Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Community Development (ICCD 2019)

405 authors
Sholikh, Miftah Nur
Effects of Cooperative Blended Learning Using Google Classroom on Critical Thinking Skills
Sintawati, Mukti
The Mathematical Literacy Skills of Muhammadiyah Elementary School Students in Sleman Regency
Siregar, Ramlan
The Big Possible Future Use of Military Power in ASEAN
Switching Behavior of Customers from Conventional Bank Services to Islamic Bank Services
Driver Compliance to the New Traffic Warning Signs Installation
Entrepreneurship Education Program: Analysis of Sorghum Products' Quality Parameters for Penetration of Potential Market
Soenaryo, Siti Fatimah
Application of Creative Learning Models in Teacher Profession Course
Soesatyo, Yoyok
Entrepreneurship Education Program: Analysis of Sorghum Products' Quality Parameters for Penetration of Potential Market
Soewardini, Herfa Maulina Dewi
Detection of College Students' Anxiety in Carrying Out Mathematical Argumentation about Geometry Problems
Solikah, Alfiatu
The Strategy Used to Improve the Quality of Learning in Model Schools in Indonesia
Subekhan, Mochamad
Dual Role and Reciprocal Relationship of Teachers – Students – Parents: Communication Study of Education in Serang City, Banten Province, Indonesia
Sudardi, Bani
Sekaten Tradition; Preservation Through Commodification
Sudiar, Sonny
Compliance Problem Within Sosek-Malindo Cooperation Regime Between East Kalimantan and Sabah
Sudiatmi, Titik
Language and Morality: A Case Study on Vulgar Contents in Song Lyrics Prohibited by KPID West Java
Acupoint Manipulation in Elderly with Comorbid Disorders
Sugiardi, Sigit
Analysis of Service Quality to Customer Satisfaction of ATM Services in Borneo
The Inspiration of Singasari’s Statues as the Basic Design of Malang Batik, Indonesia
Sujiantoro, Hb.
Legal Protection of Youth Suffrage
The Challenges Encountered by Thai Students in Learning Bahasa Indonesia as Second Language
An Urging Need for Improving Knowledge and Values of Conservation Education in Indonesia
Sukaryani, Sri
The Development of Organic Farming by Sri Kuncoro Farmer Group in Pokoh Kidul, Wonogiri
Sukaryani, Sri
The Processing of Fig Leaves (Ficus carica L.) by Posdaya Lancar Barokah in Pokoh Kidul Wonogiri
Sukrisno, Heni
Detection of College Students' Anxiety in Carrying Out Mathematical Argumentation about Geometry Problems
Sulaeman, A.
Social Empowerment Based on Mosque
Sulianti, Wulan Murni
The Effect of Planned Behavior and Motivation on Pay Tax Compliance
Sulistiyowati, Wiwik
Design System of Small and Medium Industry Performance Measurement Based on Balanced Scorecard and Quadruple Helix Method
Sulistyaningsih, Catur Rini
The Implementation of Technology (IbM) at CV Agrobiz Abadi Jaya in Gondangrejo Karanganyar
Sulisworo, Dwi
Effects of Cooperative Blended Learning Using Google Classroom on Critical Thinking Skills
Sulisworo, Dwi
Comparing the Effectiveness of Flipped Classroom and Online Learning on Improving Critical Thinking Skills in High School Physics Learning
Sulisworo, Dwi
E-learning in English Language Learning for Increasing Students’s Motivation
Mediation Product Involvement against Purchasing Decisions
Sumarsono, Puji
The English Needs of Islamic Studies Learners: ESP Speaking Course Model
Sunaryo, Hari
Strengthening the Character of Students through Product-Based Literary Learning
Sundari, Sri
Teacher’s Pedagogic Competency: Implementation of 2013 Curriculum through a Sustainable Academic Supervision
Sungkawati, Endang
Revitalization on the Suprastructure of Traditional Market Institutions
Sungkawati, Endang
The Impact of Entrepreneurship Competence on Micro Business Performance
Strengthening of Mathematics Character Education Students (Teacher Candidates) in Facing the Challenges of the 21st Century
Sunuyeko, Nurcholis
The Inspiration of Singasari’s Statues as the Basic Design of Malang Batik, Indonesia
Acupoint Manipulation in Elderly with Comorbid Disorders
The Analysis of Al-Islam Learning Outcomes based on the Use of Jigsaw Puzzle Media at Muhammadiyah Elementary School
Suroso, Agus
Mediation Product Involvement against Purchasing Decisions
Suryono, Joko
The Empowerment of Young Entrepreneurs through SBS 9 WhatsApp Discussion Group
Susanti, Reni Dwi
Application of Creative Learning Models in Teacher Profession Course
Susanto, Ahmad
The Effect of Learning Interest and Student’s Perception of Teacher’s Pedagogic Competency on Learning Achievement of Social Sciences: Survey at Labschool Elementary School, Faculty of Education, University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta
Susetyarini, Eko
Lesson Study for Learning Community in Teaching Human Body Skeleton Material in Muhammadiyah 8 Junior High School Batu
Teacher’s Pedagogic Competency: Implementation of 2013 Curriculum through a Sustainable Academic Supervision
The Effect of Hedonism Culture in The Regional Community on Political Issues
Susilo, Priyo
Twitter: Among Humor, Religious, and Political Issues in Indonesia
Susilowati, Dewi
The Processing of Fig Leaves (Ficus carica L.) by Posdaya Lancar Barokah in Pokoh Kidul Wonogiri
Growing Life Skill through Accounting Learning in Millennial Era
Sutanto, Adi
Socio-Economic Study of Food Stuff and Herbal Medicine for Free-range Chicken as Efforts to Increase Food Reliability and Edibility
Marketing Strategy for “Biofarm” Liquid Organic Fertilizer
Sutomo, Maskuri
Model of Development on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Supporting Industry of Tourism in Tojo Una-Una Regency, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Suwandayani, Beti Istanti
Application of Creative Learning Models in Teacher Profession Course
Suwandi, Joko
Growing Life Skill through Accounting Learning in Millennial Era
Empowerment Model of Fish Breeder through Development of Catfish Breeding Using Biofloc Technology
Suwartono, Tono
Attitude of EFL Teachers towards Their Dormant Consultative Forum
Improving Professionalism of Scout Coaches Cub through “Gelang Ajar” Activities in Sukoharjo District in 2019
Suyanto, Agus
The Study of Utilization of Coconut Shell Compost (ARKOBA) to Increase the Growth and Yield of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) in West Kalimantan
Syafi'i, Muhammad
Critical Analysis of Teacher’s Competence: Review of Act 14 of 2005, Article10, Paragraph 1
Syahri, M.
Developing Students' Environmental Attitude through Malang Waste Bank Program
Tampubolon, Liosten Rianna Roosida Ully
The Influence of Regional Minimum Wage Discretion on Wage Disparity and Company Relocation
Tamtomo, F.
The Study of Utilization of Coconut Shell Compost (ARKOBA) to Increase the Growth and Yield of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) in West Kalimantan
Tanjung, Ellisa Fitri
Innovation Method of Islamic Education Through Active Learning in SMP Al-Muslimin Pandan, Central Tapanuli
Thahir, Harifuddin
Transforming the Workforce: Integrating Internal Marketing Orientation and Business Strategy in Training and Development Programs
Tinus, Agus
The Role of Maju School Principals in Curriculum Development to Realize an Excellent and Independent School
Portfolio Assessment Problems in Islamic Learning: A Case Study in Islamic Senior High School 1 Model Bojonegoro
Multidimensional Relations Between Islam and Christianity in Indonesia
Toifur, Moh
Comparing the Effectiveness of Flipped Classroom and Online Learning on Improving Critical Thinking Skills in High School Physics Learning
Triatmanto, Boge
A Descriptive Analysis of Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs), Community Empowerment, and The Participatory Rural Appraisal Approach
Effect of The Learning Aproach of Realistic Mathematics Education on Problem Solving and Mathematics Communications Effectivity
Utami, Nunung Nurastuti
Analysis of Economic Literacy on Impulsive Teenager Behavior: Evidence from Indonesia
Utomo, Dwi Priyo
Instrumental and Relational Understanding Analysis of 5th Grade Elementary School Students on Integers Addition
Vidiyanti, M. Oktavia
The Modernization Motive as a Breaker for Women and Natural conservation in Popular Indonesian Novels
Wahyuni, Ida
The Critical Education View of the Modern Community against the Environment
Wahyuni, Nanik
Organizational Change, Organizational Performance, and Management Accounting Practice Change in Sharia Banking
Wahyuni, Sri
Antimicrobial Activity of leaf Apium graveolens L. Extract: An Exploration of Celery Potential as Hand Sanitizer
Strategic Management, Competitive Advantage and Community Empowerment
Wahyuningtyas, Emmy
The Use of Augmented Reality to Introduce Wijaya Kusuma Flower
Sekaten Tradition; Preservation Through Commodification
Wibowo, Ugung Dwi Ario
The Effect of Religiosity and Psychological Wellbeing on Organizational Citizenship Behavior
The Moral Disengagement to Mediate the Relationship between External Control and Production Deviance among Public Employees
Widayat, Edy
The Influence of Regional Minimum Wage Discretion on Wage Disparity and Company Relocation
Widodo, Wahyu
Socio-Economic Study of Food Stuff and Herbal Medicine for Free-range Chicken as Efforts to Increase Food Reliability and Edibility
Widodo, Wahyu
Gender Gaps in Students Leadership at a University in Portugal
Widyastuti, Reni Dwi
Factors Affecting the Timeliness of Compiling Cooperative Financial Statements
Wijaningsih, Dyah
Examining Local Policy to Improve Women’s Participation in Village Politics: A Case Study in Semarang Regency, Indonesia
Wijaya, Mahendra
The Empowerment of Young Entrepreneurs through SBS 9 WhatsApp Discussion Group
Wijaya, Mahendra
Sekaten Tradition; Preservation Through Commodification
Wilujeng, Sukian
The Use of Augmented Reality to Introduce Wijaya Kusuma Flower
Wisnujati, Nugrahini S
The Economic Performance of Indonesian Rice in The Integration of The Asean Economic Community (Mea) Free Market
Wulan, Sri
Lesson Study for Learning Community in Teaching Human Body Skeleton Material in Muhammadiyah 8 Junior High School Batu
Wurianto, Arif Budi
The Growth of the Latest Indonesian Novels in Perspectives of Universalism Human Rights, Moral, Values, and Freedom of Writers
Yamin, Nina Yusnita
The Construction Meanings of Costs in Maudu Lompoa Rituals
Yetti, Elindra
The Influence of Socio-Economics on Students’ Social Skills
Youlla, Donna
The Study of Utilization of Coconut Shell Compost (ARKOBA) to Increase the Growth and Yield of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) in West Kalimantan
The Influence of Socio-Economics on Students’ Social Skills
Yuliana, Indah
Organizational Change, Organizational Performance, and Management Accounting Practice Change in Sharia Banking
Yuniwati, Eny Dyah
Analysis of Village Potential and Development of Post-Harvest Product To Be the Village of Guava Gondangmanis Tourism
Yuniwati, Eny Dyah
The Application of Biochar on Intercropping System of Cassava and Maize, and the Effects on Soil Quality and Land-Use Efficiency