application of Risk-Adjusted Returnon Capital (RAROC) in Measuring the Effects of Macroprudential Policy on Sharia Bank Market Risks in Indonesia
Akhmadi, Heri
Impact of ASEAN-India Free Trade Area on Indonesian Palm Oil Export: A Gravity Model Approach
Al-Hamdi, Ridho
Evaluating Sharia Regulation on the Prostitution Prohibition: The Case of Majalengka Regency
Amalia, Ayu
Chatbot for COVID-19 Emergency Response and Digital Neighborhood Surveillance
Amalia, Ayu
From Digital Literacy to Digital Intelligence
Amalia, Novi Rizka
Local Government: The Impact of International Cooperation on Economic Security in Indonesia
Ambardi, Kusridho
Kulina Digital Marcomm, Bring Back Marcomm to The Essential of Human Communication
Amin, Muh.
Innovation in Strategic Planning at Private Hospital in Central Java District, Indonesia
Amriyanto, Husni
The Use of “Jogja Istimewa” for Improving E-Government and Public Service Delivery in Yogyakarta
Ardlillah, Queen Fiqi
Investigating Students’ Challenges and Strategies When Interpreting
Arfiandhani, Puput
Pre-Service English as a Foreign (EFL) Teachers’ Intercultural Communicative Competence Development During Their Study Abroad Program
Arifini, Arini Hidayah
Evaluating Sharia Regulation on the Prostitution Prohibition: The Case of Majalengka Regency
As’ad, Syarif
Entrepreneurship Model in Zakat Institution of Muhammadiyah
Atmojo, Muhammad Eko
Halal Tourism Concepts and Policies: Case in West Nusa Tenggara
Aufar, Almas
A Phenomenological Exploration of EFL Students’ Experiences With Graded Readers
Aziz, Zuhdan
From Digital Literacy to Digital Intelligence
Candra, Rudi
The Analysis of the Development and the Application of Islamic International Relations Methodology in the University of Darussalam Gontor
Diwanti, Dyah Pikanthi
The Effect of Learning Motivation and Social Support on Learning Achievement of the Students in Aisyiyah Female Orphanage Serangan Yogyakarta
Elyta, Elyta
Strengthening the Border Tourism in Sambas District of West Kalimantan Indonesia in the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Political Boundaries Perspective
Farahsani, Yashinta
Code-Switching and Code-Mixing in WhatsApp Group Chats by FEB UMY Lecturers
Farahsani, Yashinta
Google Translate Accuracy in Translating Specialized Language From English to Bahasa Indonesia:
Febriani, Erma
Increasing Student’s Arabic Vocabulary Through Scrabble as an Educational Media Tools
Glorius, Goldenny
Impact of ASEAN-India Free Trade Area on Indonesian Palm Oil Export: A Gravity Model Approach
Hakiem, Fadhlan Nur
Local Government: The Impact of International Cooperation on Economic Security in Indonesia
Halim, Norhayati Rafida binti Abdul
A Framing Analysis of Negotiation of Interest in Islam via Dakwah Content Between Indonesia and Malaysia
Hapsari, Twediana Budi
A Framing Analysis of Negotiation of Interest in Islam via Dakwah Content Between Indonesia and Malaysia
Harmanto, Margaretha Dharmayanti
Do English Language Teachers’ Characteristics Affect Self-Efficacy?
Haron, Razali
Entrepreneurship Model in Zakat Institution of Muhammadiyah
Hasan, Yusuf A.
Halal Tourism Concepts and Policies: Case in West Nusa Tenggara
Hasan, Yusuf Abdul
Interest and Reading Ability of Islamic Education Student in Increasing Teacher Candidates Competence
Hasan, Yusuf Abdul
Development of Storytelling Methods in Microteaching for Strengthening Prospective Teacher Competencies
Hastuti, Saptin Dwi Setyo
Evaluating On-going ESP Courses at Two Higher Education Institutions: Students’ Perspectives
Hatmanto, Endro Dwi
Internationalization of Muhammadiyah: Challenges in Establishing the Muhammadiyah Australian College
Hayati, Safaah Restuning
Analysis of Risk Management at Baznas in DIY with Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Approach
Hayati, Safaah Restuning
Application of Risk-Adjusted Returnon Capital (RAROC) in Measuring the Effects of Macroprudential Policy on Sharia Bank Market Risks in Indonesia
Herningtyas, Ratih
Korean Drama Liberalization?: Political Economy of Product Placement Legalization for Foreign Companies in South Korea
Hidayah, Nur
Innovation in Strategic Planning at Private Hospital in Central Java District, Indonesia
Hidayat, Yayat
Development Model of Islamic Education Learning Through the Curriculum Transformation of Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan (AIK) in the Arabic Education Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Hoque, Mesbahul
Relationship Between Phonology, Phonetics, and Tajweed: A Literature Review
Hussin, Mutia Hariati
The Effect of The International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management on the Use of Pesticide in Kerala, India (2003-2017)
Ibrahim, Mohamed Hj
Relationship Between Phonology, Phonetics, and Tajweed: A Literature Review
Indraswari, Thamita Islami
Bare Minimum Online Class
Iqbal, Muhammad
Halal Tourism Concepts and Policies: Case in West Nusa Tenggara
Iqbal, Muhammad
Do Cultural Values Affect the Implementation of Smart Living Policy in Yogyakarta City?
Iqbal, Muhammad
Accessibility of Disabled-Friendly Public Services: A Case Study in Bantul District Police
Ishak, Aswad
The Role of Masyarakat Peduli Api (MPA) Communities in Forest and Land Fire Disaster Communication in Riau Province
Ismail, Tuan Haji Sulaiman Bin
Relationship Between Phonology, Phonetics, and Tajweed: A Literature Review
Istianingrum, Aulia
The Effectiveness of Blended Learning Using the Flipped Classroom and Hybrid Learning Models in the Chuukuuu Bunpou
The Importance of Opinion Leader in Disaster Communication
Iswati, Luluk
Evaluating On-going ESP Courses at Two Higher Education Institutions: Students’ Perspectives
Iswati, Sri
The Effect of Learning Motivation and Social Support on Learning Achievement of the Students in Aisyiyah Female Orphanage Serangan Yogyakarta
Jamil, Althof Shobrun
Investigating Factors Affecting EFL Teachers’ Choice in Integrating Authentic E-Materials
Jaya, Patria Handung
Google Translate Accuracy in Translating Specialized Language From English to Bahasa Indonesia:
Juharoh, Rohmi
Motivations and Challenges on the Use of ICT for Teaching Special Needs Students
Julaeha, Siti
Bare Minimum Online Class
Karnawati, Rita Agustina
The Effectiveness of Blended Learning Using the Flipped Classroom and Hybrid Learning Models in the Chuukuuu Bunpou
Kartikasari, Wahyuni
Strengthening the Border Tourism in Sambas District of West Kalimantan Indonesia in the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Political Boundaries Perspective
Kencono, Dewi Sekar
Do Cultural Values Affect the Implementation of Smart Living Policy in Yogyakarta City?
Kencono, Dewi Sekar
Accessibility of Disabled-Friendly Public Services: A Case Study in Bantul District Police
Larasati, Annisa
Culture Shock in a Study Abroad Program in an Indonesian Context
Lestari, Ika Wahyuni
Indonesian EFL Students’ Experiences in a Flipped Classroom
Madjid, Abd.
Transmission of Social-Cultural Values Through Education in the Yogyakarta Community Tradition
Madjid, Abd.
Development of the Dimensions of the Teacher’s Workplace Well-Being in Islamic School
Madjid, Mohamad Naim
The Importance of TOAFL in Improving the Language Skills of Arabic Language Education of Sixth Semester Students at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Madjid, Muh. Naim
A Lesson From Corona Virus Disease 2019: Exploring the Science in the Book of Signs
Makrufi, Anisa Dwi
Discourses on Religious Pluralism: Islamic Practices of Tolerance in the Classical and Modern Times
Makrufi, Anisa Dwi
Interest and Reading Ability of Islamic Education Student in Increasing Teacher Candidates Competence
Makrufi, Anisa Dwi
Development of Storytelling Methods in Microteaching for Strengthening Prospective Teacher Competencies
Mardiningrum, Arifah
Culture Shock in a Study Abroad Program in an Indonesian Context
Masrop, Noor Azli bin Mohamed
Teachers’ Perspectives on Digital Game-Based Language Learning for Arabic Language in Malaysian Primary Schools
Maula, Nasita Dara
Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery and Arabic Debate Ability
Development of Storytelling Methods in Microteaching for Strengthening Prospective Teacher Competencies
Mohamed, Yuslina
Relationship Between Phonology, Phonetics, and Tajweed: A Literature Review
Mubarok, Sofi
The Analysis of the Development and the Application of Islamic International Relations Methodology in the University of Darussalam Gontor
Muhajir, Mohamad
The Importance of TOAFL in Improving the Language Skills of Arabic Language Education of Sixth Semester Students at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Murtiningsih, Sri Rejeki
Investigating Students’ Challenges and Strategies When Interpreting
Mutiaraningsih, Siti
Bare Minimum Online Class
Mutiarin, Dyah
The Importance of Opinion Leader in Disaster Communication
Nafi’ah, Ilma
Interest and Reading Ability of Islamic Education Student in Increasing Teacher Candidates Competence
Na’imah, Tri
Development of the Dimensions of the Teacher’s Workplace Well-Being in Islamic School
Notobroto, Hari Basuki
The Effect of Learning Motivation and Social Support on Learning Achievement of the Students in Aisyiyah Female Orphanage Serangan Yogyakarta
Nurdianto, Talqis
The Role of Classical Arabic Grammarian in the Renewal of Arabic Syntax
Nurjanah, Adhianty
The Importance of Opinion Leader in Disaster Communication
Nurjanah, Adhianty
The Role of Masyarakat Peduli Api (MPA) Communities in Forest and Land Fire Disaster Communication in Riau Province
Nurjanah, Adhianty
The Use of “Jogja Istimewa” for Improving E-Government and Public Service Delivery in Yogyakarta
Perbawati, Esti Kukuh
The Effect of The International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management on the Use of Pesticide in Kerala, India (2003-2017)
Pradana, Annisa Shofaya Rizki
MAJIME: A Learning Media for Japanese Reading Comprehension
Prastowo, Ardityo Hendi
Development Model of Islamic Education Learning Through the Curriculum Transformation of Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan (AIK) in the Arabic Education Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Purnomo, Halim
Discourses on Religious Pluralism: Islamic Practices of Tolerance in the Classical and Modern Times
Purwanti, Eko
Preparing the Implementation of Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka Policy in Higher Education Institutions
Purwanti, Eko
Internationalization of Muhammadiyah: Challenges in Establishing the Muhammadiyah Australian College
Purwanti, Eko
MOOCs as a Means to Provide Education Equity in Indonesia: An Empirical Study at a Private University of Yogyakarta
Puspawati, Indah
Motivations and Challenges on the Use of ICT for Teaching Special Needs Students