Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Health Innovation and Technology (ICHIT 2022)

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23 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Supatmi, Chlara Yunita Prabawati, Diah Priyantini, Septian Galuh Winata, Erfan Rofiqi, Dzakiyatul Fahmi Mumtaz, Ken Siwi
Proceedings Article

Pre-hospital Emergency of Covid-19 in Community Based on Care Providers’ Experience in Indonesia

Nur Mukarromah, Siswanto Agung, Septian Galuh Winata, Erfan Rofiqi, Diah Priyantini, Chlara Yunita Prabawati
This study aimed to explore pre-hospital emergencies of COVID-19 in the community based on care providers’ experience. Methods: This article’s design was descriptive, using a qualitative research approach with an in-depth interview. A total of 10 care providers were selected using purposive sampling...
Proceedings Article

The Potential of Secondary Metabolites from Indonesian Weeds in Asthma Management

Lathifah Yuliana Hastuti, Dias Setyawan
Managing asthma with clinical drugs commonly has some adverse events and drug tolerance. Asthma management with minimal drug side effects is suitable for reducing asthma prevalence. Herbal medicine could apply to mild asthma or as an adjunct to standard asthma management. This study compares the chemical...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Playing Origami on the Fine Motor Development Among Preschool Children at Putra Buana Kindergarten in Lamongan Regency

Sulistiyowati, Ratih Indah Kartika, Ponco Indah Arista Sari, Ati’ul Impartina
Preschool is a period to develop fine motor skills. Origami has benefits in training memory and fine motor skills, improving concentration and patience, and increasing intellectual capacity. This study determines the effect of origami games on fine motor development in preschool children at Putra Buana...
Proceedings Article

Causality Assessment of Adverse Events for Covid-19 Vaccine in Comparison Between Racial Classification Using Naranjo Algorithm

Rachma Dessidianti, Fuad Muzakky, Karima Samlan
In pharmacovigilance, causality assessment remains an important approach to analyze the causal relationship between adverse events and vaccine application. In 2020, the rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines became a global imperative. Vaccine development typically takes decades before it is approved....
Proceedings Article

Probiotic Lactobacillus Acidophilus La-14 as Feed Additive Substitute for Antibiotic Therapy in Broilers

Yeti Eka Sispita Sari, Diah Ariana, Dita Artanti, Anindita Riesti Retno Arimurti
The intake of quality nutrition is key, one of which is the consumption of protein which is important for health. In pandemic conditions, the quality of life determines whether people can avoid COVID-19. To meet the high demand for broiler chickens in feed, feed additives and Growth Promoter Anti-Biotics...
Proceedings Article

Expression of Immunoglobulin a (IgA) in Wistar Rats Fed and Infected by Salmonella Typhimurium: Immunohistochemical Studies

Norma Farizah Fahmi, Rizka Efi Mawli
Typhoid fever caused by Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi continues to be a public health problem in developing countries and is a cause of illness and death. The emergence of the problem of antibiotic resistance has also worsened cases of typhoid fever. Probiotic bacteria or lactic acid bacteria (LAB)...
Proceedings Article

Functional Nursing and Team Care Model Toward the Quality of Nursing Care Services in ‘Aisyiyah Ponorogo General Hospital

Zainal Arifin, Lina Ema Purwanti, Naylil Mawaddah Rohmah, Tintin Sukartini, Ninuk Dian Kurniawati
The professional nursing practice model is a system, process, and values that make nurses manage the nursing care of the patient. However, it still needs to be fully implemented and oriented toward efforts to meet the needs of the patient through cooperation and collaboration. This study aimed to explain...
Proceedings Article

Isolation and Evaluation of Physicochemical of Pregelatinized Starch as Pharmaceutical Excipient: Albizia Saman

Elasari Dwi Pratiwi, Fransisca Dita Mayangsari, Diah Indah Kumala Sari, Devi Ristian Octavia, Irma Susanti
Albizia saman seeds contain 24.2% starch which can be used as an excipient in pharmaceutical preparations. However, natural starch has unfavorable characteristics, so it needs to be modified. Pre-gelatinization is one of the physical modification methods which can improve the characteristics of natural...
Proceedings Article

Photovoice as a Method to Assess the Perception and Behavioral Response to Potential Stigma Toward Mental Illness

Chlara Yunita Prabawati, Diah Priyantini, Reliani, Septian Galuh Winata, Erfan Rofiqi
Photovoice is theorized to influence healthcare students to interact with the photos and captions as the choice of prior learning method. It is important to examine and further understand this mechanism of student learning in their management of mental illness. Objective: This study aims to evaluate...
Proceedings Article

Development of a Psychological First Aid Model Based on Crisis Emergency Theory to Improve COVID-19 Psychological Readiness: The Best Recommendation yet for the Javanese Population

Diah Priyantini, Daviq Ayatulloh, Tintin Sukartini, Nursalam
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has become a health crisis in the world that causes psychological distress to crisis conditions. This study aimed to develop a psychological first-aid model based on the crisis emergency theory on psychological readiness to face COVID-19. This was explanatory survey...
Proceedings Article

Efficacy of Banana Leaf Oil Extract Against Candida Albicans Growth in Diaper Rash

Siti Mardiyah, M. Adinda Karunia, Fitrotin Azizah, Nastiti Kartikorini
The baby’s skin is very sensitive, so it is prone to infection or suffering from allergies or fungi and bacteria. Skin disorders that often occur in babies are characterized by the appearance of prickly heat, irritation, diaper rash, or eczema. The prevalence of diaper rash in infants aged 0–12 months...
Proceedings Article

Bioactivity of Phytochemicals in Curcuma Domestica on Lymphocyte Cell Count in Mice (Mus Musculus)

Nastiti Kartikorini, Rahma Widyastuti, Diah Ariana, Baterun Kunsah, Florencia Dita Permata
The immune system or immunity is a system that can protect the human body against foreign objects that enter the body. People can maintain their immune system by consuming healthy and nutritious food, exercising regularly, maintaining personal health, taking supplements or immune-boosting vitamins, and...
Proceedings Article

Community Empowerment Through Training on Making Healthy Food Creatively Presented as a Business Opportunity Effort for the Tutul Village Community

Diyan Indriyani, Asmuji, Triawan Adi Cahyanto, Astrid Maharani, A. Sri Wahyuni
Community empowerment opens up opportunities for the community to take the initiative to start the process of social activities to improve the existing situation and conditions, including improving economic status. This activity aims to increase the community’s ability to make creative and healthy food...
Proceedings Article

Impacts of Effective Use of IDWG Calculator on Physical Health of HD Patients

Rika Maya Sari, Laily Isro’in, Sri Andayani
The final stage of chronic kidney disease, characterized by kidney dysfunction, needs special treatment, such as dialysis (hemodialysis). However, patients undergoing hemodialysis commonly suffer from excess fluid in their bodies. One innovation proposed to help them measure the amount of fluid in their...
Proceedings Article

Learning Beyond the Classroom: An Effective Way Understanding the Hospital Health Promotion Among Hospital Administration Students

Faizatul Ummah, Nihayatul Munaa, Nahardian Vica, Muhamad Ganda Saputra, Ari Kusdiana, Fara Nurdiana, Nuriyati
The role of health promotion in hospitals has changed, no longer related to providing additional lifestyle information to patients after completing clinical procedures. Health promotion is a comprehensive part of the health care process related to clinical, educational, behavioral, and organizational...
Proceedings Article

Transcultural Care for TB Elimination Based on Social Capital Community in Surabaya

Septian Galuh Winata, Erfan Rofiqi, Diah Priyantini, Chlara Yunita Prabawati
TB elimination efforts, through nursing care, with various policies and programs, have not been able to address the problems. The success and effectiveness of these programs depend mainly on the capacity of the community to accept and implement the programs. This study was conducted to see the description...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Foot Massage Using Lemongrass Oil on Reducing the Intensity of Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain in the Elderly at the Aisyiyah Clinic, Ambulu Sub-district, Jember Regency

Siti Aisyah, Musrifatul Uliyah, Mila Ulfaiza
Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune chronic inflammatory disorder that attacks the joints causing damage to the joints and being a source of morbidity that can cause considerable death. Foot massage using lemongrass oil is a non-pharmacological therapy that can reduce pain and provide a relaxing effect....
Proceedings Article

A Mobile Health Application for Monitoring and Educating Covid-19 Patients During Self-quarantine

Kissa Bahari, Farida Halis, Puguh Yudho Trisnanto
To address the need in monitoring and educating Covid-19 patients during self-quarantine at home in Indonesia, healthcare providers need a mobile health application. This study aimed to develop a mobile health application for monitoring and educating Covid-19 patients during self-quarantine. The current...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of WB-BL Learning in Improving Caring Ability

Eni Sumarliyah, Luthfiyah Nurlaela, Andi Mariono
Caring is one of the abilities that must be achieved by Bachelor of Nursing students. This ability will be widely used in the application of nursing services through the nursing process. Caring is a skill that is needed in the provision of nursing care, where the maximum implementation of caring will...
Proceedings Article

Lived Experiences of Adolescents with Asthma: Struggle to Maintain Daily Life

Dewi Elizadiani Suza, Setiawan Setiawan, Asiah, Nur Asnah Sitohan
Asthma in adolescence has various special aspects which are generally related to the process of growth and development and are also influenced by their perception of the disease. Objective: To explore lived experiences of adolescents with asthma in Medan, Indonesia. Methods: This was a phenomenological...
Proceedings Article

The Potential Eye Health Risks Associated with Smartphone Radiation Exposure Among Elementary School-Aged Children in Urban and Rural Areas in Jember-Indonesia

Susi Wahyuning Asih, Ginanjar Sasmito Adi, Supriyadi
Smartphones have been used widespread, and elementary school-age children are no exception. In using smartphones, they behave riskily causing eye health problems due to the emitted radiation. Children’s behavior in using smartphones is estimated to be different between those in rural and urban areas....
Proceedings Article

Screening Modifications in Risk Factors for Triple Burden of Malnutrition

Inna Sholicha Fitriani, Aida Ratna Wijayanti, Ririn Ratnasari, Hayun Manudyaning Susilo, Fetty Rosyadia Wachdin, Nur Hidayati
The triple burden of malnutrition is a public health problem in every country that is increasing every year, especially among toddlers, adolescents, and women ahead of marriage. This research aims to determine the risk factors that cause the triple burden of malnutrition screened with modifications during...