Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Sciences and Teacher Profession (ICETeP 2018)
220 authors
- Lisnani, Lisnani
- Student’s Interest and Creativity in Cultural Art and Craft Lessons
- Listiono, Arsela Eko
- Development of a Learning Module Based on Biofuel Synthesis Laboratory Research from CPO Residual of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) with Ultrasonic Irradiation Assistance
- Lubis, Elfahmi
- The Implementation of Multicultural-Based Theological Education in Bengkulu City
- Lubis, Wildansyah
- The Impact of Principal Leadership Dimensions on School Capacity
- Malik, Abdul
- Character Indexes of the People in the Works of Raja Ali Haji
- Mamesah, Michiko
- Need Analysis in Developing Drug Abuse Prevention Module for High School Guidance Curriculum Services
- Margaretha, Lydia
- Improve Language Learning in Early Childhood
- Margon, Gaguk
- Investigating the Impact of Hard Work on the Achievement of Islamic Education and Discipline: Focus on the cognitive abilities of vocational high school students
- Marita, Yosi
- English for Specific Purposes in Geography Learning
- Marjo, Happy Karlina
- Need Analysis in Developing Drug Abuse Prevention Module for High School Guidance Curriculum Services
- Marjo, Happy Karlina
- Development Computer Assistant for Evaluation Guidance and Counselling Program
- Maryanti, Lis Erna Tri
- The Implementation of Inquiry Training Model to Improve Student’s Independency Learning
- Munifatullah, Feni
- Constructing EFL Teacher Knowledge Base: A case study of the fourth year EFL pre-service teachers
- Muspawi, Mohamad
- The Effect of Internet Utilization on the Students Academic Achievement in Educational Administration Study Program
- Muzakar, Abdullah
- Critical Thinking Ability and Students’ Learning Achievement of Sociology Education in the Industrial Sociology Courses
- Naga, Dali S.
- Equating Method for Small Sample: Comparative research on nominal weight mean and linear method
- Netti, Frater
- Implementation of Moving-goal Football Model in Sports and Health Education
- Nevrita, Nevrita
- Changes in the Behavior of Junior High School Students in the Learning Process
- Ningrum, Tia Ayu
- Effectiveness of the Student Council Programs in Vocational High School
- Nirwana, Nirwana
- An assessment of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Based on Rasch Models of Student in Physics Learning
- Nirwana, Nirwana
- Mapping Teacher Distribution Analysis with Digitation Technology Implementation to Improve Education Management in Bengkulu City
- Noer, Sri Hastuti
- The Effect of Jumping Task and Collaborative Activity on Enhancement of Student Critical Thinking Ability
- Novita, Tanti
- Using Teaching Materials Outdoor Learning to Improve Mathematical Problem Solving Ability
- Nugroho, Khathibul Umam Zaid
- The Improvement of the Understanding of Mathematical Concepts through the Implementation of Realistic Mathematics Learning and Ethnomathematics
- Nugroho, Khathibul Umam Zaid
- The Relationship between Motivation, Engagement and Performance of Employee
- Nugroho, Khathibul Umam Zaid
- Increasing Self-efficacy through Inclusive Education for Autistic Children
- Nugroho, Khathibul Umam Zaid
- Effect of Self Efficacy and Emotional Intelligence on Teacher Performance
- Parlindungan, Deni
- Constructing the Test for Describing the Students’ Problem Solving Skill to Mitigate the Earthquake Disaster
- Parlindungan, Deni
- Teaching Oceanography Using Ocean Data View Software
- Pohan, Erwin
- Exploring EFL Teachers’ Perception of Pedagogical Task
- Priyono, Priyono
- Critical Thinking Ability and Students’ Learning Achievement of Sociology Education in the Industrial Sociology Courses
- Putri, Desy Hanisa
- The Development of Dual Mode Experiment Model Based on Physics Problem Solving: Comparing learning achievements between real and virtual experiment
- Putri, Eka Novrianti Prana
- Using Teaching Materials Outdoor Learning to Improve Mathematical Problem Solving Ability
- Rahayu, Wardani
- Equating Method for Small Sample: Comparative research on nominal weight mean and linear method
- Rahman, Bujang
- The Exploration of History, Potential and Management of Earthquake in the Context of Mapping and Empowerment of Learning Community
- Rahmi, Ulfia
- The Models of Assessment to Accommodate Instructional Domain in Blended Blended Learning
- Rahmidar, Lena
- Teaching Oceanography Using Ocean Data View Software
- Raja, Patuan
- Developing and Validating an Instrument of In-service Teachers Responses to Knowledge-Based Teacher, Engagement, and Expectation in Teacher Profession Education Program in Indonesia: Integrating factor analysis with Rasch modeling
- Raja, Patuan
- Context and Language Learning Strategies: Thai students’ strategies within the realms of learning English and Indonesian
- Ramadan, Dwi Nanda
- The Effect of Internet Utilization on the Students Academic Achievement in Educational Administration Study Program
- Risdianto, Eko
- The Development of Dual Mode Experiment Model Based on Physics Problem Solving: Comparing learning achievements between real and virtual experiment
- Risdianto, Eko
- Development of Blended Learning based on Web and Augmented Reality
- Riwayati, Selvi
- Design of Internet Integrated Students Worksheet for Developing the Ability of Mathematical Reasoning
- Rochman, Syaiful
- An assessment of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Based on Rasch Models of Student in Physics Learning
- Rohiat, Rohiat
- Implementation of Moving-goal Football Model in Sports and Health Education
- Rohman, Syaiful
- Constructing the Test for Describing the Students’ Problem Solving Skill to Mitigate the Earthquake Disaster
- Rosidin, Undang
- Development of Laboratory Worksheet with Argument-Driven Inquiry Model to Enhance the Student's Argumentation Skills
- Rosyidi, Unifah
- Strategy in Improving Research Productivity of the Lecturers
- Ruyani, Aceng
- Ethnobotanical Study of Medicinal Plants by Lembak Ethnic Bengkulu as a Source of Learning Biology
- Sagala, Gaffar Hafiz
- The Impact of Principal Leadership Dimensions on School Capacity
- Sahono, Bambang
- The Implementation of Inquiry Training Model to Improve Student’s Independency Learning
- Santoso, Lucia Maria
- Development of Audiovisual Media Based on Local Excellences of South Sumatra for Science Learning
- Saparahayuningsih, Sri
- Improving Children's Fine Motor Skills through Pencil Skills
- Sapri, Johanes
- The Application of Dick and Carey Learning Design toward Student’s Independence and Learning Outcome
- Sasmita, Karta
- Need Analysis in Developing Drug Abuse Prevention Module for High School Guidance Curriculum Services
- Sasongko, Rambat Nur
- Determining Factors of Success of Character Education Management and its Implementation Facing of the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0: An analysis at elementary school, Province of Bengkulu
- Setiadi, Bambang
- Developing and Validating an Instrument of In-service Teachers Responses to Knowledge-Based Teacher, Engagement, and Expectation in Teacher Profession Education Program in Indonesia: Integrating factor analysis with Rasch modeling
- Setiahati, Ignasius Putera
- Student’s Interest and Creativity in Cultural Art and Craft Lessons
- Shanty, Isnaini Leo
- Character Indexes of the People in the Works of Raja Ali Haji
- Silawati, Linda
- The Influence of Students Sentence Structure Knowledge on Writing Essays
- Silitonga, Friska Septiani
- Character Education Based on Psychology Perspective in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
- Sinthia, Rita
- Analysis Study of Guidance and Counseling Teachers Competency
- Sinthia, Rita
- A Teacher’s Perception of Print and Digital Literacy in Early Childhood
- Sipriyadi, Sipriyadi
- Constructing the Test for Describing the Students’ Problem Solving Skill to Mitigate the Earthquake Disaster
- Somantri, Manap
- Identification of the Leadership Potential of the Post Graduate Students in the Field of Educational Management
- Srifitriani, Abditama
- Increasing the Competence of Scientific Publications of Technology-based Primary School Teachers in Indonesia
- Subroto, Gatot
- Rasch Model Analysis on Grammar Tests of “Stepping the 5 Stairs A” Technique for College Students
- Sufianto, Sufianto
- The Impact of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) Ability in Understanding Mathematical Concepts
- Suhardi, Muhamad
- Strategy in Improving Research Productivity of the Lecturers
- Suhardi, Suhardi
- Exploring EFL Teachers’ Perception of Pedagogical Task
- Suharto, Suharto
- The Cognitive Structure of Students in Understanding Mathematical Concepts
- Suhartono, Suhartono
- Student’s Problem in Writing Results and Discussion Section of Research Articles for International Journals
- Sukmawati, Indah
- An Analysis of Phubbing Behaviour: Preliminary research from counseling perspective
- Sumar, Warni Tune
- Development of University Classroom Climate Inventory
- Sumarsih, Sumarsih
- The Influence of Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Team Work on the Elementary School Supervisor Performance
- Sumarsih, Sumarsih
- The Relationship between Motivation, Engagement and Performance of Employee
- Sundaryono, Agus
- Teaching Oceanography Using Ocean Data View Software
- Sundaryono, Agus
- Development of a Learning Module Based on Biofuel Synthesis Laboratory Research from CPO Residual of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) with Ultrasonic Irradiation Assistance
- Supendra, Dedi
- The Models of Assessment to Accommodate Instructional Domain in Blended Blended Learning
- Suprapti, Anni
- Analysis Study of Guidance and Counseling Teachers Competency
- Suprapti, Anni
- A Teacher’s Perception of Print and Digital Literacy in Early Childhood
- Suratmi, Suratmi
- Development of Audiovisual Media Based on Local Excellences of South Sumatra for Science Learning
- Susanta, Agus
- Introducing Outdoor Learning in Science and Mathematics to Elementary School Teachers via Professional Development
- Susetyo, Susetyo
- Student’s Problem in Writing Results and Discussion Section of Research Articles for International Journals
- Sutarno, Sutarno
- The Development of Dual Mode Experiment Model Based on Physics Problem Solving: Comparing learning achievements between real and virtual experiment
- Sutisna, Anan
- Impact of Learning Assistance on Improving the Pedagogic Competence of Tutors
- Suyono, Suyono
- Investigating the Impact of Hard Work on the Achievement of Islamic Education and Discipline: Focus on the cognitive abilities of vocational high school students
- Swistoro, Eko
- Constructing the Test for Describing the Students’ Problem Solving Skill to Mitigate the Earthquake Disaster
- Swistoro, Eko
- Teaching Oceanography Using Ocean Data View Software
- Syahputra, Yuda
- An Analysis of Phubbing Behaviour: Preliminary research from counseling perspective
- Syahril, Syahril
- Development of University Classroom Climate Inventory
- Syefriyani, Detty
- Using Teaching Materials Outdoor Learning to Improve Mathematical Problem Solving Ability
- Taqwan, Budi
- The Impact of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) Ability in Understanding Mathematical Concepts
- Tijari, Ahmad
- Impact of Learning Assistance on Improving the Pedagogic Competence of Tutors
- Ulfa, Yulia
- Effectiveness of the Student Council Programs in Vocational High School
- Utama, F. P.
- Mapping Teacher Distribution Analysis with Digitation Technology Implementation to Improve Education Management in Bengkulu City
- Vatresia, Arie
- Mapping Teacher Distribution Analysis with Digitation Technology Implementation to Improve Education Management in Bengkulu City
- Wahyuni, Lussy Dwiutami
- Profile of Prospective Teacher in the Special Capital Region of Jakarta
- Wardhana, Dian Eka Chandra
- Student’s Problem in Writing Results and Discussion Section of Research Articles for International Journals
- Waroka, Lia
- Using Teaching Materials Outdoor Learning to Improve Mathematical Problem Solving Ability