Proceedings of the International Conference on Islamic and Muhammadiyah Studies (ICIMS 2022)

157 authors
Nirwana, Andri
The Phenomenon of the Postponing of 1 Muharram Holiday by the Government Viewed from Tafseer of At-Taubah: Verse 37 (Phenomenological Study of the Postponing of 1 Muharram Holiday by the Government and the Netizens’ Responses)
Nugraha, dan Tasyha Puji
Concepts of Ijtihad Bayani, Ta’lili, and Istislahi on Muhammadiyah and Qauli Approach to NU
Nurrahim, Ahmad
Tafseer Study Orientation in Muhammadiyah University: An Enticement
Nurrohim, Ahmad
Mulang Tarima: The Gratitude Concept in Sundanese Interpretation
Nurrohim, Ahmad
The Concept of Ummatan Wasatan in The Qur’an (A Comparative Study of Tafsir Fii Zhilaalil Qur’an by Sayyid Qutb and Tafsir Al-Munir By Wahbah Zuhayli)
Nurrohim, Ahmad
Meaning of The Word Libās in Q.S. Al-Baqarah [2]:187 in Michael Camille Riffaterre’s Semiotics Application
Nurrohim, Ahmad
Viruses and Plague in Al-Azhar’s Tafsir: Correlation of Covid-19 Discovery with Alquran Verses
Nurrohim, Ahmad
Theology of Al-Maun in Muhammadiyah Philanthropy (Study of Living Qur’an at Kartasura LAZISMU)
Nurrohim, Ahmad
The Phenomenon of the Postponing of 1 Muharram Holiday by the Government Viewed from Tafseer of At-Taubah: Verse 37 (Phenomenological Study of the Postponing of 1 Muharram Holiday by the Government and the Netizens’ Responses)
Prasetyo, Adirasa Hadi
Integration of Multicultural Values Learning in Boarding Schools
Rahman, Abdul
Quantum Learning Model to Increase The Internalization of Islamic Values In Busthanul Athfal
Rahmawati, Eny
Implications of Multicultural Content of Islamic Religious Education on High School Students’ Manners
Ramadhan, An-NajmiFikri
Tafseer Study Orientation in Muhammadiyah University: An Enticement
Rhain, Ainur
Tafseer Study Orientation in Muhammadiyah University: An Enticement
Rhain, Ainur
Concepts of Ijtihad Bayani, Ta’lili, and Istislahi on Muhammadiyah and Qauli Approach to NU
Rhain, Ainur
Construction of the Izdiwajiy Method and Its Application in Tafsir Al-Hidayah
Rhain, Aiunur
Application of Roland Barthes’ Semiotics to QS. An-Naml [27]: 44 on the Bared Legs of Queen Balqis
Ridlwan, M.
Problems of Implementation of Islamic Religious Education at Muhammadiyah Junior High School 4 Gadung Surabaya
Rikiyanto, Fendi
The Development of Religious Character Through the Full-Day School Program at Smp Aisyiyah Full Day Wedi for The Academic Year 2021/2022
Rodhiyah, Mutmainni
Theology of Al-Maun in Muhammadiyah Philanthropy (Study of Living Qur’an at Kartasura LAZISMU)
Romadhon, Muhammad Faqqih
Quranic Entrepreneur Education in Reducing Unemployment
Rosyadi, Imron
Concepts of Ijtihad Bayani, Ta’lili, and Istislahi on Muhammadiyah and Qauli Approach to NU
Rosyadi, Rozi Irfan
Implementation Of Tahsin And Tahfidz Learning In Improving Reading Ability And Memorizing The Qur’an Skill
Rosyid, Mukhlish Abdul
The Concept of Ummatan Wasatan in The Qur’an (A Comparative Study of Tafsir Fii Zhilaalil Qur’an by Sayyid Qutb and Tafsir Al-Munir By Wahbah Zuhayli)
Saifudin, Saifudin
The Meaning of Hijrah in the Qur’an Surah An-Nisa [4] verse 100: From the View of Esoteric and Exoteric Interpretation
Saifudin, Saifudin
A Review of Tafsir Al-Misbah of Religious Tolerance in QS. Al-An’am Verse 108
Saifudin, Saifudin
Reception of Closes Awrah Student of Al Qur’an Science and Tafsir UMS (Study of Living Quran Verses Close Awrah)
Saifudin, Saifudin
The Deradicalization of Islamic Boarding Schools towards Pluralism Based on the Interpretation of Inclusiveness in the Theme of the Verse of Jihad
Saktiani, Esti
Ahmad Muflih Saefuddin’s Educational Thought: Islamization of Science and Campus
Salim, Hakimuddin
The Relevance of Buya Hamka’s Moral Philosophy to the Challenges of Education 4.0
Saputra, Julianda Ady
The Theory of Punishment According to the Qur’an and Its Implications for Education
Setiawan, Ardhio
A Review of Tafsir Al-Misbah of Religious Tolerance in QS. Al-An’am Verse 108
Siyono, Siyono
Integration of Multicultural Values Learning in Boarding Schools
Soleh, Muhamad
Principles of Radicalism Sayyid Qutb Perspective in Tafsir Fi Zhilalil Quran
Srisusilawati, Popon
Human Perspectives as Homo Islamicus and Homo Economicus towards Money
Suhaimy, Khayrul Azman bin Mohamad
Level of Knowledge and Dissemination of Da’if and Mawdu’ Hadiths in The Book of Nasa’ih Al-’Ibad by Pesantren’s Residents in Sumatera, Indonesia
Suharjianto, Suharjianto
Review of Scientific Interpretation of Al Ayat Al Kawniyah Fi Al Quran Al Karim Against Immunity and Vaccination
Suharjianto, Suharjianto
Principles of Radicalism Sayyid Qutb Perspective in Tafsir Fi Zhilalil Quran
Suharjianto, Suharjianto
Ahkam Al Munir Tafsir of Online Debt
Suharjianto, Suharjianto
Application of Roland Barthes’ Semiotics to QS. An-Naml [27]: 44 on the Bared Legs of Queen Balqis
Sukmadewi, Aisyah Septiana
Mulang Tarima: The Gratitude Concept in Sundanese Interpretation
Sumardjoko, Bambang
Integration of Multicultural Values Learning in Boarding Schools
Syakirin, Muh. Hamdan
Construction of the Izdiwajiy Method and Its Application in Tafsir Al-Hidayah
Sya’bannurrahman, Muhammad Rifqi
Ahkam Al Munir Tafsir of Online Debt
Ulfiani, Dwi Yulia
Convergence Theory in Islamic Perspective (Study of Fitrah Education in Qs. Ar-Rūm Verse 30)
Urbaningrum, Ainurrohmah
Review of Tafsir Ahkam Rawai’ Al Bayan Tafsir Ayat Al Ahkam Min Al Qur’an Against MUI Fatwa Number 18 of 2020 Regarding Guidelines for the Dead Body Management (Tajhiz Al-Jana’iz) of Muslims Infected with COVID-19
Vilianita, Risza
The Relevance of Education Based on Adab According to the Thoughts of Syed Muhammad Naquib Al Attas with the Current State of the Community
Wahid, Abd
Quranic Entrepreneur Education in Reducing Unemployment
Waston, Waston
A Review of Tafsir Al-Misbah of Religious Tolerance in QS. Al-An’am Verse 108
Waston, Waston
Principles of Radicalism Sayyid Qutb Perspective in Tafsir Fi Zhilalil Quran
Waston, Waston
The Deradicalization of Islamic Boarding Schools towards Pluralism Based on the Interpretation of Inclusiveness in the Theme of the Verse of Jihad
Waston, Waston
Implications of Multicultural Content of Islamic Religious Education on High School Students’ Manners
Waston, Waston
Integration of Multicultural Values Learning in Boarding Schools
Yayuli, Yayuli
Waqf Logo as a Productive Waqf of the Digital Age in the Perspective of Maqashid Sharia
Zahra, Nabila Salsabila Az
The Relevance of Buya Hamka’s Moral Philosophy to the Challenges of Education 4.0
Zainol, Nur Zainatul Nadra Binti
Quranic Perspective on Disaster Management: Analysis from Prophet Yusuf A.S History
‘Izi, Itqon Futhna
The Deradicalization of Islamic Boarding Schools towards Pluralism Based on the Interpretation of Inclusiveness in the Theme of the Verse of Jihad