Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social, Applied Science, and Technology in Home Economics (ICONHOMECS 2019)
178 authors
- Nyoto, Amat
- The Development of Legha Sumenep Madura Bride Wedding Dress
- Octaverina, KP
- Sensory Evaluation Formula Hair Tonic Extracts Pandanus Amaryllifolius and Seaweed
- Partini
- Students’ Creativity After Joining Advanced Design Class by Applying Portfolio
- Peng, Li-Hsun
- Understanding the Purchase Behavior of Young Indonesian Hijaber on Fashion Product
- Pindi, Wolyna
- Effect of Seaweed Powder on the Quality of the Pineapple-Chili Sauce
- Prahastuti, Endang
- An Investigation of Thermal Comfort of Woolpeach Modest-Fashion Products: A Case Study in Indonesia
- Prasetyaningtyas, Wulansari
- Students’ Creativity After Joining Advanced Design Class by Applying Portfolio
- Prihatina, Yuhri Inang
- Understanding the Purchase Behavior of Young Indonesian Hijaber on Fashion Product
- Prita, Octaverina K
- Local Wisdom Values in Dowry of Indonesia’s Bridewealth: A Study of East Java Horseshoe Communities
- Purnomo, Diah Ayu Hapsari
- Analysis of Factors Affecting Student Learning Difficulties Toward Physiology Anatomy Lesson at SMK Negeri 3 Tangerang (Case Study Class X of Cosmetology at SMK 3 Tangerang)
- Purwaningsih, Nur Endah
- The Development of Adobe Flash-Based Learning Media in the Material of Night Party Dress Making
- Purwidiani, Niken
- Study of Rice Analog from Cassava–Soybean and Processed Product
- Puspita, Theresia
- Quality of Arabushi and Katsuobushi from Skipjack Tuna, Bonito, and Yellowfin Tuna
- Puspitorini, Arita
- Local Wisdom Values in Dowry of Indonesia’s Bridewealth: A Study of East Java Horseshoe Communities
- Putra, David Anggara
- Development of Digital Learning Media for Renewable Energy Subject Based on Concepts Understanding of Electrical Engineering Department’s Students State University of Malang
- Putra, I Nyoman Darma
- Food Souvenirs Preferences by Domestic Tourists-Indonesia
- Radinda, Lutfie Dwi
- The Development of Adobe Flash-Based Learning Media in the Material of Night Party Dress Making
- Rahayu, Imami Arum Tri
- Understanding the Purchase Behavior of Young Indonesian Hijaber on Fashion Product
- Rahayu, Sri Eko Puji
- The Development of Adobe Premiere-Based Learning Media in Moodboard Making Material in SMKN 3 Malang
- Rahmawati, Yuni
- Development of Digital Learning Media for Renewable Energy Subject Based on Concepts Understanding of Electrical Engineering Department’s Students State University of Malang
- Ramadhani, Ita Fatkhur
- The Effect of Problem-Based Learning and Critical Thinking Skills on Students’ Learning Outcomes of Vocational Schools
- Revina A.P, I Gusti Ayu
- Interest of S1 Fashion Design Program Students in 2015 for Following Fashion Show Activities in Malang City
- Rohajatien, Ummi
- Exploration and Mapping Utilization of Bitter Melon (Momordica Charantia L.) and Its Culinary
- Rohajatien, Ummi
- Culinary Model Innovation on Some Bitter Melon Cultivar (Momordica Charantia L.) Cultivar with High Pectin, Protein, and Diosgenin Characteristics
- Romadhoni, Ita Fatkhur
- Re-Create Systematized Interpersonal Skills Learning Models in Millennial Vocational Education and Training
- Romadhoni, Ita Fatkhur
- Development of Guided Inquiry Learning to Improve the Ability of Makeup Design Using Corel Draw
- Russanti, Irma
- Development of Soil Batik Based on Consumer’s Needs
- Sakti, Wahyu
- Development of Digital Learning Media for Renewable Energy Subject Based on Concepts Understanding of Electrical Engineering Department’s Students State University of Malang
- Saputri, Anggi M.J.
- Management of Culinary Tourism Products in Gunung Kidul Districts
- Sawitri, Sicilia
- Students’ Creativity After Joining Advanced Design Class by Applying Portfolio
- Sendari, Siti
- Development of Digital Learning Media for Renewable Energy Subject Based on Concepts Understanding of Electrical Engineering Department’s Students State University of Malang
- Setiawan, Mirenda Ekaning
- The Fitting Factor in Komarudin’s Pattern
- Setiawati, Teti
- Development of Skill Assessment Instruments Based on Food Sanitation Hygiene Principles in Learning Food Processing Practices for Vocational Students Catering Services Expertise Program in Malang City
- Setiawati, Teti
- Critical Thinking Skills and Problem-Solving Level of Malang Culinary Program Vocational School
- Shan, Tan Pei
- Effect of Seaweed Powder on the Quality of the Pineapple-Chili Sauce
- Sintawati, Esin
- Developing the European Foundation for Quality Management for MSME Performance Measurement (A Case Study of MSME Managed by ‘Preman Super’ Community in Malang City)
- Soekopitojo, Soenar
- The Implementation Production Unit Expertise Dressmaking Program in Vocational High School (SMK) Malang
- Soekopitojo, Soenar
- Functional Drinks from a Rhizome of Nut Grass (Cyperus rotundus L.) with Mixed Fruits
- Soekopitojo, Soenar
- The Special Dishes Philosophy of Sayut Ceremony in Argosari Village
- Subekti, Sri
- Fortification of Moringa Oleifera Leaves on Traditional Cakes as Supplementary Food for Under Five Aged Children in Posyandu
- Suciati
- Ethics and Aesthetic Appearance of Kebaya Indonesia
- Suhartini, Ratna
- Development of Diploma 4 Fashion Design Curriculum
- Suhartiningsih
- Re-Create Systematized Interpersonal Skills Learning Models in Millennial Vocational Education and Training
- Sukerti, Ni Wayan
- Developing Culinary Tourism: The Role of Traditional Food as Cultural Heritage in Bali
- Sulandari, Lilis
- Study of Rice Analog from Cassava–Soybean and Processed Product
- Sunandar, Agus
- Requirements Analysis on Design Assessment of Clothing Practicum Using Expert System
- Sunandar, Agus
- The Influence of Product Innovation on the Purchasing Interest of Handmade Fashion
- Sunaryo, Nonny Aji
- Food Souvenirs Preferences by Domestic Tourists-Indonesia
- Sunaryo, Nony Aji
- Analysis of Nutritional and Fatty Acid Composition of a Bowl of Meatball Soup in Malang, Indonesia
- Suriani, Ni Made
- Balinese Fusion Food as Local Culinary Tourism Products
- Sutiadiningsih, Any
- Re-Create Systematized Interpersonal Skills Learning Models in Millennial Vocational Education and Training
- Syamwil, Rodia
- Students’ Creativity After Joining Advanced Design Class by Applying Portfolio
- Titi, Mutiara K
- Culinary Model Innovation on Some Bitter Melon Cultivar (Momordica Charantia L.) Cultivar with High Pectin, Protein, and Diosgenin Characteristics
- Unsudah, Elis Nur
- Improving Human Resource Through School-Industry Cooperation Program to Face Industry 4.0
- Utami, Nisa Rahmaniyah
- Fortification of Moringa Oleifera Leaves on Traditional Cakes as Supplementary Food for Under Five Aged Children in Posyandu
- Wahyuni, Wiwik
- Exploration and Mapping Utilization of Bitter Melon (Momordica Charantia L.) and Its Culinary
- Wahyuni, Wiwik
- The Role of Vocational Education in the Acceleration Preparation of Skilled Labor and Government Policy Standardizing Indonesian Labor in the Framework of ASEAN Economic Community Application
- Wahyuningsih, Urip
- Development of Diploma 4 Fashion Design Curriculum
- Wesnina
- Tenun Goyor: Exploration Concepts of Tegal Local Tourism That Begin to Forgotten
- Wibawa, Setya Cendra
- Development of Guided Inquiry Learning to Improve the Ability of Makeup Design Using Corel Draw
- Wibowotomo, Budi
- Antioxidant Capacity Assay and Sensory Evaluation of Flavored Healthy Snack Composed from Nori of Green Grass Tree Leaves (Premna Oblongifolia Merr.)
- Wibowotomo, Budi
- Difference in Proximate Content Between Chicken Curry (Kandar Rice) and Chicken Curry (Padang Rice)
- Wibowotomo, Budi
- Analysis of Acceptance Levels on Lunch Menu Among Students at SD Islam Tompokersan Lumajang
- Wibowotomo, Budi
- Moringa Leaves Flour and Tengger Potato Flour as Composite Flour for GFCF Diets
- Wibowotomo, Budi
- Chemical and Organoleptic Properties Analysis of Breadfruit Leaves (Artocarpus Altilis) Herbal Tea with Cinnamon and Clove Addition
- Wibowotomo, Budi
- Analysis of Acceptance Levels on Lunch Menu Among Students at SD Islam Tompokersan Lumajang
- Widiartini, Ni Ketut
- Bridal Make Up Jembrana Regency, Bali Province
- Widyaningsih, Yulia Arisnani
- Management of Culinary Tourism Products in Gunung Kidul Districts
- Wilujeng, Biyan Yesi
- Sensory Evaluation Formula Hair Tonic Extracts Pandanus Amaryllifolius and Seaweed
- Winanti, Elizabeth Titik
- Development of Diploma 4 Fashion Design Curriculum
- Yin, Fan Hui
- Effect of Seaweed Powder on the Quality of the Pineapple-Chili Sauce
- Yulasti, Lilies
- Analysis of Factors Affecting Student Learning Difficulties Toward Physiology Anatomy Lesson at SMK Negeri 3 Tangerang (Case Study Class X of Cosmetology at SMK 3 Tangerang)
- Yulia, Cica
- Fortification of Moringa Oleifera Leaves on Traditional Cakes as Supplementary Food for Under Five Aged Children in Posyandu
- Yulistiana
- Development of Soil Batik Based on Consumer’s Needs
- Yulistiana
- Development of Diploma 4 Fashion Design Curriculum
- Zahro, Siti
- An Investigation of Thermal Comfort of Woolpeach Modest-Fashion Products: A Case Study in Indonesia
- Zahro, Siti
- The Fitting Factor in Komarudin’s Pattern
- Zamroh, Beta Seftiyany
- Study of Rice Analog from Cassava–Soybean and Processed Product