Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Strategic Issues on Economics, Business and, Education (ICoSIEBE 2021)

189 authors
Abdullah, M. Ikbal
The Effect of Auditor Judgment and Professional Skepticism on Internal Audit Quality
Abdullah, M. Ikbal
The Effect of Conflict, Role Ambiguity and Expertise on Internal Auditor Independence Commitments
Aditia, Reza
Overview of Student Entrepreneurship in Indonesia
Aditia, Reza
Preliminary Analysis of Project-Based Teaching Material Development for Implementation in Hybrid Learning
Agusti, Ivo Selvia
Academic Integrity Through Administration, Interaction, and Satisfaction with Distance Learning at Universitas Negeri Medan
Agusti, Ivo Selvia
Commitment, Motivation, and Involvement of Students in Improving Academic Performance
Aini, Kuatina Nur
The Effect of Financial Slack, Institutional Ownership, Media Exposure on Carbon Emission Disclosure with Solvability Ratio as a Moderating Variable
Allan, Mamoon
Getting Dress for Local Experience
Allan, Mamoon
What We Should Know About Village Tourism Destination Attributes?
Alrizqi, Damas Gianluigi
The Influence of Labor Wages and Creativity on the Production Value of Troso Ikat
Ambarita, Charles Fransiscus
Development of Entrepreneurship Learning Media Based on Problem-Based Learning (PBL)
Anafiova, Saule
Critical Discourse Analysis of the Academic Discussion on Internationalization of Higher Education
Ane, La
Analysis of the Implementation of Secondary Education Management on the Marginal Contribution of High/Vocational High Schools in North Sumatra
Anggraini, Elya Siska
Android-based Learning Media on PAUD Management Course
Forensic Accounting and Compliance Audit to Reduce the Number of Financial Fraud in Local Government
Antecedent Affecting Chinese Ethnic Community Saving at Islamic Bank of North Sumatra
Ardiansari, Anindya
The Effect of Capital Adequacy, Market Risk, Credit Risk, Operational Risk and Liquidity on the Profitability (Case Study on Sharia Banks Registered in OJK Period 2010-2019)
The Effectiveness of Nonparametric SPSS Based Statistic Practicum Module Development in Improving the Student Learning Result
Analysis of Government Stimulus Policy Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic on Abnormal Share Returns (Study on LQ-45 Shares)
Astuti, Dwi Puji
Entrepreneur Skills as an Effort to Increase Entrepreneurial Intentions through Entrepreneurship Education
Baroroh, Niswah
The Effect of Financial Slack, Institutional Ownership, Media Exposure on Carbon Emission Disclosure with Solvability Ratio as a Moderating Variable
Dalimunthe, Achmad Sudiyar
Risk Analysis for Passenger of Online Motorcycle Public Transportation in The City of Jakarta
Dalimunthe, Muhammad Bukhori
Instructional Leadership in Elementary School: An Explanatory Study
Darma, Jufri
Education Financing Governance in Pesantren
Dewi, Rosmala
Instructional Leadership in Elementary School: An Explanatory Study
Din, Muhammad
The Effect of Participation in Budgeting on Managerial Performance with Locus of Control and Job Relevant Information as Moderating Variables in PT. PLN (PERSERO) UP3 Palu
Din, Muhammad
The Effect of Apparatus Competence on the Quality of Local Government Financial Reports with the Utilization of Information Technology as Intervening Variable: Survey on Regional Apparatus Organizations of Donggala Government
Din, Muhammad
The Effect of Good Corporate Governance on Profit Management with Tax Planning as Intervening Variable on Mining Companies Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange (2014-2018)
Din, Muhammad
The Effect of Auditor Judgment and Professional Skepticism on Internal Audit Quality
Din, Muhammad
The Effect of Conflict, Role Ambiguity and Expertise on Internal Auditor Independence Commitments
Dongoran, Faisal R
Analysis of the Determinants for Online Business Interest Among University Students
Dongoran, Faisal Rahman
TPACK Knowledge Mastery of Pre-Service Teacher Students in the Faculty of Economics Universitas Negeri Medan
Faizal, Saskia Islamay
The Effect of Participation in Budgeting on Managerial Performance with Locus of Control and Job Relevant Information as Moderating Variables in PT. PLN (PERSERO) UP3 Palu
Farliana, Nina
The Influence of Labor Wages and Creativity on the Production Value of Troso Ikat
Fatahila, Rahmat
The Perspective of Patchouli Farmers in Sustainable Entrepreneurship: A Cross Tabulation Analysis
Fatahillah, Rahmat
A Preliminary Study of the Internet of Things Capabilities, Integration on Halal Food Supply Chain Performance and Sustainable Advantage
Fatimah, Nida Muti
Analysis of Government Stimulus Policy Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic on Abnormal Share Returns (Study on LQ-45 Shares)
Feriady, Muhammad
The Influence of Labor Wages and Creativity on the Production Value of Troso Ikat
Analysis of the Role of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises in the National Economic Recovery Policy During the Covid 19 Pandemic
Analysis of The Influence Rupiah Exchange Rate on Economic Growth in Indonesia
Feasibility Study of Hydroponics as a Home Industry
Analysis of Rice Import Policy in North Sumatra
Gosal, Rudy
A Preliminary Study of the Internet of Things Capabilities, Integration on Halal Food Supply Chain Performance and Sustainable Advantage
Habibi, Muhammad Ridha
Analysis of Higher Education Readiness in Medan City in Implementing Risk Based Internals Audit to Realize Good University Governance
Hadi, Suryadi
A Preliminary Study of the Internet of Things Capabilities, Integration on Halal Food Supply Chain Performance and Sustainable Advantage
Hadi, Suryadi
The Perspective of Patchouli Farmers in Sustainable Entrepreneurship: A Cross Tabulation Analysis
Halim, Dandi Abdul
Analysis of the Implementation of Secondary Education Management on the Marginal Contribution of High/Vocational High Schools in North Sumatra
Halwi, Muhammad Dharma
The Effect of Good Corporate Governance on Profit Management with Tax Planning as Intervening Variable on Mining Companies Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange (2014-2018)
Harahap, Khairunnisa
Academic Dishonesty and E-Learning Dilemma: Conceptual Insight and Implication for Accounting Educators
Harahap, Lokot Muda
Antecedent Affecting Chinese Ethnic Community Saving at Islamic Bank of North Sumatra
Hardi, Bima
Analysis of The Influence Rupiah Exchange Rate on Economic Growth in Indonesia
Harefa, Kornelius
Forensic Accounting and Compliance Audit to Reduce the Number of Financial Fraud in Local Government
Haris, Nurhayati
Accounting Students’ Understanding of Assets, Liabilities and Equity by Different School of Origin: Study on Accounting Undergraduate Students at Tadulako University
Harmen, Hilma
Antecedent Affecting Chinese Ethnic Community Saving at Islamic Bank of North Sumatra
Haryanto, Dwi
Risk Analysis for Passenger of Online Motorcycle Public Transportation in The City of Jakarta
Hasibuan, Ali Fikri
Tracer Study Exploration of Medan State University Graduates
Hasibuan, Ali Fikri
Students Perception in Entrepreneurship Development at Universitas Negeri Medan
Hastuti, Pebri
Commitment, Motivation, and Involvement of Students in Improving Academic Performance
Hastuti, Pebri
ICARE Model Learning Video For Economic Mathematics Subject
Feasibility Study of Hydroponics as a Home Industry
Herliani, Rini
Intention to Investment Among Economics and Business Students Based on Theory of Planned Behavior Framework
Herliani, Rini
Academic Dishonesty and E-Learning Dilemma: Conceptual Insight and Implication for Accounting Educators
Hidayah, Noerifma
The Perspective of Patchouli Farmers in Sustainable Entrepreneurship: A Cross Tabulation Analysis
Hidayat, OK Sofyan
Analysis of Higher Education Readiness in Medan City in Implementing Risk Based Internals Audit to Realize Good University Governance
Hidayat, Taufik
Analysis of Higher Education Readiness in Medan City in Implementing Risk Based Internals Audit to Realize Good University Governance
Hutapea, Tri Andri
Students Perception in Entrepreneurship Development at Universitas Negeri Medan
Hutasuhut, Saidun
Overview of Student Entrepreneurship in Indonesia
Hutasuhut, Saidun
Preliminary Analysis of Project-Based Teaching Material Development for Implementation in Hybrid Learning
Ihsan, Muhammad
Risk Analysis for Passenger of Online Motorcycle Public Transportation in The City of Jakarta
Indriani, Riza
Antecedent Affecting Chinese Ethnic Community Saving at Islamic Bank of North Sumatra
The Synergy Model of Entrepreneurship Development Through SMEs in Samosir (Triple Helix Model)
Irfan, Salsabila
Analysis of the Implementation of Secondary Education Management on the Marginal Contribution of High/Vocational High Schools in North Sumatra
Jaenudin, Ahmad
Entrepreneur Skills as an Effort to Increase Entrepreneurial Intentions through Entrepreneurship Education
Jati, Kuat Waluyo
The Effect of Financial Slack, Institutional Ownership, Media Exposure on Carbon Emission Disclosure with Solvability Ratio as a Moderating Variable
Kahar, Abdul
The Effect of Participation in Budgeting on Managerial Performance with Locus of Control and Job Relevant Information as Moderating Variables in PT. PLN (PERSERO) UP3 Palu
Academic Hardiness Accounting Education Students
Karim, Fikry
A Preliminary Study of the Internet of Things Capabilities, Integration on Halal Food Supply Chain Performance and Sustainable Advantage
Kasmawati, Neni
The Effect of Apparatus Competence on the Quality of Local Government Financial Reports with the Utilization of Information Technology as Intervening Variable: Survey on Regional Apparatus Organizations of Donggala Government
Khasanah, Royke Uswatun
The Influence of Labor Wages and Creativity on the Production Value of Troso Ikat
Kholis, Azizul
Feasibility Study of Hydroponics as a Home Industry
Kholis, Azizul
Analysis of the Determinants for Online Business Interest Among University Students
Lubis, Adelina
Antecedent Affecting Chinese Ethnic Community Saving at Islamic Bank of North Sumatra
Lubis, Fitriani
Tracer Study Exploration of Medan State University Graduates
Lubis, Wildansyah
Instructional Leadership in Elementary School: An Explanatory Study
Maftukhah, Ida
Analysis of Government Stimulus Policy Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic on Abnormal Share Returns (Study on LQ-45 Shares)
Maipita, Indra
Analysis of the Role of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises in the National Economic Recovery Policy During the Covid 19 Pandemic
Maipita, Indra
Analysis of The Influence Rupiah Exchange Rate on Economic Growth in Indonesia
Maipita, Indra
Feasibility Study of Hydroponics as a Home Industry
Maipita, Indra
TPACK Knowledge Mastery of Pre-Service Teacher Students in the Faculty of Economics Universitas Negeri Medan
Manullang, Randeska
Academic Integrity Through Administration, Interaction, and Satisfaction with Distance Learning at Universitas Negeri Medan
Maolani, Rukaesih Achmad
Risk Analysis for Passenger of Online Motorcycle Public Transportation in The City of Jakarta
Mardiyah, Ainul
Analysis of Rice Import Policy in North Sumatra
Mariana, Rachma
The Effect of Good Corporate Governance on Profit Management with Tax Planning as Intervening Variable on Mining Companies Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange (2014-2018)
Marina, Nisha
Analysis of Higher Education Readiness in Medan City in Implementing Risk Based Internals Audit to Realize Good University Governance
Masdar, Rahma
The Effect of Participation in Budgeting on Managerial Performance with Locus of Control and Job Relevant Information as Moderating Variables in PT. PLN (PERSERO) UP3 Palu
Masdar, Rahma
The Effect of Apparatus Competence on the Quality of Local Government Financial Reports with the Utilization of Information Technology as Intervening Variable: Survey on Regional Apparatus Organizations of Donggala Government
Masdar, Rahma
The Effect of Conflict, Role Ambiguity and Expertise on Internal Auditor Independence Commitments
The Effect of Participation in Budgeting on Managerial Performance with Locus of Control and Job Relevant Information as Moderating Variables in PT. PLN (PERSERO) UP3 Palu
The Effect of Auditor Judgment and Professional Skepticism on Internal Audit Quality
Maulida, Ernita
Getting Dress for Local Experience